Saliency-Guided Local Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation and Contributions
1.2. Organization of the Paper
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Method
3.1. ESSIM Method
3.2. SG-ESSIM Method
4. Materials
4.1. Databases
4.2. Evaluation Metrics and Protocol
4.3. Implementation Details
5. Experimental Results and Analysis
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AGN | additive Gaussian noise; |
ANC | additive noise in color components; |
CA | chromatic aberrations; |
CC | contrast change; |
CCS | change in color saturation; |
CN | comfort noise; |
CNN | convolutional neural network; |
CPU | central processing unit; |
DEN | image denoising; |
FR-IQA | full-reference image quality assessment; |
GB | Gaussian blur; |
GPU | graphics processing unit; |
HFN | high frequency noise; |
HVS | human visual system; |
ICQD | image color quantization with dither; |
IN | impulse noise; |
IQA | image quality assessment; |
JGTE | JPEG transmission error; |
JPEG | joint photographic experts group; |
KROCC | Kendall’s rank order correlation coefficient; |
LCNI | lossy compression of noisy images; |
MGN | multiplicative Gaussian noise; |
MN | masked noise; |
MOS | mean opinion score; |
MS | mean shift; |
MSE | mean squared error; |
NEPN | noneccentricity pattern noise; |
NR-IQA | no-reference image quality assessment; |
PLCC | Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient; |
PSNR | peak signal-to-noise ratio; |
QN | quantization noise; |
RR-IQA | reduced-reference image quality assessment; |
SCN | spatially correlated noise; |
SG | saliency guided; |
SROCC | Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient; |
SSR | space sampling and reconstruction |
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Database | Ref. Images | Dist. Images | Dist. Types | Dist. Levels |
KADID-10k [20] | 81 | 10,125 | 25 | 5 |
TID2013 [7] | 25 | 3000 | 24 | 5 |
TID2008 [21] | 25 | 1700 | 17 | 4 |
CSIQ [8] | 30 | 866 | 6 | 4–5 |
Computer model | STRIX Z270H Gaming |
Operating system | Windows 10 |
Memory | 15 GB |
CPU | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU 4.20 GHz (8 cores) |
GPU | Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 |
KADID-10k [20] | TID2013 [7] | |||||
2stepQA [50] | 0.768 | 0.771 | 0.571 | 0.736 | 0.733 | 0.550 |
CSV [51] | 0.671 | 0.669 | 0.531 | 0.852 | 0.848 | 0.657 |
DISTS [52] | 0.809 | 0.814 | 0.626 | 0.759 | 0.711 | 0.524 |
ESSIM [19] | 0.644 | 0.823 | 0.634 | 0.740 | 0.797 | 0.627 |
GSM [29] | 0.780 | 0.780 | 0.588 | 0.789 | 0.787 | 0.593 |
IW-SSIM [16] | 0.781 | 0.756 | 0.524 | 0.832 | 0.778 | 0.598 |
MAD [8] | 0.716 | 0.724 | 0.535 | 0.827 | 0.778 | 0.600 |
MS-SSIM [26] | 0.819 | 0.821 | 0.630 | 0.794 | 0.785 | 0.604 |
PSNR | 0.479 | 0.676 | 0.488 | 0.616 | 0.646 | 0.467 |
