Towards Transdisciplinary Heritage Assessment: An Analysis of the Use of Landscape Study Methods as a Holistic Toolbox for Cultural Site Characterisation in the Spanish Context
:1. Introduction: From Object to Landscape
‘[…] The range and variety of heritage have broadened in physical scale and extended their scope from buildings and cities to encompass landscapes and territories, significantly increasing the challenges involved in managing extensive, intricate, and diverse territorial systems. However, there is currently a shift in interest from objectivity to subjectivity. The discussion is no longer solely focused on the tangible and intangible assets that constitute cultural heritage, but rather on the way in which citizens and communities recognise, value, appreciate and integrate this heritage into their lives’.[3] (p. 33)
2. Materials and Methods: Towards Heritage Landscape Characterisation
- The cultural value of landscape as an integral part of heritage studies
- The methods, tools and scales of characterisation used in the discipline of landscape as a new prism of vision essential to the study of cultural heritage
2.1. Landscape Characterisation Methods
2.1.1. The Pioneering Approach: (LCA) Landscape Character Assessment, 1980
2.1.2. Beginnings of Landscape Cartography: (MAP) Méthode pour des Atlas de Paysages, 1994; (APE) Atlas de los Paisajes de España, 2004 and (CUP) Carta das Unidades de Paisagem, 2004
2.1.3. Conflict as a Defining Feature: (GMEPCV) Guía Metodológica de Estudio del Paisaje de la Comunidad Valenciana, 2006
2.1.4. Culture as Landscape Criteria: (MPA) Heritage Characterisation of Mapa de Paisajes de Andalucía, 2008
2.1.5. Reviewing Analytical Resources: (MCMPE) Marco Conceptual y Metodológico para los Paisajes Españoles, 2010
2.1.6. Landscape Inside Cultural Heritage: (RPICA) Registro de Paisajes de Interés Cultural de Andalucía, 2010
2.1.7. The Provincial/County Perspective and Social Value: (CPPA) Catálogos Provinciales de Paisaje de Andalucía, 2014 and (CPC) Catálogos de Paisaje de Cataluña, 2010
2.1.8. Sensitivity and Resilience: (LSA) Landscape Sensitivity Assessment, 2019
2.2. Historic Landscape Characterisation Methods
2.2.1. The Pioneering Method, England: (HLC) Historic Landscape Characterisation, 1993
2.2.2. A New Concept: (LB) Landscape Biography, 1990
2.2.3. Towards the Characterisation of Urban Landscapes: (UC) Urban Characterisation, 1990
2.2.4. Assessing Land Uses, Scotland: (HLA) Historic Land-Use Assessment, 1994
2.2.5. The Particularised Method: (HAAs) Historic Area Assessment, 2010
2.2.6. The First Andalusian Case: (GPHUS) the Guía del Paisaje Histórico Urbano de Sevilla, 2010
2.2.7. Plots, Lines, and Points: (PaHisCat) the Project Paisatge Històric de Catalunya, 2011
2.2.8. Landscape and Statistical Data: (PDLC) Picture Documentation of Landscape Change, 2020
2.3. Geographic Location of Cultural Heritage
3. Results and Discussion
- To carry out fieldwork and to obtain data by observation; to control the sources of natural and anthropic data available; to allow social participation regulated by agents and experts in some of the stages; to establish correspondences with previous landscape studies; to recognise landscape as a dynamic element in which data is constantly changing.
- To define different scales of application; to propose adaptive levels of depth; to consider limitations in data quality or availability when defining scopes and scales.
- To work with areas or polygons rather than elements; to use layers of information; to group areas or polygons into families; sometimes it may not be necessary to set specific boundaries.
- To give great importance to graphic tools; to georeference data; to map; to take photographs; to create three-dimensional views and sections; to include diagrams of territorial dynamics.
- To make this characterisation accessible through website viewers; to combine the landscape characterisation future viewers with the existing cultural heritage web viewers, when applicable.
- Cultural site territory (scale XL/L): this first scale refers to biophysical characteristics and the ecosystem services present at the territory of study. Climate, hydrology, and geology, which are closely linked, will determine the soil types, which in turn will determine the dominant vegetation. A number of environmental units can be defined on the basis of these data categories. These units are related to the following scale, which helps to delineate the landscape area units.
