After a successful period of data-taking during the LHC Run 2 between 2015 and 2018, the ATLAS detector entered into a long period of shutdown. In 2022, the LHC Run 3 is starting with running conditions characterised by higher instantaneous luminosity and higher average pile-up compared to the LHC Run 2, which results in an overall increased occupancy of the ATLAS detector compared to the Run 2 conditions. Specifically, the instantaneous luminosity and average pile-up in Run 3 will reach
and 80 respectively, compared to
and 40 of Run 2. During the Run 3 data-taking, the sustainable ATLAS level-1 (L1) trigger and High Level Trigger (HLT) rates remain at the same Run 2 levels of 100 kHz and 1 kHz, respectively. Given the increased rate of particles and the unchanged limitations on the rates, an upgrade of the L1 trigger is required in order to improve the discrimination power between different physics objects at trigger level and keep the same rates of accepted events without degrading the physics performance. Particularly, in the so-called Phase-1 upgrade, the LAr calorimeter trigger readout electronics are upgraded in order to improve the discrimination between electrons, photons, jets and
-leptons at trigger level [
5]. The new LAr calorimeter digital trigger readout system installed for the Run 3 data-taking increases the readout granularity by up to a factor of ten: instead of summing the energies from the calorimeter cells in regions of
and over the different layers of the calorimeter to form the Trigger Towers, the energies are summed into smaller clusters called Super Cells (SCs) in each layer. The SCs provide higher cells granularity and the longitudinal information coming from the four layers of the calorimeter.
Figure 3 shows an image of the expected energy deposit for a 70 GeV electron as seen by the old analog trigger system compared to the same deposit measured by the new digital system. Specifically, the SCs provide the same
information of the TTs for the presampler and back layers but a
information for the front and middle layers. With the higher granularity information provided by the SCs, the new L1 trigger algorithm has improved discrimination between different physics objects thanks to more detailed information about the shower shape development. This allows us to keep, during Run 3, the same trigger rate as in Run 2 with the same energy thresholds even in the more challenging Run 3 environment, as shown in
Figure 4. As an example, the maximum trigger rate allowed for electrons is 20 kHz. This rate was corresponding in Run 2 to a transverse energy (
) threshold of 20 GeV for 95% electron efficiency and in Run 3 the rate can be maintained at the same level, with the same efficiency and
threshold, by using the additional shower information from the new digital trigger readout electronics.
2.3. Validation and Commissioning
The newly installed readout electronics needed to be integrated in the ATLAS readout system; its performance had to be validated and the full new readout system needed to be commissioned for operations before the start of the Run 3 data-taking. The integration, validation and commissioning efforts started already during the installation period on subsets of the LAr detector after each half-FEC was refurbished and the corresponding digital trigger readout path was connected. The validation of the readout system is performed both by using injected pulses from the calibration boards into the front-end electronics and real data from the LAr detector signals [
For the main readout path, it had to be checked that, after the installation of the Phase-1 upgrade, the FEBs have a similar level of noise and calibration coefficients as before because, although the Phase-1 upgrade did not involve an upgrade of this readout path, the FEBs were extracted and re-inserted with refurbished electronics and additional routing. Calibration runs are taken and compared to the reference runs from the end of the LHC Run 2. These scans provide detailed information on the noise levels and on the calibration coefficients which result unchanged after the refurbishment, as can be seen in
Figure 6. The figure shows an example of the comparison of the results from the new calibration runs to the Run 2 reference for the mean pedestal values in ADC counts, mean value of the RMS in ADC counts and mean value of the gain over the LAr Calorimeter cells in a given pseudorapidity (
) range.
