2.1. App Conceptualization and Development Process
The concept of the Fruit Harvest Helper was thought of after researching and identifying what agricultural research tasks needed to be solved. One of the studies found through this research was a study conducted in 2015 by Karkhile and Ghuge, which showcased a multi-purpose precision agriculture tool. The precision agriculture tool was an Android application that informed farmers to help them increase their profits. It gave them information such as the current weather in their area, news updates, and recent market trade deals. This app demonstrated how mobile applications could be used for precision agriculture and clearly explained how mobile computing can help farmers in this new age [
10]. As a logical progression of reading about this Android application, NNU’s Robotics Vision Lab became interested in developing its own mobile application for precision agriculture.
Doing more research led to the discovery that fruit yield monitoring technologies were an area that needed to be studied more. Some mobile apps for fruit yield estimation did exist, including apps that detected fruits like citrus, kiwis, and apples. Similarly, the proposed mobile application, the Fruit Harvest Helper, is also used to detect apples and estimate fruit yield. However, the Fruit Harvest Helper detects a specific variety of apples that still need to be researched. The mobile application for kiwi detection, called the KiwiDetector, was an Android application that used a few different deep-learning approaches to quickly and accurately detect kiwis for kiwi yield estimation [
11]. Another existing application was the app developed by Qian et al. that uses an artificial neural network to accurately detect Fuji apples for yield estimation, as discussed earlier [
6]. The main advantage of Fruit Harvest Helper over this existing application is that it has a new algorithm designed specifically for Pink Lady apple detection. Pink Lady apples are unlike Fuji apples in color, shape, size, and texture, requiring a specific algorithm for successful detection. The primary difference is in color, as Pink Lady apples have more pink and less red than some other varieties of apples, as well as more yellows and greens.
Furthermore, the Fuji-detection app was only for Android and lacked an iOS counterpart to help reach more farmers. While any fruit yield-estimation mobile app could be adapted for Pink Lady apples, a novel algorithm would need to be created for this variety of apples as Pink Lady apples have their own set of characteristics. Developing an entire algorithm for Pink Lady apples would require much work. Learning about existing mobile applications helped narrow the focus when deciding on what specific research would be done. No research on mobile applications for the Pink Lady variety was found. In noticing this, it was clear that predicting the apple yield for Pink Lady apples with a mobile device was an agricultural task that needed attention.
Since a mobile device capable of predicting apple yield for Pink Lady apples is something farmers need, NNU set out to develop a mobile application for this purpose. In order to be a convenient tool for farmers, this mobile application will eventually need an accurate enough algorithm and will have to be publicly available for them to download. A relatively simple image-processing algorithm was chosen for this study to serve as just a starting place for Pink Lady apple detection. The sole focus of this research was developing an end-to-end mobile application that could be improved upon. With the transition to a more advanced detection algorithm in the future, the Fruit Harvest Helper will be able to save farmers time and costs, which is very important to farmers. The Fruit Harvest Helper will also increase farmers’ productivity by making fruit yield-estimation magnitudes faster and could provide more accurate estimations than manual methods, which are prone to error. More accurate estimations would improve the quality of decision-making in agricultural practices since there would be better information to work with. Farmers need a Pink Lady apple yield-estimation tool, meaning the Fruit Harvest Helper will help them. Given there is a practical use of this innovation, farmers would be interested in downloading and adopting this precision agriculture technology to use in their orchards.
The last step before development began was picking the platform(s) for creating the mobile app. A study on mobile applications for agriculture shows that most of the apps generated come from iOS and Android platforms. After all, these are the two most commonly used platforms, so this makes sense. Some of the applications this study included were farming apps for business and financial data, pests and diseases, agricultural machinery, and farm management. According to the survey, in 2016, there were 91 iOS and 69 Android mobile applications for farm management; the category fruit yield estimation falls under [
12]. Since iOS was the more popular choice for mobile apps in the farm management category, NNU’s Robotics Vision Lab initially developed a mobile application only for iOS devices in a previous research endeavor. Another reason NNU only made an iOS app was that creating an application for one platform was easier. This first mobile application for iOS was designed with a blossom-detection algorithm to help estimate the apple yield for a Pink Lady orchard. Once this mobile application was functional, many improvements still needed to be made to the blossom-detection method. Due to this, the researchers decided to switch to apple detection before coming back and making various improvements to the blossom-detection algorithm [
8]. For the new app, the Fruit Harvest Helper, the researchers also made the change of developing the Android platform to reach more farmers needing a tool that automates the main part of the fruit yield-estimation task. According to a study conducted by the University of Salamanca, Samsung smartphones led in worldwide sales for both years studied, 2012 and 2013 [
13]. Given that more farmers would likely have an Android application, the scope of the research changed, leading the researchers to develop an Android mobile application, too, in this study. Using React Native, the researchers began developing iOS and Android mobile applications. View
Figure 1 to see this application being used.
