Large Field Alpha Irradiation Setup for Radiobiological Experiments
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Design
2.1. Materials
- Acetone (Sigma-Aldrich, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands, Cat. No. 154598-1L)
- Ethanol absolute (VWR Chemicals, Paris, France, Cat. No. 83813.360)
- Sterile Distilled Water
- Dulbecco’s Phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4 (PBS, Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. No. D8537-500ML)
- Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM, Gibco, Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA, USA, Cat. No. 11965092)
- Fetal Bovine Serum (Capricorn Scientific, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany, Cat. No. FBS-12A)
- Penicillin/streptomycin (Gibco, Thermo Fisher, Cat. No. 15140122)
- 0.05% (w/v) Trypsin 0.53 EDTA solution (Sigma-Aldrich, Cat. No. T3924-500ML
- Vectashield with DAPI (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA, Cat. No. H-1200)
- HEPES Buffer (Lonza, Portsmouth, NH, USA, Cat. No. 17-737E, pH: 6.98 – 7.3, Counter ion: NaCl)
2.2. Equipment
- Pipette 1 mL (Gilson, Den Haag, The Netherlands, Cat. No. F123602)
- Laboratory tweezers (Fine Science Tools, Heidelberg, Germany, Cat. No. 11252-00)
- Alpha particle emitting 241Am source of 1.1 cm in diameter with an activity of 409.6 kBq (Czech Metrological Institute, Jihlava, The Czech Republic)
- Polyster plain film (Mylar), 1.9 μm thickness (Birkelbach Kondensatortechnik, Erndtebrueck, Germany, Cat. No. PTPL)
- Cardboard (any type will suffice, dimensions at least: 50 × 50 cm)
- Adhesive tape (any type will suffice)
- Lumox 35 dishes (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Germany, Cat. No. 94.6077.333)
- 10 cm culture dishes (Greiner Bio-One, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, Cat. No. 664160)
- Sandpaper (any type will suffice)
- Sanyo MCO-17AIC Copper Alloy CO2 Incubator (Marshall Scientific, Hampton, NH, United States, Cat. No. SANYOMCO)
- Microscope slide coverslips with 10 mm ø or smaller (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cat. No. CB00100RA020MNT0)
- Disposable Scalpels - Sterile (Swann-Morton, Sheffield, United Kingdom, Cat. No. 0503)
- UV-irradiation set-up (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Homemade)
- 2× Motorized linear stages, resolution: 0.625 μm (Optics-Focus, Beijing, China, Cat. No. MOX-02-50)
- Manual laboratory jack, resolution: 0.01 mm (Optics-Focus, Cat. No. 8MAJ60)
- Motion Controller (Optics-Focus, Cat. No. MOC-01-1-220)
- Metal frame (TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, Homemade, Design S1)
- 3-D printed Dish holder of ABS plastic(TU Delft, Homemade, Design S2)
- 3-D printed Collimator of ABS plastic (TU Delft, Homemade, Design S3)
- Large Polymethyl Methacrylate box to case the whole set-up and for heating, volume of 0.22 m3 (TU Delft, Homemade)
- Thin washers (, Nottingham, United Kingdom, Cat. No. MF-SHW71301)
- Computer running MatLab (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA)
- Compact Hairdryer (BaByliss, Paris, France, Cat. No. D212E)
- ThermoControl 2 (Lucky Reptile, Waldkirch, Germany, Cat. No. LR62121)
3. Procedure
3.1. Calibration of the Irradiation Stage (Recalibrate This Once a Month). Time for Completion: 30 min
- Bolt the culture dish holder and the collimator on the aluminum frame (Figure 1B, Design S1-3).
- Align the centers of the collimator and the dish holder. The alignment can be judged visually when the collimator is raised to the level of the culture dish holder. Store the x, y-coordinates of the linear stages (Figure 1A) in the control software after alignment.
- Adjust the gap between upper rim (e.g., the bottom of the culture dish, Figure 1C) and the top of the collimator to the appropriate size (2.8 mm) using the laboratory jack and a caliper (Figure 1D). Measure the gap size near each leg of the culture dish holder to check for a possible tilt. Remove this tilt by raising the legs using thin non-corroding washers so that the measured gaps near the legs are equal.
CRITICAL STEP: When the dish holder has not been removed, steps 2 and 3 can be skipped. A monthly check of the gap size and culture dish holder tilt is in this case sufficient.
- Place the circular 241Am source in the holder with collimator and bolt the assembly on the laboratory jack on the linear stages (Figure 2).
- Cover the whole set-up with the large Perspex box and place the Compact Hairdryer inside connected to the ThermoControl 2 for temperature control. Set the ThermoControl 2 to 37 °C.
3.2. Mylar Dish Preparation. Time for Completion: 3 h
- Stretch the Mylar on the piece of cardboard, fix edges using tape. Make sure there are no apparent damages on the Mylar surface before use.
- Remove the factory applied foil and scour the bottom of the Lumox dishes using sandpaper. Wash both the scoured dish and lid of the Lumox dish and dry before the next step.
- Pour a small volume of acetone into a glass dish. Dip the scoured and cleaned Lumox ring in the acetone and keep in place for 10 s. Remove the ring from the acetone and move over to the stretched Mylar. Press the ring firmly on the, undamaged, Mylar and hold for 30 s. Let dry for at least 2 h.
