A Systematic Review of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Optimization Frameworks
:1. Introduction
1.1. Evolutionary Computing
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- Evolutionary strategies: Proposed and developed starting in 1970 by Ingo Reichenberg and Hans-Paul Schwefel [1]. The representation of individuals consists of floating-point numbers and the main characteristic is the variable step of mutation.
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- Genetic programming: Developed from 1990 by John Koza [2]. Data is represented as trees with crossover being accomplished through prune and graft operations. It fits very well in languages such as LISP.
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- Evolutionary programming: Introduced in 1960 by J.L Fogel [3]. It is very similar to genetic programming but the representation is performed by the use of a finite state machine and is mutation based (no crossover).
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- Genetic algorithms: These algorithms are the most widely known type of evolutionary algorithms. The mechanism for formalizing the prediction of individuals’ quality in successive generations, the so-called Schemata Theory was introduced, with their help, by John Holland in 1970 [4].
1.2. Objectives
- RQI:
- Which are the most useful tools/platforms available for working with Multi-Objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms and their target problems?
- What essential features do they provide?
- Which are the constraints and limitations?
- How easily to extensible and maintainable are these tools from a software perspective?
2. Research Strategy
Bibliometric Study
- Choosing the research criteria: We decided to select research papers from the Scopus database referring to “multi-objective”, “algorithms”, “optimization” and “platforms”.
- Choosing the time period: We selected the “2005–present” period to provide our study a higher relevance. Prior to 2005, there was a significantly smaller number of publications than after 2005.
- Analysis of results: An investigation of over 1760 papers returned by the criteria from steps 1 and 2. This analysis included the number of citations, the interest, and the relevance of the paper subject and the most frequent of the selected keywords.
- Pre-processing data: Before using the data gathered from Scopus, we had to preprocess some of the keywords and syntaxes. In most cases, we aggregated two or more terms referring to the same concept, but still kept the total number of occurrences of all of them. For example, we combined “genetic algorithm” and “genetic-algorithms” as “genetic algorithm”. Similarly, instead of “energy consumption”, “energy distribution”, “energy optimization” we used “energy utilization”.
- Analysis of occurrences: An investigation of the key terms to have strong correlations with each other, as indicated by authors from the Scopus database. We used the VOSviewer tool [28] in order to perform these advanced clustering correlations. We selected only the keywords that occurred at least 35 times. Moreover, by using the same tool, we generated in Figure 2 a map of the current research trends in scientific literature. The 4 clusters obtained are presented in Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5.
3. State-of-the-Art Algorithms
4. Frameworks
4.1. PlatEMO
- It is an open-source framework The source code is publicly available on GitHub for developers’ contributions.
- It consists of a very rich and complex library of algorithms. There are more than 250 algorithms available in the application, divided in 4 categories: single objective, multi-objective (2 or 3 objectives) and many-objective (4 or more objectives). It consists of a large number of optimization problems—over 100 such problems.
- It provides easy extensibility. The software architecture is structured well so that the interface level allows an easy extensibility of the tool with new algorithms and problems. In order to run different algorithms or problems, no more code is needed, since the GUI allows the user to select the desired options. This GUI allows the user to see the generation-by-generation evolution of solutions around the true Pareto-front and quality indicators of the results over the entire run.
- The software design allows the implementation of different meta-optimization algorithms, such as that presented in [63]. It would be possible to create at least two threads, each of them for one of the super-positioned algorithms, followed by starting the simulation on the same problem.
- A check-pointing mechanism to save individuals or populations periodically, in case some simulations fail before the end of the last generation.
- It does not address the mechanism of parallelization of the evaluation functions inside the individuals. This could generate very long runs in case of a complex and time-consuming problem.
- It does not include relatively new proposed algorithms such as RDA, Gray-Wolf, MOGBO, etc.
- It does not allow the user to change the range of the design variables, nor the constraints, where possible, for the selected optimization problems.
4.2. PyMOO
- It is an open-source framework. It is publicly available on GitHub for developers’ contributions.
- It provides single-objective, multi-objective, and many-objective test problems.
- Optimization constraints are also available for the user.
- It contains gradient information provided by automatic differentiation [64].
- Problems: single-, multi-, and many-objectives;
- Optimization (genetic operations): Crossover, Mutation, Survival, etc.;
- Analytics: Visualization, Performance Indicator, Decision Making. This extra feature, called Decision Making, provides some options to select one solution from the final Pareto-front, depending on different preferences.
- In order to run new simulations, the user has to write new code.
- Every time a new algorithm or the same algorithm with different parameters needs to be started, a new object has to be created.
