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Journal: Biol. Life Sci. Forum, 2021
Volume: 4
Number: 83

Article: Tissue Accumulation and Quantification of Zn in Biofortified Triticum aestivum Grains—Interactions with Mn, Fe, Cu, Ca, K, P and S
Authors: by Inês Carmo Luís, Cláudia Campos Pessoa, Ana Coelho Marques, Diana Daccak, Ana Rita F. Coelho, Fernando C. Lidon, Manuel Patanita, Maria Manuela Silva, Ana Sofia Almeida, José C. Ramalho, Maria F. Pessoa, Manuela Simões, Fernando H. Reboredo, Paulo Legoinha, Paula Scotti Campos, Isabel P. Pais, Mauro Guerra, Roberta G. Leitão and José Dôres

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