CMCC: Misuse Resistant Authenticated Encryption with Minimal Ciphertext Expansion
:1. Introduction
1.1. Definitions for Authenticated Encryption (AE)
1.2. Applications
1.3. Our Contributions
- We give a new family of private key encryption schemes with minimal ciphertext expansion. We obtain AE security with a competitive security bound using only a small number of bytes of ciphertext expansion, for a full range of message sizes. When message numbers are not reused for CMCC, we obtain a security bound which is dominated by where B is the block cipher block length in bits, and where is the byte length of the minimal length plaintext query response, and is the bit length of the authentication tag.
- CMCC is a general purpose misuse resistant authenticated encryption mode. We define security for misuse resistant authenticated encryption and prove a MRAE security bound for CMCC. CMCC has less ciphertext expansion than SIV [2]. In particular, the ciphertext expansion due to the SIV IV contributes a term to the SIV security bound, whereas the CMCC ciphertext expansion due to the authentication tag adds a term to the CMCC AE bound, and a term to the CMCC MRAE security bound.
- We present a variant of CMCC, CMCC with MAC, or CWM. CWM replaces the authentication tag consisting of zero bits in CMCC with an authentication tag consisting of a MAC computed over the plaintext in order to obtain a stronger security bound. When message numbers are not reused for CWM, we obtain a security bound which is dominated by and if message numbers can be reused then we obtain a bound dominated by
1.4. Related Work
1.5. Organization
2. Definitions
2.1. Pseudorandomness
2.2. Authenticated Encryption (AE) and Misuse Resistant Authenticated Encryption (MRAE)
3.1. Overview
Algorithm 1 CMCC Encryption: Encryption inputs are plaintext key public message number and associated data is CBC encryption with initialization vector plaintext and key A choice for is the CMAC MAC algorithm [40] with plaintext P and key is the padding algorithm defined in Section 3.3. is the block cipher with key the bitlength of P, is a multiple of 8, as is U is obtained from V by zeroing bits 31 and 63 to enable faster addition (prevent carries) [41]. is integer addition, . When xor’ing two strings of different length, the longer string is first truncated to the length of the shorter string. |
CMCC Encrypt(A)
Algorithm 2 CMCC Decryption: Decryption inputs are ciphertext key public message number and associated data |
CMCC Decrypt(A)
3.2. Notation
3.3. Padding (Definition of Pad Function)
- Given the CBC encryption key and byte strings and where We define as follows:
- is the number of bits (which is a multiple of 8) needed to bring up to the length of and then bring up to a multiple of the block size. More formally,
- We define If the most significant bit of L is zero, then define otherwise, we define If the most significant bit of is zero, then define Otherwise, we defineIf then is a multiple of let L be the last block of ThenIf then we append the following string to Let where L has B bits. Then
4. Proof of Security
Algorithm 3 SIV-G Encryption: Encryption inputs are header nonce associated data and plaintext |
SIV-G Encrypt
Algorithm 4 SIV-G Decryption: Decryption inputs are header nonce associated data and Y. |
SIV-G Decrypt
- For messages where is shorter than the block length, and we have the relation with higher probability equal to for CMCC versus for the random injection. The reason is that we may have a collision of X values with probability and if that does not occur, the resulting V values may still be equal in the first bits.
- If and then The latter occurs with probability for CMCC but it occurs with probability for a random injection.
Algorithm 5 CMCC MRAE proof Game G0. |
Initialize: Select the CMCC key, using the uniform random distribution. Let Z be the bit string with zero bits. Let Encrypt(P, A, N): See Algorithm 1 for definition. Decrypt(C, A, N): See Algorithm 2 for definition. Output: Return the adversary’s output. |
- , , and
- , ( and are random functions.)
Algorithm 6 Game F with PRF Adversary . |
Initialize: selects keys using the uniform distribution. has oracle access to and Response to encrypt query: computes and returns to Response to decrypt query: computes and returns to Output: Return ’s output. |
- Initialize is modified: Initially we set for all is a subset of the plaintexts.
- The line: if return ⊥; otherwise and return Plaintext is replaced with:is a random string of length such that the prefix of of length is in If () return else return
- If the adversary submits the encryption query then we set
Algorithm 7 CMCC MRAE proof Game . |
Initialize: Select a random injection . Let Z be the bit string with zero bits. for all N, A, and Encrypt(P, A, N): Return Decrypt(C, A, N): if and return ⊥ if no such triple exists. Output: Return the adversary’s output. |
4.1. CMCC with MAC (CWM)
Algorithm 8 CWM Encryption: Encryption inputs are plaintext key public message number and associated data is CBC encryption with initialization vector plaintext and key One choice for is the CMAC MAC algorithm [40] with plaintext P and key is the padding algorithm defined in Section 3.3. is the block cipher with key the bitlength of P, is a multiple of 8, as is U is obtained from V by zeroing bits 31 and 63 to enable faster addition (prevent carries) [41]. is integer addition, . When xor’ing two strings of different length, the longer string is first truncated to the length of the shorter string. |
CWM Encrypt(A)
Algorithm 9 CWM Decryption: Decryption inputs are ciphertext key public message number and associated data |
CWM Decrypt(A)
4.2. Security Bound Summary and Security Comparison
5. Performance
Scope and Limitations
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Message Length | No. CMCC Prf Calls | No. SIV Prf Calls | No. CWM Prf Calls |
1–16 bytes | 5 | 4 | 6 |
17–32 bytes | 5 | 6 | 7 |
33–48 bytes | 9 | 8 | 12 |
49–64 bytes | 9 | 10 | 13 |
65–80 bytes | 13 | 12 | 18 |
81–96 bytes | 13 | 14 | 19 |
Algorithm/Misuse Resistant? | Ciphertext Expansion | Security Bound (Confidentiality) |
GCM/No | ||
SIV/Yes | ||
CMCC (MRAE)/Yes | ||
CMCC (AE)/No | ||
CWM (MRAE)/Yes | ||
CWM (AE)/No |
Algorithm | Machine 1: 1536 Bytes | Machine 1: 64 Bytes | Machine 2: 1536 Bytes | Machine 2: 64 Bytes |
OCB | 0.56 | 5.84 | 0.84 | 7.97 |
GCM | 1.13 | 8.94 | 1.80 | 24.84 |
HS1-SIV2 | 1.96 | 13.75 | 2.58 | 17.34 |
CMCC | 7.63 | 20.62 | 9.00 | 27.19 |
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Trostle, J. CMCC: Misuse Resistant Authenticated Encryption with Minimal Ciphertext Expansion. Cryptography 2018, 2, 42.
Trostle J. CMCC: Misuse Resistant Authenticated Encryption with Minimal Ciphertext Expansion. Cryptography. 2018; 2(4):42.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTrostle, Jonathan. 2018. "CMCC: Misuse Resistant Authenticated Encryption with Minimal Ciphertext Expansion" Cryptography 2, no. 4: 42.
APA StyleTrostle, J. (2018). CMCC: Misuse Resistant Authenticated Encryption with Minimal Ciphertext Expansion. Cryptography, 2(4), 42.