
1–4 October 2015, Çağ University, Tarsus, Turkey
Heritage Religion & Travel: Theoretical and Empirical Journeys

This unique conference seeks to build on four decades of research on the relationship between Heritage, Religion and Travel and to advance new theoretical and empirical perspectives concerning this relationship. It also offers an interdisciplinary space for debate. Hence, and not coincidentally, the conference will be hosted in the ancient city of Tarsus in Turkey  ̶  a country that could be defined as at the crossroads of history, i.e. between east and west. It is a land deeply influenced by religious traditions of extraordinary variety and richness. It also has been the setting for the rise and fall of many cultures and entire civilizations. Drawing on the work of leading academics, we hope to evoke the depth and breadth of the importance of heritage and its connection to religion and new and old forms of travel and tourism.

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