23 May 2022
Forests | Invitation to Read Selected Papers from the “Editor’s Choice Articles” (Volume 13, Issues 1–3)

Our Editor-in-Chief has selected a number of papers to be presented in the "Editor's Choice Articles". All of these papers have proved to be of particular interest or importance to readers. Additionally, they are always well-received by researchers.

The following new 10 papers were recently selected by the Editorial Office from the most downloaded publications in Volume 13, Issues 1–3:

“Impacts of Climate Change on Blue Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Mangrove Forests”
Daniel Michael Alongi et al.

“Combustion of Aboveground Wood from Live Trees in Megafires, CA, USA”
Mark E. Harmon et al.

“Restoration Trajectories and Ecological Thresholds during Planted Urban Forest Successional Development”
K. J. Wallace et al.

“The Potential of Low-Cost 3D Imaging Technologies for Forestry Applications: Setting a Research Agenda for Low-Cost Remote Sensing Inventory Tasks”
James McGlade et al.

“Forest Structure and Composition Are Critical to Hurricane Mortality”
Jiaying Zhang et al.

“Fungal and Bacterial Communities in Tuber melanosporum Plantations from Northern Spain”
Celia Herrero de Aza et al.

“Upward Treeline Shifts in Two Regions of Subarctic Russia Are Governed by Summer Thermal and Winter Snow Conditions”
Andrey A. Grigoriev et al.

“Detecting Coastal Wetland Degradation by Combining Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling”
Keqi He et al.

“Development and Validation of a 36K SNP Array for Radiata Pine (Pinus radiata D.Don)”
Natalie Graham et al.

“Experimental Characterization of Particulate and Gaseous Emissions from Biomass Burning of Six Mediterranean Species and Litter”
Enrica Nestola et al.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the research groups behind these exceptional papers for their contributions to Forests. We would greatly appreciate it if you could circulate this document among your colleagues or through your networks.

If you want to learn more about the contributions published in the “Editor’s Choice Articles”, please read the information found at the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/editors_choice.

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