Inventions and Innovation in Applied Chemistry and Physics

A section of Inventions (ISSN 2411-5134).

Section Information

The realms of chemistry, physical chemistry and physics are fertile ground for numerous transformative inventions, shaping the course of human civilization and driving progress in countless industries. Their continued exploration and innovation promise to unlock even more remarkable possibilities for the future. This Section, entitled "Inventions and Innovation in Applied Chemistry and Physics", focuses on original research, reviews, and studies related to practical applications and advancements in the fields of chemistry and physics. The scope of this section includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Sodium-ion batteries
  • Fiber batteries
  • Nanozymes
  • Aerogel
  • Quantum computing
  • Film-based fluorescent sensors
  • Nanoparticle megalibraries
  • Liquid solar fuels
  • Spherical nucleic acid
  • VR-enabled interactive modelling

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