A New Load Frequency Control Technique for Hybrid Maritime Microgrids: Sophisticated Structure of Fractional-Order PIDA Controller
:1. Introduction
- This study proposes a new PIλDND2N2 controller for the LFC of a self-contained HMμGS, where the proposed controller structure is based on the combination of a PIDND2N2 controller and fractional-order integration.
- The proposed PIλDND2N2 controller is optimally designed using a reliable metaheuristic optimization algorithm, the GWO.
- The proficiency of the GWO algorithm is checked against other powerful optimization techniques that were extensively researched: ant lion optimization (ALO) and PSO.
- For assessing the performance of the suggested controller, the utilized PIλDND2N2 controller’s performance is compared to the performances of other controllers used in the literature under load/RESs fluctuations.
- Finally, the proposed controller allows the power system to mitigate the random load variations and intermittent fluctuations that occur in renewable energy power. As a result, the system stability increases, which significantly reduces overshooting and minimizes the settling time and rise time of the system.
2. System Modeling
2.1. Archimedes Wave Power Generation (AWPG)
2.2. Wind-Driven Generation (WDG)
2.3. Marine Bio-Diesel Generator (MBG)
2.4. Solid Oxide Electrolyte Fuel Cell (SOFC)
2.5. Non-Sensitive Loads (Heat Pump (HP) and Freezer (FRZ))
2.6. Dynamic Model of the Proposed HMGS
3. Proposed Control Methodology and Objective Function
3.1. Controller Structure
3.2. Formulation of the Objective Function (J)
- Enabling the RESs to produce the maximum possible power by utilizing their converters/interfacing devices;
- Controlling the extracted power from dispatchable units (SOFC and MBG);
- Controlling the input power of thermostatic non-sensitive loads (HP and FRZ).
4. Overview of the Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) Algorithm
5. Results of the Simulation and Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AESs | All-Electric Ships |
AGC | Automatic Generation Control |
ALO | Ant Lion Optimization |
AWPG | Archimedes Wave Power Generation |
BOA | Butterfly Optimization Algorithmic |
CS | Cuckoo Search |
ESSs | Energy Storage Systems |
FA | Firefly Algorithm |
FO | Fractional Order |
FOPID | Fractional Order Proportional–Integral–Derivative |
FPA | Flower Pollination Algorithm |
FRZ | Freezers |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
GOA | Grasshopper Optimization Algorithmic |
GWs | Gray Wolves |
GWO | Gray Wolf Optimizer |
HMμGS | Hybrid Maritime Microgrid System |
HP | Heat Pump |
IPS | Integrated Power System |
ITAE | Integral Time Absolute Error |
LFC | Load Frequency Control |
LMI | Linear Matrix Inequality |
MBA | Mine Blast Algorithm |
MBG | Marine Bio-diesel Generator |
MµG | Maritime Microgrid |
MOS | Maximum Overshoot |
MUS | Maximum Under Shoot |
NOPID | Non-integer Order Proportional–Integral–Derivative |
PI | Proportional–Integral |
PID | Proportional–Integral–Derivative |
PI-(1 + PD) | PI-one plus Proportional–Derivative |
PIDND2N2 | Proportional–Integral–Derivative with low-pass filter-derivative with two low-pass filter controllers |
PIλDND2N2 | PIDND2N2 controller with fractional order integration |
PMSG | Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
RESs | Renewable Energy Sources |
SOFC | Solid Oxide Fuel Cell |
SPS | Shipboard Power Systems |
SMES | Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage systems |
WDG | Wind-Driven Generation |
WTs | Wind Turbines |
Valve Regulator Gain | |
Combustion Engine Gain | |
Time delay of Valve Regulator (s) | |
constant Time of Combustion Engine (s) | |
WDG gain | |
WDG Time constant (s) | |
AWPG gain | |
AWPG Time constant(s) | |
SOFC gain | |
SOFC Time constant (s) | |
HP gain | |
HP Time constant (s) | |
FRZ gain | |
FRZ Time constant (s) | |
M | Moment of inertia of HMG (s) |
D | Damping co-factor of HMGS (p.u./Hz) |
Velocity of floater-generator set (m/s) | |
Floater-translator set movement (m) | |
Wave strengths (N) | |
Overall mass (kg) | |
Damping factor of synchronous generator (N s/m) | |
Damping factor of AWPG (N s/m) | |
