
29 September 2020
Climate 2021 Travel Awards are Open For Applications

We are pleased to announce that the application period is now open for the Climate 2021 Travel Awards. The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee chaired by the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Steven McNulty.

This prize provides financial support for the winners to attend an international conference held in 2021 focusing on climate processes of the earth. The applicant is expected to hold a presentation, present a poster, or both at the conference.


  • Applicants must be postdoctoral fellows or PhD students involved in climate related sciences and education, broadly defined as any discipline covered within the Climate.

Required application documents:

  • Information on the conference the applicant is planning to attend and the abstract that will be submitted;
  • Curriculum Vitae and list of publications;
  • Justification letter describing the focus of the research (max. 800 words);
  • Letter of recommendation from at least 1 supervisor.

The award will be amount of 800 Swiss Francs for each winner, with two winners in total.

Please apply by clicking the link ( to submit your applications no later than 30 November 2020. Prizes will be awarded at the end of December 2020 and announced on the Climate website.

Kind regards,
Climate Editorial Office
[email protected]

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