1. Introduction
Among the different groups of oranges, blood oranges (
Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) stand out for their unique, red-coloured flesh and rinds, due to their anthocyanin content. These soluble pigments belong to the flavonoid compounds family and are responsible for the characteristic colours of other fruits, such as pomegranates [
1], grapes [
3], or different kinds of berries [
The popularity of these oranges is growing worldwide [
6], but they are cultivated mainly in the Mediterranean region. In Italy, blood oranges have a long-standing tradition and are well placed on the markets. The ‘Sanguinello’, ‘Tarocco’, and ‘Moro’ varieties have protected geographical indications (Rossa di Sicilia) [
7]. In recent years, consumers in Spain have focused on blood oranges; production is increasing, with a focus mainly on the ‘Sanguinelli’ cultivar, which comes from spontaneous mutation of the blood orange ‘Doble Fina’.
In addition to anthocyanin compounds being used to confer colour to fruit, these compounds are known for their high antioxidant capacity [
8]. Awareness about the health benefits of phytonutrients is driving consumer purchases as well as fruit consumption. Thus, anthocyanin levels in the pulps of blood oranges represent important quality indices for fresh and processed products [
However, when growers harvest the fruit and when consumers purchase it in stores, they can only evaluate the external fruit appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate if the rind colouring intensity of blood oranges is related to pulp pigmentation and, therefore, to the anthocyanin content of the edible part. Along these lines, two different studies carried out with Tarocco and Moro [
10] found that exposing fruits to cold storage at 8 °C increased the anthocyanin content of both the pulp and rind. According to these studies, when fruits are exposed to low temperatures after harvest, they undergo an anthocyanin accumulation process and, therefore, colour enhancement, which happens in parallel to the pulp and rind. However, no studies have approached the relation between external and internal colourings at harvest.
Recently, Cebadera-Miranda et al. [
11] described varieties with an intense yellow–orange colouring and the reddest pulp, and others with a more reddish peel colouring and a more yellow–orange pulp. However, we herein wished to examine the relation between rind and pulp colouration from a different perspective. Fruits from the same variety may present wide pigmentation variability, even if they come from the same orchard. The causes of such variability are unclear, but Lo Piero [
12] suggested that it can be at least partially related to the position of fruits on the canopy. In this study, we wished to investigate if a relation exists between the intensity of rind pigmentation and pulp pigmentation when fruits of the same cultivar are evaluated. That is, if the external fruit colour is related to the internal colouration and if, therefore, the fruit appearance may act as an indicator of flesh anthocyanin content. Moreover, it was necessary to evaluate if internal characteristics, other than the pulp colour, depend on the rind colour. Furthermore, it was necessary to evaluate if sensory fruit properties, other than visual appearance, are linked to rind pigmentation.
In this context, this study aimed to answer two different questions about the relation between the external appearance and the internal quality of ‘Sanguinelli’ blood oranges: (1) is the physicochemical quality of pulp linked to rind pigmentation intensity? (2) Are sensory properties perceived by consumers linked to rind pigmentation intensity?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Material
Blood oranges (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) cv. Sanguinelli were obtained from a packing house located in Valencia (Valencian Community, Spain). In the second half of February (the 2019 season), three different fruit batches corresponding to the fruit harvested from three commercial orchards were collected at the packing house, the day after harvest (Orchard 1, Orchard 2, and Orchard 3). The mean values of day and night temperatures from 1 January to harvest date for each orchard were as follows (mean ± SD): 12.8 ± 1.9 and 8.8 ± 2.5 for Orchard 1, 12.7 ± 2.4 and 7.8 ± 3.9 Orchard 2, and 12.9 ± 2.2 and 6.2 ± 3.3 for Orchard 3.
Then fruit were transferred to the Postharvest Department of the Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research (IVIA), where they were divided into lots according to rind pigmentation. The fruits from Orchards 1 and 2 were divided into three lots: slight (P1), medium (P2), and intense (P3) rind pigmentation. In Orchard 3, fruits were divided into two lots according to fruit appearance: medium (P2) and very intense (P4) pigmentation (
Figure 1).
