3.1. Analysis According to Municipality
The first regressions carried out were for the municipalities selected in each department, using MRW as a dependent variable, and average travel speed and the sum of the kilometer distances for village connection roadways as independent variables. For the department of Casanare, the adjusted R2 for multiple linear regression was (0.062) for Cundinamarca (−0.009), for Meta (−0.064), for Santander (0.36), and for Quindío (−0.039). Low R2 values led us to discard the correlation of MRW with these two independent variables.
Given that the analysis above was carried out made with both independent variables and was not statistically valid did not result in statistically feasible outcomes, the correlation was only carried out with the lengths of roadway networks that connect villages and districts, proposing the hypothesis that if there exists a greater number of kilometers of connections to villages and districts of a given municipality, there is a greater distance to travel, negatively impacting in rural productivity and, therefore, being related to a lower MRW value. The correlations between roadway network length and MRW were carried out for the following regressions: linear, exponential, potential, and logarithmic. The best R
2 value obtained was 0.62 for potential in Casanare. The values for the other departments were lower, which rendered the correlation invalid. Other regressions, carried out with average travel speed as the only independent variable, produced R
2 values that did not register above 0.32, which led us to discarded the theory that the productive condition of municipalities in their respective departments was related to the average travel speed to and from their villages and districts; the variable can be interpreted as the average condition of the roadway infrastructure (
Table 1 and
Table 2).
Now, upon analyzing the previous correlations with R (Pearson correlation coefficient), the highest value obtained was 0.61 (including positive and negative), for the correlation between MRW and the length of the tertiary roadway networks between villages and districts with their municipal capital, for the Santander Department. However, the next highest value was 0.36 for the Casanare Department for the correlation of the same variables. The values are presented in
Table 3. The validated coefficients sign is positive, for both R and R
2. The present analysis confirms the previous conclusions about correlations based on R
2 values.
As such, an analysis was carried out for the five departments (adding the values of the municipalities of each department). In this case, changes in geographical context (changes from municipality to department) cause the dependent variable for indicating economic condition to not be MRW, but rather, Departmental Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (DANE, 2020) [
28]. The independent variable was tertiary-level roadway network length between the municipalities and their villages and districts. As such, upon conducting linear, exponential, potential, and logarithmic regressions for the same dependent and independent variables, none of the resulting R
2 values approached a minimum of 0.7, ratifying that there is no valid relationship between the global departmental GDP, roadway length, and travel time in a roadway that connects its respective villages and districts (
Table 4).
The second independent variable analyzed regarding departmental GDP was the average travel speed on routes between each municipality, their villages, and their districts. In this case, the hypothesis is the following: with greater travel speed, the municipality should have a greater development capacity (indicated by MRW) given that travel times are lower. Upon conducting correlations for linear, exponential potential, and logarithmic regressions, the greatest R
2 value obtained was 0.25 using linear regression (
Table 5). These values led us to discard the correlation between the economic condition of each of the five analyzed departments and the average travel speed between several of its municipalities towards and from their respective villages and districts.
Until this moment, the variables of travel between each department’s municipality and their connecting villages have not been indicators of the economic level within the region. Given that the relation of MRW did not result in viable travel between each municipality and its villages and districts, we proceeded to analyze the correlation of MRW by adding travel time and distance between each municipality and the capital city of each department. The correlation result for these five independent variables (average travel distance and speed between each municipality and the capital city of each department) resulted in a high-value adjusted R2 for Casanare and Quindio (0.73 and 0.97, respectively), but with very low values for Cundinamarca, Meta, and Santander (0.25, 0.30, and 0.36, respectively). These last numbers do not grant statistical validity to the correlation. Additionally, the signs of coefficients are not equal in the five studied departments. Therefore, we establish that the economic productivity condition of a municipality (regarding the department it belongs to, and measured through MRW) is related neither to the length of the roadway network which interconnects its villages and districts, nor to the average travel time that takes place in these routes.
