Management of the Risk of Blue-Green Algae Blooms in the Iskar Dam for Drinking Water Quality of Sofia City
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The Study Area—The Main Component in the Risk Assessment Is the Iskar Dam, the Main Water Source of the City of Sofia, the Capital of Bulgaria with a Population of 1.2 Million Inhabitants, Which Provides about 80% of the Drinking Water for the Residents of the Capital
2.2. Context and Methodology of Risk Assessment
2.2.1. Context of Risk Analysis and WSP
2.2.2. Methodology of the Risk Assessment
- 5—Public health crisis. Multiple (e.g., >100) deaths among service users.
- 4—Serious risk to public health. Waterborne epidemic and some deaths among service users.
- 3—Wide range of public health risks. Waterborne diseases affecting 10–50 people.
- 2—Moderate risk to public health. Waterborne diseases affecting < 10 people.
- 1—Localized risk to public health. The nature of the problem is more aesthetic than a real health risk.
2.3. Monitoring of the Risk of Algal Blooms in the Main Water Source Iskar Dam
2.3.1. Critical Control Points and Analyzed Indicators
2.3.2. Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Watershed Risk Assessment Matrix for Iskar Dam
3.2. Biological Hazard
3.2.1. Phytoplankton Quantity
3.2.2. Phytoplankton Species Composition
3.3. Reassessment of the Risk of Blue-Green Algae Blooms in the Iskar Dam
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Hazardous Event (Source of Hazard) | Associated Hazards (and Issues to Consider) |
Meteorology and weather patterns | Flooding, rapid changes in source water quality |
Seasonal variations | Changes in source water quality |
Geology | Arsenic, fluoride, lead, uranium, radon |
Swallow holes (surface water ingress) | |
Agriculture | Microbial contamination, pesticides, nitrate |
Slurry and dung spreading | |
Disposal of dead animals | |
Forestry | Pesticides, PAHs—polyaromatic hydrocarbons (fires) |
Industry | Chemical and microbial contamination |
(including abandoned and former industrial sites) | Potential loss of source water due to contamination |
Mining (including abandoned mines) | Chemical pollution |
Transport—roads | Pesticides, chemicals (road traffic accidents) |
Transport—airports (including abandoned airfields) | Organic chemicals |
Development | Run-off |
Housing—septic tanks | Microbial contamination |
Abattoirs | Organic and microbial contamination |
Wildlife | Microbial contamination |
Recreational use | Microbial contamination |
Competing water uses | Sufficiency |
Raw water storage | Algal blooms and toxins |
Stratification | |
Unconfined aquifer | Water quality subject to unexpected change |
Well/borehole headworks not watertight | Surface water intrusion |
Borehole casing corroded or incomplete | Borehole casing corroded or incomplete |
Flooding | Quality and sufficiency of raw water |
Risk. No. | Oil Spill | Eutrophication | Blue-Green Algae Blooms |
Water Main | Iskarski | ||
Nature of the risk | Anthropogenic | ||
Source of the risk | Transport—roads; Airports (Belchin); incl. abandoned sites | Agriculture | Blue-green algal blooms and toxin formation. Change of the microcommunities in the water source—Iskar Dam. Climate change |
Risk description | Deterioration of water quality in terms of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters | ||
Additional information | Oil spills on the road as a result of malfunctioning vehicles; Oil/chemical spills as a result of traffic accidents | Microbiological contamination; pesticides; nitrates; spreading of suspended fertilizers; disposal of dead animals | Algal blooms and toxin release/Stratification |
Control measure available Risk Management Plan | 1. Water intake from perennial leveler; 2. Horizon of water intake—minus 35 m; 3. Established sanitary-protected zones; 4. Treatment and disinfection—DWTP Passarel; DWTP Bistritsa; DWTP Pancharevo. 5. Periodic monitoring of surface water quality and categorization of surface waters—according to the requirements of the Basin Directorate, Pleven. 6. Emergency business continuity plan 7. Procedure SI-07-02 “Categorization of objects from the composition of Sofiyska voda JSC” | ||
