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Quantifying Nesting Behavior Metrics of Broiler Breeder Hens with Computationally Efficient Image Processing Algorithms and Big Data Analytics

Aravind Mandiga
Guoming Li
Jeanna L. Wilson
Tianming Liu
Venkat Umesh Chandra Bodempudi
1,3 and
Jacob Hunter Mason
Department of Poultry Science, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
School of Computing, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Institute for Artificial Intelligence, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
AgriEngineering 2024, 6(4), 3672-3685;
Submission received: 28 August 2024 / Revised: 29 September 2024 / Accepted: 4 October 2024 / Published: 8 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture)


Nesting behaviors are important to understand facility design, resource allowance, animal welfare, and the health of broiler breeder hens. How to automatically extract informative nesting behavior metrics of broiler breeder hens remains a question. The objective of this work was to quantify the nesting behavior metrics of broiler breeder hens using computationally efficient image algorithms and big data analytics. Here, 20 broiler breeder hens and 1–2 roosters were raised in an experimental pen, and four pens equipped with six-nest-slot nest boxes were used for analyzing the nesting behaviors of broiler hens over the experimental period. Cameras were installed on the top of the nest boxes to monitor the hens’ behaviors, such as the time spent in the nest slot, frequency of visits to the nest slot, simultaneous nesting pattern, hourly time spent by the hens in each nest slot, and time spent before and after feed withdrawal, and videos were continuously recorded for nine days for nine hours a day when the hens were 56 weeks of age. Image processing algorithms, including template matching, thresholding, and contour detection, were developed and applied to quantify the hen nesting behavior metrics frame by frame. The results showed that the hens spent significantly different amounts of time and frequencies in different nest slots (p < 0.001). A decrease in the time spent in all nest slots from 1 pm to 9 pm was observed. The nest slots were not used 60.1% of the time. Overall, the proposed method is a helpful tool to quantify the nesting behavior metrics of broiler breeder hens and support precision broiler breeder management.

