4.1. Cattle Trade Network in the State of Paraná
The cattle trade network in Paraná state is characterized by a high concentration of movements within a small number of farms. All evaluated parameters exhibited a right-skewed distribution, indicating that hubs (highly connected nodes) serve as potential sources of communicable diseases that depend on animal movement. Conversely, most nodes in the network trade few cattle and, if infected, are likely to pose a lower risk of disease transmission [
18]. This pattern has commonly been observed in other animal trade networks, such as those in Northern Ireland [
19], Italy [
20], Uruguay [
21], and Denmark [
22]. However, the network in Chile follows a more evenly distributed pattern [
23]. The implications of these findings are significant: in a resource-limited setting, informed decision-making is crucial for prioritizing actions, and the identification of surveillance system hotspots becomes increasingly important.
The trading communities in Paraná have been observed to follow a spatial pattern, with proximate farms more likely to engage in trade, a finding that mirrors the cattle network in Chile [
23]. Crucially, the primary communities identified in this study enhance our understanding of the variation in brucellosis prevalence within Paraná [
4], potentially offering valuable insights into the compartmentalization or zoning of areas for the future recognition of disease-free zones. The fundamental premise is that the transmission chain of infectious agents is spatially bound. Individuals who share close spatial proximity exert a pronounced influence on potential social interactions and, more specifically, on the plausible pathways for infection transmission when a host releases an infectious agent into the environment. Although the simultaneous spatial and network analysis is a recent development [
24], movement between farms may be more significant than local spread between neighbors, as evidenced in the case of
Mycobacterium subs.
Paratuberculosis (MAP) in New Zealand [
25]. Conversely, in some instances, introducing animals may be less significant than other risk factors, as observed with brucellosis in Sicily, Italy [
26]. It is likely that these factors intersect to varying degrees, as demonstrated in a study of concurrent risk factors for brucellosis and tuberculosis in Spain [
27]. While the birth or abortion of a calf is critical to
B. bovis contaminating the environment within and around farms, it is biologically plausible that the trading of infected cattle represents the primary transmission route to other farms. This combined effect warrants further investigation. In endemic areas, the primary focus is on minimizing the transmission pathways of an infectious agent between infected and non-infected farms. This study presents novel evidence that traders’ communities in Paraná are geographically clustered, a finding that could inform the development of localized, tailored actions and policies. While this is the general pattern for this network, we also identified a few communities with long-distance connections, establishing a secondary center geographically separate from the main one. This potentially signifies important commercial routes that adhere to a regional rationale and should also be taken into consideration.
The static, 2-year network, representing the selected timeframe of 2018 and 2019, serves as a valuable reference for future analyses, particularly for chronic endemic diseases. Since 2020, Brazil has implemented new policies concerning animal transit regulation, aligning with its strategy to control foot and mouth disease. These changes are likely to impact the dynamics of other diseases, such as brucellosis. Once the alterations in animal trade are firmly established, it is advisable to re-evaluate the network and identify any changes. Additionally, it is recommended to conduct a temporal network analysis, as the sequence of movements over time may not be accurately detected in the static network, potentially leading to overestimations or underestimations of the differences within it [
4.2. Movements of Cattle in Brucellosis-Infected and Non-Infected Farms
Our data indicate that infected herds purchase cattle more frequently than non-infected herds, with an OR of 2.78, given the current brucellosis prevalence of 4.87%. We hypothesized that each additional animal introduced from an infected area increases the likelihood of introducing a source of infection into the receiving farm. This could explain the risk of brucellosis among farms. In Italy, a model identifying regional vulnerability found that cattle trade significantly contributed to the persistent occurrence of brucellosis in the southern regions [
29]. A similar situation exists in the state of Paraná, where the brucellosis prevalence remains unchanged despite years of control program implementation [
4]. Complementarily, we found that infected herds sell cattle more frequently (OR 2.1) than expected, which helps explain the current situation in the area. If the surveillance system fails to efficiently detect infected herds, or if control measures are not implemented during an outbreak, the potential for an infected herd to spread brucellosis to the next farm is amplified by a high volume of cattle sales. Evidence suggests that non-compliance following outbreaks and a higher trading profile can significantly contribute to the spread of brucellosis across any given region [
29]. This information can be used to improve the sensitivity of a surveillance system by focusing on more connected farms. Ultimately, a risk-based surveillance system in a heterogeneous network, similar to the one described here, is more likely to identify infected farms by concentrating on those with more connections in the network [
Markets and fairs serve as temporary epicenters for cattle trade. The high numbers of animals during these events significantly influence certain network measures, including the shortest pathway length between farm pairs and the average shortest pathway length across the network, thereby amplifying the spread of infection sources. Our findings indicate that brucellosis-infected premises dispatch cattle to these events more frequently than non-infected farms. In certain scenarios, these events could be perceived as primary hubs for disease distribution [
23]. In the network associated with the initial brucellosis outbreak in Sicily, markets and staging points were often part of the pathway linking infected holdings [
30]. Consequently, implementing sanitary controls for animal admission at these locations can effectively mitigate the risk of brucellosis spread.