In the development phase of the Fruit Harvest Helper app, the user interface was made using the React Native framework since this was a convenient option. React Native is a framework built directly on top of the JavaScript programming language used to create cross-platform mobile applications. As the front end took shape, the main functionality, or the back end, began to be developed for the application, a task executed separately for the iOS and Android platforms. The iOS application relied on C++ code for the back end, whereas the Android counterpart used a combination of Java and C++. Despite these differences, both platforms shared the same C++ apple-detection algorithm comprising a wide range of functions from OpenCV as well as unique classification equations and C++ code. To provide context, OpenCV is a widely used machine vision library that provides the necessary functionality to create the image processing component of the application. The performance of the library’s functions and the entire algorithm was reliable across both platforms. The researchers used the latest version of Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, and Xcode for the development phase. Android Studio and Xcode are the Android and iOS applications for mobile development that allow for all things related to mobile development.
Once the development phase for the mobile application was complete, the researchers needed to test the app to evaluate the efficacy of the Fruit Harvest Helper’s functionality. The researchers collected a dataset of images utilizing 40 Pink Lady apple trees from Symm’s Fruit Ranch. The device used to capture these images was a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 with a dual-lens rear camera and an image resolution of 13 megapixels. One image was taken from each side of an apple tree unless it was obstructed due to circumstances out of the researchers’ control. As a result of this process, 73 images of mature Pink Lady apple trees were gathered a few weeks before the harvesting season. The researchers used these images to test the algorithm’s detection capabilities and performance. The first part of this testing phase aimed to verify the application’s functionality by evaluating the apple-detection algorithm outside the application in a separate environment. Testing the algorithm outside the mobile application was much quicker since the researchers did not have to wait for the app to build each time, allowing them to fine-tune the algorithm and evaluate its detection abilities in a fraction of the time. After testing the algorithm’s detection capabilities, it was determined that it was not effective enough for farmers to use for apple yield estimation and still required improvements. Next, the other part of the testing phase was conducted, utilizing five images from the dataset to test the algorithm’s performance on each platform. A timer was used to report the processing time of the algorithm when running for each of the five images selected. The average processing time was calculated for iOS and Android, indicating that both platforms processed images reasonably quickly, but the iOS application performed much better. What could have been included in the testing phase of the mobile application was the comparison between a fruit yield estimation for the entire orchard found with the assistance of the app and the actual fruit yield of the Pink Lady apple orchard reported by the farmers. Once the algorithm is improved in the future, this will need to be assessed to determine the app’s efficacy in assisting with the fruit yield-estimation task.
2.2. Algorithm Development
The novel Pink Lady apple-detection algorithm created for the Fruit Harvest Helper was a color ratio-based image-segmentation algorithm. Many machine-learning algorithms could detect apples in images of apple trees, but this was the one the researchers settled on. Studies in the past have explored many apple-detection algorithms, such as a color index-based image-segmentation method presented in 2022. While some algorithms are better than others, each has its own set of strengths and limitations [
Like any algorithm, the unique color ratio-based algorithm developed from the ground up by the researchers can be considered a series of operations. The series of operations for this algorithm has three main aspects: pre-processing, processing, and post-processing. Data pre-processing is the stage that prepares the data for processing, processing is the actual modification of the data, and post-processing is when the processed data is cleaned up to make it more effective. Before any pre-processing could be done, the algorithm received an image that the farmer captured or selected. Once the image was obtained, the algorithm executed a series of steps to detect Pink Lady apple clusters in an apple tree image. These high-level steps are shown in
Figure 2. At the beginning of the pre-processing stage of the algorithm steps, the researchers made a copy of the input image to preserve the original image when it needed to be displayed. All of the following calculations were done to the copied image or on information that was derived from the copied image. An OpenCV C++ function was used to copy the original image. In its entirety, this algorithm used a variety of OpenCV functions as almost every step uses OpenCV functions in combination with the unique C++ code written by the researchers. The OpenCV library represented the apple tree image as a multi-dimensional matrix of pixels containing a dimension for rows, columns, and color channels. Now that the image was copied, the next step consisted of splitting the image into three color channels: Blue, Green, and Red. Blue, Green, Red, or BGR is the format in which OpenCV stores images. The image was separated into color channels because this would eventually help the researchers obtain more information as it allowed each color channel to be analyzed individually. More specifically, separating the image into color channels would be crucial for deriving the values used in the algorithm’s classification equations, which were the critical component of the processing stage of the algorithm.