1. Introduction

The USA is the leading broiler producer in the world, with 9.19 billion broilers produced in 2023 at a value of USD 50.5 billion [1]. Such an intensive production system relies on healthy and robust parent stocks (namely broiler breeders). Live performance efficiency and quality control in broiler breeders have been constantly improved, and one of the critical components of this improvement is the nesting behaviors of breeder hens. Nesting behaviors can be effective indicators for measuring broiler breeder welfare. For instance, breeder hens could choose to enter an occupied nest slot over an unoccupied nest slot, which is called gregarious nesting behavior [2]. When many hens in a flock exhibit gregarious nesting behaviors, other hens can repeatedly try to enter the same nest slot that is already overcrowded, further leading to excessive energy expenditure [3] and increased aggression [4,5]. Nesting behaviors can directly reflect the appropriateness of housing designs [6,7,8,9]. For example, hens reduce their nesting behaviors inside nest slots due to decreased attractiveness and fierce competition [10,11]. Under these circumstances, hens might lay their eggs outside the nests (also known as floor eggs). Floor eggs require manual collection (increasing labor costs) and have a lower hatchability and salability due to the fact that they are often dirty, contaminated, or broken [12,13,14]. The average weekly hatchability in the US broiler industry in 2023 was about 80.7%, a reduction of about 4% compared to 2014 [15].
Nesting behaviors can be detailed into various metrics, such as the overall time spent in nest slots, number of hens simultaneously using a nest slot, and hourly time spent in nest slots. These metrics provide multidimensional insights into housing designs and management. These nesting behavior metrics were measured via ground robot manipulation treatment, and it was found that laying hens utilized nest slots more often within the first two weeks of introducing the ground robot based on the overall time spent and frequency in nest slots, suggesting the effectiveness of robotic manipulation on encouraging hens to use nest slots and reducing floor eggs [16]. These detailed nesting metrics require the continuous monitoring and clustering of vast amounts of data (second by second) [17,18]. Such a requirement cannot be met using gold standard methods, which consists of human observations that commonly use discrete and limited frames or observations to depict the whole story of animal behaviors [19].
Automated methods are needed to improve the efficiency of extracting the nesting behavior metrics. The automated method, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), has been extensively used to monitor animal behaviors [20,21,22,23,24,25,26]. While WSNs can precisely monitor animal behaviors, they face issues like susceptibility to damage by animals, vulnerability to environmental pollution, high costs, and difficulty in attaching to small animals [27]. Another alternative method is to use radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems that require having tags attached to each bird of interest and antennas installed onto nest slots [7,27,28,29,30]. From one aspect, a single piece of equipment can cost hundreds of dollars, and it is economically infeasible to monitor the nesting behaviors of individual hens in commercial settings, where thousands of pieces of equipment are needed [31,32,33]. A study on Barrow’s Goldeneyes revealed altered feeding and maintenance behaviors when hens were equipped with a backpack harness weighing ≤ 3.5% of their body weight [34]. Similarly, attaching RFID tags to hens can be invasive and may cause stress, discomfort, and behavior alterations. Additionally, RFID may fail to work effectively when animals move quickly out of the antenna coverage ranges, leading to missed readings and data capture issues [35]. Computer vision offers a cost-effective and non-invasive method that preserves the hens’ natural behavior, making it an ideal choice to monitor the nesting behavior metrics of breeder hens. The core component inside computer vision is the data analytic pipeline, which is currently dominated by deep learning algorithms [36] due to great accuracy and generalizability. But deep learning algorithms require large computation resources [37], such as large dataset annotations and graphical processing units (GPUs), that are commonly not affordable for poultry growers with low profit margins.
Alternatively, lightweight and computationally efficient image processing algorithms could accurately measure poultry behaviors with appropriate optimization strategies. The authors of [38] developed image processing algorithms for template matching, section binarization, and linear regression to determine the number of hens at feeders and drinkers and achieved an over 89% accuracy for feeding and drinking behavior monitoring. An image processing system was used to monitor laying hens, achieving a detection success rate of 95.9% and providing a comprehensive analysis of bird occupancy in environmental chambers while reducing the data processing time [39]. An image processing algorithm was developed to identify sick or dead layers in a multi-tier battery, achieving a 92% accuracy in identifying healthy birds and 96% in detecting sick or dead layers [40]. The development of an automated image data collection system was discussed, which detected bird feeding, drinking, and other behaviors based on morphological features in images [41]. Various vision systems and image processing algorithms for monitoring broiler activity in commercial farms were analyzed, showing that density-based computations provided the best results [42]. The development of automatic image processing techniques, such as image segmentation and contour detection, to quantify the behaviors of individually caged laying hens, such as standing, walking, and scratching, was described [43]. Also, the feeding and drinking behaviors of group-reared broiler hens were analyzed in a cage-free housing system using image processing techniques [38]. Individual bird nest occupancy times were tracked using RFID tags [7]. These studies demonstrated great potential in developing and applying computationally efficient image processing algorithms in identifying poultry behaviors, but none focused on nesting behavior identification of broiler breeder hens using image processing techniques. The rigorousness and accuracy of image processing algorithms on behavior identification remain questionable.
The objective of this work was to quantify the nesting behavior metrics of broiler breeder hens using computationally efficient image processing algorithms and big data analytics.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Experimental Setup

The experiment was conducted in September 2023 at the Poultry Research Center of the University of Georgia [44]. A total of four experimental pens were used, with each equipped with four hanging feeders, a drinking line, litter areas, a slatted floor, and a nest box containing six nest slots. The pen was measured at 3 m wide, 3.35 m deep, and 2.74 m high. A total of 20 Ross 708 broiler breeder hens and 1–2 roosters were raised in each pen. Data collection began when the hens were 56 weeks old. According to the Ross 708 Parent Stock Performance Objectives [45], broiler breeders remain valuable for high productivity and reproduction before 64 weeks of age, making week 56 a key stage for research. At this stage, hens are still actively contributing to egg production with a high hatchability rate of 3.7 eggs/bird/week. Monitoring broiler breeder hen nesting behavior metrics provides critical insights for later-phase hen management. Diet formulation was previously described in [44]. Feed was provided at approximately 7:30 am and withdrawn by lifting the feeder pans at around 3:20 pm daily. The lights were turned on at 07:00 am and turned off at 10:30 pm, with a light intensity of 30 lux. Cameras were installed on top of each nest box to record the hens’ activities. Video data were recorded over nine days from 1 pm to 9 pm during the photoperiod, resulting in 81 h of recordings per pen with a frame rate of 15 fps and resolution of 1080 × 1920 pixels. The total number of replicates for 4 pens, 6 nest slots, and 9 days were 224. The nine-day experimental period was comparable to or higher than the previous studies. For instance, previous researchers [46] conducted experiments to track individual broilers within a single day, while another study by [47] on broiler chickens observed their behaviors over an eight-hour period. Also, ref. [48] observed the effects of light color on energy expenditures over a period of four days. Therefore, nine days of data collection on broilers in this study was adequate for achieving the research objectives. The resolution 1080 × 1920 is widely used in research studies and considered as industry standard [46,49,50]. The choice of this resolution was informed by the need to balance computational efficiency and detection accuracy, a common consideration in high-speed systems. Higher resolutions provide more details of data representations but increase the computational load [51]. Hence, the 1080 × 1920 resolution was selected to ensure that the system could process thousands of frames per second. All procedures of broiler breeder management followed industry guidelines. Photos of the experimental setup are presented in Figure 1.

