Perspectives on the Combined Use of Electric Brain Stimulation and Perceptual Learning in Vision
:1. Introduction
1.1. Improvements through Practice
1.2. Improvements through Electric Brain Stimulation
2. Perceptual Learning Combined with Different Types of tES
3. Time Course of Different tES Protocols
4. Mechanisms of tES
5. Perceptual Learning, tES and Clinical Populations
6. Considerations on the Use of tES with VPL
7. Perspectives on the Combined Use of tES and VPL
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- Learning is a complex and dynamic process involving low-level, perceptual regions as well as higher-level, cognitive and attentional areas [6,8,31,150]; moreover, multiple mechanisms, acting in series or in parallel [10] underlie learning, potentially resulting in modifications of the functional specialization of cortical areas [151,152]. Our current understanding of brain mechanisms involved in learning conveys an image of higher sophistication than the earlier studies led us to believe. Multiple mechanisms, parallel or serial, are involved. For example, Jing and colleagues [8], using monkey electrophysiology, reported that improvements in a global form detection task were accompanied by parallel neural changes in both sensory and prefrontal areas, which exhibited different time courses within each area as the training progressed. Specifically, stimulus- and task-dependent changes emerged earlier in sensory areas (V4) than in prefrontal areas (ventrolateral prefrontal cortex) and exhibited high specificity for task and target features, while behavioral-related changes followed the opposite pattern, emerging earlier in prefrontal than in sensory areas and exhibiting larger generalization to untrained configurations. Similarly, Shibata and collaborators [10], using human neuroimaging, showed evidence for task- and stimulus-related plasticity, taking place in different regions of the occipital cortex and intraparietal sulcus, following motion-detection training. There is also evidence of different time-specific learning mechanisms. Itthipuripat and colleagues [153], using electrophysiology, suggested that learning has an initial phase dominated by an increase in attentional gain, later replaced by noise reduction mechanisms. Moreover, neuroimaging evidence suggests that VPL is characterized by dissociable neural and functional changes in the visual cortex over time [151,152,154].
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- tES modulates cortical excitability beyond sensory and motor areas. While the majority of tES studies has focused on motor or sensory brain regions, multiple pieces of evidence suggest that tES can modulate cortical excitability in brain regions preferentially involved in higher-level processes implicated in vision such as attention and cognition. Arif and colleagues [157] showed that occipital anodal tDCS has a polarity-dependent effect on the neural oscillations subserving attentional reorientation in adults and that such effects may be related to altered concentrations of GABA within neural networks involved in attentional reorientation. Contò and colleagues [86] showed improvements in behavior and functional connectivity between nodes of the dorsal and ventral attention network when tRNS was delivered over the intraparietal sulci during attentional training. Furthermore, long-term effects of multi-session tRNS have been reported for dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, resulting in a boost in mental arithmetic performances 6 months post-stimulation, which also correlated with an increase in activity within the stimulated area [158].
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- Select the stimulation protocol to optimize the behavioral outcome. Different protocols can be used to achieve different results. tRNS seems to be more effective in improving learning rate [57,74] and generalization [81,82,122] when used during training, while anodal tDCS boosts both perceptual performance and learning consolidation when used before [72] or after [73] behavioral sessions, respectively, rather than online. Similar to tRNS, tACS seems to be effective in modulating cortical excitability mainly when used online [159].