Now that the image was split into color channels, further preparation was needed before the values used in the classification equations could be calculated. This preparation involved converting a duplicate version of the copied image and all three color channels to grayscale. A duplicate version of the copied image was made since an unaltered image would be needed to draw bounding boxes in post-processing. Since each color channel and the entire image were represented in the grayscale format at this point, the intensity of an individual color channel could be easily compared to the intensity of the whole image, resulting in a ratio indicating the intensity of the color in the apple tree image. The researchers obtained a red, green, and blue color ratio by comparing each grayscale color channel to the full grayscale image. Once again, these ratios indicated how much of a particular color was in the image the farmer selected. These ratios formed the heart of the apple-detection algorithm since they were the most crucial aspect of the color ratio classification equations that classified every pixel as an apple or non-apple. Equations (
1) and (
2) are the Pink Lady apple equations that the researchers created from scratch for classifying pixels:
In calculating the values for the classification equations, pre-processing was concluded, and processing began. These equations were used for the processing stage of the algorithm in which image pixels were classified. Each pixel was iterated through and classified based on the two equations. Pixels classified as apple pixels were modified to be white pixels, and those classified as non-apple pixels were altered to black pixels. The ratios within these classification equations were weighted to give specific colors, like red, more influence in determining if pixels were apple pixels. In essence, if there was significantly more red in a pixel than blue and green combined, the equations classified a pixel as an apple pixel; otherwise, it was classified as a non-apple pixel. The researchers empirically selected and fine-tuned these weights or hyperparameters through much testing to achieve the optimal detection of apples across the image dataset. As pointed out in a research article discussing fine-tuning hyperparameters, a machine-learning algorithm’s hyperparameters depend on the dataset used for fine-tuning them [
15]. The research presented in this article suggests that the hyperparameters for this image-segmentation algorithm would likely function best with the dataset the researchers collected. Further testing with data from multiple Pink Lady apple orchards would need to be conducted to determine the algorithm’s effectiveness across different datasets.
After the pixels were classified during processing, the image-segmentation results still needed to be refined and displayed. The process of refining an algorithm’s results can be described as post-processing. The post-processing operations of the Fruit Harvest Helper’s algorithm were applied to the binary image generated from the processing stage. A binary image is an image that contains only two colors, typically black and white. The white pixels in the binary image indicated pixels the algorithm marked as apples, whereas the black pixels were what the algorithm deemed as non-apple pixels. The first post-processing operation performed on the binary image was a morphological opening with a structuring element. According to “Digital Image Processing”, a morphological opening is a widespread image processing technique that consists of an erosion operation on a region of pixels followed by a dilation operation performed on that result [
16]. Erosion and dilation are the shrinking and expanding of an area of pixels, also known as a cluster. The purpose of a morphological opening is that it is a filtration operation that filters out small regions surrounding identified clusters; in this case, the clusters represent apples [
In the next step, clusters below a minimum size threshold were filtered out, removing clusters likely too small to truly be apples. Using this minimum cluster size threshold reduced false positives because most clusters under the threshold tended to be falsely classified as apple clusters. This minimum size threshold was a hyperparameter set and fine-tuned to improve the algorithm’s detection. Finally, the remaining contours in the binary image represented only the significant apple clusters above the size threshold. Since these clusters or contours were substantial, they could be drawn onto the copied image. These contours represented where the algorithm “thought” there were apples based on the previously described steps. In the drawing step, green bounding boxes were drawn onto the apple tree image, highlighting regions identified as apple clusters for visualization. The finalized processed image was ready to be displayed to the user after this step was complete.
