Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity and Microstructural Growth of Cobalt-Substituted Ba1−xCoxTiO3 {x = 0, …, 1} Heterostructure
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Starting Reagents
2.2. Experimental Process
2.3. Characterization Methods
2.3.1. PXRD Analysis
2.3.2. TEM Scanning and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX)
2.3.3. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
2.3.4. Photoluminescence Spectroscopy (PL)
2.3.5. UV-Visible Spectroscopy
2.3.6. Photocatalytic Application
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Study of Structurals
3.1.1. Qualitative PXRD Analysis
3.1.2. Quantitative PXRD Analysis
3.1.3. FT-IR
3.1.4. TEM and EDX
- Figure S5a,b show TEM images for pure BT powder, which were composed of irregular cubic-shaped solids with interplanar spacing dhkl equal to 0.32 nm and a size range between 30 and 114 nm, appearing as several micron-sized solids. Additionally, the highly crystalline surface textures and lack of agglomeration, along with the grain’s tendency to grow uniformly, are visible.
- Figure S5c,d depicts TEM images of the Ba0.8Co0.2TiO3 nano-compound, which had clearly defined quasi-cubic forms, sharp grain boundaries, and little agglomeration. The d-spacing was approximately 0.24 nm.
- Figure S5e,f show TEM images of the Ba0.6Co0.4TiO3 sample, where a secondary spherical shape with a size range between 34.41 nm and 54.10 nm emerges into the lattice and is attributed to an intermediate produced phase in agreement with the results of Rietveld analysis. Additionally, we can clearly see a hexagonal shape, attributable to phase transition of the P63/mmc space group.
- Figure S5g,h displays TEM images of Ba0.2Co0.8TiO3 with a range of sizes between 78.63 nm and 99.79 nm and a high-resolution treatment under 5 nm of scale; the d-spacing was measured for being 0.14 nm.
- The CoTiO3 single phase (full cobalt substitution rate) TEM images in Figure S5i,l have the fewest spherical-shaped agglomerations. The average particle size of the CT nanoparticles ranged from 36 to 93 nm, with a constrained size distribution.
3.2. Optical Studies
3.2.1. UV-Visible
3.2.2. PL
3.3. Photocatalytic Application
- χ(Ba) = 2.675 eV, χ(Co) = 4.27 eV, χ(Ti) = 3.455 eV, and χ(O) = 7.54 eV.
- E° = 4.5 eV.
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Catalysts | Irradiation Source | Rate (%) | Time (min) | References |
Nanosized ZnO | Simulated solar light | 98 | 60 | [67] |
ɣ-Fe2O3 | Visible light | 68 | 120 | [68] |
Ball milled TiO2 | UV-Visible | 78.1 | 120 | [69] |
Core/Shell Fe3O4@Al2O3-PMo | UV light | >90 | 300 | [70] |
Degussa P25 | UV-A | 71.3 | 111 | [43] |
Ag-ZnO | Visible light | 65 | 120 | [71] |
Brazilian peats (DP) and (FP) | UV-Visible | 95.56 | 270 | [72] |