2.2. Overview of the Algorithm

Overall, the program processed 9 h of video per day per pen using the FFMPEG tool [52] and Python OpenCV library [53]. We used VS Code software (version 1.85.1) by Microsoft and Python version 3.11.5 to run the programs. A template-matching algorithm was applied to match the nest slot with or without hens. Additional algorithms, such as gray scaling, subtraction, thresholding, and contour detection, were also included into the framework. The overall diagram of the algorithm’s framework is indicated in Figure 2. Detailed image processing steps are described in Section 2.3. The computer specifications involved the processor Intel® CoreTM i7-8665U CPU @ 1.90 GHz–2.11 GHz, the operation system 64-bit Windows 11 Pro, and 16 GB RAM.

2.3. Image Processing

Segmentation algorithms have been developed [54] to track hens in a pen. It utilizes background subtraction to segment the shape. This technique requires that the camera setup remains unchanged during recording to ensure a consistent background over time. Segmentation was achieved by subtracting a background image of the nest slot without the bird from each frame containing the bird.
Template matching [55] was used to extract the coordinates of the required nest slot in the pen image using an empty reference nest slot image. The video of the nest slot was extracted from the 9 h video using the FFMPEG tool using the extracted coordinates, and each frame of the video was run continuously. The algorithm used a grayscale image of an empty nest slot (Figure 3b) converted from an RGB frame (Figure 3a) as a baseline for detecting hen presence in the nest slot. Preprocessing included converting each frame to grayscale to simplify the detection process. The algorithm then calculated the difference frame (Figure 3e), which subtracts each grayscale video frame (Figure 3d) from the grayscale reference frame (Figure 3b). Then, a binary threshold was applied to the difference image such that if the pixel intensity value in the difference image was more than 25, it was converted to white. If the pixel intensity value was less than or equal to 25, it was converted to black, and the resultant is the binary threshold image, Figure 3f. Then, contour detection was applied to find all the contours in the binary threshold image. If there was any contour with an area more than the predefined threshold area, it indicated the presence of a hen. The threshold values for pixel intensity and contour area were finely tuned to optimize hen detection with a trial-and-error method, reducing the occurrence of false positives and negatives. The algorithm identifies specific events, such as a hen entering or sitting in a nest slot, based on the detected contours. The output was analyzed to determine the duration of the hen’s presence in specific nest slots using binary outputs, where 0 indicates absence, and 1 indicates presence. Examples for the abovementioned image processing steps are presented in Figure 3. The accuracy of the proposed image processing framework was evaluated by comparing the predicted and true results of hens presenting in nest slots from a total of 4,374,000 frames. The processing speed (fps) of the algorithm for hen nesting behavior detection was obtained by dividing the number of frames with the corresponding processing time.