As such, the variable speed was eliminated, given that in the analysis above, it was observed that a multicollinearity condition occurred because of the resulting velocity of the direct relationship between travel time and distance. Despite this, the adjusted R
2 values were low: Casanare (0.32), Cundinamarca (0.17), Meta (0.10), Santander (0.37) y Quindío (0.16). Then, correlations were carried out for all the studied municipalities, without discriminating them by department. In total, these add up to 247 municipalities. The results also denied a statistical correlation. Using the total kilometer distance to villages and districts and the average travel speed in these trajectories, and MRW as a dependent variable, the adjusted R
2 was only 0.043. The result was similar when correlating MRW only with the kilometer distance, like when using the average speed (0.001). Given the above, this analysis led us to discard the correlation between the municipal networks connecting to villages and districts and the economic position of each municipality. In a complementary manner, the following regressions were carried out: linear, potential, exponential, and logarithmic; however, the R
2 values varied between 0.003 and 0.12 for the analysis using the length of the tertiary network (
Table 6), and between 0.0038 and 0.0074 for the analysis that used average travel speed (
Table 7). With the above, it can be ratified that the MRW of municipalities in Colombia does not correlate with the length of the roadway network which connects to its villages and districts, nor with average travel speed on these routes or sections.
To continue the analysis of correlations, we proceeded to only work with travel conditions between municipalities and the capital of their respective department. Linear, exponential, potential, and logarithmic regressions were carried out between the MRW of each municipality and the average travel time to the capital city (recalling that this variable consists of times georeferenced by Google Maps on a workday and during peak hours). The R
2 for the department of Quindio varied between 0.40 and 0.97, for Casanare between 0.21 and 0.70, for Cundinamarca between 0.17 and 0.33, for Meta between 0.026 and 0.29, and for Santander between 0.0004 and 0.025 (
Figure 1).
Given that the average speed in tertiary roadways is usually very similar throughout the entire national territory, when changing the independent variable for travel distance to the capital, the R
2 values were similar to those analyzed with the average times: for Quindio between 0.39 and 0.95, for Casanare between 0.16 and 0.70, for Cundinamarca between 0.19 and 0.37, for Meta between 0.008 and 0.25, and for Santander between 0.0002 and 0.017. With these correlations, both with the time and distance between municipalities and the capital city of their department, the relationship with a better economic position of municipalities on a departmental level was discarded given that only two departments (of the five analyzed) presented values greater than or equal to 0.70 (
Figure 1). Therefore, there is no significant relationship between the MRW of municipalities and the condition of their respective roadway travel connecting to their capital city.
3.2. Analysis According to Departmental GDP and Roadway Conditions
The previous section reports the results of correlating the GDP of five departments (for which information was obtained in-field in regard to times, distances, and speeds) with the average conditions of kilometer distance and time between municipalities and their respective villages and districts. The results only validated a correlation for two departments. Because of this, we decided to correlate the roadway network variables for 27 of the 32 departments in Colombia, to establish whether the departmental GDP is correlated with the total kilometer distance of paved roadways (with the following conditions: Very Good, Good, Regular, Poor, or Very Poor) or non-paved roads. The information regarding GDP was obtained from DANE (2020) [
28], and the information regarding kilometer distance was obtained from INVIAS (2020) [
Using departmental GDP 2020 as the dependent variable and departmental kilometer-distance paved roadway length with its five condition levels as an independent variable (from Very Good to Very Poor), and after conducting exponential, potential, linear, and logarithmic regressions, the R
2 values were between 0.005 and 0.06 for the condition Very Good, between 0.05 and 0.18 for Good, between 0.05 and 0.28 for Regular, between 0.05 and 0.22 for Poor, and finally, between 0.008 and 0.11 for Very Poor. Then, the correlation results were studied, but with the non-paved roadway network as an independent variable. Once again, the following regressions were carried out: exponential, potential, linear, and logarithmic. The R
2 values were between 0.005 and 0.009 for the condition Very Good, between 0.0005 and 0.015 for Good, between 0.00001 and 0.01 for Regular, between 0.00009 and 0.018 for Bad, and finally, between 0.00001 and 0.04 for Very Poor. In both cases—paved and non-paved roadways—the R
2 values did not reach close enough to a minimum acceptable value of 0.7 to validate a correlation.
