Young Investigator Award
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Mathematics 2021 Young Investigator Award is Dr. Marina Murillo-Arcila.
Dr. Marina Murillo-Arcila is currently Associate Professor in the Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada at Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain. Dr. Murillo-Arcila’s research is in the field of the study of abstract evolution equations and linear dynamical systems in infinite dimension. Contributions to the first line of research on evolution equations emphasize the study of qualitative properties of linear and nonlinear integrodifferential equations in the context of Banach spaces. Contributions to the research line of linear dynamical systems in infinite dimension focus on the study of properties such as Devaney chaos and other dynamical properties of operators and positive semigroups due to their essential connection with the study of the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of certain partial derivative equations. Additionally, Dr. Murillo-Arcila has been involved in the research collaboration on the application of epidemiological models to describe message dissemination in infrastructure-less and vehicular networks. Dr. Murillo-Arcila received her PhD on January 2015 and has an outstanding publication record, comprising 49 publications in peer-reviewed international journals. She has also obtained several awards and recognitions during the academic and research career, including the Vicent Caselles Research Award awarded by the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society in 2017, Jury Member in the Jaime I Awards 2018, Best Andaluz Award in Sciences 2019, National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance in Mathematics given by the Spanish Ministry of Education, etc. Dr. Murillo-Arcila has participated in eight national and international research projects throughout these years and is the main researcher of three research projects. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Marina Murillo-Arcila for her outstanding achievements.
As the awardee, Dr. Marina Murillo-Arcila will receive an honorarium of CHF 2000, an offer to publish a paper free of charge before the end of 2022 in Mathematics after peer-review, and an engraved plaque.
We would like to thank all the nominators from various fields of study for their participation and all the Award Committee Members for their evaluation of the many excellent nominations.
Kind regards,
Mathematics Editorial Office
Award Committee
Award Committee
Award Committee
Award Committee