3.1.1. Differences in Total and In Vitro Bioaccessible Concentrations of Macro- and Microelements in Different Fruit and Vegetable Juices
Three fruit (apple, orange, and lemon), two vegetable (beet and carrot) juices, and WGJ were examined with an aim to compare macro- (K, Ca, and Mg) and microelement (Fe, Mn, Zn) concentrations in fresh juices. In general, all juices had the highest total and in vitro bio-accessible concentrations of K, followed by Mg and Ca (
Table 2). Significant differences between juices were found in K, Mg, and Ca totals and in vitro bioaccessible concentrations (
Table 2).
The highest K total and in vitro bioaccessible concentrations were found in beet juice, followed by WGJ, which had a 20% lower total and 28% lower in vitro bioaccessible concentration in comparison to beet juice. In other fruit and vegetable juices, K concentration was lower than in WGJ. Furthermore, WGJ had the highest total and in vitro bioaccessible Ca and Mg concentrations (
Table 2) in comparison to other juices. For example, WGJ had a 4.78-fold higher total Ca concentration in comparison to orange juice, which had the second-highest Ca concentration. Among fruit and vegetable juices, orange and lemon had the highest Ca, while beet and orange had the highest Mg concentration. The lowest concentrations of K, Ca, and Mg was found in fresh apple juice (
Table 2). Based on that, WGJ can be considered a potent source of K, Ca, and Mg. Similar mineral concentrations and relations between minerals in wheatgrass are found in [
22]. On the other hand, low K, Ca, and Mg concentrations in other juices could be due to different growing conditions, post-harvest, and storage treatment [
23]. Yet, since most people buy fruits and vegetables and cannot influence the method of cultivation and storage conditions, it is assumed that the purchased fruits and vegetables will have similar mineral concentrations and generally lower element concentrations than fresh wheatgrass.
As for microelements, WGJ had the highest Mn, Fe, and Zn concentration compared to other juices (
Table 3) and similar to concentrations obtained in [
22]. The largest differences between WGJ and other juices were found for Mn concentration, where juices had between 9-fold (beet and carrot) to 64-fold (lemon juice) less Mn than WGJ. In beet juice, Fe concentration was 34% lower, while Zn concentration was only 2% lower than in WGJ. Carrot, orange, and lemon juices had much lower Fe concentrations than WGJ (65%, 45%, and 92%, respectively). Similar results were found for Zn concentration, where carrot (71%), orange (88%), and lemon (80%) juices had significantly lower Zn concentrations than WGJ (
Table 3).
In vitro bioaccessible concentration represents the amount of the element that is potentially available for absorption in the organism [
24]. When it is put in relation to a total concentration of the same element, we obtain a percentage of bioaccessibility. Based on that percentage, the bioaccessibility of different elements can be compared. In this research, K had the highest percentage of bioaccessibility in comparison to Ca and Mg, ranging from 73% in apple and orange to 96% in beet juice. Such a high percentage of bioaccessibility indicates that beet juice is a good source of K since 96% of the total K, which is found in the juice, could be absorbed in organisms. On the other hand, beet juice had the lowest Ca percentage of bioaccessibility (12%), while the highest percentage of bioaccessibility for Ca was found in WGJ (71%). A percentage of Mg bioaccessibility was in a range between 52% (apple juice) and 76% (beet and WGJ).
In general, the percentage of bioaccessibility of microelements was lower than in macro-elements. In WGJ, the highest percentage of bioaccessibility was obtained for Mn (77%), followed by Fe (57%) and Zn (38%). However, in other juices, the percentage of bioaccessibility did not follow this ordering. For example, orange juice had the highest Zn (94%) percentage of bioaccessibility and the lowest Fe (17%) bioaccessibility, while in beet juice percentage of bioaccessibility decreased in the following order Zn (52%), Mn (42%), Fe (18%). In carrot juice, total concentrations were low, but in vitro bioaccessible concentrations were high compared to other juices, resulting in a high percentage of bioaccessibility (Mn 50%, Fe 73%, and Zn 73%). Many factors affect the bioavailability and absorption of minerals in the human organism [
25], but the most important among them are chemical form, concentration, interactions between nutrients and antinutrients. Antinutrients are bioactive compounds that interfere absorption of nutrients. Some well-known antinutrients are phytic acid, oxalates, lectins, and trypsin inhibitors [
26]. Zn, Fe, Mg, and Ca bioavailability can be decreased by the presence of phytic acid [
3.1.2. The Effect of WGJ Addition on Total and In Vitro Bioaccessible Concentrations of Macro- and Microelements in Different Fruit and Vegetable Juices
Consumption of food supplements is on a constant rise. Among supplements that are most often used are multivitamins, minerals (Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn), proteins, fish oils, and so on [
28]. People who are prone to take dietary supplements usually take more care about their health (healthy diet, exercise more, visiting doctors on a regular basis) and believe that supplement use is a part of an overall approach to a healthy lifestyle [
29]. Although supplements are available on the market, it is always recommended to acquire vitamins and minerals from natural sources, such as fruits and vegetables [
30]. Due to its high content of minerals and other nutrients, fresh WGJ is commonly used as a natural dietary supplement [
31]. We hypothesized that the addition of WGJ to the other examined juices would increase the mineral concentration of those juices, and along with that, improve their nutritional value.
