1. Introduction
After more than 20 years of studies, is there any evidence indicating that a plan’s quality has any influence on the plan’s intended outcome? Quality is a descriptive method that scholars use to assess a plan’s content. Depending on the plan’s level of detail, scholars will assess the plan’s goals, facts, and implementing policies, assign those items dichotomous (0, 1), ordinal (0, 1, 2), and/or interval (0, …, n) values, and subsequently calculate an overall quality score. Plans with high scores are promoted as high quality, with quality representing planning efficacy. However, what is often missing from these studies is an analysis linking the plan’s quality with the plan’s intended outcome.
If a plan focused on mitigating environmental hazards (e.g., earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes) and received a quality assessment, shouldn’t planning practitioners know whether the plan’s quality might reduce physical damage or mortality? Similarly, if a plan focused on implementing smart growth, sustainability, or transportation, shouldn’t planning practitioners know whether the plan’s quality might influence sprawl, vehicle miles travelled, and/or auto dependence? While quality adroitly describes a plan’s content, quality’s influence on planning practice is debatable. Unlike collaborative, communicative, incremental, and/or mediation approaches, as well as the breadth of studies extolling scholars to improve plan quality discourse [
2], there is no evidence to date that planning practitioners consider quality an important planning approach. Perhaps this lack of evidence is because scholars rarely test the influence of quality on outcomes, because to do so would require a more stringent analysis [
As a former planning practitioner, I suggest that quality scholars consider the concerns of practitioners. Reflecting on Baer’s research on plan evaluation, quality has been a discussion only among scholars [
4] (p. 332). To include practitioners, the quality scholars must focus on the object that is central to many planning functions, the reduction of uncertainty in future outcomes [
5]. This shift in discourse means that the quality scholars must begin to systematically test the influence of quality on plans’ intended outcomes. If scholars find that quality influences outcomes, then I suggest that quality should be positioned as a method for assessing plans
during plan creation, not post-hoc [
6]. Currently, quality scholars assess plans after the horses have left the gate. By shifting quality to
draft plan assessments, planning practitioners may improve a
final plan’s intent, content, and outcomes. If quality is found to have no influence after many studies, then how
should this discourse relate to planning practice? Scholars can quantify how quality has filled many journals, populated many conference sessions, and graduated many doctoral students. However, quality gives short shrift to the field’s foundation: planners and their efforts to reduce uncertainty in future outcomes [
In this paper, I have two aims: to explore whether quality influences a plan’s intended outcome and whether quality advances equity. As mentioned previously, much of the quality discourse focuses on natural hazards or the environment. These are areas in which federal, state, and local agencies share congruent interests to reduce physical damage and human mortality [
8]. With low-income housing, however, tensions arise among those agencies as well as between planners, city councils, and residents [
9]. Furthermore, due to decreased government budgets and increasing needs, planning scholars and practitioners should move toward planning outcomes that promote equity and provide material wellbeing [
10]. To achieve my aims, I assess the quality of housing plans from cities in California’s Los Angeles and Sacramento regions.
Since 1969, California’s Housing Element Law has required all cities to create a housing plan that details how each city will accommodate its current and future low-income housing needs. These housing plans contain goals, facts, and objectives; identify households by income; establish how many low-income housing units are expected to be constructed during a five- to eight-year period; and undergo a state compliance assessment. Conceivably, California and its city planners expect that the effort embedded in these housing plans will increase the housing options for low-income households. Thus, there are two research questions: How do cities from the Los Angeles and Sacramento regions accommodate low-income housing needs? Does the quality of a city’s housing plan influence the city’s low-income housing production?
The assessment of housing plans from 43 cities indicated that planners employed 42 different planning tools to accommodate low-income housing needs, and nearly 60% of the objectives facilitated low-income housing with construction programing. However, roughly 52% of the objectives could not be effectively evaluated because those objectives specified ongoing outcomes (e.g., continuing to refer households to fair-housing agencies) as opposed to quantifiable outcomes (e.g., constructing 10 low-income units in 5 years). Regarding quality, this study employed three measures of quality to represent three interpretations of the Housing Element Law (i.e., narrow, wide, and widest). Independently, quality was not associated with low-income housing production. When tested with other variables, the quality of the housing plan influenced low-income housing production after the city’s location, land-use, population, and the plan’s compliance with state housing law were taken into account. Because this study employs a non-random sample, these inferences are limited to the sample.