Amourphous Fe78Si9B13 and Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 | Visible light | 100 70 | 5 20 | [73] |
Nano-articulate crystals | Sun light | 94 | 180 | [74] |
TiO2 semi-conductor | UV-Visible | 95 | 120 | [75] |
BaTiO3 Doped Materials | Dye | Irradiation Source | Degradation Rate (%) | Time (min) | References |
Fe3+-doped BT | Methyl orange (MO) | Sun light | 70 | 90 | [76] |
Ce-doped BT | Methylene blue (MB) Methylene violet (MV) (CR) | UV-Vsible | 90.2 82.4 78.5 | 120 | [77] |
Cr-doped BT | Nitrobenzene Aniline yield | Microwave | 99.9 99.7 | 180 180 | [78] |
Fe-, Co-, Ni-doped BT | Azoxybenzene Nitrobenzene | * | 93, 84 (Fe) 91, 80 (Ni) 100, 93(Co) | * | [79] |
Sr-doped BT | Rhodamine B (RhB) | Dark condition | 98 | * | [80] |
Compound | Position (°2θ) | dhkl (nm) | Crystallite Size (nm) | Crystal System | Identification Reference |
BaTiO3 | 31.49 | 0.284 | 114 | Tetragonal | 01-075-2121 |
Ba0.9Co0.1TiO3 | 31.52 | 0.283 | 97 | Tetragonal | 01-079-2264 |
Ba0.8Co0.2TiO3 | 31.58 | 0.283 | 94 | Tetragonal | 01-079-2265 |
Ba0.7Co0.3TiO3 | 31.43 | 0.284 | 9388 | Hexagonal | 00-008-0372 |
Ba0.6Co0.4TiO3 | 31.47 | 0.284 | 87,119 | Hexagonal | 00-051-1873 |
Ba0.5Co0.5TiO3 | 31.46 | 0.284 | 104 | Hexagonal | 00-051-1873 |
Ba0.4Co0.6TiO3 | 31.52 | 0.283 | 10,496 | Hexagonal | 00-051-1873 |
Ba0.3Co0.7TiO3 | 25.27 | 0.352 | 66,137 | Hexagonal | 00-051-1873 |
Ba0.2Co0.8TiO3 | 25.27 | 0.352 | 69,118 | Rhombohedral | 00-001-1040 |
Ba0.1Co0.9TiO3 | 25.24 | 0.352 | 78,134 | Rhombohedral | 01-077-0153 |
CoTiO3 | 32.79 | 0.273 | 56 | Rhombohedral | 01-077-1373 |
Compound Bax Co1−x TiO3 x = {0, …, 1} | Unit Cell | Reliability Factors | Space Group | |||||||
a (Å) | b (Å) | c (Å) | α (°) | β (°) | ɣ (°) | RP | RWP | GoF | ||
BaTiO3 | 3.9886 | 3.9886 | 4.00060 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 5.57 | 06.99 | 1.25 | P4mm |
Ba0.9 Co0.1TiO3 | 3.9980 | 3.9980 | 4.01800 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 5.62 | 11.11 | 1,97 | P4mm |
Ba0.8Co0.2TiO3 | 3.9980 | 3.9980 | 4.02200 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 5.29 | 14.72 | 2.78 | P4mm |
Ba0.7Co0.3TiO3 | 3.9900 | 3.9900 | 12.2114 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 120.0 | 3.53 | 16.46 | 4.66 | P63/mmc |
Ba0.6Co0.4TiO3 | 3.6983 | 3.6983 | 12.6023 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 120.0 | 3.50 | 6.40 | 4.60 | P63/mmc |
Ba0.5Co0.5TiO3 | 2.7240 | 2.7240 | 11.9640 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 120.0 | 5.70 | 10.87 | 1.32 | P63/mmc |
Ba0.4Co0.6TiO3 | 2.9301 | 2.9301 | 11.9980 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 120.0 | 2.83 | 09.98 | 3.52 | R-3 |
Ba0.3Co0.7TiO3 | 5.4860 | 5.4860 | 7.03200 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 120.0 | 1.78 | 04.74 | 2.66 | R-3 |
Ba0.2Co0.8TiO3 | 5.4860 | 5.4860 | 7.03200 | 90.00 | 90.00 | 120.0 | 1.78 | 05.29 | 2.97 | R-3 |
