3.1. Effect of Lithium Content on Structure and Electrochemical Performance
Lithium is one of the most essential elements in LLO cathode materials. Lithium content affects the structure and electrochemical performance of LLO cathode materials [
31]. The theoretical lithium content used in the synthesis of typical LLO cathode materials is Li
2 with an Li/TM ratio of 1.5:1 [
29]. In this study, the LLO cathode materials were synthesized with a variety of Li/TM ratios.
Table 1 presents the chemical composition of samples L10–L13. The impacts of various Li/TM ratios on structure and electrochemical performance were investigated.
Figure 2a shows the XRD patterns of samples L10–L13. All the major peaks were well indexed to a hexagonal α-NaFeO
2 layered structure with the R
m space group (ICDD file 04-023-1600), except for the small peaks between 20° and 25°, which are characteristic of Li
3 with the C2/m space group (ICDD file 01-082-2663) [
19]. In L10–L13, the clear splitting peaks of (006)/(012) and (018)/(110) were sharp and intense, which indicated that well-layered structure materials were successfully synthesized [
31]. In addition, the weak peaks between 20° and 25° provided evidence of existing Li
3 phases in the synthesized materials. These characteristic peaks of Li
3 were indexed to a monoclinic structure with the C2/m space group [
26]. No other impurities or spinel-phase peaks were observed in the prepared materials. The XRD results demonstrated that the prepared samples L10–L13 had good crystallinity, a well-layered structure, and a high-purity phase.
However, samples L10–L13 exhibited slight differences in peak intensity between 20° and 25°, as
Figure 2b shown. The superlattice peaks of (020) and (110) for L10 were sharper and more intense than those of L11, L12, and L13. Broad peaks were observed in L11, L12, and L13, which may have been associated with the presence of less Mn content in the samples, resulting in insufficient Mn to form the LiMn
6 superstructure in the Li
3 phase [
32]. Moreover, the refined lattice parameters of the monoclinic Li
3 phase in samples L10–L13 are compared in
Table 2. The ideal lattice parameters of monoclinic Li
3 with the C2/m space group are a = 4.937 Å, b = 8.532 Å, c = 5.030 Å, α = γ = 90°, and β = 109.46° [
19]. It can be seen that the values of L10 were the closest to the ideal lattice parameter of Li
3, which indicated that L10 had a higher crystallinity than L11, L12, and L13. Different degrees of broadening peaks between 20° and 25° were observed in L10–L13. The existence of defects and stacking faults usually leads to the weakening and broadening of superlattice peaks [
35]. L11 had weaker peak intensities of (020) and (110), which may have been caused by the smaller c value of 5.017 Å than that of L10, L12 and L13. It was found that the disordered stacking ordering along the c-axis may have resulted in weak or broad superlattice peaks, even if the arrangement of Li
+ and Mn
4+ in TM layers was ordered [
34]. Furthermore, the stacking faults may have been due to the existence of Ni
2+ and Co
3+ in TM layers [
35]. Boulineau et al. [
34] suggested that different levels of stacking faults can be roughly estimated by comparing the intensity ratios of (110) and (020) peaks (I
(020)) in Li
3. The experimental results indicated that increasing the synthesis temperature during calcination may have decreased the degree of stacking faults but that it could not entirely eliminate them [
Figure 3a presents the initial charge–discharge curves of samples L10–L13 at 0.03 C in the range of 2.0–4.8 V. All the samples had charge characteristics typical of LLO cathode materials: the first sloping plateau extended from 3.8 to 4.4 V, and the second plateau was above 4.4 V. The first plateau was associated with the extraction of lithium ions from the LiMO
2 component corresponding to Ni
3+ to Ni
4+ and Co
3+ to Co
4+ [
25]. All the samples delivered a TM redox capacity of approximately 70–120 mAh g
−1 in the first plateau. The second plateau region exhibited a long plateau above 4.4 V that provided additional charge capacities due to the extraction of lithium ions accompanied by O
2 loss from the Li
3 component [
25]. Therefore, a large, irreversible loss of capacities in the initial cycle was observed in the prepared samples, which resulted mainly from the irreversible removal of Li
2O from the Li
3 component. Inactive Li
3 then became electrochemically active MnO
