A Voluntary Delivery Point in Reverse Supply Chain for Waste Cooking Oil: An Action Plan for Participation of a Public-School in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. WCO Reverse Logistics
- Ensures income in lower-income areas, representing a permanent source of employment, and remuneration for the unskilled labor force.
- Injects resources into local economies by creating jobs, collecting taxes, and developing the market.
- Favors the development of environmental awareness and promotes responsible environmental behavior of companies and citizens.
- Encourages the recycling of other materials.
- Reduces the volume of waste generated and helps to solve the problem of the treatment of waste from consumption.
2.2. Environmental Education in Schools
3. Materials and Methods
4. Analysis of Results
4.1. The Reverse Supply Chain for WCO in the RMPF
4.1.1. Generation Phase
4.1.2. Intermediary Phase
4.1.3. Destination Phase
4.1.4. Institutional Environment: Public Agents in the RMPF
4.2. The Washington Luiz Public School as a Voluntary Delivery Point for WCO in the RMPF
4.2.1. Educating Agents
4.2.2. Students
4.2.3. The Community
4.3. Action Plan for Inserting the CMWL in the WCO Reverse Supply Chain in the RMPF
4.4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Questionnaire Applied to the Community in General
- What is your age? ____________
- What is your education?( ) Elementary ( ) High school ( ) Higher education
- How many people live in your house? ________
- What is the range of monthly family income?( ) less than 1 minimum wages (MW) ( ) 1 to 2 MW ( ) 3 to 4 MW ( ) over 4 MWDo you receive a family grant from “Bolsa Família”? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- Do you know what environmental education (EE) is?( ) No ( ) YesIf so, what do you think EE means?
- What are your daily actions to help preserve the environment?
- What do you do with the WCO in your home?( ) put it down the kitchen drain ( ) throw it away with the trash ( ) Donate it ( ) Make soap with it ( ) Sell its. If you donate it, to whom?
- What do you think most people do with this oil?
- Do you know about any public or private initiatives for the destination of the oil? ( ) No ( ) Yes. Which one?
- How many liters of oil does your family consume monthly?
- How many times is the oil is used before discarding?
- Did you know that WCO can be recycled? ( ) No ( ) Yes. And where?
- Do you know the damage caused by the improper disposal of WCO?
- Would you use any product made with WCO as a raw material? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- What is the main difficulty in keeping the WCO?
- What is the main difficulty in taking the WCO to the collection points?( ) Distance ( ) Time ( ) Lack of interest ( ) Other
Appendix B. Questionnaire Applied to the Students of the Washington Luiz Municipal School
- How old are you?
- What is your year of schooling?
- Do you know what environmental education is? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- What do you think environmental education means?
- Have you ever participated in a WCO collection program at your school? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- What would motivate you to participate?
- Do you know the consequences of incorrect disposal of WCO in the environment?
- What is the destination of WCO discarded in your home?
- Do you know which destinations the WCO could have?
- How important are environmental issues for you, on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means very low and 10 means very high?
Appendix C. Interview with Education Agents (Managers, Teachers and Support Staff) of the Washington Luiz Municipal School
- Does the school in which you work has actions in the environmental education area?
- What is your commitment to environmental education in your school?
- How often, per week, do you address environmental issues? ( ) Once ( ) Twice ( ) More than twice ( ) Never.
- Do you find it difficult to work on environmental issues? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- What do you think is missing from your school? ( ) The teachers’ commitment ( ) Commitment of the management of school ( ) Commitment of the technical-pedagogical team ( ) Interest of students ( ) Commitment of teachers, management and the technical-pedagogical team ( ) Lack of technical knowledge ( ) Lack of didactic resources ( ) Other.
- Has the school elaborated its Political Pedagogical Project (PPP)? ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) I do not know.
- What environmental topics are addressed/worked on?(Mark all applicable items) ( ) Public policy () Pollution ( ) Climate change ( ) Biomes/Ecosystems ( ) Basic sanitation ( ) Socioenvironmental sustainability ( ) Elections ( ) Water resources ( ) Social inequality ( ) Generation of work and income ( ) Associations / cooperatives ( ) Diseases ( ) Social inclusion/Social values ( ) Conservation ( ) Food ( ) Selective collection ( ) WCO disposal ( ) Solid waste ( ) Socioenvironmental responsibility ( ) Sustainable consumption ( ) Ethnic-racial relations ( ) Biodiversity ( ) Deforestation ( ) Environmental phenomena ( ) Quality of life ( ) Health in general ( ) Other.