The addition of WGJ increased K concentration in all juices except in beet juice, where K concentration decreased by 9% in comparison to pure beet juice (
Table 4).
The highest increase in K concentration, after the addition of WGJ, was measured in apple (2.18-fold), lemon (60%), and orange (37%) juice in comparison to pure juices. In general, the highest increase after the addition of WGJ in comparison to pure juices was obtained for Ca concentration. For example, Ca concentration in apple juice, after the addition of WGJ increased 12-fold, while in lemon, carrot, and orange juice, the increase in Ca concentration was 3.26, 3.18, and 2.52-fold, respectively, compared to pure juices. A significant increase in Mg concentration was obtained in apple (6.81-fold), carrot (3.92-fold), lemon (2.37-fold), and orange (89%) juices after WGJ addition.
As far as microelements are concerned, after the addition of WGJ to fruit and vegetable juices, the largest increase was obtained for Mn concentration. A Mn concentration increased 24-fold in apple and 22-fold in orange juice, while in beet and carrot juice, the increase was 4- and 3.9-fold, respectively, in comparison to Mn concentration in pure juices. After the addition of WGJ, Fe concentration in apple juice increased 12.2-fold. In carrot juice, the increment was 1.9-fold, while in beet juice, a slight increase in Fe was found (14%).
Zn concentration in apple (4.2-fold), orange (3.8-fold), and carrot juice (1.9-fold) increased significantly, while in beet juice, only a small increase was obtained (0.4%) after the addition of WGJ (
Table 5). WGJ showed potential as a fortifier of mineral concentrations of other juices when mixed with them. Furthermore, mixing WGJ with other juices could neutralize the smell and taste of WGJ, which many find unpalatable. So far, consumers preferred wheatgrass beverages containing a mixture of banana and guava in comparison to pure wheatgrass juice or wheatgrass beverages containing lemon and strawberries [
3.1.3. The Effect of Lemon Juice Addition on In Vitro Bioaccessibility of Macro and Microelements in Different Fruit and Vegetable Juices
Vitamin C has substantial antioxidant properties that play an important role in disease prevention [
35]. Furthermore, vitamin C affects the absorption of some minerals. The role of vitamin C in Fe absorption is well researched, and it is well known that vitamin C, as well as other organic acids, enhances Fe(II) and Fe(III) uptake in a human organism [
36]. On the other hand, the role of vitamin C in the absorption of other macro- and microelements is not completely elucidated yet, and there are confronting results about the role of vitamin C in mineral absorption [
40]. In this research, we hypothesized that the addition of lemon juice, as a natural source of vitamin C, will affect the bioaccessibility of some minerals in fruit and vegetable juices.
Fresh fruit, vegetable, and WGJ were tested with an aim to obtain vitamin C concentration. Fruit juices are an important source of vitamin C [
41] in an everyday diet, and as it is expected, orange and lemon juice had the highest vitamin C concentrations in comparison to other juices (
Figure 1). Lemon juice had the second-highest vitamin C concentration that was almost 14-fold higher than in beet juice, 8.7-fold higher than in apple juice, 4.2-fold higher than in carrot, and 3.5-fold higher vitamin C concentration than in WGJ.
The addition of fresh lemon juice, as a natural source of vitamin C, decreased in vitro bioaccessibility of K, Ca, and Mg in beet and carrot juices (
Table 4). The decrease ranged between 0.2% (for Ca in carrot juice) and 27% (for K in beet juice). On the other hand, in apple and orange juice percentage of bioaccessibility of K, Ca, and Mg increased after the addition of lemon juice. The smallest increase was obtained for K (3% for orange juice and 5% for beet juice), followed by Mg (5% in orange and 11% in apple juice) and Ca with an increase of 13% and 14% in apple and orange juice, respectively.
In general, lemon juice addition to other juices resulted in a larger increase in the percentage of bioaccessibility of microelements (Mn, Fe, and Zn) in comparison to macro-elements (K, Ca, and Mg). The most substantial increase in microelement percentage of bioaccessibility after the addition of lemon juice was obtained for Fe (95%) and Zn (88%) in apple juice. As a result of lemon juice addition, a rather large increase in Zn bioaccessibility was noted in carrot (23%) and orange juice (20%).