It is our great pleasure to share that the second Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (JSAN) Editorial Board Online Meeting was held on 16 September 2021, conducted by Editor-in-Chief Prof. Lei Shu.
During the meeting, Prof. Lei Shu introduced the Journal Status, Section Proposals and Development Plan, including the latest achievements and next targets of JSAN.
In the meeting, the Editorial Board Members Prof. Jaime Lloret, Prof. Dr. Jamil Yusuf Khan, Prof. Dr. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, and Dr. Jordi Mongay Batalla provided valuable suggestions for journal development about article processing fees, journal scope, section topics, development timeline, and so on.
In recent years, the Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (ISSN 2224-2708) made great progress; the new official CiteScore (2020 Scopus data) of JSAN has increased to 6.2! The journal also ranks as Q1 in the "Instrumentation" (8/128), "Computer Networks and Communications" (59/334), and "Control and Optimization" (12/111) categories.
The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) of JSAN (based on JCR report 2020) is 0.76, and it ranks as Q2 in the “Telecommunications” category (46/105).
In 2020, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of JSAN also increased to 0.522, ranking as Q2 in the "Instrumentation", "Computer Networks and Communications" and "Control and Optimization" categories.
Up to now, the total number of publications of the Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks is 358, wherein 98 articles have been cited 10 times or more.
Next, the Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks plans to develop more sections including Actuators, Sensors and Devices; Communications and Networking; Network Security and Privacy; Big Data, Computing and Artificial Intelligence; Network Services and Applications; Wireless Control Networks. The corresponding Sections Editorial Board Members will also be announced online soon.
This Editorial Board Online Meeting is a great step for the development of the Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks; more progress and achievements will be discussed in the next Editorial Board Meeting!