4.3. Comparison of Network Parameters
Herein, we examined various node-level parameters within the network. We found a significant correlation (
p < 0.05) between the incoming and outgoing degrees and the incidence of brucellosis infection in the holdings. From an epidemiological perspective, a higher
degree could plausibly account for the increased frequency of brucellosis infection in holdings, a relationship that mirrors findings from a similar study conducted in Italy [
The out-degree parameter is directly proportional to the potential for infection amplification across the network [
19]. Parameters such as betweenness, clustering in, clustering out, page rank, closeness in, and closeness out did not show a significant association with brucellosis detection on farms. These parameters, among others, have been investigated as potential predictors of infectious disease risk, but evidence often suggests otherwise. Savini et al. found that the in-degree parameter is more effective than the out-degree, degree, betweenness, hub, and authority [
30] for efficiently fragmenting the cattle network, thereby maximizing the isolation of brucellosis outbreaks with minimal network impact. This involves selecting the most connected nodes for removal from the network. Their study revealed significant differences among the six networks produced post-fragmentation. For instance, the in-degree reduced its original network by 37%, limiting the reach of outbreaks in the fragmented network to only 4% of the original outbreak number. Conversely, betweenness reduced its network by 80%, but the fragmented network still reached 12% of the outbreaks. In Mato Grosso, Brazil, degree and out-degree were associated with brucellosis, but parameters such as ingoing contact chain, outgoing contact chain, clustering in, clustering out, closeness in, closeness out, page rank, and betweenness were not [
31]. These findings underscore the importance of the careful selection of centrality parameters, taking into account their inherent characteristics. Any models or policies should only be implemented after validation with real, empirical data. As SNA gains popularity, it is crucial to clarify the range of its methodologies, their respective applications, and limitations [
Analysis of the shortest pathway length between farms with a confirmed brucellosis status in the network, using QAP, revealed an inverse relationship with the incidence of brucellosis. Farms with infections are topologically closer (shorter pathway) compared with other farm pairs within the network. This observation aligns with findings from New Zealand, where a positive correlation exists between the shortest pathway length between farms and the sharing of the same MAP strain [
25]. This insight underscores the potential value of investigating farms that link two infected farms, which could enhance the field investigation of outbreaks. In Brazil’s field conditions, veterinary services typically only probe direct contacts of the outbreaks, mirroring the approach taken during Italian outbreak investigations [
30]. Future research could delve into whether this relationship between the shortest pathway and disease holds any significant biological implications, or if it merely represents an indirect effect of the infected holdings being more interconnected. From a methodological perspective, the QAP applied here offers a more robust hypothesis test for SNA [
17], and its results are consistent with other classical hypothesis tests used in our dataset, as outlined in previous sections.
Several risk factors for brucellosis in cattle have been identified. Our logistic regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between the out-degree and infected herds, after accounting for two previously reported risk factors for brucellosis in the state of Paraná: herd size and regular herd testing. Bovines in larger herds are not intrinsically more susceptible to infection; rather, this characteristic has been globally reported as correlated with infected herds [
34]. However, the concept of herd size as a relative factor requires further clarification, because it encompasses a variety of features. For instance, a high correlation is anticipated between herd size and trading frequency [
31], suggesting that increased trading may be an inherent aspect of larger herds. Viewed from another angle, this implies that factors beyond cattle movement should be considered when formulating policies to control brucellosis. Other transmission pathways should also be investigated accordingly.
In a practical context, understanding that hubs are high-risk holdings contributes to risk-based surveillance [
35], thereby improving the system’s sensitivity. This knowledge also guides outbreak analyses, particularly when evaluating data related to movements to and from the farm under investigation. A scale-free network is especially sensitive when more connected nodes are impacted [
19]. Consequently, implementing measures such as vaccination and movement restrictions on these nodes is likely to yield superior results [