Ba0.1Co0.9TiO3 | 5.0760 | 5.0760 | 5.48600 | 54.83 | 54.83 | 54.83 | 1.53 | 04.87 | 3.18 | R-3 |
CoTiO3 | 5.0760 | 5.0760 | 5.48600 | 54.83 | 54.83 | 54.83 | 1.78 | 04.74 | 2.66 | R-3 |
Bandes (cm−1) | Liaisons | Modes |
1631 and 1440 | Ba-Ti-O | Elongation |
520, 545 and 850 | Ti-O | Elongation |
525 | Co-O | Elongation |
647 | O-Co-O | Elongation |
Element for (x = 0.6) | Weight % | Atomic % |
Ba (L) | 7.1 | 3.2 |
Ti (K) | 0.2 | 0.3 |
Co (K) | 92.7 | 96.6 |
Total | 100.0 | 100.0 |
Compounds | Band Gap (eV) |
BaTiO3 | 3.79 |
Ba0.9Co0.1TiO3 | 3.49 |
Ba0.8Co0.2TiO3 | 3.45 |
Ba0.7Co0.3TiO3 | 3.37 |
Ba0.6Co0.4TiO3 | 3.31 |
Ba0.5Co0.5TiO3 | 3.11 |
Ba0.4Co0.6TiO3 | 3.00 |
Ba0.3Co0.7TiO3 | 2.97 |
Ba0.2Co0.8TiO3 | 2.96 |
Ba0.1Co0.9TiO3 | 2.95 |
CoTiO3 | 3.05 |
Compound | Emission Peaks Wavelength (nm) | Ray Emission Color Range |
BaTiO3 | 400–450 | Violet |
Ba0.9Co0.1TiO3 | ||
Ba0.8Co0.2TiO3 | ||
Ba0.7Co0.3TiO3 | ||
Ba0.6Co0.4TiO3 | ||
Ba0.5Co0.5TiO3 | 420 and 340 | Violet and Ultraviolet |
Ba0.4Co0.6TiO3 | 340 | Ultraviolet |
Ba0.3Co0.7TiO3 | ||
Ba0.2Co0.8TiO3 | ||
Ba0.1Co0.9TiO3 | ||
CoTiO3 |
Compounds | ECB (eV) | EVB (eV) |
BaTiO3 | −1.153 | 2.637 |
Ba0.9Co0.1TiO3 | −0.953 | 2.537 |
Ba0.8Co0.2TiO3 | −0.884 | 3.616 |
Ba0.7Co0.3TiO3 | −0.793 | 2.577 |
Ba0.6Co0.4TiO3 | −0.713 | 2.597 |
Ba0.5Co0.5TiO3 | −0.562 | 2.548 |
Ba0.4Co0.6TiO3 | −0.455 | 2.545 |
Ba0.3Co0.7TiO3 | −0.388 | 2.582 |
Ba0.2Co0.8TiO3 | −0.325 | 2.625 |
Ba0.1Co0.9TiO3 | −0.242 | 2.648 |
CoTiO3 | −0.268 | 2.782 |
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Jebali, S.; Meftah, M.; Mejri, C.; Ben Haj Amara, A.; Oueslati, W. Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity and Microstructural Growth of Cobalt-Substituted Ba1−xCoxTiO3 {x = 0, …, 1} Heterostructure. ChemEngineering 2023, 7, 43. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering7030043
Jebali S, Meftah M, Mejri C, Ben Haj Amara A, Oueslati W. Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity and Microstructural Growth of Cobalt-Substituted Ba1−xCoxTiO3 {x = 0, …, 1} Heterostructure. ChemEngineering. 2023; 7(3):43. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering7030043
Chicago/Turabian StyleJebali, Sana, Mahdi Meftah, Chadha Mejri, Abdesslem Ben Haj Amara, and Walid Oueslati. 2023. "Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity and Microstructural Growth of Cobalt-Substituted Ba1−xCoxTiO3 {x = 0, …, 1} Heterostructure" ChemEngineering 7, no. 3: 43. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering7030043
APA StyleJebali, S., Meftah, M., Mejri, C., Ben Haj Amara, A., & Oueslati, W. (2023). Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity and Microstructural Growth of Cobalt-Substituted Ba1−xCoxTiO3 {x = 0, …, 1} Heterostructure. ChemEngineering, 7(3), 43. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering7030043