Three steps were followed to divide fruit into batches according to their pigmentation: (1) upon the arrival of fruit from each orchard to the laboratory, batches of 50 fruits with different rind pigmentations were initially made by one researcher with experience in blood oranges. (2) Then, the fruit previously selected for batches were mixed and another researcher was asked to group the fruit into 50-fruit batches based on the perceived colour. In case of doubts about any specific fruit, it could be removed and substituted for another one that did not cause the researchers to doubt. In general, a maximum of 1 or 2 fruits per lot of 50 fruits generated disagreement between both researchers and were substituted for consensus. (3) Finally, fruit were mixed again, and we asked a consumer to divide the fruit into 50-fruit batches based on the colour he/she perceived. For the three orchards, consumers who made the final batches showed no difference with respect to the lots that were made by researchers in the previous steps. The three consumers who participated in this study were invited to do so based on their consumption of blood oranges (at least once every two weeks during the season) and their interest in participating. They were given a box of chocolates for participating.
The 50 fruits per lot were numbered and the following non-destructive measurements were individually taken on each one: rind colour, firmness, diameter, and weight. Then, juice was obtained individually from all 50 fruits to make the following determinations: juice yield (JY), juice colour, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), and maturity index (MI).
Moreover, in view of the physicochemical results obtained when evaluating the fruit from Orchard 1, sensory studies were planned to be included when analysing the fruit from Orchard 2. Total anthocyanin content was determined in juice samples used for sensory evaluation.
2.2. Physicochemical Analysis
Firmness measurements were taken using an Instron Universal Testing Machine (model 3343, Instron, Ltd., Buckinghamshire, UK). The results are expressed as the percentage of millimetres of fruit deformation resulting from 10 N pressure, applied by a 3.5 cm plunger on the longitudinal axis at constant speed. Weight (in grams) was determined using an analytical balance while diameter (in millimetres) was measured using a calliper.
As reported in previous studies [
9], among the several CIELAB parameters, the a*/b* ratio is the one that best displays changes in rind and pulp pigmentation in blood oranges [
14]. Hence, in this study, the a*/b* ratio was also considered as the colour index (a*/b* < −0.5 correspond to dark green tones, a*/b* ≈ 0 indicates the colour break from green to yellow, a*/b* ≈ +0.5 correspond to orange tones, and a*/b* > +0.5 correspond to red tones).
Pigmentation of the blood orange rind is usually quite heterogeneous around the fruit surface. Previous studies have described the determination of the rind colour by taking measurements along the equatorial axis [
9] or by taking three consecutive measurements in the darkest part of the peel, the clearest part, and on the base of the fruit [
11]. These procedures may be valid to evaluate colour evolution during storage [
9] or to compare samples from different varieties [
11]. However, in order to study in-depth the relation between the external pigmentations and internal characteristics of fruit from the same variety, a method is needed to better reflect the rind pigmentation heterogeneity. Thus, in this study, a new method to measure rind colour was proposed. After visually evaluating fruit, an estimation of the percentage of surface displaying each pigmentation intensity (I1-absence—very light, I2-medium, I3-intense, and I4-very intense) was recorded. To this end, the skin colour of each fruit was evaluated all round its surface; firstly, one 180° fruit face was evaluated before it was rotated to evaluate the opposite 180° fruit face. Two to three different pigmentation areas were generally detected on each fruit (
Figure S1). Then measurements of the parameters L*, a*, b* of the CIELAB space were taken in all of these areas using a Minolta colorimeter (model CR-300; Minolta Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan), and the ratio a*/b* was calculated for each area. Then, a unique a*/b* value was calculated per individual fruit according to the following formula:
a*/b* = [(% of surface with intensity 1 × a*/b*-value in this area) + (% of surface with intensity 2 × a*/b* value in this area) + (% of surface with intensity 3 × a*/b* value in this area) + (% of surface with intensity 4 × a*/b*value in this area)]/100.
Pulp colouration was determined by squeezing each fruit individually via an electric juice extractor with a rotating head (Lomi®, Model 4, Lorenzo Miguel, S.L., Madrid, Spain). The a*/b* value was measured on juice samples, which were also used to determine JY, TA, and TSS. The juice yield was expressed as a percentage, calculated by dividing the volume of juice by the total fruit weight. The TA was determined by titration with a 0.1 N NaOH solution, using phenolphthalein as the indicator, expressed as g of citric acid per 1 L of juice. The TSS in juice was measured by a digital refractometer (Atago PR-1, Atago Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and data were expressed as %. The maturity index (MI) was calculated as TSS/TA.
