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Extended Abstract

Evaluation and Optimization of Polysaccharides and Ferulic Acid Solubility in NADES Using Surface Response Methodology †

Carmen-Valentina Nicolae
Bogdan Trică
Sanda-Maria Doncea
Ioana Cristina Marinaș
Florin Oancea
* and
Diana Constantinescu-Aruxandei
The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM, Splaiul Independenței nr. 202, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 15th International Symposium “Priorities of Chemistry for a Sustainable Development” PRIOCHEM, Bucharest, Romania, 30th October–1st November 2019.
Proceedings 2019, 29(1), 96;
Published: 17 October 2019
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of Priorities of Chemistry for a Sustainable Development-PRIOCHEM)
Response surface methodology (RSM) is an experimental approach composed of statistical and mathematical tools that aims to develop, improve and optimize a predictive model for a response (an output variable), which is influenced by several factors (input variables) [1]. RSM was developed in 1951 [2] to minimize the number and inaccuracy of physical experiments, and it has grown into modelling of numerical experiments. Using RSM in Design Expert® software, we aimed to evaluate and optimize the solubility of ferulic acid (FA) and polysaccharides such as microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in two natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs), ethaline and reline. For the optimization of the process, we used a two-level factorial model that suggested a total of 22 experiments, creating relevant combinations among three variable factors: ferulic acid concentration, polysaccharide concentration and NADES solution concentration. For each of them, an interval of variation was set, composed of a minimum value, a maximum and a medium one. After the preparation of NADES, the set samples were prepared, vortexed, ultrasonicated and centrifuged. The supernatant was acquired and used for UV-Vis spectroscopy, revealing the percentage of ferulic acid solubilized in the natural deep eutectic solvents. The sediment was analyzed by gravimetric methods to observe the polysaccharides’ solubility in NADESs. In addition, FT-IR was used to observe the interactions between all the components. The ANOVA analysis tool contained by the software was employed to determine a polynomial equation that describes the variables’ influence on the polysaccharides and FA solubility in NADESs, as well as their synergic effect. By processing the information, we obtained graphical and numerical results that showed a high correlation with the factorial model, exhibiting an adequate ratio between the variable factors in order to ensure the desired solubility in the case of ferulic acid and polysaccharides in natural deep eutectic solvents.


The work on this paper was supported by Project PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-2518, Innovative green technologies for valorization of lignocellulose—INTELIGRENCE, funded by UEFISCDI—Ministry of Research and Innovation. We also thank the Government of Romania, Ministry of Research and Innovation, Project PFE 31/2018, Enhancing the INCDCP-ICECHIM research and innovation potential within the field of inter-disciplinary and cross-sectoral key enabling technologies—TRANS-CHEM, and Project PN. for financial support.


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  2. Liyana-Pathirana, C.; Shahidi, F. Optimization of extraction of phenolic compound from wheat using response surface methodology. Food Chem. 2005, 93, 47–56. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]

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MDPI and ACS Style

Nicolae, C.-V.; Trică, B.; Doncea, S.-M.; Marinaș, I.C.; Oancea, F.; Constantinescu-Aruxandei, D. Evaluation and Optimization of Polysaccharides and Ferulic Acid Solubility in NADES Using Surface Response Methodology. Proceedings 2019, 29, 96.

AMA Style

Nicolae C-V, Trică B, Doncea S-M, Marinaș IC, Oancea F, Constantinescu-Aruxandei D. Evaluation and Optimization of Polysaccharides and Ferulic Acid Solubility in NADES Using Surface Response Methodology. Proceedings. 2019; 29(1):96.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Nicolae, Carmen-Valentina, Bogdan Trică, Sanda-Maria Doncea, Ioana Cristina Marinaș, Florin Oancea, and Diana Constantinescu-Aruxandei. 2019. "Evaluation and Optimization of Polysaccharides and Ferulic Acid Solubility in NADES Using Surface Response Methodology" Proceedings 29, no. 1: 96.

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