We begin by doing a sensitivity analysis to the parameters of the model, in order to identify those for which a small perturbation leads to relevant quantitative changes in the dynamics.
3.1. Sensitivity Analysis
Two distinct ways to compute the basic reproduction numbers,
, of the two sub-populations of the model, are available in [
11]. To know which one is proper, we determine them by using the next-generation matrix method [
19]. We obtain the community specific reproduction numbers as
for the first community, and
for the second community, where
The values of used parameters are presented in
Table 1, which were taken from [
10], with exception of
. The first two parameters are equal and are defined as
which is bigger than the values proposed in [
10], in order to ensure an endemic scenario (
). Indeed, it is the presence of an endemic situation that motivates us, in
Section 3.2, to apply optimal control theory to tackle the cholera problem. The latter parameter,
, is also changed with respect to [
10] and is defined as
. This particular value makes specific reproduction numbers of the two communities,
, clearly different from each other as we can see in
Figure 1. This means that the two communities are distinct and that they could not be considered as one unique community.
We start by considering that rates u, v, and m are all zero in the sensitivity analysis, unless specified otherwise.
Definition 1 (See [
The normalised forward sensitivity index of , which is differentiable with respect to a given parameter p, is defined by Table 2 presents the values of the sensitivity index of the parameters of the model, obtained by the normalised sensitivity index (
7), for the classical case (
) of connected communities. These values have a meaning. For instance,
means that increasing (decreasing)
by a given percentage increases (decreases) always
by nearly that same percentage. Sensitive parameters should be carefully evaluated, once a small perturbation in such parameter leads to significant quantitative changes. On the other hand, the estimation of a parameter with a small value for the sensitivity index does not require as much attention to evaluate, because a small perturbation in that parameter leads to small adjustments [
29]. According with
Table 2, we should pay special attention to the estimation of sensitive parameters
. In contrast, the estimation of
, and
do not require as much attention because of its low sensitivity. The missing parameters are those whose index value is zero.
For the fractional model, the sensitivity index depends on the derivative order
. We can see this in
Figure 2, where: (a) the impact of variation of
in the sensitivity index of
is displayed for the first community; (b) the impact of variation of
in the sensitivity index of
is exhibited for the second community. The graphics of the other parameters are not shown because they exhibited similar behaviours. The parameters whose index value for
is close to zero, as
, do not vary much if we consider lower values of
, as we see in
Figure 2a. On the other hand, parameters whose index value in
Table 2 are not as close to zero as the previous one, as
, vary significantly if we consider lower values of
, as we see in
Figure 2b, and their sensitivity decreases with the decrease in
Figure 3 presents the evolution of the sensitivity index for the specific reproduction numbers of the two communities,
, with the variation of the derivative order. We see that the evolution of the sensitivity index is analogous for the two reproduction numbers.
3.2. Fractional Optimal Control of the Model
Modelling dynamic control systems optimally is a very important issue in applied sciences and engineering [
30]. In this section, our aim is to minimise the number of cholera infected individuals and, simultaneously, to reduce the associated cost. This is achieved trough: (i) the use of vaccination into communities, as an effective time-dependent measure-control
; (ii) the use of clean treated water, a preventive measure control
; (iii) and the implementation of proper hygiene, another preventive measure control
, in order to control person-to-person contact. Thus, we consider the following fractional optimal control problem:
subject to system (
4) with given initial conditions
Note that we are using a quadratic cost functional on the controls, as an approximation to the real non-linear functional. Indeed, as in [
31], our optimal control problem depends on the assumption that the cost takes a non-linear form. The parameters
are positive weights and
is the duration of the control program. In addition,
, and
represent the costs of applying controls efforts
v, and
m, respectively. The set of admissible control functions is
The Pontryagin maximum principle (PMP) for fractional optimal control is used to solve the problem [
33]. The Hamiltonian of the resulting optimal control problem is defined as
and the adjoint system asserts that the co-state variables
, verify
. In turn, the optimality conditions of PMP establish that the optimal controls
, and
are defined by
In addition, the following transversality conditions hold:
3.3. Numerical Results and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
We start by calculating the relevance of the three measures used in the control of the disease. We do it by using the sensitivity index, presented in Definition 1, as proposed in [
34]. In this case, the sensitivity indices are presented as functions of the control parameters in
Figure 4, using the parametric values from
Table 1 and considering the classical model (that is,
). The resulting graphics show that: (a) the curve of vaccination is the one that most rapidly moves away from zero, meaning that the vaccination program has a big impact for small rates of application; (b) proper hygiene measures are also important in the control of cholera, having a bigger impact for greater rates of application of it, being the only control that has precisely the same impact in both communities; (c) the domestic water treatment is useless in the control of cholera transmission, when used simultaneously with the two previous controls. So, in what follows, the third control, variable
u, is ignored.
One can deal with many different problems arising in different fields of sciences and engineering by applying some appropriate discretisation [
35]. Here, the Pontryagin Maximum Principle is used to numerically solve the optimal control problem, as discussed in
Section 3.2, both in classical and fractional cases, using the predict-evaluate-correct-evaluate (PECE) method of Adams–Basforth–Moulton [
36], coded by us in MATLAB. Firstly, we solve system (
4) by the PECE procedure, with the initial values for the state variables as given in
Table 3 and a guess for the controls over the time interval
, that way obtaining the values of the state variables. Similarly to [
16], a change of variable is applied to the adjoint system and to the transversality conditions, obtaining the fractional initial value problem (
14). Such IVP is also solved with the PECE algorithm, and the values of the co-state variables
, are determined. The controls are then updated by a convex combination of the controls of previous iteration and the current values, computed according to (
13). This procedure is repeated iteratively until the values of all the variables and the values of the controls are almost identical to the ones of the previous iteration. The solutions of the classical model were successfully confirmed by a classical forward–backward scheme, also implemented by us in MATLAB.