2.3. Sensory Evaluation
Sensory studies were performed with the fruit from Orchard 2 to evaluate if rind pigmentation had an effect on the juice sensory properties. The triangle discrimination test technique [
16] was used to determine whether there were any detectable differences in the sensory properties of the juice samples. A panel of 71 consumers evaluated the juice samples from fruit lots P1 (slight rind pigmentation) and P3 (intense rind pigmentation) (
Figure 1). To this end, after separating the volume of juice needed to determine the aforementioned physicochemical characteristics, the remaining juice obtained from fruit lots P1 and P3 was used in the sensory analysis. For each lot, five juice samples were obtained by mixing the juice that remained from 10 fruits in each one. Before the sensory evaluation, colour, TA, TSS, MI, and total anthocyanin content were determined in these five juices of each type. Then consumers compared the juices obtained from fruits with low pigmented rinds (juice P1) versus very intense rind pigmentation (juice P3). Panellists were simultaneously presented with three samples—two from juice P1 and one from juice P3, or vice versa.
Consumers were between the ages of 22 and 61 years; the male/female ratio (%) was between 43/57. All consumers voluntarily agreed to participate in the evaluation session. Panellists were seated in partitioned booths and samples were randomly presented to avoid any positional bias as the middle sample was usually chosen as “odd”. The possible combinations of samples from the triad were: AAB, ABA, BAA, BBA, BAB, and ABB. All samples were coded with three-digit random numbers. In order to avoid consumer responses being conditioned by juice colour, samples were served in opaque cardboard glasses with perforated lids and a red-coloured straws (
Figure S2). In addition, red lights were used in the tasting booths; 30-mL juice samples were served at room temperature and panellists were provided with glasses of water for palate cleansing, which they used between samples. Then they were asked to taste samples from left to right and to indicate the odd sample. They were also asked to indicate the main reason why they found the odd sample different compared to the other two.
In addition to the physicochemical characterisations (colour, TA, TSS, and MI) of the juice samples used for the sensory evaluation, two 2-mL samples were frozen for the posterior total anthocyanin content (TAC) evaluation. The total anthocyanin content (TAC) was determined by the pH differential method [
17]. Anthocyanin pigments undergo reversible structural transformations with changes in pH manifested by strikingly different absorbance spectra. The coloured oxonium form predominates at pH 1.0 and the colourless hemiketal form at pH 4.5. The pH-differential method is based on this reaction, and permits accurate and rapid measurements of the total anthocyanins, expressed as mg/L.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
An ANOVA was applied to the physicochemical data to evaluate if they depended on external pigmentation. A multiple comparison between means was run by Duncan’s multiple range test (p = 0.05). To determine if significant differences were perceived by consumers between the evaluated juice samples, the number of correct answers in the triangle test was calculated and the significance of differences according to binomial distribution was established. All statistical analyses were performed with the XL-stat programme (2019 version).
4. Discussion
Rind pigmentation heterogeneity is a characteristic of most blood orange varieties. According to Kafkas et al. [
18], the most coloured area usually corresponds to the part of the fruit with a north orientation.
An accurate procedure to measure rind colour, considering the rind pigmentation heterogeneity, was herein stablished. This method allows obtaining colour measurements that better reflect the human eye perception of fruit colouration. Accurate colour data were the basis to evaluate the relation between rind pigmentation and the internal fruit properties. From a practical point of view, when colour is determined by a colorimeter, this method can be slow, but useful, for researchers. Moreover, it could be implemented into colour determination with automatic calibrator machines.
The individual evaluation of 400 fruits revealed a clear relation between juice and rind pigmentation in one of the main varieties cultivated in the Mediterranean region. To date, the relation between rind and pulp colour has been mainly approached by comparing different varieties. Accordingly, Cebadera-Miranda et al. [
11] reported that it is possible to find fruit with an intensely coloured rind, but a slight coloured pulp, and vice versa. However, we focused on variability within the same variety, and our results revealed that the more pigmented the rind, the higher the probability of an intensely coloured pulp.
As pulp pigmentation is linked to anthocyanin content in Sanguinelli fruits [
11], our results imply that, to some extent, rind pigmentation is an indicator of pulp anthocyanin content. In this sense, as consumer interests in healthy foods increase, one reason to promote blood oranges is based on their high anthocyanin content. Hence, this information can be very useful for the citrus industry and consumers, as intensely pigmented oranges may offer added value due to their high content of antioxidant compounds.