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- Optimize stimulus and stimulation intensity. Brain stimulation effects on behavior are dependent upon the intensity of the stimulation [67]. The optimal stimulation intensity might in turn depend on the targeted cortical region(s), the task at hand, and the participants’ individual threshold. Additionally, the size of the affected cortical and the current density are dependent on both the stimulation intensity and the size of the electrode [160]. Additionally, there is evidence of non-linear effects involving timing and dosage. Mosayebi-Samani conducted a systematic exploration of the effects of parameters manipulation on tDCS over the motor cortex [161]. The results showed non-linear effects of stimulation intensity and duration, in particular intensities of 1 and 3 mA reduced cortical excitability, while 2 mA increased it. Additionally, 1 and 3 mA stimulation for 15 min induced long-term depotentiation-like plasticity, while on the contrary, 20 min of 2 mA stimulation induced long-term potentiation-like plasticity. Agboada and colleagues (2020) compared a 15 min session of motor cortex anodal tDCS at 1 mA with a 20 min session at 3 mA [162]. When cortical excitability was measured after a single session, both protocols showed a 30 min aftereffect when compared to the sham. When a second session was delivered after a 20 min interval, the aftereffect of the 3 mA protocol lasted 2 h, while that of the 1 mA was still present after 24 h. When the second session was instead delivered 3 h after the first, no increase in cortical excitability was observed for the 3 mA, and only a minor increase was observed for the 1 mA intensity. This once again points toward non-linear effects of the numerous parameters involved in brain stimulation. Importantly, such systematic studies have not yet been conducted in the visual cortex. Further evidence supports intensity-dependent effects in tACS as well. Specifically, Johnson and colleagues (2020), using monkey single-cell recording, showed that tACS-induced modulation, in the form of phase entrainment, and increase in spike frequency, was proportional to the current intensity, with more units exhibiting modulation for higher intensities of stimulation [163]. Similarly, VPL effects are dependent upon the intensity of the stimulus; training too close to the threshold might disrupt transfer of learning [164], while providing a variety of stimulation might prevent sensory habituation [30]. In the context of stochastic resonance, both stimulus and stimulation intensity combine to produce the final behavioral outcome. To optimize such an outcome, one should carefully select and control for both, from choosing the size of the electrodes (and possibly, the electrode configuration montage; see [52,59]) and the current intensity to the experimental paradigm and features of the stimuli, such as size, orientation, contrast, speed, etc.
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- Understand the time course and washout of tES to optimize learning consolidation. While brain stimulation is commonly used before or during training to increase cortical excitability and to boost neural plasticity, post-stimulation effects are somehow overlooked. There is evidence of post-stimulation washout effects of tDCS [70], tACS [93] and tRNS [94,165] extending beyond the window of stimulation for over 1 h, which could potentially disrupt some of the learning gain. Thus, promoting consolidation by means of brain stimulation might produce more robust learning. Reis and colleagues [51], and more recently Yang, He and Fang [73], showed that anodal tDCS delivered after motor and visual training, respectively, led to larger learning effects than the sham.
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- Individual differences. Both brain stimulation and VPL are sensitive to inter-individual variability [55,166,167,168]. Several factors pertaining to subjective characteristics might play a role in the training effects, with evidence from both VPL and brain stimulation literature showing that anatomy, sex, age, and initial performance/cortical excitability baseline modulate training effects. For example, Kasten and colleagues showed a correlation between individual electric field variability and the modulatory effects of occipital tACS in increasing alpha power [169]. Similarly, Mosayebi-Samani and colleagues addressed observed inter-individual differences in tDCS-induced motor cortex excitability by estimating individual electric fields and anatomy [170]. The results showed that anatomical factors such as electrode-to-cortex distance and cortico-spinal fluid thickness negatively correlated with individual electric fields, which in turn correlated positively with tDCS cortical effects. Chaieb and colleagues [55] reported larger anodal (but not cathodal) tDCS effects in females with respect to male participants, suggesting that brain stimulation might interact with hormonal cycles. Some of the variability can be reduced following stimulation guidelines (e.g., [171]) by collecting a larger set of assessment tasks and individual difference measurements (i.e., questionnaires) and by using more sophisticated statistical models that include mediators and moderators of the effects we observe.
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- Understand the limitations of tES. While it is a powerful tool, tES still presents some constraints, mostly of technical nature. It is limited by coarse spatial and temporal resolution, which prevents small structures from being accurately and selectively targeted, and its shallow depth is not ideal for reaching inner structures. Moreover, despite attempts at reducing some of its adverse physical effects [172], some participants might still find it unpleasant, thus affecting compliance. Finally, it is of paramount importance to follow strict safety guidelines [171].
8. Open Questions
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- Lack of systematic comparison of transfer and training effects across stimulation types. Few studies looked at training effects of different stimulation protocols [57,173], or their ideal onset of stimulation with respect to training sessions [72]; however, no comparison of transfer effects has been conducted, except for studies looking at cognitive/arithmetical abilities [173] or targeting higher-level cortical regions [174]. Crucially, transfer of learning is a more relevant measure of the translational value of a technique when it comes to its rehabilitative application.
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- Lack of multi-site stimulation effects on learning. Particularly, electric brain stimulation delivered beyond sensory areas. This might be in part due to the use of ‘local’ and ‘sensory’ frameworks of VPL, which interpret learning effects as a product of neural plasticity changes at the early stages of sensory processing, i.e., sensory areas. However, recent results [11,13,71] and models [6] suggest a more complex scenario in which several regions, including those associated with attention, memory and cognition, can be involved in VPL.
