
19 February 2021
Prof. Dr. Reinie Cordier Appointed Founding Editor-in-Chief for New Open Access Journal Disabilities

We are honored to announce that Prof. Dr. Reinie Cordier has been appointed as Founding Editor-in-Chief for the new Journal Disabilities (ISSN 2673-7272).

Prof. Dr. Reinie Cordier is a Full Professor at the Department of Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing at Northumbria University. He has a track record of conceptualising and testing the efficacy of psychosocial interventions for children with behavioural and emotional disorders. Theoretically, his main research interests lie at the intersection between health and social care, as well as phenomena specific to different population groups.

Professor Cordier has served as the Principal Investigator for a number of large-scale funded research projects concerning disability research. He has published 2 books, 17 book chapters and more than 200 papers in both refereed journals and refereed international conferences.

We warmly welcome Professor Cordier as the Founding Editor-in-Chief and look forward to his contribution in developing the journal into a premier publication venue in the disabilities field.

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