The new digital trigger readout is a completely new system installed for the Phase-1 upgrade that had to be validated. For this purpose, the full chain of the LAr digital trigger data acquisition, including the front-end and the back-end electronics, is tested after the installation. A set of input signal scans is defined and performed in order to validate the new system: mapping scans to check the connectivity of all channels, timing scans to align the various components in time, and calibration scans to validate the pedestal values, the pulse shape and the the gain value and linearity. The pulse shape collected by the LATOME can be verified by performing the so-called “delay runs”, consisting of a series of injected calibration pulses with a single input signal current with an increasing delay, used for reconstructing the pulse shape with high granularity of readout points (each every 1.04 ns) as shown in
Figure 7 for different energy regimes. Distortion in the pulse shape can be seen at high energy due to saturation effects. The linearity of the response of the new digital trigger readout electronics can be measured using the so-called “ramp runs”, consisting of a series of injected calibration pulses with different amplitudes and measuring the peak ADC value with respect to the pedestal as a function of the
corresponding to the injected pulse, as shown in
Figure 7. The ADC values are linearly increasing with the deposited
up to about 800 GeV, where saturation of the SC pulse occurs. There is no reference from Run 2 available for the new digital trigger readout, but the performance of this new readout path can be compared to the legacy analog trigger readout and to the main readout. Particularly, the
deposited in the SCs can be compared to the
deposited in the TTs and to the sum of the
in the corresponding cells of the LAr calorimeter for injected signals. The SC data are collected by the new LATOME boards while the energy deposited in the cells and in the TTs is collected by the legacy main and trigger readout systems. As shown in
Figure 7, the deposited energy measured by the LATOME of the new digital trigger system corresponds well to the one measured by the TTs of the legacy trigger system and by the main readout system up to the level where the signal on the legacy TTs or on the SCs is saturated.
For the initial commissioning and validation of the upgraded detector with real data from the LAr detector system, data events from the first LHC proton beams are triggered using the legacy trigger system and the response of the new trigger system is read-out as well to check its performance.
In October 2021, the LHC Run 3 pilot run took place, with the first proton beams circulating again in the LHC after 3 years of shutdown. During this run, the full ATLAS detector was operational and the LAr calorimeter system was already including both the legacy trigger readout system and the new digital trigger readout system. The LHC pilot run gave the opportunity to further test the LAr readout system after the Phase-1 upgrade with real data, checking both legacy and new trigger readouts, as well as the main readout, with the first observations of particle collisions after the upgrade, in preparation for the start of the LHC Run 3 data-taking.
Figure 8 and
Figure 9 illustrate two events recorded by the ATLAS detector from the LHC beam splashes during the pilot run: the proton beam was accelerated to 450 GeV and focused to hit collimators placed in the beamline before the detector, such that the particles created in the interaction moved on, along the beamline and outwards, passing through the detector. The data visualised in the pictures have been recorded using the legacy trigger based on energy deposits in the LAr electromagnetic calorimeter on the C-Side of the detector. By looking at images like those, it was possible to check that all the sub-detectors were working and confirm the validity of the data-taking. This was a very important step in testing the whole data workflow, in anticipation of the LHC Run 3 physics program.
The data recorded by ATLAS from the beam splashes during the LHC pilot beam tests in October 2021 were also used to specifically check the performance of the LAr calorimeters after the Phase-1 upgrade.
Figure 10a shows the LAr cell energy sums, distributed in a hypothetical tower grid with
, in the endcap C, in the barrel and in the endcap A.
Figure 10b shows the measured SC
from all layers of the LAr electromagnetic barrel (EMB) and electromagnetic endcaps (EMEC) compared to the summed transverse energies from their constituent calorimeter cells obtained through the main readout path. All these results are obtained using data from a single event of a beam splash run in October 2021. These first data from the LHC gave a confirmation of the good coverage of the detector readout after the upgrade and a confirmation of the good agreement between the energies measured by the new digital trigger readout and by the main readout even with preliminary calibration constants.
After the October 2021 LHC pilot run, the next milestone of the commissioning of the upgraded detector happened in April 2022, when the proton beams started circulating again in the LHC for the start of the LHC Run 3.
Figure 11 illustrates two events recorded by the ATLAS detector from the LHC beam splashes on the first day of LHC Run 3 operations in April 2022. The data visualised in the picture have been recorded using the legacy trigger based on energy deposits in the LAr electromagnetic calorimeter on the C-Side of the detector. The analysis of these first LHC Run 3 beam splashes confirmed that the LAr calorimeter is ready for the start of the LHC Run 3 stable beams and physics data-taking runs in Summer 2022.
The strategy of triggering the events with the legacy analog trigger and reading out in parallel the response of the new digital trigger system is going to be kept for the first initial part of the Run 3 data-taking until the performance of the new digital trigger system will be fully checked and validated. After the full validation and confirmation that the performance of the new trigger system are satisfactory, the new digital trigger system will be used for triggering for the later main part of the Run 3 physics data-taking.