Following this introduction is background on quality and California’s Housing Element Law. The subsequent literature review analyzes research on housing plans and their influence on low-income housing. The methods section explains transforming housing plan content into reliable test data. The results section discusses how cities from the Los Angeles and Sacramento regions accommodated low-income housing needs and whether the quality of the housing plans from these cities influenced low-income housing production. Lastly, the discussion section calls on planning scholars to increase the influence of quality. In the quality discourse, scholars use the terms quality and plan quality interchangeably; however, this paper will use quality. In addition, the Housing Element Law will be referenced as the law and compliance means that a housing plan complies with a state law.
4. Methods and Data
To determine whether quality influences planning outcomes and advances equity, this study has two research questions. How do cities from the Los Angeles and Sacramento regions accommodate low-income housing needs? Does the quality of a city’s housing plan influence the city’s low-income housing production? The following discussion, as guided by Lyles and Stevens, explains this study’s context, research design, sampling, units of analysis, protocol, scoring, and analysis [
Contextually, the Housing Element Law embodies California’s planning doctrine. Since 1947, all California cities and counties must maintain a general plan [
80]. Since 1969, all general plans must contain a housing plan. A city’s or county’s zoning code must maintain vertical consistency with its general plan, meaning daily zoning actions advance the general plan’s long-term goals [
81]. Thus, if a city or county adopts a compliant housing plan, then the housing plan’s objectives should satisfy local housing demand, regional fair-share, and California’s goal of housing equity. However, this study focuses on cities and not counties because their respective planning processes are non-equivalent, as California counties manage vast tracts or scatter fragments of unincorporated land. In addition, Lobao and Kraybill found that county planning was associated with urban development—with outer-ring and rural counties having fewer funds available for housing and economic activities [
82]. This study employed a cross-sectional research design to assess housing plans that were effective from 1998–2005. This period captures California’s path to its apex of housing plan compliance 90% in 2010 [
Figure A1 illustrates the compliance performance of California and the sample.
The purposive sample of 43 cities was guided by the Housing Element Law’s compliance procedures and each city’s character. The law requires all cities to accommodate current and future housing demand, and the most direct method for obtaining compliance and facilitating housing production is for a city to identify parcels of vacant land or parcels that will support increased density. In California, cities surrounded by unincorporated land may annex adjacent vacant parcels for future development, as those parcels may fall under the city’s “sphere of influence.” According to the California law, a sphere of influence “designates the physical boundaries and service area of a city or special district” [
84] (p. 2). California cities may control the land-use and zoning of unincorporated land that is adjacent to city boundaries and subject to future annexation. In contrast, cities contiguous with other cities must increase their internal density with zone changes, density bonuses, or inclusionary housing, for example. The sample (
n = 43) includes spatially contiguous and non-contiguous cities from the Los Angeles and Sacramento regions.
In the Los Angeles region, the regional COG (Southern California Association of Governments, SCAG) organizes its 187 member cities into 15 spatial subunits that share geographic and transportation concerns [
86]. SCAG is the nation’s largest COG and oversees six counties with a population that exceeds 18 million persons in an area that exceeds 38,000 square miles.
Figure 1 illustrates the Los Angeles region subset (
n = 28), which includes the City of Los Angeles plus the 27 cities belonging to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments spatial subunit [
87]. The San Gabriel Valley cities were selected because they are spatially contiguous, near the central city, are urban, suburban, and rural in character, and belong to a single COG subunit. On a monthly basis, this group of cities meets in order discuss housing, planning, and transportation issues, as those issues pertain to each city and the spatial group as influenced by SCAG or the state. In the Sacramento region, the regional COG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments, SACOG) has 23 member cities; however, the cities of Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, and Rancho Cordova were excluded due to their respective study period incorporations (e.g., 1996, 2000, and 2003) and South Lake Tahoe due to its 100-mile distance from the City of Sacramento [
Figure 2 illustrates the Sacramento region subset (
n = 15), which includes the City of Sacramento plus the 14 remaining member cities. The Sacramento region cities were selected because they are spatially contiguous and dispersed, near and far from the central city, and suburban and rural in character.
As a non-random sample, the findings from this research will be limited to the sample; however, the sample does exemplify other aspects of California’s Housing Element Law. First, the sample observes regional governance in which CAHCD, the COGs, and the cities share responsibility for low-income housing. In rural regions without a COG, CAHCD creates the housing allocation. Second, the sample observes differences between central and suburban cities in urban regions. Suburbs in urban regions may resist multifamily zoning in order to reduce the potential relocation of urban low-income households [
Cities are the units of analysis and the cities’ housing plans (e.g., 1998–2005, 2006–2014) are the units of observation. The 1998–2005 housing plans provide the content for the quality scores. The 2006–2014 housing plans identify the low-income housing production data for 1998–2006 planning period. No other data source links a city’s housing plan and the city’s low-income housing production. To determine quality, scholars use a protocol to score a plan’s goals, facts, and policies. In this phenomenon, goals were not suitable because they are broad and general in nature. In addition, private consultants created many housing plans with similar goals and several housing plans contained templated goals that did not change between the previous period (1991–1997) and the study period (1998–2005). Facts are important in describing housing demand (e.g., population, income levels, poverty) but do not impart the discretionary housing and planning decisions made by a city’s elected officials and planners. Policies may indicate a city’s commitment but do not detail specific actions. In this study, each housing plan’s objectives were assessed because the objectives illuminate the city’s commitment and action to accommodate low-income housing needs within a specific planning period.