Initially, the image-segmentation algorithm was developed with the latest version of MatLab. The algorithm was initially developed in MatLab to facilitate the creation of the Pink Lady apple classification equations. Since MatLab is built for math-based tasks, creating the classification equations from scratch here was convenient. Later, the MatLab algorithm was converted to the OpenCV C++ algorithm just described to put it into a language compatible with the Fruit Harvest Helper mobile app. Utilizing C++ enabled the detection algorithm to work with iOS and Android platforms.
In order to gather the necessary data for algorithm development and testing, the researchers took pictures of apple trees at Symm’s Fruit Ranch in October 2023. This orchard was the only apple orchard from which data was collected and, therefore, the only field used for testing. An Android device, more specifically a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7, was used to capture images from both the west-facing and east-facing sides of the Pink Lady apple trees. The rear camera of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 was used, a dual-lens camera that captures images at a resolution of 13 megapixels. The researcher who captured these images used the default zoom and stood approximately 2.5 m from the trees. No filters were used to help manage variations in light intensity since the researchers needed to mimic the process a farmer would use to take images. To clarify, the images captured for data were precisely the same as those a farmer would take when using the mobile app to assist with fruit yield estimation.
In total, 40 trees were used in the data collection process. These trees were selected as these were all of the trees NNU was permitted to do research on by Symm’s Fruit Ranch. All of these trees belonged to a single row of the Pink Lady apple tree orchard and sat next to each other. Unfortunately, only 39 east- and 34 west-side images were collected due to unforeseen circumstances. Considering this, the dataset consisted of 73 apple tree images altogether. Although challenges existed with image collection, the researchers still had adequate information or photos to refine the algorithm through tests. This fine-tuning significantly improved how well the algorithm could detect apples based on color.
At the beginning of the testing process, the hyperparameters of the detection algorithm would get tweaked, the researchers would visually assess its ability to detect apples across the dataset, and then the hyperparameters would get tweaked again. This tweaking of the hyperparameters helped fine-tune the algorithm to identify apple clusters better. Once the fine-tuning stage of testing was complete, the next step could be carried out: assessing the ability of the Pink Lady apple-detection algorithm.
The evaluation method for assessing the algorithm’s detection abilities involved calculating the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). In conducting testing to find multiple MAPE values, the researchers discovered that the algorithm detects apples best when two photos of the apple tree are taken; one from each side of the tree. So, for a farmer to get the best results with this app, a farmer must take a picture from both sides of an apple tree and combine the number of detected apples, not apple clusters, from each image. After the detected apples from both images are combined, a correlation between detected and actual apples derived in this study can then be applied to get an estimation for the fruit yield on that tree. A farmer would then be able to repeat this process on as many trees as they like to obtain an average that they can apply to get a fruit yield estimation for the entire orchard.
The researchers calculated the MAPE value associated with using a photo from each side of an apple tree by utilizing data from 34 apple trees within the dataset, each containing both east and west images. While 40 trees were used for the apple tree image dataset, only 34 trees contained images from both sides. For each tree, the researchers had to evaluate the two original and two processed apple tree images, or four images in total. An original apple tree image was assessed by manually spotting the number of apples on the tree of interest, serving as a ground truth number against which the algorithm’s detections could be compared. On the other hand, a processed apple tree image was evaluated by manually counting the number of apples detected by the algorithm on the tree of interest, requiring the examination of the bounding boxes. The following process that was carried out on these images is demonstrated by a pair of original and processed images in
Figure 3.
Throughout the evaluation process what was kept the same across both images was that only apples within the bounds of the tree of interest were counted. The latest version of Microsoft Paint was used to draw a perimeter around the tree of interest to create bounds for the tree, delineating it from neighboring trees and other elements. Since the apple trees in Symm’s Fruit Ranch are so close together, drawing a perimeter around the tree of interest was necessary to properly evaluate the algorithm’s ability. Next, the researchers counted the apples inside the perimeter within the original and processed images. When counting the apples for a processed image, the researchers assumed the algorithm detected each apple within the green bounding boxes. Although these bounding boxes represent an apple cluster and not an apple, this method seemed fair considering the detection algorithms’ tendency to spot hard-to-find apples. For the original and processed image from one side of an apple tree, this procedure carried out on the images is illustrated in
Figure 3 as mentioned. However, as mentioned, this was done for both sides of each apple tree to get the MAPE value. The entire process of examining four images was repeated for each of the 34 apple trees. Finding the counts for the original and processed images allowed the researchers to compare the human observations within the image or the ground truth for the tree of interest with the apples that the algorithm detected. In finding these values, the researchers could analyze the algorithm’s ability by calculating the MAPE and finding a correlation between detected and actual apples.
