CL3: Generalization of Contrastive Loss for Lifelong Learning
:1. Introduction
- We present a generalized form of contrastive loss using the kernel method for contrastive knowledge distillation in an L3 scenario to ensure the robustness in latent space in a limited memory setting.
- Our proposed approach significantly improves the performance on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Tiny ImageNet datasets in memory-based L3 scenarios.
Related Work
- Regularization-based L3 methods: Regularization methods alleviate catastrophic forgetting of prior knowledge by imposing constraint on the update of network parameters when learning a new task [21,22,23]. A knowledge distillation [24] strategy was first introduced to minimize the dissimilarity between an old task and a new one in learning without forgetting (LwF) [21] where the prediction of the current model is matched with old models’ prediction. PODnet [13] minimizes the discrepancies between an extracted feature vector using a new and an old model. Simon et al. in [25] proposed to model a feature space with a low-dimensional manifold for an old and a new model and minimized the distance between responses along geodesics connecting manifold. Synaptic intelligence (SI) [22] applied a regularization constrain on the gradient of the parameter updates. The elastic weight consolidation (EWC) [23] method used the diagonal of the Fisher information matrix as an importance measure for the weights to guide the gradient updates. Regularization approaches fail to retain old knowledge, and their performance degrades greatly when they are deployed in a class-incremental L3 scenario as they require to know the task-ID at an inference time, which is not available in class-incremental scenarios.
- Memory-replay-based L3 methods: To address the limitation of LwF in class-incremental learning, iCaRL [6] used a fixed memory that stores the small sample sets that are close to the center of each class from old tasks and replayed the stored data with new tasks by applying knowledge distillation to retain the past information. The experience replay (ER) method [26] combined off-policy learning from memory and on-policy learning from novel dataset to maintain stability and plasticity, respectively. Aljundi et al. [27] formulated the replay memory sampling as a constrained optimization problem and used gradient information to maximize the diversity in replay memory. To improve the suboptimal performance of a random memory sample selection process, Aljundi et al. [28] proposed controlled memory sampling where they retrieved most interfered memory samples while replaying. An inherent dataset imbalance issue in memory-based L3 methods introduces bias in a neural network model when previous classes are visually similar to new classes. This bias in the last layer towards new classes was corrected to minimize forgetting in the BIC method [29] by employing a linear model with two parameters that is trained on a small validation set. Hou et al. [8] proposed a rebalancing method (LUCIR) to address the class imbalance issue by interclass separation, cosine normalization, and less-forget constraint. Instead of replaying raw samples, recent approaches [30,31,32] propose to replay low-dimensional latent feature.
- Generative-replay-based L3 methods: Many recent approaches considered the lack of old samples as the reason for catastrophic forgetting, and instead of storing real samples, they addressed the problem by generating synthetic samples using an auxiliary network [30,33,34,35]. Deep generative replay (DGR) [33] proposed a two-model-based architecture, one for generating pseudo samples and another for solving tasks by replaying pseudo samples together with new samples. Generative feature replay (GFR) [30] replayed a latent feature instead of pseudo samples. However, a training generator network is troublesome, and a generator itself might experience chronic forgetting, which is not well investigated. Regardless of any pitfall, the supremacy of memory-based methods across the three scenarios of lifelong learning has been reported in [14,36].
- Contrastive-representation-learning based L3 methods: Contrastive learning [17,37,38], a self-supervised learning [39,40] paradigm, has emerged as a powerful technique for representation learning. It learns representations by contrasting positive and negative samples and has proven effective in various tasks, including image classification [17,41,42], object detection [43,44], and natural language processing [45]. Consequently, contrastive representation learning has garnered substantial attention in recent years within the lifelong or continual learning literature [19,20,46,47,48,49,50]. By harnessing the principles of contrastive learning, L3 models can acquire representations that capture both task-specific information and general features. Varshney et al. in [49] proposed a lifelong intent detection framework that uses prompt augmented generative replay to generate new data for the current task by replaying data from previous tasks. It then augments these data with prompts and employs supervised contrastive learning to acquire representations through the contrast of positive and negative samples from the generated data. A contrastive vision transformer (CVT) [48] introduced a transformer architecture-based online continual learning framework that uses a focal contrastive learning strategy to achieve a better stability–plasticity trade-off. Supervised contrastive learning with an adaptive classification criterion for continual learning in [47] uses a contrastive loss to directly learn representations for different tasks, and a limited number of data samples are saved as the classification criterion. Cha et al. presented a rehearsal-based continual learning algorithm named CoL in [20] that uses contrastive learning to learn and preserve representations continually. However, all of these L3 methods use a conventional contrastive loss function with a cosine similarity measure, which may not comprehensively represent the intricate relationships in the data. In contrast, our proposed CL3 method utilizes kernel methods (e.g., RBF kernel) as the similarity measure, allowing our method to learn nonlinear and complex relationships in the data. Furthermore, we introduce a kernel-method-based generalized form of contrastive loss for lifelong learning.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Contrastive Lifelong Learning
2.2. Contrastive Representation Learning
2.2.1. Revisiting Contrastive Loss
2.2.2. Generalization of Contrastive Loss for L3
2.3. Classifier
3. Results
3.1. Datasets
- MNIST [55] consists of 70,000 grayscale images, each measuring pixels, primarily showcasing handwritten digits spanning from 0 to 9. It is further categorized into a training set of 60,000 samples and a test set of 10,000 samples. R-MNIST [58] is a variation of the MNIST [55] dataset, wherein each task involves digits that have been rotated by a set angle between 0 and 180 degrees.