A protocol should reflect the “normative criteria that is steeped in the purpose of the plan [and] the specific planning domain” [
2] (p. 434). This protocol reflects California’s law and contains 63 items that were organized into four themes: audience (10 items), housing program (4 items), planning tool (47 items), and evaluation (2 items). A city’s housing plan quality was determined by scoring each objective found in the city’s 1998–2005 housing plan using the protocol items (0 = item not present, 1 = present). Audience measures whether the objective identified one of the six special needs households (SPN HH; i.e., the disabled, farm workers, female-headed households, the homeless, large families, and seniors) as well as low-income households in contrast to first-time homebuyers, infrastructure, or all households (e.g., none of the above, EE HH). The Housing Element Law neither specifies first-time homebuyers as special needs households nor requires planning objectives for their housing needs. Therefore, this audience type was included in EE HH. In addition, Shlay argued that homeownership places low-income households into risk due to the household’s lack of financial information and capital [
91]. Housing program measures whether the objective advanced a construction, rehabilitation, preservation, or tangential (e.g., supporting fair housing, engaging in partnerships, lobbying congress) outcome. Planning tool measures whether the objective identified any planning tool to facilitate low-income housing.
Evaluation measures whether the objective identified a measurable quantitative target. As per the law, housing plans must implement actions during the planning period and may indicate “that certain programs
are ongoing” [
40], § 65583 (c), italics added. The City of Lincoln, for example, will assist 10 “elderly homeowners in rehabilitating their homes to address health and safety repairs, accessibility needs, and energy efficiency” [
92] (p. 18). In ongoing contrast, Lincoln will “continue to require environmental reviews on residential development proposals to assess potential impacts as a result of future development” [
92] (p. 13). The
Appendix contains the protocol operations for the above objectives.
The protocol was pretested on a sample of 1998–2005 housing plans. The pretest indicated that a single objective might identify multiple audience, housing program, and planning tool items. The non-mutually exclusive response issue was resolved by expanding the protocol, creating proportional scoring, and devising nested quality measures that measured multiple interpretations of the law (i.e., narrow, wide, and widest interpretations). As content analysis research, this study employed a latent approach (qualitative) in order to determine whether the protocol’s criteria have been satisfied and a manifest approach (quantitative) due to the scoring [
93] (p. 17). To increase the study’s reliability and validity, a trained graduate student coded roughly 40% (or 17/43) of the housing plans using NVivo, a software program for analyzing qualitative data. This study’s coding agreement is as follows: overall percentage agreement at 99.8%, Cohen’s Kappa at 89.8%, and Krippendorff’s Alpha at 90.3%. These statistics can be interpreted as strong agreement [
96]. Please note that the NVivo program employs two methods for coding documents: by text and by image. By text means that NVivo reads the document’s text. By image means that NVivo reads squares (or regions) drawn on the document. In this study, the housing plans were created prior to the usage of Adobe Acrobat, so NVivo treated the scanned documents as images. When calculating Cohen’s Kappa, NVivo treats images differently than text. Therefore, some protocol items received Kappa statistics below 80%. I did not discover this program anomaly until after completing coding the housing elements and speaking with an NVivo consultant. In addition, scholars with extensive housing plan knowledge reviewed the protocol and their feedback was incorporated into the protocol and proportional scoring. The protocol lists each item, the item’s various coding agreements, and can be found as a
supplemental file on this publisher’s website.
Due to the non-mutually exclusive responses, two mitigations were enacted: proportional scoring and nested quality measures. Regarding the proportional scoring, in the City of Marysville, for example, 40.4% of the audience items identified a special needs household (SPN HH; 40.4% × 10 = 4.04). Regarding the SPN HH housing program items, 27.3% were construction, 10.9% were rehabilitation, 5.4% were preservation, and 0% were tangential (43.6% × 10 = 4.36). Regarding the planning tools items, 38.7% identified a SPN HH (38.7% × 10 = 3.87). Regarding the SPN HH evaluation items, 30.8% identified quantitative targets and 9.6% identified ongoing targets (40.4% × 10 = 4.04).
