Topical Advisory Panel


Leeds Omics, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Interests: control of gene expression; noncoding RNAs; pathogens; molecular microbiology; molecular parasitology; genomics; transcriptomics; translatomics; proteomics; bioinformatics
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Regenerative Medicine, Research Beyond Borders, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc., Ridgefield, CT, USA
Interests: high-throughput screening; small-molecule compound screening; preclinical drug development; CRISPR; pancreas; cancer; diabetes

USDA-APHIS PPQ, 5936 Ford Court, Suite 200, Brighton, MI 48116, USA
Interests: molecular biology; RNA interference; plant-insect/insect-microbe interactions; insect physiology; insect-vector biology; metatranscriptome; microbiome studies; insect rearing and artificial diets
Department of Biology of the Cell Nucleus, Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague, Czech Republic
Interests: proteomics; cell nucleus; nuclear architecture; nuclear lipids; phosphoinositides; phase separation; transcription
School of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Interests: bioengineering; microfluidics; chronic fatigue syndrome; ME/CFS; cellular biomechanics; biomarkers; diagnostics; image analysis

Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118, USA
Interests: molecular biology; cell biology; coding and non-coding RNAs; post-translational modification; proteomics; cardiometabolic disease; cardiovascular disease; diabetes; exosomes; cancer; pharmacology; drug discovery; biomarkers; redox biology

Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Interests: genome editing; embryo development; reprogramming; freeze drying; gene expression
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