- Cultural site landscape (scale L/M): the intermediate scale demarcates the landscape of the site as a morphological unit. The characterisation of the cultural site landscape is organised in three working dimensions as follows: historical, socio-economic, and normative. The historical and socio-economic dimensions, in a continuous relationship, characterise the main processes that these landscape areas have undergone and the variations that the landscape has undergone to reach its current use and subdivision. At the same time, the normative dimension examines the existence or non-existence of study, planning, and protection measures in this respect. If the assett studied is in an area already characterised at this landscape scale, we can use the results of that landscape characterisation for this heritage assessment.
- Cultural site (scale M/S): the closer scale to the assets characterises their architectural, archaeological, and cultural dimension. The architectural analysis includes their level of integrity and state of conservation, their continuity and visibility, and their accessibility. It is also analysed whether the assets have influenced their cultural environment, reflected in toponymy, artistic manifestations, or cultural activities. Finally, the impact on citizens and institutions will be considered and possible development scenarios will be identified.
4. Conclusions for a Methodological Proposal
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The country ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, after Italy, China and Germany. |
2 | As indication of this at the international level, UNESCO established the Interagency Platform on Culture for Sustainable Development (IPCSD) in May 2021. The IPCSD aims to encourage organized discussion and collaboration on the topics of culture and sustainable development. |
3 | It is necessary to clarify that there are other method classification factors that have proved less appropriate for this research. These are the specific methods for natural, agrarian, urban or rural landscapes, referred to by Gómez Zotano and Riesco Chueca as ‘adjectival methodologies’ [19]. It is understood that, in contrast to the Florence Convention, all territory is landscape and these fragmentary understandings must be overcome. |
4 | Other methods referring exclusively to agricultural or natural soils have been excluded from this list. |
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Main Landscape Characterisation Methods | ||||||
Name | Term | Nature | Public Body | Origin | ||
LCA | Landscape Character Assessment | 1980 | 2014 | Methodology | Natural England | UK (England) |
LSA | Landscape Sensitivity Assessment | 2019 | Methodology | Natural England | UK | |
Methodologies derived applicable to both urban and rural contexts | ||||||
MAP | Méthode pour des Atlas de Paysages | 1994 | 2015 | Methodology | Ministère de l’Écologie du Développement | France |
MPA | Caracterización patrimonial del Mapa de Paisajes de Andalucía | 2003 | 2011 | Map | Consejería de Medio Ambiente & Universidad de Sevilla | Spain (Andalusia) |
APE | Metodología para el Atlas de los Paisajes de España | 2004 | Map | Ministerio de Medio Ambiente | Spain | |
CUP | Metodología para la Carta das Unidades de Paisagem de Portugal Continental | 2004 | Map | Direção-Geral do Território | Portugal | |
GMEPCV | Guía metodológica de estudio del paisaje de la Comunidad Valenciana | 2006 | Methodology | Generalitat Valenciana | Spain (Comunidad Valenciana) | |
CPC | Catálogos de Paisaje de Cataluña | 2010 | 2019 | Catalogue | Observatori del Paisatge | Spain (Catalonia) |
CPPA | Metodología Catálogos Provinciales de Paisaje de Andalucía | 2014 | 2015 | Catalogue | Centro de Estudios Paisaje y Territorio | Spain (Andalusia) |
Methodologies derived applicable exclusively to rural contexts | ||||||
MCMPE | Marco conceptual y metodológico para los paisajes españoles. | 2010 | Methodology | Centro de Estudios Paisaje y Territorio | Spain (Andalusia) | |
RPICA | Metodología para el Registro de paisajes de interés cultural de Andalucía | 2010 | 2019 | Register | Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico | Spain (Andalusia) |
Main Historic Landscape Characterisation Methods | ||||||
Name | Term | Nature | Public Body | Origin | ||
LB | Landscape Biography | 1990 | 2015 | Book | Centre for Global Heritage and Development | The Netherlands |
HLC | Historic Landscape Characterisation | 1993 | 2003 | Methodology | Historic England | UK (England) |
Methodologies derived applicable to both urban and rural contexts | ||||||
HLA | Historic Land-Use Assessment | 1994 | 2020 | Methodology | Historic Environment Scotland | UK (Scotland) |
HAAS | Historic Area Assessment | 2010 | 2017 | Methodology | Historic England | UK (England) |
PDLC | Picture documentation of landscape change | 2020 | Map | Federal Statistical Office | Switzerland | |