Proposal for additional measures | If possible, to include monitoring of the Iskar Dam through satellite technologies detecting spills of oil products on the surface of the dam | Additional screening of the raw water for traces of specific pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals for crops/plants/animal treatment. | 1. To carry out a screening for the presence of microcystins in the raw water from the Iskar Dam. 2. To carry out a study of the species composition of the phytoplankton in the Iskar Dam and to assess the potential for algae blooms in the Dam. |
Update date | 1 October 2018 | 1 October 2018 | 1 October 2018 |
Impact | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Probability | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Current control effectiveness | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Overall assessment | 2 | 3 | 36 |
Risk Assessment | LOW | LOW | MEDIUM |
Deadline | Current Additional measures— March 2020 | Current | Current Additional measures— March 2020 |
Risk Management Plan Performance | It is in progress | It is in progress | It is in progress |
Initial Assessment 2018 | Reassessment 2022 | |
Evaluated system component | Iskar dam | |
Water Main | Iskarski | |
Nature of the risk | Biological | |
Source of the risk | Blue-green algal blooms and toxin formation. Change in the microcommunities in the water source—Iskar Dam. Shift of the dominant phyto/zooplankton complex due to climatic changes. | |
Risk description | Deterioration of water quality according to chemical parameters—increased levels of microcystin LR (toxin). | |
Additional information | Algal blooms and toxin release/Stratification | |
Control measure available/Risk Management Plan | 1. Periodic annual monitoring of the quality and categorization of surface waters—according to legal requirements. | |
2. Water treatment and disinfection—in DWTP Passarel; DWTP Bistritsaand; DWTP Pancharevo | ||
3. Preparedness for emergency situations—if necessary, there is a sufficient reserve of disinfectant and CFS to remove phyto and zooplankton. | ||
N/A | 4. Periodic annual monitoring for the presence of microcystins in raw water | |
N/A | 5. Action plan for emergency situation “Algal blooming in Iskar reservoir” has been developed and drilled | |
Proposal for additional measures | 1. To carry out a screening for the presence of microcystins in the raw water from the Iskar Dam. 2. To carry out a study of the species composition of the phytoplankton in the Iskar Dam and to assess the potential for algae blooms in the Dam. | 1. Installation of sensors for tracking parameters providing information on the dynamics of phytoplankton and predicting blooming of the Iskar Dam. 2. Inclusion of an option to use ultrasound to reduce phytoplankton blooms that occur. 3. If possible, to include monitoring of the Iskar Dam through satellite technologies establishing phytoplankton blooms on the surface of the dam |
Update date | 1 October 2018 | 15 April 2022 |
Impact | 3 | 3 |
Probability | 3 | 2 |
Current control effectiveness | 4 | 2 |
Overall assessment | 36 | 12 |
Risk assessment | MEDIUM | LOW |
Deadline | March 2020 | Current Additional measures—2023 |
Risk Management Plan Performance Report | - | Report on the Phytoplankton Study of the Iskar Dam [29]; Report on the status and potential of microcystin LR production by phytoplankton in raw and drinking water from the Iskar Dam [39] |
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Share and Cite
Aleksova, M.; Schneider, I.; Velisha, S.; Prodanova, E. Management of the Risk of Blue-Green Algae Blooms in the Iskar Dam for Drinking Water Quality of Sofia City. Processes 2023, 11, 2972.
Aleksova M, Schneider I, Velisha S, Prodanova E. Management of the Risk of Blue-Green Algae Blooms in the Iskar Dam for Drinking Water Quality of Sofia City. Processes. 2023; 11(10):2972.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAleksova, Margita, Irina Schneider, Seniha Velisha, and Eya Prodanova. 2023. "Management of the Risk of Blue-Green Algae Blooms in the Iskar Dam for Drinking Water Quality of Sofia City" Processes 11, no. 10: 2972.
APA StyleAleksova, M., Schneider, I., Velisha, S., & Prodanova, E. (2023). Management of the Risk of Blue-Green Algae Blooms in the Iskar Dam for Drinking Water Quality of Sofia City. Processes, 11(10), 2972.