Variational Amplitude Amplification for Solving QUBO Problems
:1. Introduction
2. QUBO Definitions
Linear QUBO
3. Amplitude Amplification
Algorithm 1 Amplitude Amplification Algorithm |
3.1. Solution Space Distribution
3.2. Cost Oracle
3.3. Scaling Parameter
4. Gaussian Amplitude Amplification
4.1. Achievable Probabilities
4.2. Solution Space Skewness
4.3. Sampling for
5. Variational Amplitude Amplification
5.1. Boosting Near-Optimal Solutions
5.2. Constant Iterations
5.3. Information through Measurements
5.4. Quantum Verification
6. Hybrid Solving
Supporting Greedy Algorithms
7. More Oracle Problems
7.1. Weighted and Unweighted Max-Cut
7.2. Graph Coloring
7.3. Subset Sum
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. QUBO Data
# of QUBOs Studied | |
17 | 5000 |
18 | 3000 |
19 | 2000 |
20 | 1500 |
21 | 1200 |
22 | 1000 |
23 | 1000 |
24 | 600 |
25 | 500 |
26 | 400 |
27 | 100 |
Appendix B. Linear Regression
Appendix C. Max-Cut Circuit
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Koch, D.; Cutugno, M.; Patel, S.; Wessing, L.; Alsing, P.M. Variational Amplitude Amplification for Solving QUBO Problems. Quantum Rep. 2023, 5, 625-658.
Koch D, Cutugno M, Patel S, Wessing L, Alsing PM. Variational Amplitude Amplification for Solving QUBO Problems. Quantum Reports. 2023; 5(4):625-658.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKoch, Daniel, Massimiliano Cutugno, Saahil Patel, Laura Wessing, and Paul M. Alsing. 2023. "Variational Amplitude Amplification for Solving QUBO Problems" Quantum Reports 5, no. 4: 625-658.
APA StyleKoch, D., Cutugno, M., Patel, S., Wessing, L., & Alsing, P. M. (2023). Variational Amplitude Amplification for Solving QUBO Problems. Quantum Reports, 5(4), 625-658.