- This also applies to the other components: problems, quality indicators, etc. This is not necessarily a major problem, but some researchers might be interested in black-box usage of the tool: initial-config + results interpretation.
- The MOA library is extremely poor, containing less than 20 algorithms.
- The same happens with problems. There are few problems for testing those algorithms. Therefore, it does not include relatively new proposed algorithms such as: RDA, Gray-Wolf, MOGBO, etc.
4.3. jMetal
- It contains a very rich set of algorithms and problems, around 100 state-of-the art algorithms.
- There are 3 possible categories: single-objective, multi-objective and many-objective algorithms.
- The software architecture consists of a very good object-oriented base design. Each category of algorithms inherits its own specific path, making it easy to maintain and easy to use. Therefore, a very easy extensibility with new algorithms and problems is possible.
- Documentation, code snippets, and examples of how to use different features and quality indicators are provided.
- It is relatively easy to integrate a meta-optimization and super-position mechanism within jMetal. The software design makes it feasible for such extensions.
- There is no parallelization mechanism addressed.
- There is no checkpointing mechanism addressed.
- The results are not displayed in a visual manner. As mentioned earlier, it might be regarded as a library, but the end should be given a confirmation about the end of the simulation and the obtained results.
- It does not include relatively new proposed algorithms such as: Hyena, Gray-Wolf, MOGBO, etc.
4.4. Evolver
- The algorithm, whose optimal configuration is to be found and is referred to as a Configurable Algorithm is given a training set. This set is actually a collection of optimization problems; hence the diversity of training is provided.
- It could be easily extended to work with any real-world engineering problem. As an example, in the original paper, the authors present a case-study of an injector design problem. As an objective of meta-optimization, a list of quality indicators is set to be minimized. This list is configurable.
- Evolver—the core of the meta-optimization approach (jMetal, problems, etc.);
- Evolver Dashboard—a user-friendly web application built with Python, which allows the user to configure and modify all of the parameters for meta-optimization. The web-interface provides a very detailed and relevant visualization of the results: generation-by-generation population, indicator values, time, evaluations, pareto-front, etc.
- The project comes also as a pre-built docker package to ease the interaction with the tool. It provides easy software extensibility.
- The algorithmic idea of meta-optimization might take a lot of time to run, typically when the problem to optimize is very complex. An evolutionary algorithm itself might require a significant amount of time, let alone an algorithm which uses a population of such evolutionary algorithms.
- Considering the previous idea, checkpointing, individual reusability mechanisms, and evaluation parallelization should be addressed.
- A logging feature to save the progress or status of simulation at some points in time would be useful, as well. In the case of a long-run simulation, the evaluation of some individuals may fail or the simulation itself may fail, therefore, leading to unknown scenarios.
4.5. FADSE
- An open-source framework that is based on jMetal library. Therefore, it comes with a rich library of algorithms and problems. It is publicly available on GitHub for developers’ contributions.
- It includes single and multi-objective algorithms.
- It provides quality indicators and several monitoring reports to see the progress of the current simulations.
- It also provides a robustness mechanism including a SQL database connection in order to save the already simulated individuals. It is also tolerant to simulation failures due to the checkpointing mechanism.
- It is possible to use fuzzy logic rules in order to help algorithms to obtain a faster convergence. This fuzzy mechanism is easy to extend and manipulate by domain knowledge experts.
- There is a parallelization mechanism implemented in FADSE, such that, if connected to a computer network or high-performance computers, individuals are sent among this network and simulated at the same time.
- The main drawback of FADSE is that it uses jMetal version 0.8. This is one of the first versions of jMetal and it is outdated. The object-orientated design is very poor. Therefore, the extensibility of the tool is very difficult because of this poor software design. Since the jMetal library used is that old, FADSE misses many of the more recent algorithms.
- The same thing is valid for optimization problems and metrics.
- Moreover, all the changes have been made directly inside the code of this old metaheuristics library over time. That means that an update to a recent version of jMetal is extremely difficult because of the lack of compatibilities between the current jMetal version included in FADSE and other recent jMetal versions.
- It does not provide a GUI, but the input to FADSE is given in a custom xml file. Nevertheless, FADSE provides features to run simulations on High-Performance Computers within Local Area Networks.
- Nevertheless, the documentation is missing, which makes it very difficult for developers to get started with FADSE.
- It is not possible to implement any meta-optimization or superposition mechanism because the software architecture was designed so that a simulation allows only one thread to be started for one optimization problem.