- In your opinion, what are the main difficulties and obstacles currently faced by the school in the development of activities/projects?(Mark all applicable items) ( ) Absence of planning to guide the school ( ) Very infrequent meetings ( ) Lack of structure (rooms, physical space and equipment) ( ) Lack of teaching material ( ) Difficulty in mobilizing people and entities to collaborate with the school ( ) Members who are burdened with other professional activities ( ) Government political discontinuities ( ) Difficulty of conceptual understanding of the proposals ( ) Lack of teacher training ( ) Other.
- How do you develop, in practice, the teaching of environmental education? (Mark all applicable items) ( ) In the curricular contents of my discipline(s) ( ) Multidisciplinary, involving more than one subject area in collective projects ( ) In individual research projects ( ) In collective research projects ( ) In actions of mobilization and social participation ( ) Other.
- Mark the resources that are normally used to develop the actions in Question 9 above (Check all applicable items) ( ) Related texts ( ) Examples of local reality ( ) Relation of the problem with environmental, social and economic aspects ( ) Magazines and periodicals ( ) Internet, CDs, DVDs and television ( ) Playful material ( ) Political Pedagogical Project ( ) NCPs ( ) Textbook s( ) Teaching materials containing information about the environment ( ) Bibliographic or scientific material on environmental issues ( ) Specific pedagogical material son environmental issues ( ) Other.
- Has the school developed, or is it developing, interdisciplinary project(s) around the issue of WCO? ( ) Yes ( ) No.
- What is your level of acceptance of an action plan for environmental education with the school as a WCO collection point, on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means totally against and 10 strongly in favor?
Appendix D. Interview with People from the Municipal Secretariat for Environment and Sustainable Development (SMMADS)
- What is the functioning mechanism of the secretariat? Functional organization chart?
- Does the municipality have a specific law for the collection of WCO?
- How does the municipality inspect the disposal of WCO in commercial organizations?
- Is there any initiative to foster collection by the government? If not, in your opinion, why not? If yes, which one?
- Is there technical assistance or training for collectors and cooperatives?
- What is the local infrastructure for storing collected oil?
- Is there any kind of association between the secretariat and the cooperatives?
- How are the cooperatives managed?
- Who is responsible for collection at the registered donation points?
- How is the collected oil commercialized?
- How are the values defined?
- Is there any environmental education program about the consequences of incorrect oil disposal? If yes, where? If not, what is the reason?
- Who is responsible for transporting the raw material to the industry? Are freight costs included? How are they calculated?
- Based on your experience, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the program?
- How are schools included in this program?
- What is the incentive given for environmental education?
Appendix E. Interview with WCO-Generating Agents in the Community
- What is the average monthly amount of vegetable oil used?
- What is the average monthly amount of WCO discarded?
- What is the process used in frying: pan, electric fryer, air-fryer?
- Does the frying process affect the quality of the WCO?
- How often is the oil reused?
- What is the destination of the WCO?
- Is there any government policy for WCO? What is it?
- Is there any political or social incentive given by the government?
- In what way is this oil collected?
- How is the oil stored and transported?
- Is this oil donated or sold?
- If sold, please indicate the amount?
- Is there any partnership with a public or private body? Which one?
- What are the benefits of this process?
- Has the consumption recently increased or decreased?
- To what do you attribute this variation in consumption?
- Does any specific factor affect consumption, such as concern about health, obesity and fitness wave?
- What are the obstacles to the collection or final destination?
- Based on your experience, is there potential for growth in the collection programs?
Appendix F. Interview with Collector Cooperatives and Associations, NGOs and Companies (Some Questions Were Used with a VDP)
- How many families/people are involved in WCO recycling projects?
- Are there any political or social incentives given by the government?
- What is the process for registration of collection points?
- What kind of company can participate and what is the benefit?
- What is the monthly amount collected?
- Has collection recently has increased or decreased?
- To what do you attribute this variation in the collection?