- CIFAR-10 [56] dataset consists of 60,000 color images, each with a resolution of pixels. These images are classified into 10 distinct categories, with 6000 images per category, encompassing a diverse range of common objects, animals, and vehicles.
3.2. Implementation and Training Details
3.3. Experimental Results
4. Discussion
- Efficacy of kernel method. To assess the effectiveness of RBF kernel methods, we evaluate the performance of the cosine and RBF kernels across different datasets and memory settings in a class-incremental learning scenario and present the findings in Table 2. On the Tiny ImageNet dataset, both kernels exhibit comparable accuracy levels. However, the RBF kernel demonstrates marginal accuracy improvements. Conversely, on the CIFAR-10 dataset, the RBF kernel consistently outperforms the cosine kernel, achieving about 2% and 5% improved accuracy with a memory buffer of 100 and 200 exemplars, respectively. Overall, the results highlight the superiority of the RBF kernel over the cosine kernel in terms of accuracy, particularly across both CIFAR-10 and Tiny ImageNet datasets in a class-incremental learning scenario.
- Effects of increasing minibatch size. To investigate the impact of varying minibatch sizes on the performance of CL3, we evaluated our proposed method using a 5-task CIFAR-10 dataset with a memory of 200 exemplars. The corresponding results are presented in Figure 4. The results suggest that in a task-incremental learning scenario, accuracy exhibited a positive correlation with larger batch sizes, reaching a peak at 512 and experiencing a slight drop at 1024. However, in a class-incremental learning setting, accuracy consistently increased as batch sizes expanded until it reached a peak at 256, followed by a period of stabilization and a slight decrease at 1024. This variation underscores that the batch size–accuracy relationship is context dependent.
- Effects of varying projection head sizes. We also explore the influence of varying dimensions in the projection layer on CIFAR-10 and present the outcomes in Figure 5. The plot showcases the accuracy of a CL3 model under class-incremental (CI) and task-incremental (TI) learning settings with different projection head sizes. In CI, accuracy reaches a zenith of 65.7% at size 64, showing a minor dip at 256 (62.2%). Conversely, in TI, accuracy consistently advances with greater head size, achieving its highest point at 92.6% with a size of 128. These observations underline the dimension’s importance, revealing contextual differences.
- Calibration of neural network. We calibrate the neural network’s predicted confidence values and visualize miscalibration using the reliability diagram presented in Figure 6. As depicted in the figure, our proposed CL3 method is more inclined to make accurate predictions, even when it is uncertain. Furthermore, the CL3 method demonstrates a lower number of incorrect predictions compared with the baseline method, even when it is highly confident. Overall, the reliability diagram clearly indicates that the CL3 method is more reliable than the baseline method.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | S-CIFAR-10 | S-Tiny-ImageNet | R-MNIST | |||
Setting | CI | TI | CI | TI | DI | DI |
Joint | 92.20 | 98.31 | 59.8 | 82.04 | 98.67 | |
SGD | 19.62 | 61.02 | 7.8 | 18.31 | 78.34 | |
LwF [21] | 19.61 | 63.29 | 8.5 | 15.85 | - | |
oEWC [61] | 19.49 | 68.29 | 7.58 | 19.20 | - | |
Memory | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 500 |
iCaRL [6] | 49.02 | 88.99 | 7.53 | 28.19 | - | - |
A-GEM [62] | 20.04 | 83.88 | 8.07 | 22.77 | 89.03 | 89.04 |
FDR [63] | 30.91 | 91.01 | 8.70 | 40.36 | 93.71 | 95.48 |
ER [26] | 44.79 | 91.19 | 8.49 | 38.17 | 93.53 | 94.89 |
DER [12] | 61.93 | 91.40 | 11.87 | 40.22 | 96.43 | 97.57 |
DER++ [12] | 64.88 | 91.92 | 10.96 | 40.87 | 95.98 | 97.54 |
Ours (CL3) | 65.76 | 92.62 | 13.30 | 39.83 | 98.71 | 99.14 |
Method | Kernel | CIFAR-10 | Tiny ImageNet | ||
Setting | CI (100) | CI (200) | CI (100) | CI (200) | |
CL3 | Cosine | 50.72 | 60.49 | 10.93 | 12.51 |
CL3 | RBF | 52.43 | 65.76 | 11.22 | 13.30 |
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Roy, K.; Simon, C.; Moghadam, P.; Harandi, M. CL3: Generalization of Contrastive Loss for Lifelong Learning. J. Imaging 2023, 9, 259.
Roy K, Simon C, Moghadam P, Harandi M. CL3: Generalization of Contrastive Loss for Lifelong Learning. Journal of Imaging. 2023; 9(12):259.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoy, Kaushik, Christian Simon, Peyman Moghadam, and Mehrtash Harandi. 2023. "CL3: Generalization of Contrastive Loss for Lifelong Learning" Journal of Imaging 9, no. 12: 259.
APA StyleRoy, K., Simon, C., Moghadam, P., & Harandi, M. (2023). CL3: Generalization of Contrastive Loss for Lifelong Learning. Journal of Imaging, 9(12), 259.