Introducing a Regulatory Policy Framework of Bait Fishing in European Coastal Lagoons: The Case of Ria de Aveiro in Portugal
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Descriptive Statistics
2.2. Catch, CPUE and Bioeconomic Results
3. Discussion
3.1. Can Remote Monitoring of the Bait Digging Effort Be Used as an Effective Assessment Tool?
3.2. How Are Catches Affected by Digging Effort?
3.3. How Does the Open-Access Scenario Reflect the Effect of Tidal Trends and Seasonal Variations in Digging Effort and Catch?
3.4. Can MEY Scenario Explore the Potential of Exceeding or Falling below the Daily Catch Limitation?
3.5. How Does MEY Scenario Matches MSY?
3.6. Does the Static Bioeconomic Analysis Support the Quota Introduced by the Ordinance?
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Study Site Description and Survey Design
4.2. Fishing Effort and Maximum Sustainable Yield Estimations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Survey on Casulo Fishing in Aveiro Lagoon 2012–2013
1.1 Gender: | |
1.2 Age: | |
1.3 Area of Residence: | |
1.4 Primary professional occupation: | |
1.5 Degree of Studies: | |
1.6 Bait Fishing Experience (in years): |
2.1 Frequency of digging activity: | |
2.2 Duration of the digging session: | |
2.3 Weight of total capture: | |
2.4 Number of individuals captured: | |
2.5 Destination of captures (domestic market/export): | |
2.6 Expected value of first sale: |
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Xenarios, S.; Queiroga, H.; Lillebø, A.I.; Aleixo, A. Introducing a Regulatory Policy Framework of Bait Fishing in European Coastal Lagoons: The Case of Ria de Aveiro in Portugal. Fishes 2018, 3, 2.
Xenarios S, Queiroga H, Lillebø AI, Aleixo A. Introducing a Regulatory Policy Framework of Bait Fishing in European Coastal Lagoons: The Case of Ria de Aveiro in Portugal. Fishes. 2018; 3(1):2.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXenarios, Stefanos, Henrique Queiroga, Ana I. Lillebø, and Ana Aleixo. 2018. "Introducing a Regulatory Policy Framework of Bait Fishing in European Coastal Lagoons: The Case of Ria de Aveiro in Portugal" Fishes 3, no. 1: 2.
APA StyleXenarios, S., Queiroga, H., Lillebø, A. I., & Aleixo, A. (2018). Introducing a Regulatory Policy Framework of Bait Fishing in European Coastal Lagoons: The Case of Ria de Aveiro in Portugal. Fishes, 3(1), 2.