Regarding the nested quality measures,
Table 1 describes how the protocol items fit into three measures that test narrow, wide, and widest interpretations of the Housing Element Law. The variable
QNRW serves as the narrow interpretation and contains only the SPN HH identifications for audience, housing programs, planning tools, and quantitative items. The variable
QWDE serves as the wide interpretation, employs
QNRW as a base, adds the SPN HH tangential programming and ongoing items, and adds the planning tools items for first-time homebuyers. The variable
QWDST serves as the widest interpretation, employs
QWDE as a base, and adds the first-time homebuyers’ identifications for audience, housing programs, and evaluation items. All quality measures had a maximum of 40 points. Marysville’s respective narrow, wide, and widest quality scores were 15.4, 16.5, and 16.9 points. T-tests indicated that the sample’s
QWDST means were unequal (
p-value > 0.001 for all tests).
The first research question (how do cities from the Los Angeles and Sacramento regions accommodate low-income housing needs?) was answered using a descriptive analysis of the objectives. The second research question (does the quality of a city’s housing plan influence the city’s low-income housing production?) was answered using negative binomial regression. Negative binomial was selected due to its ability to handle zeros, its goodness of fit measures (e.g., AIC, Log Likelihood), its flexibility in testing variables with a large range of measures, and its usage in other planning studies [
100]. The response variable was each city’s low-income housing production for the years of 1998–2005 (
LIH), which reflects 8 years of city effort. The variable
LIH was identified by obtaining a city’s 2006–2014 housing plan and examining the plan’s evaluation of the 1998–2005 planning period. California does not maintain any database of housing units associated with housing plans [
LIH is continuous data; however, the sample (
n = 43) contains seven cities in which
LIH is zero. The experimental variables
QWDE, and
QWDST are derived from the coding of the 1998–2005 housing plans.
The control variables reflect the sample’s spatial, fiscal, regional, and population conditions and came from the regional COGs (e.g., SACOG, SCAG), California state agencies (e.g., the State Controller’s Office, CASCO; CAHCD), and federal agencies (e.g., the U.S. Bureau of the Census, CENSUS; HUD). The variable Compliance measures whether a city’s housing plan annually complies with the Housing Element Law as determined by CAHCD. The variable Consultant measures whether a city’s 1998–2005 housing plan was created by private consultants as indicated by the plan (no = 0, yes = 1). Due to the complexity of the Housing Element Law, many cities hire private consultants to complete their housing plans. The variable Noncentral City measures whether a city is a central city in order to observe the different levels of low-income housing production (no = 0, yes = 1). To account for variation in income, the variable Household Income measures the city’s median household income, as low-income households should expend no more than 30% of their income on housing (Year 2000; CENSUS).
Because low-income housing is often associated with federal programs (e.g., Community Development Block Grants, Emergency Shelter Funds, Housing for People with Aids, Housing Choice Vouchers), the variable
HUD Entitlement City measures whether a city is directly eligible for HUD funds (Year 2000 population greater than 50,000 persons: no = 0, yes = 0; CENSUS). The variable
Region measures each city’s location (LAX = 0, SAC = 1). Lastly, the variable
Sales Tax measures the city’s annual sales tax revenue as a proportion of total annual revenue (CASCO). Under California’s Bradley-Burns Act, the state returns a percentage of sales tax revenue to cities and counties for discretionary spending [
102]. What is important about
Sales Tax is that (a) its creation is influenced by municipal land-use policy to zone land for commercial uses; (b) the annual proportion of the returned tax to total municipal revenue may be as low as 5% or as high as 60%; and (c) the amount returned to municipalities may fluctuate from year to year.
Table 2 summarizes the data and the
Appendix lists the sample cities and their quality measures as well as data references.
To determine the best model, various models were tested with
LIH (e.g., logged, not logged, as a share of allocated low-income housing needs, as a share of total residential permits).
LIH (not logged) was selected because either the models did not statistically converge or no predicting variable was statistically significant. The variable
Household Income was transformed by dividing each value by 1000 to ease interpretation and the
Compliance and
Sales Tax measures were averaged from 1998–2005. The results section includes the expected counts of selected variables. The expected counts were calculated by using the subject variable’s values (e.g., if dichotomous, then 0 or 1; if continuous, then min, max, and mean) and the means of the other predicting variables multiplied by the model’s coefficients. Due to a lack of significance, the following variables were excluded:
Adjacent Cities (quantity of cities spatially contiguous to the examined city; SACOG/SCAG),
City Revenue (annual revenues; CASCO),
Distance (distance between the central and noncentral city halls; SACOG/SCAG),
Population (Year 2000 population; CENSUS), and
Subsidy (has a redevelopment agency; CASCO). For all regression tests, multicollinearity was not detected (e.g., Variance-Inflation statistics < 2) [