Does Applying Subsampling in Quantile Mapping Affect the Climate Change Signal?
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Bias Correction
3.2. Climate Change Signals
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
rsm | robust spatial mean |
QM | quantile mapping |
BC | bias correction |
CCS | climate change signal |
RCM | regional climate model |
GCM | global climate model |
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GCM 1 | Run | RCM 2 | Institution | |
M1 | CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5 | r1i1p1 | CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17 | Climate Limited-area Modelling Community |
M2 | ICHEC-EC-EARTH | r12i1p1 | CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17 | Climate Limited-area Modelling Community |
M3 | ICHEC-EC-EARTH | r1i1p1 | KNMI-RACMO22E | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute |
M4 | ICHEC-EC-EARTH | r3i1p1 | DMI-HIRHAM5 | Danish Meteorological Institute |
M5 | MOHC-HadGEM2-ES | r1i1p1 | CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17 | Climate Limited-area Modelling Community |
M6 | MOHC-HadGEM2-ES | r1i1p1 | KNMI-RACMO22E | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute |
M7 | MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR | r1i1p1 | CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17 | Climate Limited-area Modelling Community |
QM Method | Type | Description | Reference |
eQM | non-parametric | empirical QM | Boé et al. [40] |
gQM | parametric | gamma distribution based QM | Piani et al. [49] |
GQM | parametric | gamma distribution and GPD based QM | Gutjahr and Heinemann [50] |
PTF | semi-parametric | exponential tendency toward an asymptote | Piani et al. [43] |
Subsampling Timescale | Referred to as | Number of Subsamples |
no subsampling | complete | 1 |
separately for winter (NDJFMA) and summer (MJJASO) | semi-annual | 2 |
separately for each meteorological season | seasonal | 4 |
separately for each calendar month | monthly | 12 |
Index | Description | Reference |
prcptot | mean annual precipitation sum for wet-days (≥1 mm) | Zwiers and Zhang [53] |
99th percentile of precipitation on wet days (≥1 mm) | - | |
99.9th percentile of precipitation on wet days (≥1 mm) | - | |
rx1day | mean annual maximum daily precipitation | Zwiers and Zhang [53] |
ptot | precipitation amount for days with precipitation larger than the 99.9th percentile on wet days (≥1 mm) of the base period 1951 to 2005 | modified in reference to Zwiers and Zhang [53] |
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Reiter, P.; Casper, M.C. Does Applying Subsampling in Quantile Mapping Affect the Climate Change Signal? Hydrology 2024, 11, 143.
Reiter P, Casper MC. Does Applying Subsampling in Quantile Mapping Affect the Climate Change Signal? Hydrology. 2024; 11(9):143.
Chicago/Turabian StyleReiter, Philipp, and Markus C. Casper. 2024. "Does Applying Subsampling in Quantile Mapping Affect the Climate Change Signal?" Hydrology 11, no. 9: 143.
APA StyleReiter, P., & Casper, M. C. (2024). Does Applying Subsampling in Quantile Mapping Affect the Climate Change Signal? Hydrology, 11(9), 143.