However, it is worth noting that significant inter-orchard variability was detected. Thus the criterion that the more pigmented the rind, the higher probability of obtaining fruit with a high anthocyanin content, seems to apply mainly when comparing fruit from the same lot.
According to Lo Piero [
12], anthocyanin accumulation in blood orange cultivars is affected by different factors, such as variety, maturity, cultivation region, cultural practices, and many other environmental factors. Therefore, some of these factors are likely to contribute to the inter-orchard variability herein observed. Among them, it is possible that temperature contributes to the most intense rind pigmentation of fruit from the Orchard 3. Thus, the highest temperatures at day and the lowest at night were recorded for this orchard. According to Butelli et al. [
19], all blood orange varieties require strong day–night thermal clines for intense colour formation in fruit flesh, and varieties such as ‘Moro’, with the potential for high pigmentation, are strongly dependent on the prevailing climatic conditions during fruit ripening for full colour development.
However, we should note that, as herein reported for the first time, under the same conditions (same orchard), anthocyanin accumulation in ‘Sanguinelli’ blood orange pulp parallels to rind anthocyanin accumulation, to some extent.
Interestingly, our results also revealed that the TSS content was clearly related to rind and pulp pigmentation. Along these lines, in a study in which the development and maturation process of blond and blood oranges were compared, Muccilli et al. [
20] found a higher accumulation of enzymes related to sugar in the pulp of blood oranges. These authors linked the higher sugar metabolism required in blood cultivars to the need for carbon skeletons required for anthocyanin biosynthesis [
20]. More recently, Carmona et al. [
21] carried out a protein analysis while storing ‘Moro’ at low temperatures and described that when fruits were stored at 9 °C, anthocyanin accumulation took place, which correlated with the promotion, among others, of the protein belonging to the metabolism of sugars. Therefore, some previous information has indirectly reported the accumulation of sugars during processes in which anthocyanins also accumulated, such as fruit development or storage at low temperatures. However, this study demonstrates for the first time that among the fruit of the same lot, the more pigmented the fruit is, the higher the TSS content. If we assume that the MI is an indicator of the fruit maturity stage, it can be stated that the most pigmented fruits were in the most advanced maturity stage. However, it is important to clarify that, at least partially, the accumulation of sugars in blood oranges seems to run parallel to anthocyanin accumulation, and is not directly related to the maturation process. It is well-known that increments in TSS associated with citrus fruit maturation are accompanied by a drop in the acidity level. However, our results showed no differences in the TA depending on the pigmentation for any of the three studied orchards. Similar to TA, other physicochemical characteristics, such as fruit size, firmness, or juice yield, were not related to pigmentation.
Finally, we conducted a sensory test to evaluate if fruit pigmentation could affect the sensory properties perceived by consumers. The initial hypothesis that led us to approach this question was that anthocyanin content was reported to affect the sensory properties of hibiscus drinks [
22]. Moreover, in wine, anthocyanin content may affect the sensory profile by a reaction with other compounds [
24]. Our results showed that consumers found differences between juice samples obtained from slight versus intense pigmented rind oranges. These samples showed significant differences in juice colour, which corroborated the stablished relation between external and internal pigmentation. Moreover, a physicochemical analysis showed that they differed in terms of MI, with an almost 1-point difference. Such a difference in MI was associated with a higher TSS content of the most pigmented fruit. The great majority (94%) of consumers that identified the odd sample, referred the sweetness/acidity perception as the main detected difference. Therefore, the differences in the MI index were identified as the main factors to affect the sensory properties perceived by consumers. Hence, our hypothesis in this regard is that the anthocyanin content itself does not affect sensory properties, but the TSS accumulation that occurs parallel to anthocyanin accumulation may result in sensory differences between highly pigmented fruit and slightly pigmented fruit.
To summarise, our results revealed that the internal properties of ‘Sanguinelli’ blood oranges are linked to rind pigmentation. For the fruit from the same orchard, the more intense the rind colour, the more pigmented the pulp and, therefore, the higher anthocyanin content. Moreover, TSS content also increases in parallel to anthocyanin accumulation. As the acidity level does not depend on fruit pigmentation, this increment in TSS results in fruit with a higher MI, which leads consumers to perceive that the most pigmented fruit is sweeter than the slightly pigmented fruit. Therefore, the intensity of rind pigmentation may act as a quality parameter linked to nutritional and sensory properties. Sorting fruit by rind colour would allow the industry to commercialize batches of fruit with homogenous properties and to give added value to the most pigmented ones.