CRITICAL STEP: Do not move the ring while pressing on the Mylar, this could cause leakage later on. Make sure the Mylar surface inside the Lumox ring is damage free.
- Add 1 mL 70% ethanol to the dish to check for possible leaking spots. Aspirate the Ethanol if the Mylar dish is not leaking.
- Carefully cut the Mylar around the Mylar dish (minimum of 0.5 cm away from the edge) and store the Mylar dishes in 10 cm tissue culture dishes (2 per 10 cm dish).
- Sterilization of Mylar Dishes can be done by UV (~140 J/m2) irradiation or 70% ethanol wash (minimum 3 times). Always wash with sterile PBS or sterile MQ water.
PAUSE STEP: The protocol can be paused here for a maximum of 3 days. Store the Mylar dishes at 4 °C and keep moist with PBS.
3.3. Cell Culture. Time for Completion: 30 min
3.3.1. Seed The U2OS Cells at A Concentration of 100,000−200,000 Cells in A Mylar Dish in 2 mL of Medium. Culture Cells Overnight, Covering the Mylar Dishes Using the Lids of The LUMOX Dishes.
3.3.2. Seed U2OS Cells in a 6-wells Plate with Glass Coverslips (10 mm ø or smaller) in the Wells. Culture Cells for 24 h in the 6-wells Plate.
3.4. Irradiation Procedure
3.4.1. Irradiation of Cells Grown in the Mylar Dish
- Turn on the computer and stage controller. Open MatLab script “Automated irradiation stage.m” in MatLab and press run.
- Turn on the heating in the irradiation box and wait for it to reach to 37 °C. Add 20 μL/mL HEPES (20 mm) buffer to each Mylar dish.
- Carefully place the Mylar dish in the dish holder. All Mylar dishes should have their lids on at all times.
CRITICAL STEP: make sure the dish is level in the holder. A skewed positioning will affect the dose on the cells.
- Start the irradiation sequence in the controller software. Use Table 1 to calculate the irradiation time (in seconds) to fill in your time per irradiation point. Example: 1 Gy requires 240.1 s (4 min) of irradiation per position.
- Once the irradiation sequence is completed, carefully remove the Mylar dish from the irradiation setup. Depending on the type of sequential experiments, cells can now be trypsinized for further experimentation.
CRITICAL STEP: Cells have been in a variable temperature and non-buffered area for multiple h due to the irradiation time. This can affect the robustness of cells in general. Use control samples which undergo the same conditions as the experimental samples.
3.4.2. Irradiation of Cells Grown on A Glass Cover Slip
- Turn on the computer and stage controller. Open MatLab script “Automated irradiation stage.m” in MatLab and press run.
- Turn on the heating in the irradiation box and wait for it to reach to 37 °C.
- Remove the cover slip from the medium and wash with PBS. Try to remove as much as PBS as possible using paper tissues and put the cover slip up-side-down exactly in the center of the Mylar dish.
CRITICAL STEP: Be sure that the cells are facing down and are in between the Mylar and the glass cover slip.
- Carefully place the Mylar dish in the dish holder.
- Calculate your irradiation time using Table 1 and click on ‘Move to center’ in the MatLab irradiation window.
- Start timing using a stopwatch when the movement stage stops in the center and click on ‘Move to corner’ when the appropriate amount of minutes have passed to stop irradiation.
- Once the irradiation is completed, carefully remove the Mylar dish from the irradiation setup. Add 500 µL PBS in the Mylar dish to ‘lift’ the coverslip from the Mylar dish and carefully remove the coverslip.
- Return the coverslip back to the medium. The coverslip can now be used for further experimentation.
4. Expected Results
4.1. Mylar Dish Irradiation for Clonogenic Survival
4.2. Coverslip Irradiation for Super Resolution Microscopy
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristic | Value |
Area of active surface (mm2) | 11 |
Source fluence at cell position (particles/s /cm2) | 15966 |
Half-life (days) | 157800 |
Distance between the active surface and mylar (mm) | 5.0 (± 0.1) |
Distance between collimator and Culture dish holder (mm) | 2.8 (± 0.1) |
Irradiation time per point (s/Gy) 1 | 240.1 (± 5.9%) |
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Roobol, S.J.; Kouwenberg, J.J.M.; Denkova, A.G.; Kanaar, R.; Essers, J. Large Field Alpha Irradiation Setup for Radiobiological Experiments. Methods Protoc. 2019, 2, 75.
Roobol SJ, Kouwenberg JJM, Denkova AG, Kanaar R, Essers J. Large Field Alpha Irradiation Setup for Radiobiological Experiments. Methods and Protocols. 2019; 2(3):75.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoobol, Stefan J., Jasper J.M. Kouwenberg, Antonia G. Denkova, Roland Kanaar, and Jeroen Essers. 2019. "Large Field Alpha Irradiation Setup for Radiobiological Experiments" Methods and Protocols 2, no. 3: 75.
APA StyleRoobol, S. J., Kouwenberg, J. J. M., Denkova, A. G., Kanaar, R., & Essers, J. (2019). Large Field Alpha Irradiation Setup for Radiobiological Experiments. Methods and Protocols, 2(3), 75.