2.4. Nesting Behavior Metric Quantification

After image processing, outputs of 0 (absence) and 1 (presence) from each frame were programmed to quantify the nesting behavior metrics, including the total time spent and average number of visits for a specific nest slot, the hourly time spent in six nest slots, and the number of birds simultaneously using the six nest slots. Each metric is explained in detail below. Those metrics are extracted from 9 h of data for each nest slot for 9 days, resulting in a total of 4,374,000 frames per nest slot.
Figure S1 in Supplementary Materials shows the pseudo code for calculating the total time spent in a nest slot (min bird−1 day−1). The program first sets the number of days and test slots and initializes an array to store the cumulative time for each slot. A function is created to loop through each day and each slot. If there is time recorded for a slot on a day, 1 is added to the slot accumulatively. The obtained value is normalized by the number of birds in a pen.
Figure S2 in Supplementary Materials shows the pseudo code for calculating the number of visits to a nest slot (bouts bird−1 day−1). The program defines the number of days and nest slots and initializes an array to track the frequency of visits per slot. A function is created to calculate the frequency of visits by looping through each day and nest slot. If a visit is detected, an increment of the frequency count is added for that slot. The results are normalized by the number of birds in a pen.
Figure S3 in Supplementary Materials shows the pseudo code for calculating the hourly time spent in the six nest slots (min hour−1 bird−1). The program defines the number of nest slots, time intervals, and days and initializes an array to track the hourly time spent per slot corresponding to various time intervals from 1 pm to 10 pm. A function is created to calculate the total time per interval by looping through each slot, interval, and day. The total time is then combined for each interval and slot. The metric cumulates the six nest slots in a pen. The results are normalized by the total number of birds in a pen.
Figure S4 in Supplementary Materials shows the pseudo code for calculating the number of birds simultaneously using the six nest slots. The program defines the number of nest slots and the maximum number of frames and initializes an array to track the presence for each slot and frame. A function is created to count the simultaneous presence of hens in the six nest slots via looping through each frame and slot. If a slot is occupied in a frame, the increment of the simultaneous presence count is added. The results include the utilization of six nest slots simultaneously and are normalized by the number of birds in a pen.
The abovementioned pseudo codes are templates for Python-based programs that could be implemented in any other programming languages to perform the described nesting behavior metric calculation.

2.5. Statistical Analysis

To analyze the data, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Welch correction [56] was employed to account for the failure of assumptions regarding the homogeneity of variance and normally distributed errors. The analysis included the following variables: the total time spent in a nest slot (min bird−1 day−1, n = 215), the number of visits to a nest slot (bouts bird−1 day−1, n = 215), the hourly time spent in the six nest slots (min hour−1 bird−1, n = 1944), and the number of birds simultaneously using the six nest slots (n = 250). Games–Howell post hoc analysis [57] was conducted for pairwise comparisons due to the unequal variances among groups. All statistical analyses were carried out using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, Version, and significant differences among means were considered when p < 0.05. The results are presented as the mean ± standard deviation.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Accuracy and Processing Speed for the Image Processing Algorithms

Table 1 presents the accuracy and processing speed of the image processing algorithms to detect broiler breeder hens visiting nest slots. Overall, the system achieved an impressive average accuracy of 97% in correctly detecting chickens visiting the nest slots, with a robust processing speed of 3236 fps using the CPU only. The accuracy was obtained by comparing the observed and predicted presence of hens visiting the nest slots. The ground truth was established by visually inspecting video frames and recording the actual presence of hens. We utilized image processing techniques based primarily on contour detection for all nest slots rather than relying on color detection. Despite all nest slots having the same designated area, variations in the accuracy and processing speed were observed due to differences in the perceived area of the slots, as captured in the images (Figure 1b). Specifically, nest slot 0, with the smallest effective area in the image, required less computational effort, resulting in the fastest processing speed of 6506 fps. And nest slot 5, which presented the largest perceived area to process, exhibited the slowest processing speed. We did not calculate the precise area occupied by the hens. Instead, we fine-tuned the contour detection algorithm for each nest slot using trial and error to account for these variations in perceived areas and ensure accurate detection across all slots. The nest slot design in this study was intended to accommodate only one hen per slot, ensuring no possibility of multiple hens occupying the same slot simultaneously. In our dataset, we never observed two hens occupying the same slot simultaneously. As a result, overlapping hens were not a factor in our image processing analysis. This design feature allows for more straightforward detection of hens, as the algorithm does not need to account for occlusions or overlapping birds. Should the conditions change in future studies, adjustments in the image processing algorithm can be made to account for bird size and possible occlusions. Videos S1 and S2 in the Supplementary Materials provide visual illustrations for all the nest slots using this algorithm, showing a hen entering and leaving the nest slot, where red corresponds to the absence and green corresponds to the presence of a hen in the nest slot. The image processing algorithms achieved comparable behavior detection accuracies with those in the previous studies, as listed in the section Introduction. More importantly, the system utilized the CPU only to generate thousands of images per second, demonstrating great potential in embedding such a system in edge computing devices to achieve real-time animal behavior monitoring.