Now that the number of detected apples for each of the studied trees was found, these could be compared to the actual number of apples on a tree. By comparing these two variables, a correlation or relationship between detected apples and actual apples would be the result. To obtain the actual number of apples on all 40 of the trees studied, the researchers had to manually count the number of apples on each tree. This manual count was done about a month before the apples were harvested. While it would have been most accurate to harvest and count the apples immediately after collecting the images of the apple trees, this was not the strategy used. Instead, the researchers counted the apples on one of the trees by starting at the top of the tree and working their way down, counting all of the apples on a single branch before moving on to the next branch. A clicker was used by the researchers to keep the count so they could focus on correctly counting the apples to the best of their ability. While the manual counts were reasonably accurate, the values obtained were just indices, serving as relative indicators rather than exact measures. The counts distinguished the studied trees from one another, providing the researchers with unique values for each tree that were not too inaccurate. Having a distinct apple count for each tree was great for deriving a correlation. However, this method could be improved in the future when testing the next algorithm, as the researchers could obtain an apple count by harvesting the apples on the studied trees.
2.3. Front-End Development
According to a study by Brambilla et al., when designing any application, two large-picture things should be considered: the front end and the back end. An application’s front end is responsible for its appearance and feel. Having a well-thought-out user interface (UI) ensures that the user of the technology has a positive experience [
18]. Furthermore, an excellent front end should keep the users engaged and satisfied by serving its purpose and nothing else. In the case of the Fruit Harvest Helper app, creating a UI tailored to farmers was essential for keeping them satisfied as they used the app. Tailoring the app to them involved making the design simple and easy to use since farmers likely prefer functionality over complexity. As depicted in
Figure 4, the layout of the Fruit Harvest Helper mobile application was straightforward and lacked any unnecessary features or elements.
To develop the front end, the researchers used the React Native framework, which takes an approach to simultaneously developing both iOS and Android platforms. Designing both applications at the same time was much more efficient than individually building out the front ends. Considering what design farmers would want, they first planned the information layout for display. By incorporating the same elements from the existing blossom-detection app, created by the NNU Robotics Vision Lab previously, the process of designing the UI for this new application became easy.
During the design phase of the UI, the researchers added four main components to display to the farmers by using React Native. Firstly, showing the selected or taken image of a Pink Lady apple tree helps farmers confirm their image choice, providing a sense of direction for them. The processed image, generated through the process of the algorithm analysis of the photo, offers farmers valuable insights into the apple-detection results. Therefore, it was also chosen for display. These two elements are displayed in vertically aligned boxes with the regular image placed above the processed one. Also, the UI shows the number of apples detected as an output measure for farmers to estimate the apple yield for their orchards. Before they could calculate an estimate for apple yield, though, additional calculations like applying a correlation between detected and actual Pink Lady apples would be necessary. The researchers found a correlation in this study, which will be discussed later on, but at the current stage of the application, it cannot be applied directly to this output of apples number. Considering there are different varieties of apple trees, creating a correlation for each specific variety being analyzed would be vital for precise estimations across these different types of trees. Lastly, there is a button to select new images for processing. After clicking the button, an easy-to-use pop-up interface provides options to choose images from the photo library, capture a photo, and cancel the action. Once an apple tree image is selected, it gets transmitted to the back end, where it is processed. The UI is then instantly refreshed to show the altered Pink Lady apple tree image and the number of apple clusters identified and displayed.
