The Experiences of Motor Skill Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Reflected through Parental Responses
:1. Introduction
Literature Review
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Aim and Participants
2.1.1. Selection of Participants
2.1.2. Conducting Interviews
2.1.3. Interview Questions
- Basic information about the child, including the time and circumstances of the autism diagnosis.
- Current movement development activities and challenges perceived by the parent.
- Types of movement enjoyed by the child and factors influencing motivation.
- The impact of movement development on the child’s communication and social interactions.
- Support and resources available in the family and home environment.
- The child’s unique needs and planning of the movement development program.
- Goals set by the family and the help needed to achieve them.
- Steps planned for the near future and special requests to professionals.
2.1.4. Data Processing Method
2.1.5. Sample
3. Results
3.1. Movement Development Challenges
3.2. Enjoyable Forms of Movement
3.3. Motivational Factors
3.4. Special Needs and Interventions
3.5. Goals and Expectations
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- Sociodemographic requests
- The age, educational background, place of residence, per capita income, number of children of the parents (father, mother) raising the child, birth date of the child with ASD, and the child’s age at the time of diagnosis (given in months). Family circumstances (divorced, single-parenting, foster parent).
- Interview Questions:
- 1.
- Basic information about the childWhen and under what circumstances did you receive your child’s ASD diagnosis?What were the precedents for the diagnosis? Was there any assessment or evaluation conducted?
- 2.
- Current movement development activities and challengesWhat movement development activities are you currently engaging in with your child?What challenges do you experience during these activities?
- 3.
- Types of movement enjoyed by the child and motivational factorsWhat types of movement are your child’s favorites?What factors influence your child’s motivation for movement?
- 4.
- The impact of movement development on the child’s communication and social interactionsHow has movement development impacted your child’s communication skills?How has your child’s social interaction changed as a result of movement development?
- 5.
- Support and resources available in the family and home environmentWhat support and resources are available at home for your child’s development?Is there any organization or community that you have turned to for assistance?
- 6.
- The child’s unique needs and planning of the movement development programWhat unique needs do you observe in your child regarding movement development?How do you plan the movement development program to meet these needs?
- 7.
- Goals set by the family and the help needed to achieve themWhat goals have you set regarding your child’s movement development?What help do you need to achieve these goals?
- 8.
- Steps planned for the near future and special requests to professionalsWhat steps do you plan to take in the near future regarding your child’s movement development?Do you have any special requests for professionals that could help in your child’s development?
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Demography | Category | Distribution |
Residence | Village | 26.00% |
City | 48.00% | |
County seat | 26.00% | |
Number of Children | 1 | 38.00% |
2 | 38.00% | |
3 | 16.00% | |
4 | 8.00% | |
Mother’s education | Elementary school | 14.00% |
Vocational school | 18.00% | |
High school | 46.00% | |
University | 22.00% | |
Father’s education | Elementary school | 4.00% |
Vocational school | 26.00% | |
High school | 44.00% | |
University | 26.00% | |
Single parent | Yes | 36.00% |
No | 64.00% | |
Net monthly income per capita | Less than EUR 405 | 20.00% |
EUR 405–540 | 32.00% | |
EUR 541–675 | 30.00% | |
EUR 676–810 | 10.00% | |
More than EUR 810 | 8.00% |
Demography | Mean | Standard Deviation |
Mother’s age | 36.62 years | 5.93 |
Father’s age | 40.76 years | 6.35 |
Net monthly income per capita | EUR 557 | 60,386 |
Age of child with ASD (decimal age) | 6.99 | 2.13 |
Time of diagnosis (month) | 37.66 | 8.22 |
Topics/Key Categories | Frequency (n = 51) | Notes Based on Parental Responses | Experiences from Previous Research Supporting Parents’ Statements |
Family Structure | |||
Dual-Parent Household | 33 | NA | |
Single Parent | 18 | NA | |
Foster Parent | 25 | NA | |
Developmental Movement Challenges | |||
Communication Barriers | 32 | Children have difficulty expressing their need for movement | [112] |
Social Interaction | 29 | Difficulty integrating into group activities | [113] |
Motivation | 37 | Finding a preferred form of movement | [114,115,116] |
Enjoyable Forms of Movement | |||
Individual sports | 26 | E.g., swimming, horseback riding | [117] |
Combination of Music and Movement | 37 | Dance, rhythmic gymnastics | [118,119,120] |
Motivational Factors | |||
Rewarding | 41 | Positive feedback, small rewards | [121] |
Parental Involvement | 48 | Children are more motivated when parents are involved | [122,123,124] |
Support and Resources | |||
Professional Support | 45 | Involvement of therapists, special educators | |
Family Support System | 38 | Help from siblings, grandparents | [125] |
Special Needs and Interventions | |||
Personalized Programs | 49 | Necessity of an individual therapeutic plan | [126] |
Sensory Stimulation | 44 | Use of sensory toys, tools | [74,127] |
Goals and Expectations | |||
Developing Communication Skills | 35 | Speech and non-verbal communication | [128] |
Improving Social Skills | 40 | Interaction with other children | [58,59] |
Next Steps | |||
Involving More Specialists | 27 | Trying new therapeutic methods | [129] |
Group Activities | 34 | Increasing participation in social environments | [130,131] |
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Share and Cite
Müller, A.; Bába, É.B.; Židek, P.; Lengyel, A.; Lakó, J.H.; Laoues-Czimbalmos, N.; Molnár, A.; Boda, E. The Experiences of Motor Skill Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Reflected through Parental Responses. Children 2024, 11, 1238.
Müller A, Bába ÉB, Židek P, Lengyel A, Lakó JH, Laoues-Czimbalmos N, Molnár A, Boda E. The Experiences of Motor Skill Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Reflected through Parental Responses. Children. 2024; 11(10):1238.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMüller, Anetta, Éva Bácsné Bába, Peter Židek, Attila Lengyel, Judit Herpainé Lakó, Nóra Laoues-Czimbalmos, Anikó Molnár, and Eszter Boda. 2024. "The Experiences of Motor Skill Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Reflected through Parental Responses" Children 11, no. 10: 1238.
APA StyleMüller, A., Bába, É. B., Židek, P., Lengyel, A., Lakó, J. H., Laoues-Czimbalmos, N., Molnár, A., & Boda, E. (2024). The Experiences of Motor Skill Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Reflected through Parental Responses. Children, 11(10), 1238.