
15 November 2018
Instruments Best Poster Awards Winners Announced


The editorial team would like to congratulate the winners of the Best Poster Awards that Instruments sponsored at the 6th High-Power Laser Workshop, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, 25-26 September 2018:

"Dr Nicholas Hartley completed his doctorate at the University of Oxford (Atomic and Laser Physics), studying warm, dense matter using X-ray diagnostics. After a postdoc in Osaka University, working at the SACLA X-ray free electron laser, he now works at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, with research focusing on shock-compressed materials relevant to planetary interiors."

Dr Amy Coleman received her Master's degree from the University of Edinburgh in 2014 for her work on optical spectroscopies. She continued her studies at the University and obtained her doctorate in 2018 for her research in dynamic and static compression techniques. She currently holds a position as an EPSRC funded post-doc and will transition to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in early 2019 to continue with high-pressure research.

Chandra Curry is a graduate student at the University of Alberta, co-supervised by Prof. Siegfried Glenzer and Prof. Ying Tsui. Her research with the High Energy Density Science Division at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory focusses on hydrogen and deuterium plasmas produced by high-intensity short pulse lasers.

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