
28–30 August 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Making of Peace, Conflict and Security Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion

The call for papers for the 6th bi-annual PACSA meeting in Amsterdam is now open. Individual researchers are invited to submit abstracts of about 250 words, indicating which of the panels listed below they would like to join. A detailed overview of the panels
and a full description of the theme can be found on the conference website.

Conference theme
Conflict and peace-making have fundamentally shaped and remade boundaries and relationships in the world we live in. These transformations include processes of inclusion and exclusion that accompany conflicts and the efforts to resolve, transform or
secure them. Boundaries, borders and relationships are frequently reified, contested or hardened through these processes. In this sense, both conflict and peace are interrelated ordering principles at the heart of which lie questions about inclusion and exclusion,
relation and disconnection. In particular, security and forms of securitisation, as part of major ordering mechanisms, play a key role here. In the name of security, freedom is protected, borders are militarised and interventions justified, often in ahistorical, depoliticised ways. Questions about inclusion/exclusion are central to our understanding about how dynamics of peace, conflict and security interrelate.

We encourage paper submissions to relate to these conceptual underpinnings, while also indicating clearly which of the panels the paper should be considered for. In order to submit a paper, please send your abstract to [email protected]
The deadline for paper submissions is Sunday 2 April, 2017.

The summit is organised in cooperation with the Anthropology of Security Network SECURCIT at the University of Amsterdam and the Dept. of Anthropology at VU University Amsterdam.

1. Shaping Inclusive Political Settlements: Critical Approaches to International Peacebuilding
2. Ethnographic Explorations of Heterogeneity, Representation and Legitimacy in the Colombian
Peace Process
3. Refugees Welcome? The politics of hospitality and care in Turkey and Europe
4. The making of war veterans: Analyzing the construction of a (post)war category
5. Security Provision and Citizenship: Privatization, Pluralization and Differentiation
6. Extra-Judicial Killings in a post-Human Rights era
7. Vigilantism and security in development
8. Public Events of Securitization; Public Events and Securitization
9. Security Assemblages in Urban Environments
10. Opposing Violence
11. Old wounds, new violence: How memory and anticipation affect boundary-making and
exclusion in emerging crisis
12. Securitizing Infrastructure(s)
13. Urban policing and practices of b/ordering
14. Landscapes of Sovereignty: Everyday Life at the Margins of the State
15. Violent exchange and urban citizenship: transcending political and economic anthropology
in conflict studies
16. Securitisation and the techno-politics of transition
17. South-South-Cooperation in Contemporary Peacekeeping
18. The radical – hero or frightening other?
19. Border practices of inclusion and exclusion
20. The Politics of Critical Security Research
21. Sacralizing Security: Postsecular Pathways of Religion, Violence and Protection

For full panel listings please visit the conference website

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