2 (Li
3 → Li
2O + MnO
2). As
Table 3 shows, the initial charge/discharge capacities of L10, L11, L12, and L13 were 337.8/279.7 mAh g
−1, 325.7/255.2 mAh g
−1, 311.8/241.3 mAh g
−1, and 348.28/221.44 mAh g
−1, respectively. L10, L11, and L12 had an irreversible capacity loss of around 20% in the first cycle, whereas L13 had an irreversible capacity loss of approximately 40% in the first cycle. L10 delivered the highest initial Coulombic efficiency (82.8%), with an irreversible capacity loss of 58.12 mAh g
−1. L13 exhibited the highest initial charge capacity (348.28 mAh g
−1) but had the lowest initial Coulombic efficiency (63.6%), with an irreversible capacity loss of 126.84 mAh g
−1. The oxygen-loss plateau above 4.4 V disappeared in the second cycle, which implied an irreversible structural evolution for the synthesized materials, as shown in
Figure 3b [
Figure 3c compared the voltage profiles of L10–L13 for the 3rd discharge and 31st discharge. All samples exhibited continuous voltage fading during cycling, whereas L13 display the most obvious voltage drop, shown in
Figure 3d. It implied that the structural changes from layered to spinel phases were due to lattice oxygen release and transition metal migration during Li
3 activation process [
Figure 4a shows the cycling performance of samples L10–L13 for 30 cycles in the range of 2.0–4.8 V. During the second cycle, all samples decreased the discharge capacities of 30–40 mAh g
−1 when the current rates changed from 0.03 C to 0.1 C. L10 displayed better cycling performance than L11, L12 and L13. L12 has slightly fluctuated and slowly increased the discharge capacity during cycling. The Li
3 component in L12 may not be entirely activated in the first cycle, which led to the discharge capacity’s continuous increase with increasing cycle numbers. In addition, sample L13 had lower discharge capabilities than those of L10, L11, and L12 for 30 cycles. This is probably related to the presence of lower lithium and TM content in sample L13, which increased metal vacancies and lithium vacancies in the crystal structure, resulting in L13’s decreased structural stability and poor cycling performance [
37]. Moreover, these results suggested that coin cells could be tested for three cycles under low current density to fully activate Li
3 component. This could help to improve the cycling stability of LLO cathode materials.
After 30 cycles, the discharge capacities of L10, L11, L12, and L13 were 231.9 mAh g
−1, 213.1 mAh g
−1, 216.2 mAh g
−1, and 196.7 mAh g
−1, respectively. Overall, given L10’s low Li/TM ratio, it exhibited the highest discharge capacity, lowest initial irreversible capacity loss, and good cycling stability among the four samples, as
Figure 4b shown. This was in good agreement with the XRD results for L10, which indicated a good crystalline structure and fewer defects in the Li
3 structure. With increasing lithium content and TM content, the discharge capacities and cycling stability of samples L10–L13 increased. As the lithium content and TM content decreased in L13, the charge and discharge capacities decreased, and more vacancies were generated in the structure of the material. These vacancies may have increased the diffusion rate of lithium ions and led to an unstable structure and reduced cycling stability [
31]. The results suggested that lithium content can optimize electrochemical performance by adjusting the proportion of Li
3 in LLO cathode materials [
31]. For example, Shunmugasundaram et al. [
38] confirmed that a lower Li/TM ratio could reduce irreversible capacity loss in the first cycle. A suitable Li
3 proportion can stabilize the crystal structure and cycling performance. In addition, excessive lithium content causes a large initial irreversible capacity loss, increased residual lithium on the surface, and deterioration of electrochemical performance [
3.2. Effect of Lithium Sources on Structure and Electrochemical Performance
Different lithium sources exert different effects on the structure and electrochemical properties of LLO cathode materials. Li
3 and LiOH, the most common lithium sources, are used in cathode material for LIBs [
30]. The effects of lithium sources on structure and electrochemical performance were investigated. The LLO cathode materials L12 and L15 were prepared using different lithium sources (Li
3 and LiOH, respectively).
Table 4 presents the chemical composition of L12 and L15.