3.2. Total Time Spent in a Nest Slot

Figure 4 shows the amount of time broiler breeder hens spend in different nest slots during the examination period, which provide insights in nest slot utilization efficiency. In prior research, daily time spent at feeders was examined for broilers [38], and individual bird nest occupancy times were tracked using RFID tags [7,29]. However, there has been limited exploration of quantifying nesting behavior metrics through image processing techniques. In this study, we found that nest slot 2 was the most frequently used, with hens spending an average of approximately 4.91 ± 2.86 min per day. The slot may be the most attractive or accessible to the hens and, thus, was used very often. One observation was that rightmost nest slots might be exposed to ambient airflow or noises, which cause stress in broiler hens [58]. That might be the reason for less attractiveness, but we have not conducted statistical analysis with different speeds of airflow and different noise levels. Also, middle nest slots were more attractive, which might be because of social comfort behaviors in broiler breeders. The high standard deviation of 2.86 min day−1 bird−1 was for nest slot 2 as well, indicating considerable variation among individual hens’ preferences. Nest slots 1 and 3 also exhibited high usage, with hens spending an average of 3.48 ± 2.20 and 3.56 ± 2.81 min day−1 bird−1, respectively. In contrast, the lower usage of nest slots 0 and 5, with averages of 0.62 ± 1.05 and 0.34 ± 0.95 min day−1 bird−1, respectively, suggested that these slots may be less desirable due to factors such as their location within the pen. Nest slot 4 showed moderate usage, with an average of 1.88 ± 2.15 min day−1 bird−1 and some variability in usage. Overall, the findings suggest that the location of the nest slots significantly influences their usage by broiler breeder hens. The significant variations in time spent across different nest slots (p < 0.01) indicates that hens have distinct preferences, which can be attributed to factors such as accessibility, comfort, and possibly social interactions [59,60]. These insights can be used to optimize pen design and resource allocation to improve the welfare and productivity of broiler breeder hens.

3.3. Number of Visits to a Nest Slot

Figure 5 shows the number of visits to a nest slot, depicting which nest slots are frequently visited. Nest slot 2 had the highest average number of visits per day per bird, with a mean of approximately 0.1138 ± 0.0595 bouts day−1 bird−1. This again indicates a preference among hens for this slot. The variability in visits to nest slot 2 is moderate, with a standard deviation of 0.0595 bouts day−1 bird−1. Nest slot 1 also had a high frequency of visits, with a mean of 0.1098 ± 0.0762 bouts day−1 bird−1. Nest slot 3 had a moderate frequency of visits, averaging 0.0873 ± 0.0539 bouts day−1 bird−1. Nest slot 4 had a lower frequency, with 0.0529 ± 0.050 bouts day−1 bird−1. Nest slots 0 and 5 were the least visited, with averages of 0.0370 ± 0.034 and 0.0225 ± 0.035 bouts day−1 bird−1, respectively. These results indicate a significant variation (p < 0.01) in nest slot preferences among the hens. In this study of hen nesting behaviors within controlled environments, it was noticed that the hens were less likely to choose the rightmost nest slots nest slots in a pen. This tendency might be attributed to those nest slots being subjected to ambient air currents and noises [61,62]. Such environmental factors can contribute to negative responses in chickens, leading to a marked avoidance of these areas. Given the chickens’ sensitivity to these disturbances, it is recommended to mitigate the exposure of the rightmost nest slots due to these disturbances. One approach would be the enclosure of the rightmost nest slot, effectively shielding the chickens from the identified disruptive influences.