Figure 2 shows that the R
2 values for non-paved roadways are strongly inferior to those of paved roadways; in other words, the relationship is somewhat greater between the departmental economy and a paved roadway in comparison to a non-paved roadway. In summary, there is no significant relationship between the global GDP of each department and roadway network length, both for paved and non-paved roadways.
Now, upon analyzing the previous correlations with R (Pearson correlation coefficient), the highest value obtained was 0.50 (including positive and negative) for the global GDP correlated with the extension of the paved–regular roads (
Table 8). In summary, there is no significant relationship between the global GDP of each department and roadway network length, both for paved and non-paved roadways. The validated coefficients sign is positive, for both R and R
Regarding the coefficient signs in the regressions for multiple variables, as for the paved roadway network, these were positive. As for the non-paved roadway network, these were negative. The above also led us to discard appropriate statistical behavior, given the length in poor conditions (Poor and Very Poor) (negative sign). However, all the signs for the paved roadway network were positive. As for the non-paved roadway network, the effect was similar. In other words, with greater length of the network in good or regular condition, we would expect to find a greater GDP, and the opposite would be expected for roadways in poor condition; however, the sign in all the coefficients were negative. With the above, it is possible to conclude that there is a greater relationship between GDP and a greater length of paved roadway than that occurring between GDP and non-paved roadway length.
3.3. Analysis According to Rural Sector GDP and Roadway Conditions
Given that there was no correlation between the roadway network variables and departmental GDP, correlations were proposed, but only with the components that have a greater impact upon the rural sector: GDP 2020 for the agriculture, livestock, hunting, fishing, silviculture (agribusiness), and mining sectors. By adding these records as a dependent variable, we proceeded to carry out correlations with the kilometer distance of the paved roadway network in its different conditions (Very Good, Good, Regular, Poor, and Very Poor), and likewise with the non-paved roadway network. Starting the analysis with the paved roadway network and the sum of agribusiness and mining GDP, regressions were carried out for the following models: exponential, potential, linear, and logarithmic. The R
2 values were between 0.0003 and 0.025 for the condition Very Good, between 0.19 and 0.5 for Good, between 0.25 and 0.38 for Regular, between 0.15 and 0.20 for Poor, and finally, between 0.01 and 0.11 for Very poor. The analysis of the non-paved roadway network presents a greater error than the one for the paved roadway network. The greatest R
2 value is 0.14 in the condition Very Good, and there is a linear trend (
Figure 3). In summary, the length of roadway network in departments, both for paved and non-paved roadway networks, independent of its condition or state, does not correlate with economic productivity in the agricultural or mining sectors within the territory, represented in sector GDP.
Given that the correlation between the agribusiness and mining GDP was not statistically valid, we decided to analyze only the agribusiness GDP, given that these are the activities with the greatest participation in the Colombian rural economy. Upon conducting these correlations, the greatest R
2 value for the linear, exponential, potential, and logarithmic regressions was 0.44 for the condition Good, and potential regression (
Figure 4). For the correlation between agribusiness GDP and the non-paved roadway network, the resulting R
2 values for the linear, exponential, potential, and logarithmic regressions do not exceed the value of 0.03 (
Figure 4).
As such, we decided to apply the correlation, but now with the average annual agribusiness GDP growth (agriculture, livestock, silviculture, hunting, and fishing) between the years 2005 and 2020. Likewise, there was no statistical validity obtained, given that the R2 values were between 0.0017 and 0.042 for the condition Very Good, between 0.21 and 0.37 for Good, between 0.25 and 0.40 for Regular, less than 0.056 for Poor, and between 0.083 and 0.13 for Very Poor. For the total paved roadway network as an independent variable, potential regression produced an R2 value of 0.37. This means that once again, there is no significant statistical correlation between the tertiary roadway network length of a department and the increase or decrease in agribusiness GDP within the same territory.
