The Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Hospital Visitation Bans in the COVID-19 Era
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. International Healthcare Visitation and Human Rights Guidelines
3.2. Federal Guidelines and State Laws in the United States
3.3. The Psychological and Physical Impact of Isolation in Healthcare Settings
4. Discussion
4.1. Utilitarian and Deontological Ethics
4.2. The Need for a Unified Visitation Policy
4.3. Supporting Psychological Health Through Family and Caregiver Presence
4.4. Optimizing Hospital Visitation Protocols for Public Health Crises
4.5. Addressing Staff Concerns About Visitation Policies
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Lassi, N.; Jiang, S.; Du, Y. The Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Hospital Visitation Bans in the COVID-19 Era. Healthcare 2025, 13, 288.
Lassi N, Jiang S, Du Y. The Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Hospital Visitation Bans in the COVID-19 Era. Healthcare. 2025; 13(3):288.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLassi, Nicholas, Su Jiang, and Yu Du. 2025. "The Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Hospital Visitation Bans in the COVID-19 Era" Healthcare 13, no. 3: 288.
APA StyleLassi, N., Jiang, S., & Du, Y. (2025). The Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Hospital Visitation Bans in the COVID-19 Era. Healthcare, 13(3), 288.