3.4. Hourly Time Spent by Birds in Each Nest Slot

Figure 6 shows the hourly time spent by birds in each nest slot during various time intervals throughout the examination period. The hens showed a preference for spending time in the nest slots during the early afternoon, particularly around 1–2 pm. This could be related to their natural laying cycle. As the day progressed, there was a noticeable decrease in the time hens spent in the nest slots. This suggests that the hens are more active in nesting during the earlier hours and less so as the day progresses. The graph also shows variations and preferences in usage among different nest slots, as discussed above.
Based on Figure 7, broiler breeder hens spent less time in each nest slot after feed withdrawal operations except for nest slot 5, which is close to the corner of the pen. The rate of change (ROC) for the curves of hourly time spent before and after the feeders were lifted were −115.41 and −107.99, respectively, according to Table 2. The ROCs were positive for nest slots 1 and 5 before the feeders were lifted and were negative for all other scenarios, which clearly demonstrates that birds did not choose them for nesting as the day progressed, especially after the feeders were lifted up for feed withdrawal. This result is consistent with the study [7], in which nest visits in laying hens were reported to have declined as the day progressed. This diurnal pattern of nesting activity suggests that the constant availability of all nest slots throughout the day may not be an optimal strategy for resource allocation within the pen. This pattern was previously quantified in [63], where RFID tags were used to detect the broilers when they used the feeders in an hourly manner. Monitoring the hourly time spent by birds in each nest slot allows for the identification of the less utilized nest slots. By analyzing these data, it becomes possible to automatically activate or deactivate the least used slots, optimizing resource allocation and improving hen productivity. This can lead to better management of the housing environment and ensure that the birds are more evenly distributed, which may reduce stress and encourage healthier nesting behaviors. In summary, the nest behavior metric can be quantified using computationally efficient algorithms and can be valuable for understanding the laying patterns and preferences of hens for specific resources, which can inform better management practices in poultry farming. An application can be created that can systematically manage the nest slots that are least used as the day progresses. In the future, we will embed this algorithm into an edge computing device, which can monitor the pen continuously such that the automatic deactivation of the least used nest slots will be achieved to enhance resource utilization efficiency.

3.5. Frequency of Birds Simultaneously Using Nest Slots

Figure 8 shows a decremental pattern in the frequency of simultaneous nest slot usage as the number of birds increased. Most of the time, i.e., 60.1% (±18.8), no nest slots were occupied, as indicated by the highest bar. Also, all the nest slots being occupied simultaneously only occurred 0.17% (±0.74) of the time. This pattern is consistent with the findings in [16], where the frequency of nest box usage decreased as the number of simultaneously occupying laying hens increased. Their study demonstrated that regardless of the presence of ground robot manipulation, the majority of nest boxes were occupied by a single hen at a time, with very few instances of multiple hens occupying the same nest box simultaneously. Most of the time, the nest slots were not used at all by the birds, and all the nest slots were simultaneously occupied only 0.17% of the time. In this study, hen productivity can be improved by decreasing the nest-slot/hens ratio for better resource utilization efficiency. This can be solved by either putting more chickens in the pen or reducing the number of nest slots in the pen. This can help poultry farmers optimize resource allocation and improve the overall efficiency of their housing systems.

4. Conclusions

Computationally efficient image processing algorithms were developed to quantify the nesting behavior metrics of broiler breeder hens. This lightweight algorithm achieved a 95% accuracy and an over 3000 fps processing speed in detecting chickens visiting the nest slots, supporting the effectiveness of these strategies in enhancing pen design and resource management. The time spent by hens in different nest slots was significantly different. Nest slots were decreasingly used from 1 to 10 pm. Most of the time, the nest slots were not used at all by the birds, and all the nest slots were simultaneously occupied only 0.17% of the time. The proposed framework can effectively quantify the nesting behavior metrics of broiler breeder hens and support precision housing design and resource allowance for broiler breeders.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Videos S1 and S2: Samples for nesting behavior detection via image processing; Figure S1: Pseudo code to quantify total time spent in the nest slot; Figure S2: Pseudo code to quantify number of visits to a nest slot; Figure S3: Pseudo code to quantify hourly time spent by birds in each nest slot; Figure S4: Pseudo code to quantify frequency of birds simultaneously using nest slots.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, G.L.; methodology, A.M. and G.L.; software, A.M.; validation, A.M.; formal analysis, A.M.; investigation, A.M.; resources, G.L. and J.L.W.; data curation, V.U.C.B. and J.H.M.; writing—original draft preparation, A.M. and G.L.; writing—review and editing, G.L., J.L.W. and T.L.; visualization, A.M.; supervision, G.L.; project administration, G.L.; funding acquisition, G.L. and J.L.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hatch Capacity Grant Project (accession number: 7007740).

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.