Spring coefficient (N/m) | |
Magnitude of wave strength | |
Radial frequency of wave strength | |
Air density (Kg/m3) | |
Radius of turbine (m) | |
Wind speed (m/s) | |
Extractable power coefficient of WT | |
Tip speed ratio | |
Pitch angle | |
Change in input error of MBG | |
Output control signal of the controller |
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Parameters | Value | Parameters | Value |
1.000 | 1.000 | ||
1.000 | 0.200 | ||
0.080 | 1.000 | ||
0.400 | 0.100 | ||
1.000 | 1.000 | ||
5.000 | 0.265 | ||
1.000 | M | 0.120 | |
0.300 | D | 1.000 |
Parameter | PIλDND2N2 Controller-Based GWO (Proposed) | PIλDND2N2 Controller-Based ALO | PIλDND2N2 Controller-Based PSO | |
Controller 1 | KP1 | 5.2761 | 6.9075 | 10 |
KI1 | 8.6231 | 5.2305 | 0.1000 | |
KD1-1 | 8.8277 | 1.9913 | 0.4634 | |
KD2-1 | 0.0505 | 2.5289 | 0.1000 | |
N1-1 | 519.9601 | 97.1532 | 50.0000 | |
N2-1 | 103.6735 | 483.6617 | 647.7456 | |
λ1 | 0.1190 | 0.1308 | 1.0033 | |
Controller 2 | KP2 | 9.3471 | 9.5982 | 6.6812 |
KI2 | 9.9671 | 10 | 10 | |
KD1-2 | 2.6624 | 0.5318 | 0.1000 | |
KD2-2 | 0.0724 | 0.2243 | 0.1000 | |
N1-2 | 374.9135 | 350.5638 | 962.5905 | |
N2-2 | 436.3411 | 413.2159 | 50.0000 | |
λ2 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | |
ITAE | 0.0048 | 0.1416 | 0.1372 |
Optimal Controller | MUS (Hz) | MOS (Hz) | TS (s) | |
Case A | PIλDND2N2-GWO (Proposed) | 7.135 × 10−3 | 0.000 × 10−3 | 1.984 |
PIλDND2N2- ALO | 9.402 × 10−3 | 0.000 × 10−3 | 3.018 | |
PIλDND2N2-PSO | 17.850 × 10−3 | 4.447 × 10−3 | 5.050 | |
Case B | PIλDND2N2-GWO (Proposed) | 3.556 × 10−3 | 3.566 × 10−3 | 1.857 |
PIλDND2N2-ALO | 4.687 × 10−3 | 4.729 × 10−3 | 3.134 | |
PIλDND2N2-PSO | 8.926 × 10−3 | 8.934 × 10−3 | 4.743 | |
Case C | PIλDND2N2-GWO (Proposed) | 5.690 × 10−3 | 5.271 × 10−3 | 1.599 |
PIλDND2N2-ALO | 7.509× 10−3 | 6.990 × 10−3 | 3.067 | |
PIλDND2N2-PSO | 14.160 × 10−2 | 13.200 × 10−3 | 4.011 |
Parameter | PIλDND2N2 Controller-Based GWO (Proposed) | PID Controller-Based GWO | PID Controller-Based GOA [5] | |
Controller 1 | KP1 | 5.2761 | 2.1759 | 0.526 |
KI1 | 8.6231 | 4.2154 | 10.110 | |
KD1-1 | 8.8277 | 9.9547 | 0.112 | |
KD2-1 | 0.0505 | - | - | |
N1-1 | 519.9601 | - | - | |
N2-1 | 103.6735 | - | - | |
λ1 | 0.1190 | - | - | |
Controller 2 | KP2 | 9.3471 | 5.4278 | 5.014 |
KI2 | 9.9671 | 8.4178 | 5.558 | |
KD1-2 | 2.6624 | 2.8938 | 1.615 | |
KD2-2 | 0.0724 | - | - | |
N1-2 | 374.9135 | - | - | |
N2-2 | 436.3411 | - | - | |
λ2 | 1.0000 | - | - |
Optimal Controller | MUS (Hz) | MOS (Hz) | TS (s) | |
Case A | PIλDND2N2-GWO (Proposed) | 7.137 × 10−3 | 0 | 2.128 |
PID—GWO | 8.818 × 10−3 | 6.583 × 10−4 | 5.093 | |
PID-GOA [5] | 9.773 × 10−3 | 0 | 6.036 | |
Case B | PIλDND2N2-GWO (Proposed) | 5.609 × 10−3 | 5.279 × 10−3 | 1.716 |
PID-GWO | 8.753 × 10−3 | 6.532 × 10−3 | 3.016 | |
PID-GOA [5] | 9.187 × 10−3 | 7.114 × 10−3 | 6.027 |
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Share and Cite
Almasoudi, F.M.; Magdy, G.; Bakeer, A.; Alatawi, K.S.S.; Rihan, M. A New Load Frequency Control Technique for Hybrid Maritime Microgrids: Sophisticated Structure of Fractional-Order PIDA Controller. Fractal Fract. 2023, 7, 435. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7060435
Almasoudi FM, Magdy G, Bakeer A, Alatawi KSS, Rihan M. A New Load Frequency Control Technique for Hybrid Maritime Microgrids: Sophisticated Structure of Fractional-Order PIDA Controller. Fractal and Fractional. 2023; 7(6):435. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7060435
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlmasoudi, Fahad M., Gaber Magdy, Abualkasim Bakeer, Khaled Saleem S. Alatawi, and Mahmoud Rihan. 2023. "A New Load Frequency Control Technique for Hybrid Maritime Microgrids: Sophisticated Structure of Fractional-Order PIDA Controller" Fractal and Fractional 7, no. 6: 435. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7060435
APA StyleAlmasoudi, F. M., Magdy, G., Bakeer, A., Alatawi, K. S. S., & Rihan, M. (2023). A New Load Frequency Control Technique for Hybrid Maritime Microgrids: Sophisticated Structure of Fractional-Order PIDA Controller. Fractal and Fractional, 7(6), 435. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7060435