- How is the WCO stored and transported?
- How is the WCO collected?
- Is the WCO is donated, bought or sold?
- If bought or sold, could you tell us how much?
- What is the destination of the WCO?
- Is there any partnership with public or private bodies? Which one (s)?
- Does the organization have any partnership with schools?
- What are the obstacles in the collection or final destination?
- Based on your experience, is there potential for growth in collection programs?
- Is there any competition in the region in terms of supply and demand?
- Is there is any competition with other cooperatives or self-collectors? Which ones?
- How would you rate the relationship among the collectors of WCO?( )Cooperative ( ) Competitive ( ) Coopetition
- What is the relationship between buyers and sellers?( )Contract ( ) Spot market
- What are the needs for improvement in the collection and destination process?
- Do employees receive assistance? What kind?
- What are the main difficulties in the reverse logistics of WCO?
- Does the WCO have to be strained or filtered before the sale?
- How is the processing done?
- Are chemical reactants used?
- Do employees use personal protective equipment?
- How are R&D projects, if any, financed?
- Is there adequate infrastructure for transport?
- Is the mode of transport suitable?
- Is the number of vehicles sufficient to meet the demand?
- Does the frequency meet the demand?
- Is there adequate infrastructure for storage?
Appendix G. Interview with the Biodiesel Company
- Is there any program or government policy for the production of biodiesel based on WCO?
- Is there any certification for those who purchase WCO from local cooperatives?
- Does the company receive inspection and health monitoring services?
- Does the company reach its production potential?
- Is there competition in the of the region in terms of WCO demand?
- Who are the competitors in the use of WCO in the region?
- How do you evaluate the relationship of WCO supply and demand?
- How do you relate with WCO suppliers?( ) Contract ( ) Spot market
- Who are your key suppliers?
- How much do you pay for a liter of WCO?
- Is this value competitive for biodiesel?
- In your opinion, what are the main problems of WCO collection?
- What could be done to increase its efficiency?
- Are there any technological restrictions on biodiesel production from WCO?
- What is the yield of biodiesel from WCO?
- What are the expectations to increase biodiesel production from WCO?
- What are the main quality indexes tracked?
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Educating Agent | Position | Level | Experience (Years) | Date |
EA1 | School principal | All | 14 | May/2017 |
EA2 | Director of studies Responsible for the school’s political-pedagogical project | All | 28 | June/2017 |
EA3 | Biology teacher | Youth and adult education | 32 | May/2017 |
EA4 | Ethics and sociology teacher | Technical | 19 | May/2017 |
EA5 | Math teacher | Elementary (year 6 to 9) | 12 | June/2017 |
EA6 | Teacher (all subjects) | Elementary (year 1 to 5) | 14 | June/2017 |
EA7 | School secretary/Portuguese teacher | Elementary/Technical | 26 | June/2017 |
EA8 | Janitorial staff | All | 9 | June/2017 |
Agent | Representation | Position | Date | Organization |
A1 | Local government | Municipal secretary | March/2017 | Municipal Secretariat for Environment and Sustainable Development (SMMADS) |
A2 | Local government | Solid waste manager | March/2017 | SMMADS |
A3 | Local government | Coordinator of the ‘Cuidando do Óleo’ and ‘Ecopneu’ projects | March/2017 | SMMADS |
A4 | Municipal autonomous body | The engineer responsible for the solid waste management | May/2017 | Water and Sewer Treatment Service (SAAE) |
A5 | Local government | Biologist responsible for the EE project | May/2017 | Municipal Secretariat of Education (SME)/Environmental Park |
A6 | Commercial generator | Nutritionist | June/2017 | Hospital restaurant |
A7 | Commercial generator | In charge of the snack sector | June/2017 | Bakery, snack bar and restaurant |
A8 | Commercial generator | Owner | June/2017 | Snack bar |
A9 | Commercial generator | President | June/2017 | Association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, and Others |
A10 | VDP | Manager | May/2017 | Supermarket |
A11 | VDP | Advertising assistant | May/2017 | Sesc |
A12 | Collection | Supervisor responsible for oil collection | May/2017 | Cooperative of collectors |
A13 | WCO biodiesel plant | Engineer responsible for biodiesel production | April/2017 | Biodiesel company |
A14 | State government | Superintendent | August/2017 | PROVE |
A15 | Collection | President | March/2017 | Association of collectors |