ReSIFT [53] | 0.648 | 0.628 | 0.468 | 0.630 | 0.623 | 0.471 |
RVSIM [54] | 0.728 | 0.719 | 0.540 | 0.763 | 0.683 | 0.520 |
SSIM [23] | 0.670 | 0.671 | 0.489 | 0.618 | 0.616 | 0.437 |
SUMMER [55] | 0.719 | 0.723 | 0.540 | 0.623 | 0.622 | 0.472 |
SG-ESSIM | 0.739 | 0.838 | 0.650 | 0.878 | 0.805 | 0.636 |
TID2008 [21] | CSIQ [8] | |||||
2stepQA [50] | 0.757 | 0.769 | 0.574 | 0.841 | 0.849 | 0.655 |
CSV [51] | 0.852 | 0.851 | 0.659 | 0.933 | 0.933 | 0.766 |
DISTS [52] | 0.705 | 0.668 | 0.488 | 0.930 | 0.930 | 0.764 |
ESSIM [19] | 0.658 | 0.876 | 0.696 | 0.814 | 0.933 | 0.768 |
GSM [29] | 0.782 | 0.781 | 0.578 | 0.906 | 0.910 | 0.729 |
IW-SSIM [16] | 0.842 | 0.856 | 0.664 | 0.804 | 0.921 | 0.753 |
MAD [8] | 0.831 | 0.829 | 0.639 | 0.950 | 0.947 | 0.796 |
MS-SSIM [26] | 0.838 | 0.846 | 0.648 | 0.913 | 0.917 | 0.743 |
PSNR | 0.447 | 0.489 | 0.346 | 0.853 | 0.809 | 0.599 |
ReSIFT [53] | 0.627 | 0.632 | 0.484 | 0.884 | 0.868 | 0.695 |
RVSIM [54] | 0.789 | 0.743 | 0.566 | 0.923 | 0.903 | 0.728 |
SSIM [23] | 0.669 | 0.675 | 0.485 | 0.812 | 0.812 | 0.606 |
SUMMER [55] | 0.817 | 0.823 | 0.623 | 0.826 | 0.830 | 0.658 |
SG-ESSIM | 0.853 | 0.888 | 0.708 | 0.836 | 0.944 | 0.786 |
Direct Average | Weighted Average | |||||
2stepQA [50] | 0.776 | 0.781 | 0.587 | 0.765 | 0.768 | 0.572 |
CSV [51] | 0.827 | 0.825 | 0.653 | 0.740 | 0.738 | 0.582 |
DISTS [52] | 0.801 | 0.781 | 0.601 | 0.795 | 0.785 | 0.599 |
ESSIM [19] | 0.714 | 0.857 | 0.681 | 0.673 | 0.830 | 0.647 |
GSM [29] | 0.814 | 0.815 | 0.622 | 0.789 | 0.789 | 0.596 |
IW-SSIM [16] | 0.815 | 0.828 | 0.635 | 0.800 | 0.780 | 0.570 |
MAD [8] | 0.831 | 0.820 | 0.643 | 0.763 | 0.758 | 0.573 |
MS-SSIM [26] | 0.841 | 0.842 | 0.656 | 0.821 | 0.822 | 0.633 |
PSNR | 0.599 | 0.655 | 0.475 | 0.520 | 0.660 | 0.470 |
ReSIFT [53] | 0.697 | 0.688 | 0.530 | 0.655 | 0.641 | 0.483 |
RVSIM [54] | 0.801 | 0.762 | 0.589 | 0.752 | 0.725 | 0.549 |
SSIM [23] | 0.692 | 0.694 | 0.504 | 0.668 | 0.669 | 0.485 |
SUMMER [55] | 0.746 | 0.750 | 0.573 | 0.720 | 0.720 | 0.540 |
SG-ESSIM | 0.827 | 0.869 | 0.695 | 0.783 | 0.843 | 0.661 |
2stepQA [50] | CSV [51] | DISTS [52] | ESSIM [19] | GSM [29] | MAD [8] | MS-SSIM [26] | ReSIFT [53] | RVSIM [54] | SSIM [23] | SG-ESSIM | |
AGN | 0.817 | 0.938 | 0.845 | 0.911 | 0.899 | 0.912 | 0.624 | 0.831 | 0.886 | 0.848 | 0.936 |
ANC | 0.590 | 0.862 | 0.786 | 0.806 | 0.823 | 0.800 | 0.387 | 0.749 | 0.836 | 0.779 | 0.855 |
SCN | 0.860 | 0.939 | 0.859 | 0.938 | 0.927 | 0.929 | 0.683 | 0.839 | 0.868 | 0.851 | 0.935 |
MN | 0.395 | 0.748 | 0.814 | 0.711 | 0.704 | 0.658 | 0.372 | 0.702 | 0.734 | 0.775 | 0.715 |
HFN | 0.828 | 0.927 | 0.868 | 0.890 | 0.884 | 0.902 | 0.704 | 0.869 | 0.895 | 0.889 | 0.920 |
IN | 0.715 | 0.848 | 0.674 | 0.825 | 0.813 | 0.743 | 0.766 | 0.824 | 0.865 | 0.810 | 0.833 |