2.4. iOS Back-End Development
The functionality that lies at the core of an application, called the back end of an application, serves the purpose of handling the user’s input or selections and then processing that input to generate an output. In the context of the Fruit Harvest Helper mobile app, which focuses on detecting apples, a farmer picks an image of a Pink Lady apple tree, which is the user selection. After processing this image on the back end, a processing image along with a tally of the identified apple clusters are returned to the user on the front end, as just discussed. To bring this back-end functionality to life, the researchers utilized the C++ programming language, C++ native libraries, and the OpenCV library for processing.
The Fruit Harvest Helper’s architectural design followed a pattern described in a research study by Thakur and Pandey, the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern, which is an embraced approach in software engineering. The MVC pattern segmented the application into three parts: the Model managed input data, the View handled the front-end presentation for users or farmers, and the Controller processed data behind the scenes. This separation of concerns made the code more modular and maintainable for future researchers who make additions or changes to this application [
19]. Enabling communication between React Native and the C++ back end involved integrating Djinni, a deprecated tool that can be used for communication between the front end and back end in React Native applications. The researchers initially selected Djinni for its ability to generate a back-end file where the functionality for both iOS and Android could be written to process apple tree images. Unfortunately, the researchers faced challenges in making this method compatible with Android devices, but it still worked as a solution for the iOS back end.
To overcome the difficulties of sending the Pink Lady apple tree images to the C++ back end using Djinni, the research team developed a workaround. This workaround was just a matter of saving the apple tree image in the cache of the iOS device on the React Native front end and later retrieving it by the C++ back end through the use of the iOS device’s file system. Once the image was received and it was confirmed, the OpenCV C++ image-segmentation algorithm was applied, which used the machine learning techniques outlined in the algorithm section. The edited or processed image and a count of the detected Pink Lady apples were then sent back to the front end to display to the farmers.
2.5. Android Back-End Development
The development of the Android back end consisted of using a mixture of Java and C++. Java is the native back-end language for Android, meaning it had to be used, and C++ needed to be used to use the same color ratio-based OpenCV C++ algorithm. Recalling the iOS app created a pathway to send information from the application’s front end to the back end using Djinni. Still, the researchers needed help to make this method successful for Android. After exploring this option enough, a more well-known method of communicating with the Android back end was tried. Typically, Android Native Modules can provide back-end functionality for Android apps when working with the React Native framework. By using a more popular method, documentation was easier to find and, therefore, followed for the creation of the Android back end. Android Native Modules provide a back-end environment written in Java that can be used for mobile applications.
The React Native front end establishes a connection with an Android Native Module by calling a Java function that developers create within the module. Setting up this connection required the researchers to undergo various configuration steps. Initially, a JavaScript wrapper was made to wrap around the module on the React Native front end. Also, methods that needed to be called in the Android Native Module from the front end had to be labeled as callable so they could be found when an image was selected for processing. The last step was registering the native module for usage within the application, making it recognizable to Android devices. These configuration steps marked the first phase of handling the image processing for Android.
The color ratio-based image-segmentation algorithm was written in OpenCV C++, which needed to work for both iOS and Android. In order to get this algorithm to be compatible with Android, communication between Java and C++ had to be made, which brought about a set of challenges. The Java Native Interface (JNI) was a viable solution because it allows Java to talk back and forth with other languages, such as C++. Configuring JNI required adjusting the Android applications build process to get these two languages to cooperate correctly. The Android Native Module had to be able to interact with C++, too. Configuring the Android Native Module to interact with the C++ code meant writing more Java code to get the native module to recognize that C++ code was available. This configuration allowed the native module to establish a communication channel with C++ for sending the original apple tree image and receiving the processed image. In the C++ image processing file, a JNI function was implemented to get the communication channel working on the C++ side. The C++ could then accept the sent-over image data, process it, and relay it back to the Java side. Once the processed image reached Java, Java passed the image over to React Native to display it on the UI.
To finish setting up the Android back end, OpenCV had to be installed and integrated into the current setup. Installing OpenCV was straightforward since this involved downloading OpenCV version 4.6.0 for Android. The researchers downloaded and used this version for iOS, too. However, once OpenCV was installed, the Android build process had to be configured again so Android devices could recognize the OpenCV library. When OpenCV started working within the setup, the apple-detection algorithm was copied from the iOS C++ file and pasted into the Android C++ file. Although this meant the code for the algorithm was used twice, this solution saved time and was able to process images just fine. One drawback of this entire solution for image processing on Android was that JNI worsened processing times.