Regarding the non-paved roadway, R2 values with the greatest resulting value were for the conditions Very Good (0.17), Good (0.12), Regular (0.12), Poor (0.10), and Very Poor (0.033), and for the total non-paved-roadway network (0.12). Therefore, neither agribusiness, the agribusiness and mining GDP value, nor the annual rates for both variables display a trend that statistically validly correlates with departmental roadway network length, according to its state or condition.
Continuing the analysis, the highest R value obtained (including positive and negative) was 0.55 for the agribusiness GDP correlated with the extension of the paved–regular roads (
Table 8). In summary, reviewing the R and R
2 values, there is no significant relationship between the economic rural sectors’ GDP for each department and roadway network length, both for paved and non-paved roadways. The validated coefficients sign is positive, for both R and R
3.4. Analysis According to Departmental GDP and Roadway Network Classification
The previous sections analyzed roadway condition (paved or non-paved with its 5 levels: Very Good, Good, Regular, Poor, or Very Poor). The study continues with the classification of the roadway network (primary, secondary, and tertiary). Among the first inquiries, we wanted to know if the roadway network length of the tertiary roadway network in each of the departments presents any correlation with the territory’s territorial extension. Upon carrying out the correlation, with the information provided by the Ministry of Transport (2019), the R2 value was 0.032, which led us to discard the hypothesis that correlates trend of the tertiary roadway network density occupying and the extension of the territory. In other words, with greater territorial extension, there should be greater roadway network length.
As such, we proceeded to correlate variables under the premise that with greater length of the tertiary roadway network of a department, the department will experience better economic performance (analyzing GDP). After conducting linear, exponential, potential, and logarithmic regressions between departmental GDP and tertiary roadway network length in each department, the obtained R
2 value was 0.28 for linear, 0.09 for exponential, 0.38 for logarithmic, and 0.40 for potential (
Figure 5). A similar analysis was carried out, but using primary roadway network length, obtaining an R
2 value of 0.38 for linear, 0.50 for exponential, 0.24 for logarithmic, and 0.53 for potential. The greatest value (0.53) resulted in being less favorable, but was close to 0.56, resulting from the analysis between Latin American countries (Urazan et al. 2017) (
Figure 5). Given the above, it is deduced that the roadway network length in departments does not adequately correlate with the general GDP in each territory.
The GDP of the departmental agribusiness sector was correlated with the tertiary network, with the following results for the R
2 values: 0.47 for exponential regression, 0.55 for linear, 0.18 for logarithmic, and 0.69 for potential (
Figure 5). Upon adding Adding the mining GDP R
2 values to those of agrobusiness agribusiness GDP, the resulting regressions were as follows: 0.34 for exponential regression, 0.28 for linear, 0.12 for logarithmic, and 0.67 for potential (
Figure 5). The R
2 values regarding the agribusiness sector (0.69) resulted in a greater value than when including the mining sector (0.67), which was very close to 0.7 and the reason for which the resulting regression was analyzed (
Figure 6) Equation (1). Unlike what was concluded in the previous paragraph, the GDP of the agribusiness sector does present an acceptable correlation (R
2 value close to 0.7) with the tertiary roadway network length in each department. Additionally, the standard error results in a value of 0.09 and a
p-value of 1.41 × 10
−5, confirming that there is a statistically significant correlation.
The resulting Equation (1) reiterates the exponent’s positive sign, given that with a greater tertiary roadway network length, there is a trend of greater GDP in the agribusiness sector. Only 2 departments of the 27 analyzed (7.5%) present a graphical position that can be considered as relatively distant from the trend line: Santander (7600, 6985) and Valle (4375, 7142); these are the two departments with the greatest GDP in the agribusiness sector.
y = departmental GDP in the agribusiness sector (thousands of millions COP) and
x = the departmental tertiary roadway network (km).