Figure 5a shows the XRD patterns of L12 (using Li
3 as a lithium source) and L15 (using LiOH as a lithium source). For samples L12 and L15, all the major peaks could be indexed to a hexagonal α-NaFeO
2 layered structure with the R
m space group (ICDD file 04-023-1600) [
19]. Superlattice peaks between 20° and 25° were observed in the two samples, which could be indexed to monoclinic Li
3 with the C2/m space group (ICDD file 01-082-2663) [
26]. The materials synthesized by Li
3 and LiOH had a similar peak intensity of (020) and (110), as
Figure 5b shows. The refined lattice parameter of the Li
3 phase in these two samples is described in
Table 5. L12 and L15 had a crystallinity similar to that of the Li
3 phase. The two samples exhibited certain defects in the crystal structure of the Li
3 phase compared to the ideal lattice parameters of monoclinic Li
3. The lattice parameters of monoclinic Li
3 are a = 4.937 Å, b = 8.532 Å, c = 5.030 Å, α = γ = 90°, and β = 109.46° [
19]. Clear splitting peaks, of (006)/(012) and (018)/(110), and no impurity peaks were observed. The XRD results indicated that the two samples synthesized by Li
3 and LiOH had good crystallinity, a well-layered structure, and a high-purity phase [
31]. In addition, the SEM images of L12 and L15 are compared in
Figure 6. Both samples exhibited irregular morphology and small, round-edged primary particles, which contained a substantial agglomeration of particles. The morphology of the two samples was unaffected by the lithium source with which they were prepared.
Figure 7a shows the initial charge–discharge curves of L12 and L15, prepared using the lithium sources of Li
3 and LiOH, respectively, in the range of 2.0–4.8 V. The two typical plateaus of LLO cathode material were observed in the initial charging curves for L12 and L15. During the initial charging process, the first plateau, from 3.8 to 4.4 V, was related to the reversible extraction of Li
+ from the LiMO
2 component corresponding to the oxidation of Ni
3+ to Ni
4+ and Co
3+ to Co
4+ [
25]. At the first plateau, L12 and L15 had a similar TM redox capacity of around 90 mAh g
−1. The second long plateau, above 4.4 V, corresponded to the irreversible extraction of Li
+ and O
2− as Li
2O from the Li
3 component. The electrochemically active MnO
2 was formed and the long plateau disappeared after the first cycle, which implied irreversible changes of structure for the synthesized materials [
30]. In the range of 2.0–4.8 V, the initial charge and discharge capacities of L12, prepared using Li
3 as a lithium source, were 311.8 mAh g
−1 and 241.3 mAh g
−1, respectively. L15, prepared using LiOH as a lithium source, exhibited an initial charge capacity of 311.7 mAh g
−1 and an initial discharge capacity of 230.9 mAh g
−1. As
Table 6 shows, the irreversible capacity losses of L12 and L15 were 70.4 mAh g
−1 and 80.8 mAh g
−1, respectively. The initial Coulombic efficiency of L12 was 77.4%, whereas that of L15 was 74.1%. Also, L12 and L15 exhibited similar voltage profiles by comparison of the 1st discharge, 3rd discharge, and 31st discharge, as shown in
Figure 7b.
Figure 8a shows the cycling performance of L12 and L15 in the range of 2.0–4.8 V. These samples had a similar capacity loss for charge–discharge curves in the first and second cycles. This process may be related to oxygen release during Li
3 activation in the first cycle and may lead to structural rearrangement at 0.1 C during the second cycle [
39]. The charge–discharge curves of L12 and L15 gradually became stable with increasing cycle numbers. However, L12 exhibited a more stable cycling performance and a higher capacity retention after 30 cycles. L12 maintained a discharge capacity of 216 mAh g
−1 and a capacity retention of 89.6%, whereas L15 had a discharge capacity of 201.2 mAh g
−1 and a capacity retention of 87.1%. In addition, the cycling performance of L12 and that of L15 were compared in the two ranges of 2.0–4.8 V and 2.0–4.6 V, as
Figure 8b shows. In the range between 2.0 and 4.6 V, L12 and L15 delivered lower initial charge/discharge capacities of 240.31/176.63 mAh g
−1 and 277.96/223.99 mAh g
−1, respectively. After the first cycle, the discharge capacity of both samples, but especially of L12, gradually increased with increasing cycle numbers. This revealed that a range of 2.0–4.6 V could not entirely active Li
3 during the first cycle. The continuous activation of the Li
3 component increased discharge capacity in the subsequent cycles. However, the discharge capacity of L12 and L15 after 30 cycles in the range of 2.0–4.6 V was still lower than that in the range of 2.0–4.8 V. Therefore, an optimized range of 2.0–4.8 V was used to effectively activate the Li
3 component and improve cycling stability in the subsequent studies. L12 exhibited a higher capacity retention than L15 in both the 2.0–4.8 V and 2.0–4.6 V ranges. These results suggested that the material prepared using Li
3 as a lithium source exhibited better electrochemical performance.