Methodologies derived applicable exclusively to rural contexts | ||||||
PaHisCat | Paisatge Històric de Catalunya | 2011 | 2015 | Methodological Project | Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya & Universitat de Lleida | Spain (Catalonia) |
Methodologies derived applicable exclusively to urban contexts | ||||||
UC | Urban Characterisation | 1990 | Methodology | Historic England | UK (England) | |
GPHUS | Guía del Paisaje Histórico Urbano de Sevilla | 2010 | 2017 | Guide | Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico | Spain (Andalusia) |
European Context Examples (National and Regional) | ||
Scale (N/R) | Public Body | Viewer |
Portugal (N) | Direção General do Património Cultural | Atlas do património classificado e em vias de classificação |
Scotland (N) | Historic Environment Scotland | PASTMAP Exploring Scotland Historic Environment |
England (N) | Historic England | Map Search |
Switzerland (N) | Ufficio Federale della Cultura | Geoportale federale |
Lombardy (R) | Regione Lombardia | Bella Lombardia, Guide to the cultural heritages of Lombardy |
Spanish Context (National, Regional, Municipal) | ||
Scale (N/R/M) | Public Body | Viewer |
Spain (N) | Instituto Geográfico Nacional | Visualizador Naturaleza, Cultura y Ocio |
Catalonia (R) | Generalitat de Catalunya | Mapa dels béns arquitectònics de Catalunya |
Andalusia (R) | Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico | Guía Digital del Patrimonio Cultural de Andalucía |
Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía | Datos Espaciales de Referencia de Andalucía (DERA) | |
Madrid (M) | Ayuntamiento de Madrid | Catálogo Geográfico de Bienes Inmuebles del Patrimonio Histórico en el municipio de Madrid |
Seville (M) | Ayuntamiento de Sevilla | Visor del Catálogo General de Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz en Sevilla |
Malaga (M) | Ayuntamiento & Universidad de Málaga | Malakanet, Plataforma de información y gestión del Patrimonio Histórico del municipio de Málaga |
Landscape Characterisation Methods | ||||
Scale | Units | Tools | Dissemination | |
LCA | Any scale | Ensembles, Zones | All the necessary tools can be employed | Digital booklet |
MAP | National, Departamental, Regional | Ensembles, Zones | Georeferenced maps, photographs, Spatial graphic codes, Three dimentional views | Digital book |
MPA | Regional | Ensembles, Zones | Georreferenced map | Digital booklet, shapefile |
APE | National | Ensembles | Georeferenced map | Book, shape file |
CUP | National | Ensembles | Georeferenced map | Digital book |
GMEPCV | Regional, Subregional | Zones | Photographs, Georreferenced maps, diagrams | Digital booklet |
CPC | Regional, Subregional | Zones | Photographs, charts, Georreferenced maps | Website, Video, Digital booklet |
CPPA | Subregional, County | Zones | Photographs, charts, Georreferenced maps, historic views, panoramic views | Digital book |
LSA | Any scale | Zones | Georreferenced maps, charts | Digital booklet |
MCMPE | Local, County, Sub-regional | Zones | Photographs, Georreferenced maps, orthophotographs, charts | Digital book |
RPICA | Regional | Points, Ensembles | Georreferenced maps, Spatial graphic codes, photographs, orthophotographs, sections | Digital booklet |
Historic Landscape Characterisation Methods | ||||
Scale | Units | Tools | Dissemination | |
LB | Any scale | Any unit | Photographs, texts | Book |
HLC | Any scale | Small areas | Georreferenced maps, orthophotographs | Digital Booklet |
HLA | National | Small areas | Georreferenced maps, photographs | Website, online viewer |
HAAS | Local | Small areas | Georreferenced maps, photographs | Digital Booklet |
PDLC | National | Points | Georreferenced maps, photographs, historic views | Online viewer |
PaHisCat | Regional, Subregional | Zones | Georreferenced maps | Website, Digital Booklet |
UC | Metropolitan, Local | Small areas | Georreferenced maps | Website |
GPHS | Local | None, thematic studies | Photographs, Georreferenced maps, tables, text | Book |
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Share and Cite
López-Bravo, C. Towards Transdisciplinary Heritage Assessment: An Analysis of the Use of Landscape Study Methods as a Holistic Toolbox for Cultural Site Characterisation in the Spanish Context. Architecture 2024, 4, 197-220.
López-Bravo C. Towards Transdisciplinary Heritage Assessment: An Analysis of the Use of Landscape Study Methods as a Holistic Toolbox for Cultural Site Characterisation in the Spanish Context. Architecture. 2024; 4(2):197-220.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLópez-Bravo, Celia. 2024. "Towards Transdisciplinary Heritage Assessment: An Analysis of the Use of Landscape Study Methods as a Holistic Toolbox for Cultural Site Characterisation in the Spanish Context" Architecture 4, no. 2: 197-220.