Similarly, the primary roadway network length was correlated with agribusiness sector GDP, obtaining R
2 values of 0.56 for exponential, 0.57 for linear, 0.41 for logarithmic, and 0.70 for potential (
Figure 5). Upon adding mining GDP to agribusiness GDP, the R
2 values were 0.54 for exponential regression, 0.51 for linear, 0.37 for logarithmic, and 0.73 for potential (
Figure 5). The values of the two potential regressions were greater than or equal to 0.7, providing statistical validity to the correlations. Given the above, we proceeded to analyze the results of the regressions (
Figure 7 and
Figure 8; Ecs. 2 and 3), obtaining a good R
2 value between the primary roadway network of each department and the agribusiness sector GDP in that same territory. Additionally, the standard error was 0.94 (higher than with a tertiary road network) and the
p-value was 6.5 × 10
−6, which confirms a valid statistical correlation.
The equation resulting from
Figure 7, Equation (2), reiterates the exponent’s positive sign, given that with a greater primary roadway network length, there is a trend of obtaining greater GDP in the agribusiness sector. In this case, it is possible to consider that 4 departments (the greatest agribusiness sector GDP) out of the 27 analyzed (15%) are relatively distant from the trend line: Antioquia (1539, 9948), Cundinamarca (1103, 9350), Santander (966, 6985), and Valle (862, 7142).
y = departmental agribusiness sector GDP (thousands of millions COP) and
x = the departmental primary roadway network (km).
From the regression that includes mining sector GDP with the primary roadway network,
Figure 8 and Equation (3) are obtained. In this case, Equation (3) also reiterates the exponent’s positive sign, given that with greater primary roadway network length, there is a trend of obtaining greater GDP in the agribusiness + mining sector. In this case, it is possible to consider that 3 departments out of the 27 analyzed (11%) are relatively distant from the trend line: Antioquia (1539, 14380), Meta (1019, 17502), and Cauca (1429, 2273). The greatest R
2 value (0.73) results from correlating departmental agribusiness sector + mining sector GDP with the primary roadway network, which means that primary roadway network length contributes more to the mining, agribusiness, livestock, hunting, silviculture, fishing, and mining sectors in different territories or departments within the country in comparison to tertiary roadway network length, despite the latter allowing access to rural zones. In the case of the primary roadway network, the analysis results in a standard error of 1.64 (higher than with only agribusiness GDP) and a
p-value of 4.08 × 10
y = PIB departmental agribusiness sector GDP + mining sector GDP (thousands of millions COP) and
x = the departmental primary roadway network (km).
Expanding the analysis, the statistically significant R values (including positive and negative) are 0.76 for the primary road network correlated with agribusiness sector GDP, 0.74 for the tertiary road network correlated with agribusiness sector GDP, and 0.71 for the primary road network correlated with agribusiness plus mining sector GDP (
Table 9). These three cases coincide with those that were validated using the R
2 values and maintain the correlations with a positive sign.
At the end of the analysis, the extension of the tertiary road network was correlated with the GDP of the two economic sectors that have the greatest participation: commerce (17%) and the manufacturing industry (13%). The agricultural sector added to the mining sector contributed 11% (annual average from 2005 to 2020) [
In a similar manner to the previous analysis, tertiary roadway network length was correlated with the commerce sector GDP, obtaining R
2 values of 0.18 for exponential regression, 0.23 for linear, 0.34 for logarithmic, and 0.22 for potential (
Figure 9). The best result (the linear case) corresponds with Equation (4). Upon adding manufacturing industrial GDP to commerce GDP, the R
2 values were 0.20 for exponential regression, 0.26 for linear, 0.38 for logarithmic, and 0.27 for potential (
Figure 10). In this case, the best result (the logarithmic case) corresponds to Equation (5). The values were lower than 0.7, which led us to discard the trend with correlations. Therefore, it is concluded that the development of the tertiary road network in Colombia is related to rural activities and not to the overall regional departmental economy. However, these two equations are not relevant because R
2 is statistically inappropriate, value less than at much lower than 0.7.
y = PIB departmental commerce sector GDP (thousands of millions COP) and
x = the departmental tertiary roadway network (km).
y = PIB departmental commerce plus manufacturing sector GDP (thousands of millions COP) and
x = the departmental tertiary roadway network (km).