
9–14 June 2012, Strasbourg, France
7th International Meeting of Microsatellite Instability & Human Disease

The meeting will continue to focus upon the most recent advances in understanding repeat instability of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) as well as the proteins they affect and their relationship to human diseases. This meeting has a proven track record of rapidly sharing new information, stimulating scientific exchange, collaborations and has served as an excellent venue for training of young scientists (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and PIs). The multi-disciplinary nature of the research field requires the gathering of clinicians, diagnosticians, pathologists, geneticists and molecular biologists. This is the premier meeting on these mutations and diseases as well as the techniques that are constantly evolving to investigate and potentially treat them. Works presented as podium or poster presentations here have been published in top-tier journals, including Science, Nature, Nature Genetics, Cell, Molecular Cell, Neuron, American Journal of Human Genetics, PLoS Genetics, Human Molecular Genetics, and others.

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