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- While VPL and tES have been used to treat mild optical conditions (e.g., myopia, presbyopia) or some visual pathologies of cortical nature (e.g., amblyopia), no study thus far has investigated tES effects in severe retinal pathologies, such as those leading to loss of central vision. For central vision loss following macular degeneration, basic intervention with behavioral paradigms might not be sufficient [36,37,175]. The loss of central vision in MD forces these patients to use a peripheral retinal spot to replace the fovea; thus, any intervention in MD should consider the need for this clinical population not only to improve the detail resolution of their peripheral vision, but also to reroute their oculomotor reference and attentional system toward a peripheral region that must be repurposed to accomplish this feat.
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- Lack of follow-up studies to quantify and evaluate long-term effects of tES. Unlike the vast literature on the long-term effects of the use of VPL paradigms alone [3,26,175], studies looking at the lasting effects of tES and VPL together are limited (see Table 1, last column). The few studies that did conduct follow-up tests of training effects are encouraging, suggesting that the learning and transfer gains observed by the end of the training are preserved at least 3 to 6 months after the end of the studies [81,84,122] (however, see [74]), in which a subgroup of participants trained with tRNS and VPL showed lack of long-term effect at 3-month follow up.
9. Closing Remarks
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Study | Sample Size | Stimulation Type | Stimulation Region | Control | Training Type | Population | Long-Term Effects | Results Supportive of tES + VPL |
Fertonani, Pirulli and Miniussi (2011) [57] | 14 per stimulation type | Anodal tDCS (a-tDCS), Cathodal tDCS (c-tDCS), High frequency tRNS (hf-tRNS), Low frequency tRNS (lf-tRNS) | Occipital | CZ | Orientation discrimination | Healthy participants | Not tested | Yes |
Pirulli, Fertonani and Miniussi (2013) [72] | 14 per combination of timing (online vs offline) and stimulation (a-tDCS vs tRNS), 10 for sham | Online and offline(pre) a-tDCS, Online and offline(pre) tRNS | Occipital | Sham | Orientation discrimination | Healthy participants | Not tested | Yes: tRNS better online, tDCS better offline |
Campana et al. (2014) [82] | 7 stimulation | tRNS | Occipital | No | Flanked contrast detection | Amblyopic patients | Not tested | Yes |
Camilleri et al. (2014) [82] | 8 stimulation, 8 sham | tRNS | Occipital | Behavioral only | Contrast detection | Myopic patients | Yes, 3 month follow up | Yes |
Camilleri et al. (2016) [85] | 10 per group (PL + tRNS, Sham, tRNS) | tRNS | Occipital | Sham and tRNS only | Contrast detection | Myopic patients | Not tested | Yes, PL + tRNS bettr than Sham and tRNS alone |
Moret et al. (2018) [122] | 10 per group | tRNS | Parietal | Sham | Flanked contrast detection | Amblyopic patients | Yes, 6 month follow up | Yes |
Contemori et al. (2019) [74] | 16 stimulation, 16 sham | tRNS | Occipital | Sham | Crowded letter discrimination | Healthy participants | Absent on 3 months follow up on a subgroup of participants | Yes |
Herpich et al. (2019) [84] | Healthy: 9 per group, Patients:3 tRNS, 6 a-tDCS, 2 sham | a-tDCS, tRNS | Occipital, Parietal | Sham, No-stimulation, Active control | Motion direction discrimination | Healthy participants, Cortical blindess patients | Yes, 6 month follow up | Yes for tRNS but not a-tDCS |
Contò et al. (2021) [86] | 10 per group | tRNS | Parietal, Middle temporal | Sham | Orientation discrimination, Temporal order judgement | Healthy participants | Not tested | Yes, parietal tRNS on orientation discrimination |
He et al. (2021) [80] | 17–18 per group | 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 40 Hz tACS | Occipital, Parietal | Sham | Orientation discrimination | Healthy participants | Not tested | Yes for 10 Hz, no for 20 Hz/40 Hz |
Yang, He, Fang (2022) [73] | 17 stimulation, 16 sham | Offline (post) a-tDCS | Occipital | Sham | Texture discrimination | Healthy participants | Not tested | Yes |
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Maniglia, M. Perspectives on the Combined Use of Electric Brain Stimulation and Perceptual Learning in Vision. Vision 2022, 6, 33.
Maniglia M. Perspectives on the Combined Use of Electric Brain Stimulation and Perceptual Learning in Vision. Vision. 2022; 6(2):33.
Chicago/Turabian StyleManiglia, Marcello. 2022. "Perspectives on the Combined Use of Electric Brain Stimulation and Perceptual Learning in Vision" Vision 6, no. 2: 33.