In the numerical experiments, we consider weights
, and
. These values have the same relations between them than the homonyms weights in [
11], with the numerical advantage of being closer to the value one. We also use
, while the other parameters are fixed according to
Table 1.
According with
Figure 1,
(endemic scenario). In order to be able to compare the FOCP results for several derivative orders, we consider the initial conditions, given by
Table 3, which correspond to the non-trivial endemic equilibrium for system (
3) and (
4) for the classical cholera model (
Without loss of generality, we consider the fractional order derivatives
. In
Figure 5,
Figure 6 and
Figure 7, we find the solutions of the fractional optimal control problem for those values of
. We can see that a change in the value of
corresponds to significant variations of the state and control variables. Beyond those values of
, others values were also tested, but the results do not changed qualitatively.
The efficacy function [
37], exhibited in
Figure 8, is defined as
is the optimal solution associated with the fractional optimal control problem and
is the correspondent initial condition. This function measures the proportional variation in the number of infected individuals, of both communities, after the application of the control measures,
, by comparing the number of infectious individuals at time
t with its initial value
. We observe that the graphic of
exhibits the inverse tendency of infected individuals curves, growing and reaching the maximum at the end of the time interval.
To assess the cost and the effectiveness of the proposed fractional control measure during the intervention period, some summary measures are presented. The total cases averted by the intervention during the time period
is defined in [
37] by
is the optimal solution associated with the fractional optimal controls and
is the correspondent initial condition. Note that this initial condition is obtained as the equilibrium proportion
of systems (
3) and (
4), which is independent of time, so that
represents the total infectious cases over a given period of
Effectiveness is defined as the proportion of cases averted on the total possible cases under no intervention [
The total cost associated with the intervention is defined in [
37] by
corresponds to the per person unit cost of the two possible interventions: (i) vaccination at any time
t of susceptible individuals (
); and (ii) infected individuals practising proper hygiene (
). Following [
38], the average cost-effectiveness ratio is given by
The cost-effectiveness measures are summarised in
Table 4. The results show the effectiveness of controls to reduce cholera infectious individuals and the leadership in doing so by the classical model (
3.3.1. Optimal Control Strategies and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Now, we analyse the cost-effectiveness of alternative combinations of two possible control measures:
strategy A—implementing the vaccination control, v;
strategy B—implementing proper hygiene control, m;
strategy C—implementing both controls, v and m.
To analyse the cost-effectiveness of the three alternative strategies
B, and
C, we use the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) [
38]. This ratio is used to compare the differences between costs and health outcomes of two alternative intervention strategies that compete for the same resources, being often described as the additional cost per additional health outcome. We start by ranking the strategies in order of increasing effectiveness, assessed by the total averted cases
, defined in (
The ICER for the classical model (
), is calculated as follows:
Results are shown in
Table 5. Strategy
A is the most costly one, so we exclude this strategy from the set of alternatives. We align the remaining strategies by increasing effectiveness (
) and recalculate the ICER:
. Hence, we conclude that strategy
B (implementing only the control of hygiene measure,
m) is the most cost-effective strategy.
The ICER was also computed for the fractional model, considering the same strategies, with the three derivative orders used previously: , and . Even in those cases, we obtain the same conclusion: strategy B is the most cost-effective.
Comparing the cost-effectiveness of strategy
B for above derivative orders, we start by getting the values of ICER presented in
Table 6. Once the values of Total Cost (TC) diminish with the decrease in the derivative order, proceeding as above, when the values of ICER were computed for the classical
model, we eliminate successively the scheme with the highest TC. Consequently, the “strategies”
, and
are excluded, by this order.
Our conclusion is: the most cost-effective scheme is strategy B with .
3.3.2. The Variable-Order FractInt System
The solution of the Fractional Optimal Control Problem, exhibited in
Section 3.3 for some derivative order values, evidences that the fractional-order model can be more effective in part of the time interval—as shown in
Figure 8—but classical model is more effective if we consider all the interval, as shown in
Table 4. In this section, we consider that the derivative order varies along the interval, being fractional or classical when more advantageous. According with
Figure 8,
should be fractional at beginning and become classical/one after a certain time. Such class of Variable-Order Fractional (VOF) systems [
39] are baptised here as
FractInt. The derivative order of the
FractInt system varies according with
. In practice, we noticed that the resulting system is as more effective as smaller the value of
. In view of an endemic scenario, we consider in our simulations
, which the lowest value that can guarantee it. With respect to the switching time, the value considered is
, which is the one to which it corresponds the maximum value of efficiency.
FractInt system is numerically solved with the procedure described above, at the beginning of
Section 3.3. In each iteration of the procedure, the predict-evaluate-correct-evaluate method is applied successively to each one of the two initial value problems—associated to the state system and to the adjoint system of the FOCP (
13)—to perform the integration of them in two steps. These steps correspond to the two branches of the derivative order function, defined by (
20). In such process, the final solution of first step (first branch) is the initial solution of the second step.
Solutions of the
FractInt system are reproduced in
Figure 9 and
Figure 10 along with solutions of the classical and fractional models (
, respectively). We can see that the solutions of the
FracInt system start to follow the solutions of the fractional model and end by following the solutions of the classical model. This behaviour can be observed in
Figure 11, where the efficacy function for these three models is displayed.
The cost-effectiveness measures for the
FractInt system are summarised in
Table 7.
Our results show that it is effective to control cholera infection through optimal control and that the
FracInt model is more efficient than the classical one (cf.
Table 4 and
Figure 11), being the most effective model.