A16 | Collection | Owner | March/2017 | Company 1 |
A17 | Collection | Owner | July/2017 | Company 2 |
Organization | Municipalities Where the Company Operates and an Estimated Population | Description |
Óleo Local (company) | Barra do Piraí—96,261 |
Valença—73,154 | ||
Rio das Flores—8783 | ||
Volta Redonda—261.522 | ||
Barra Mansa—179,472 | ||
Piraí—27,311 | ||
Ecoleta (company) | Resende—123,385 |
Itatiaia—29,744 | ||
Quatis—13,283 | ||
Porto Real—17,663 | ||
Barra Mansa—179,472 | ||
Cicloóleo (company) | Volta Redonda—261,522 |
Pinheiral—23,488 | ||
Porto Real—17,663 | ||
Ecoóleo (association) | Volta Redonda—261,522 |
Coopcat (cooperative) | Barra Mansa—179,472 |
Who? | What? | When? | Where | Why | How | How Much? 1 |
School management | Request support from the Secretariat of the Education (SME) | During the project’s creation phase and later during the school year | SME | Evaluate and follow up with the school/VD Pro monitor and correct possible flaws | Memo requesting support for the project | - |
School management | Request support from the Municipal Secretariat of the Environment and Sustainable Development (SMMADS) | Throughout the entire school year | SMMADS | Supply PET plastic containers | Memo requesting support for the project | 400 Brazilian reais for a container of 100 liter |
School management | Request support from the Water and Sewer Treatment Service (SAAE) | At the start of the project and through a request | SAAE | Awareness-raising lectures | Letter with a partnership proposal | - |
School management | Include the school’s WCO VDP project in its political-pedagogical project | Throughout the school year | Political-pedagogical project | Document the project | A project that includes WCO collection in the school through EE | - |
School management | Creating informational material | During the awareness-raising phase | In the community | Inform the community about how to correctly manage WCO | Handing out pamphlets in the community | The estimated cost of 100 Brazilian reais |
Teachers | Include EE in the annual plan for the school curriculum | Throughout the entire school year | Classrooms, after school, school premises | Raise awareness about the impacts of WCO and the need for correct collection and destinations | Multidisciplinary EE activities aimed at WCO collection involving the community and students | The estimated cost of 20 Brazilian reais per piece of educational material |
Students | Systematically monitor the WCO generated at home | Monthly | Residences | Monitor the amount of WCO generated at home | A report with information about and monitoring of the actions in their households | - |
PTA | Systematically monitor the WCO generated in their community and collected by the school | Monthly | Community households | Monitor adherence of generators and amount of WCO collected | Monitoring and reporting the collected data | - |
Community | Effective participation in delivering WCO | Ongoing | School/VDPs | Actively participate in the project | Separate PET plastic bottles and deliver them to the school/VDP | - |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Dos Santos Ferreira, L.; Da Silva César, A.; Conejero, M.A.; César da Silva Guabiroba, R. A Voluntary Delivery Point in Reverse Supply Chain for Waste Cooking Oil: An Action Plan for Participation of a Public-School in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Recycling 2018, 3, 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling3040048
Dos Santos Ferreira L, Da Silva César A, Conejero MA, César da Silva Guabiroba R. A Voluntary Delivery Point in Reverse Supply Chain for Waste Cooking Oil: An Action Plan for Participation of a Public-School in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Recycling. 2018; 3(4):48. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling3040048
Chicago/Turabian StyleDos Santos Ferreira, Luana, Aldara Da Silva César, Marco Antonio Conejero, and Ricardo César da Silva Guabiroba. 2018. "A Voluntary Delivery Point in Reverse Supply Chain for Waste Cooking Oil: An Action Plan for Participation of a Public-School in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil" Recycling 3, no. 4: 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling3040048
APA StyleDos Santos Ferreira, L., Da Silva César, A., Conejero, M. A., & César da Silva Guabiroba, R. (2018). A Voluntary Delivery Point in Reverse Supply Chain for Waste Cooking Oil: An Action Plan for Participation of a Public-School in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Recycling, 3(4), 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling3040048