QN | 0.886 | 0.892 | 0.810 | 0.904 | 0.911 | 0.895 | 0.720 | 0.745 | 0.869 | 0.817 | 0.911 |
GB | 0.853 | 0.933 | 0.926 | 0.970 | 0.954 | 0.915 | 0.762 | 0.937 | 0.970 | 0.910 | 0.969 |
DEN | 0.900 | 0.952 | 0.899 | 0.956 | 0.955 | 0.922 | 0.819 | 0.907 | 0.926 | 0.876 | 0.963 |
JPEG | 0.867 | 0.944 | 0.897 | 0.923 | 0.933 | 0.924 | 0.784 | 0.905 | 0.930 | 0.893 | 0.950 |
JP2K | 0.891 | 0.966 | 0.931 | 0.946 | 0.934 | 0.929 | 0.790 | 0.928 | 0.946 | 0.806 | 0.949 |
JGTE | 0.806 | 0.800 | 0.906 | 0.826 | 0.866 | 0.768 | 0.582 | 0.712 | 0.831 | 0.701 | 0.823 |
J2TE | 0.854 | 0.887 | 0.865 | 0.902 | 0.893 | 0.854 | 0.742 | 0.835 | 0.882 | 0.813 | 0.899 |
NEPN | 0.775 | 0.811 | 0.833 | 0.799 | 0.804 | 0.803 | 0.792 | 0.693 | 0.771 | 0.634 | 0.801 |
BLOCK | 0.044 | 0.183 | 0.302 | 0.649 | 0.588 | −0.322 | 0.382 | 0.440 | 0.545 | 0.564 | 0.623 |
MS | 0.660 | 0.654 | 0.752 | 0.712 | 0.728 | 0.708 | 0.732 | 0.418 | 0.559 | 0.738 | 0.706 |
CC | 0.430 | 0.227 | 0.464 | 0.453 | 0.466 | 0.420 | 0.027 | −0.055 | 0.132 | 0.355 | 0.452 |
CCS | −0.258 | 0.809 | 0.789 | −0.297 | 0.676 | −0.059 | −0.055 | −0.209 | 0.366 | 0.742 | 0.010 |
MGN | 0.747 | 0.884 | 0.790 | 0.853 | 0.831 | 0.888 | 0.653 | 0.765 | 0.853 | 0.804 | 0.900 |
CN | 0.858 | 0.924 | 0.907 | 0.910 | 0.902 | 0.904 | 0.596 | 0.882 | 0.914 | 0.797 | 0.916 |
LCNI | 0.902 | 0.965 | 0.932 | 0.957 | 0.945 | 0.950 | 0.713 | 0.897 | 0.933 | 0.877 | 0.952 |
ICQD | 0.808 | 0.919 | 0.832 | 0.904 | 0.901 | 0.867 | 0.739 | 0.770 | 0.871 | 0.820 | 0.928 |
CA | 0.702 | 0.845 | 0.879 | 0.839 | 0.835 | 0.760 | 0.568 | 0.838 | 0.871 | 0.740 | 0.835 |
SSR | 0.926 | 0.976 | 0.944 | 0.965 | 0.961 | 0.949 | 0.801 | 0.944 | 0.956 | 0.822 | 0.964 |
All | 0.733 | 0.848 | 0.711 | 0.797 | 0.787 | 0.778 | 0.785 | 0.623 | 0.683 | 0.616 | 0.805 |
2stepQA [50] | CSV [51] | DISTS [52] | ESSIM [19] | GSM [29] | MAD [8] | MS-SSIM [26] | ReSIFT [53] | RVSIM [54] | SSIM [23] | SG-ESSIM | |
AGN | 0.766 | 0.922 | 0.812 | 0.875 | 0.855 | 0.872 | 0.610 | 0.771 | 0.840 | 0.805 | 0.913 |
ANC | 0.627 | 0.893 | 0.811 | 0.792 | 0.821 | 0.803 | 0.354 | 0.762 | 0.829 | 0.780 | 0.900 |
SCN | 0.814 | 0.932 | 0.838 | 0.909 | 0.904 | 0.901 | 0.727 | 0.810 | 0.837 | 0.800 | 0.920 |
MN | 0.450 | 0.781 | 0.830 | 0.744 | 0.736 | 0.673 | 0.304 | 0.728 | 0.760 | 0.797 | 0.825 |
HFN | 0.818 | 0.936 | 0.870 | 0.899 | 0.889 | 0.894 | 0.749 | 0.881 | 0.886 | 0.871 | 0.921 |
IN | 0.659 | 0.819 | 0.626 | 0.777 | 0.764 | 0.650 | 0.767 | 0.777 | 0.836 | 0.776 | 0.786 |
QN | 0.850 | 0.894 | 0.770 | 0.884 | 0.903 | 0.851 | 0.708 | 0.730 | 0.836 | 0.784 | 0.873 |
GB | 0.877 | 0.923 | 0.909 | 0.966 | 0.948 | 0.896 | 0.759 | 0.904 | 0.963 | 0.866 | 0.964 |
DEN | 0.919 | 0.970 | 0.931 | 0.974 | 0.971 | 0.928 | 0.786 | 0.923 | 0.939 | 0.873 | 0.963 |