We greatly appreciated the animal caretakers for taking care of the broiler breeders used in this experiment.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Illustrations for experimental setup: (a) photo for the video monitoring system with multiple screens, indicating the coverage of multiple pens; (b) image from a top-view camera capturing real-time interactions of hens with feeders and nesting slots; (c) photo for close-up view of a rooster; (d) schematic diagram for the pen layout containing the litter area, slatted floor, feeders, and nest box with six nest slots; and (e) photo for the scenario when feed was withdrawn by lifting the feeders up from slatted floor.
Figure 1. Illustrations for experimental setup: (a) photo for the video monitoring system with multiple screens, indicating the coverage of multiple pens; (b) image from a top-view camera capturing real-time interactions of hens with feeders and nesting slots; (c) photo for close-up view of a rooster; (d) schematic diagram for the pen layout containing the litter area, slatted floor, feeders, and nest box with six nest slots; and (e) photo for the scenario when feed was withdrawn by lifting the feeders up from slatted floor.
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Figure 2. Process flow of detecting a hen in the nest slot.
Figure 2. Process flow of detecting a hen in the nest slot.
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Figure 3. Examples for image processing steps: (a) reference RGB frame of empty nest slot without the hen; (b) reference grayscale frame of empty nest slot without the hen; (c) nest slot with the hen in an RGB frame; (d) nest slot with the hen in a grayscale frame; (e) difference frame after subtracting the grayscale frame with the reference frame; and (f) binary image after thresholding.
Figure 3. Examples for image processing steps: (a) reference RGB frame of empty nest slot without the hen; (b) reference grayscale frame of empty nest slot without the hen; (c) nest slot with the hen in an RGB frame; (d) nest slot with the hen in a grayscale frame; (e) difference frame after subtracting the grayscale frame with the reference frame; and (f) binary image after thresholding.
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Figure 4. Average time spent per day per bird in each nest slot.
Figure 4. Average time spent per day per bird in each nest slot.
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Figure 5. Average number of visits per day per bird at each nest slot.
Figure 5. Average number of visits per day per bird at each nest slot.
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Figure 6. Hourly time spent by birds in each nest slot during various time intervals throughout the examination period. The red bar indicates the time for lifting the feeders up for feed withdrawal.
Figure 6. Hourly time spent by birds in each nest slot during various time intervals throughout the examination period. The red bar indicates the time for lifting the feeders up for feed withdrawal.
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Figure 7. Time spent in each nest slot before and after feed withdrawal.
Figure 7. Time spent in each nest slot before and after feed withdrawal.
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Figure 8. Frequency of birds simultaneously using nest slots.
Figure 8. Frequency of birds simultaneously using nest slots.
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Table 1. Accuracy and processing speed of image processing algorithms in detecting hens visiting nest slots.
Table 1. Accuracy and processing speed of image processing algorithms in detecting hens visiting nest slots.
Nest SlotAccuracy (%)Processing Speed (fps)
099.00 ± 1.196506 ± 1045
199.32 ± 0.953573 ± 416
299.36 ± 1.062817 ± 437
398.54 ± 1.623093 ± 529
497.50 ± 9.171414 ± 104
594.13 ± 0.921096 ± 342
Table 2. Rate of change (ROC) of hourly time spent before and after the feeders were lifted for the curves in second hour−1.
Table 2. Rate of change (ROC) of hourly time spent before and after the feeders were lifted for the curves in second hour−1.
Nest SlotBefore Feeders Were LiftedAfter Feeders Were Lifted
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mandiga, A.; Li, G.; Wilson, J.L.; Liu, T.; Bodempudi, V.U.C.; Mason, J.H. Quantifying Nesting Behavior Metrics of Broiler Breeder Hens with Computationally Efficient Image Processing Algorithms and Big Data Analytics. AgriEngineering 2024, 6, 3672-3685.

AMA Style

Mandiga A, Li G, Wilson JL, Liu T, Bodempudi VUC, Mason JH. Quantifying Nesting Behavior Metrics of Broiler Breeder Hens with Computationally Efficient Image Processing Algorithms and Big Data Analytics. AgriEngineering. 2024; 6(4):3672-3685.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mandiga, Aravind, Guoming Li, Jeanna L. Wilson, Tianming Liu, Venkat Umesh Chandra Bodempudi, and Jacob Hunter Mason. 2024. "Quantifying Nesting Behavior Metrics of Broiler Breeder Hens with Computationally Efficient Image Processing Algorithms and Big Data Analytics" AgriEngineering 6, no. 4: 3672-3685.

APA Style

Mandiga, A., Li, G., Wilson, J. L., Liu, T., Bodempudi, V. U. C., & Mason, J. H. (2024). Quantifying Nesting Behavior Metrics of Broiler Breeder Hens with Computationally Efficient Image Processing Algorithms and Big Data Analytics. AgriEngineering, 6(4), 3672-3685.

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