4.6. General Comparison
5. Discussions
5.1. Constraints and Limitations
5.2. Other Specialized Optimization Existing Platforms
5.3. Future Developments
6. Concluding Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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Cluster 1—Swarm-Based Algorithms | ||
ID | Keyword | Occurrences |
1 | ant colony optimization | 36 |
2 | artificial-intelligence | 49 |
3 | cloud-computing | 116 |
4 | costs | 60 |
5 | energy utilization | 173 |
6 | integer programming | 39 |
7 | internet of things | 39 |
8 | network security | 42 |
9 | particle swarm optimization | 168 |
10 | performance | 44 |
11 | quality of service | 61 |
12 | resource allocation | 40 |
13 | scheduling | 131 |
14 | virtual machine | 37 |
Cluster 2—Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms | ||
ID | Keyword | Occurrences |
1 | algorithm | 152 |
2 | computer software | 195 |
3 | design | 105 |
4 | efficiency | 53 |
5 | genetic algorithm | 568 |
6 | matlab | 84 |
7 | multi-objective | 1273 |
8 | optimization | 459 |
9 | optimization algorithm | 91 |
10 | optimization problems | 86 |
11 | parameters estimation | 50 |
12 | structural optimization | 77 |
Cluster 3—Pareto Dominance for MO Problems | ||
ID | Keyword | Occurrences |
1 | constrained optimization | 44 |
2 | decision making | 99 |
3 | economic and social effects | 101 |
4 | multi-objective problem | 173 |
5 | nsga-ii | 70 |
6 | optimal systems | 62 |
7 | pareto optimal solutions | 46 |
8 | pareto principle | 116 |
9 | product design | 50 |
Cluster 4—Categories of Algorithms | ||
ID | Keyword | Occurrences |
1 | benchmarking | 38 |
2 | embedded systems | 45 |
3 | evolutionary algorithm | 231 |
4 | heuristic algorithm | 53 |
5 | learning algorithm | 77 |
6 | objective functions | 55 |
7 | reinforcement learning | 35 |
Cluster 4—Evolutionary Algorithms | ||
ID | Problem | Occurrences |
1 | costs optimization | 60 |
2 | energy utilization | 173 |
3 | internet of things | 39 |
4 | network security | 42 |
5 | resource allocation | 40 |
6 | scheduling | 131 |
7 | economic and social effects | 101 |
8 | embedded systems | 45 |
Framework | No. of Scopus Citations | First Publication Date | Current Version | Language |
jMetal | 969 | 2006 | 6.1 | Java |
FADSE | 43 | 2010 | 2.0 | Java |
PlatEMO | 1372 | 2017 | 4.5 | MATLAB |
PyMOO | 748 | 2020 | 0.6.0 | Python |
Evolver | 0 | 2023 | 1.0.1 | Java |
Feature/Framework | PlatEMO | PyMOO | jMetal | Evolver | FADSE |
Multi-objective focus | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Rich algorithms library | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Rich problems library | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Parallelization | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ |
Checkpointing | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ |
Easy extensibility | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ |
GUI | ✓ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✘ |
Open-source | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Comprehensive documentation | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✘ |
Framework | Link GitHub | # of Contributors | # of Watchers |
PlatEMO | https://github.com/BIMK/PlatEMO (accessed on 12 March 2024) | 12 | 45 |
PyMOO | https://github.com/anyoptimization/pymoo (accessed on 12 March 2024) | 37 | 32 |
jMetal | https://github.com/jMetal/jMetal (accessed on 12 March 2024) | 43 | 54 |
FADSE | https://github.com/horia-calborean/fadse (accessed on 12 March 2024) | 3 | 6 |
Evolver | https://github.com/ElsevierSoftwareX/SOFTX-D-23-00488 (accessed on 12 March 2024) | 3 | 0 |
Quality Indicator | PlatEMO | PyMOO | jMetal | Evolver | FADSE |
HV | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
TSHD | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ |
EP | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
SP | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
GS | ✘ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
NPS | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ |
MID | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ |
GD | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
IGD | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
C | ✓ | ✘ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
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Share and Cite
Pătrăușanu, A.; Florea, A.; Neghină, M.; Dicoiu, A.; Chiș, R. A Systematic Review of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Optimization Frameworks. Processes 2024, 12, 869. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12050869
Pătrăușanu A, Florea A, Neghină M, Dicoiu A, Chiș R. A Systematic Review of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Optimization Frameworks. Processes. 2024; 12(5):869. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12050869
Chicago/Turabian StylePătrăușanu, Andrei, Adrian Florea, Mihai Neghină, Alina Dicoiu, and Radu Chiș. 2024. "A Systematic Review of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Optimization Frameworks" Processes 12, no. 5: 869. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12050869
APA StylePătrăușanu, A., Florea, A., Neghină, M., Dicoiu, A., & Chiș, R. (2024). A Systematic Review of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Optimization Frameworks. Processes, 12(5), 869. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12050869