JPEG | 0.895 | 0.948 | 0.894 | 0.938 | 0.937 | 0.931 | 0.774 | 0.914 | 0.926 | 0.880 | 0.959 |
JP2K | 0.910 | 0.984 | 0.953 | 0.966 | 0.949 | 0.941 | 0.837 | 0.935 | 0.970 | 0.745 | 0.972 |
JGTE | 0.851 | 0.790 | 0.907 | 0.859 | 0.871 | 0.781 | 0.606 | 0.735 | 0.860 | 0.666 | 0.855 |
J2TE | 0.845 | 0.852 | 0.833 | 0.875 | 0.880 | 0.802 | 0.742 | 0.778 | 0.854 | 0.769 | 0.863 |
NEPN | 0.803 | 0.752 | 0.882 | 0.742 | 0.784 | 0.801 | 0.749 | 0.761 | 0.732 | 0.588 | 0.729 |
Block | 0.441 | 0.770 | 0.618 | 0.876 | 0.843 | −0.362 | 0.765 | 0.743 | 0.782 | 0.804 | 0.905 |
MS | 0.655 | 0.594 | 0.681 | 0.611 | 0.638 | 0.563 | 0.711 | 0.322 | 0.525 | 0.629 | 0.683 |
CC | 0.597 | 0.330 | 0.649 | 0.624 | 0.634 | 0.548 | 0.042 | −0.018 | 0.194 | 0.502 | 0.642 |
All | 0.769 | 0.851 | 0.668 | 0.876 | 0.781 | 0.829 | 0.846 | 0.632 | 0.743 | 0.675 | 0.888 |
2stepQA [50] | CSV [51] | DISTS [52] | ESSIM [19] | GSM [29] | MAD [8] | MS-SSIM [26] | ReSIFT [53] | RVSIM [54] | SSIM [23] | SG-ESSIM | |
Level 1 | 0.246 | 0.424 | 0.235 | 0.388 | 0.372 | 0.388 | 0.166 | 0.181 | 0.248 | 0.204 | 0.448 |
Level 2 | 0.394 | 0.626 | 0.440 | 0.547 | 0.512 | 0.368 | 0.049 | 0.401 | 0.430 | 0.276 | 0.569 |
Level 3 | 0.539 | 0.635 | 0.367 | 0.638 | 0.523 | 0.442 | 0.240 | 0.415 | 0.416 | 0.084 | 0.660 |
Level 4 | 0.571 | 0.749 | 0.606 | 0.766 | 0.669 | 0.284 | 0.172 | 0.699 | 0.702 | 0.208 | 0.787 |
Level 5 | 0.663 | 0.787 | 0.664 | 0.875 | 0.745 | 0.308 | 0.397 | 0.788 | 0.803 | 0.202 | 0.861 |
All | 0.733 | 0.848 | 0.711 | 0.797 | 0.787 | 0.778 | 0.785 | 0.623 | 0.683 | 0.616 | 0.805 |
2stepQA [50] | CSV [51] | DISTS [52] | ESSIM [19] | GSM [29] | MAD [8] | MS-SSIM [26] | ReSIFT [53] | RVSIM [54] | SSIM [23] | SG-ESSIM | |
Level 1 | 0.470 | 0.638 | 0.566 | 0.655 | 0.639 | 0.432 | 0.067 | 0.457 | 0.634 | 0.368 | 0.691 |
Level 2 | 0.619 | 0.683 | 0.381 | 0.773 | 0.636 | 0.520 | 0.221 | 0.437 | 0.513 | 0.105 | 0.807 |
Level 3 | 0.573 | 0.774 | 0.581 | 0.826 | 0.677 | 0.239 | 0.059 | 0.707 | 0.761 | 0.190 | 0.849 |
Level 4 | 0.610 | 0.829 | 0.628 | 0.905 | 0.718 | 0.232 | 0.275 | 0.788 | 0.825 | 0.241 | 0.891 |
All | 0.769 | 0.851 | 0.668 | 0.876 | 0.781 | 0.829 | 0.846 | 0.632 | 0.743 | 0.675 | 0.888 |
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Varga, D. Saliency-Guided Local Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment. Signals 2022, 3, 483-496.
Varga D. Saliency-Guided Local Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment. Signals. 2022; 3(3):483-496.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVarga, Domonkos. 2022. "Saliency-Guided Local Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment" Signals 3, no. 3: 483-496.
APA StyleVarga, D. (2022). Saliency-Guided Local Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment. Signals, 3(3), 483-496.