Design and Assessment of Survey in a 360-Degree Feedback Environment for Student Satisfaction Analysis Applied to Industrial Engineering Degrees in Spain
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methods
Motivation and Objectives
- To increase the active participation of students in their own assessment, thus, seeking to motivate the excessively monotonous and individualistic study in engineering, through an innovative action in the classroom [5,15]. To increase student understanding of the role of the evaluator and how items are assessed in engineering subjects.
- To motivate students in their learning process by providing them with tools that allow them to compare their performance with their classmates, thus, making of this evaluation a useful information tool and not merely a control tool [16].
- To improve the student learning process in a peer-assessment environment, as reported in Martínez-Figueira et al. [17].
- o
- To know the degree of satisfaction of students on how the evaluation is being carried out and to observe if there are discrepancies between the evaluation of the hetero-, peer- and self-assessment of students. To obtain feedback concerning the impartial and anonymous assessment experience by the students.
- o
- To validate the satisfaction survey used in the 360-degree feedback evaluation through a formal statistical process (confirmatory factor analysis) to assess its potential standardized use in other subjects in industrial engineering degrees in Spain/outside Spain.
4. Participants
4.1. Design of the Survey
4.2. Description of the 360-Degree Evaluation Method
5. Results
5.1. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
5.2. Internal Consistency of the Survey
5.3. Overall Analysis of the Sample
5.4. Analysis of the Sample by Groups
5.5. Analysis Due to Attendance and Anonymity
5.6. Analysis Grouped by Bachelor (BSc) and Master (MSc) Degrees
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Number | Subject | Course Degree | N. Participants/Total |
#1 | Computational simulation of fluid flows over vehicles | 1° Master | 7/8 |
#2 | Fluid mechanics over vehicles | 1° Master | 3/4 |
#3 | Teleoperations and telerobotics | 1° Master | 2/4 |
#4 | Physics I | 1° BSc | 63/64 |
#5 | Photovoltaic facilities | 4° BSc | 15/20 |
#6 | Fault-tolerant mechatronic systems | 1° Master | 3/4 |
#7 | Industrial processes | 3° BSc | 60/63 |
TOTAL: 153/167 |
Sex | Men | 70.45% |
Women | 29.55% | |
Degree | BSc | 90.2% |
MSc | 9.8% | |
Subject | Physics I | 41.2% |
Industrial processes | 39.22% | |
Photovoltaic facilities | 9.8% | |
Computational simulation of fluid flows over vehicles | 4.57% | |
Fault-tolerant mechatronic systems | 1.96% | |
Fluid mechanics over vehicles | 1.96% | |
Teleoperations and telerobotics | 1.31% |
Group or Dimension | Item Numbering | Item |
Personal evaluation | Q01 | Has participation in the evaluation experience helped me to better understand the contents of the subject? |
Q02 | Has participation in this experience helped me to detect misconceptions about the content of the subject? | |
Q03 | Has participation in this experience helped me to be more responsible and leader of my own learning? | |
Q04 | Has participation in this experience helped me to improve my study system? | |
Q05 | To know that self-assessment is part of the process: Has this given me an “extra” motivation to carry out the activity? | |
Criteria | Q06 | Is the evaluation documentation provided by the teaching staff intuitive and easily interpretable? |
Q07 | Do I think the evaluation criteria have been adequate? | |
Q08 | Do I think that the point marks of the sections to be evaluated is adequate? | |
Q09 | Documentation provided by the teaching staff is valuable to carry out the evaluation (rubric, evaluation criteria, point marks and correction, etc.). | |
Objectivity of evaluation | Q10 | Has the self-assessment been objective and fair? |
Q11 | If you do not know, please answer 0: has the peer-assessment that I have received from my classmates been objective and fair? | |
Q12 | Have I carried out a fair and objective peer-assessment of my peers? | |
Q13 | Do you think that ensuring anonymity would be an important factor for peer-assessment among students? | |
Q14 | Can I assure that friendship with evaluated peers has not influenced my peer-assessment carried out (positively or negatively)? | |
Q15 | Has the evaluation carried out by your teaching staff been objective and fair? | |
Learning from the experience | Q16 | Has participation in this experience allowed me to better understand the evaluative role of teaching staff? |
Q17 | Do I consider that I have learned more with this experience than with the traditional method? | |
Q18 | Do you think it would be interesting to apply this experience to other subjects? | |
Q19 | Would you recommend the subject because of the experience you had with this evaluation method? | |
Q20 | Objectively, how would you rate this experience? |
Item | |||
Q01 | 0.757 | 0.911 | 0.947 |
Q02 | 0.761 | 0.911 | 0.947 |
Q03 | 0.730 | 0.912 | 0.948 |
Q04 | 0.718 | 0.913 | 0.948 |
Q05 | 0.655 | 0.916 | 0.949 |
Q06 | 0.486 | 0.918 | 0.950 |
Q07 | 0.573 | 0.917 | 0.946 |
Q08 | 0.598 | 0.916 | 0.949 |
Q09 | 0.682 | 0.914 | 0.947 |
Q10 | 0.603 | 0.916 | 0.949 |
Q11 | 0.579 | 0.916 | 0.951 |
Q12 | 0.272 | 0.922 | 0.954 |
Q15 | 0.716 | 0.913 | 0.945 |
Q16 | 0.729 | 0.912 | 0.945 |
Q17 | 0.721 | 0.912 | 0.947 |
Q18 | 0.604 | 0.916 | 0.950 |
Q19 | 0.757 | 0.911 | 0.947 |
Q20 | 0.774 | 0.912 | 0.946 |
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Granados-Ortiz, F.-J.; Gómez-Merino, A.I.; Jiménez-Galea, J.J.; Santos-Ráez, I.M.; Fernandez-Lozano, J.J.; Gómez-de-Gabriel, J.M.; Ortega-Casanova, J. Design and Assessment of Survey in a 360-Degree Feedback Environment for Student Satisfaction Analysis Applied to Industrial Engineering Degrees in Spain. Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 199.
Granados-Ortiz F-J, Gómez-Merino AI, Jiménez-Galea JJ, Santos-Ráez IM, Fernandez-Lozano JJ, Gómez-de-Gabriel JM, Ortega-Casanova J. Design and Assessment of Survey in a 360-Degree Feedback Environment for Student Satisfaction Analysis Applied to Industrial Engineering Degrees in Spain. Education Sciences. 2023; 13(2):199.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGranados-Ortiz, Francisco-Javier, Ana Isabel Gómez-Merino, Jesús Javier Jiménez-Galea, Isidro María Santos-Ráez, Juan Jesús Fernandez-Lozano, Jesús Manuel Gómez-de-Gabriel, and Joaquín Ortega-Casanova. 2023. "Design and Assessment of Survey in a 360-Degree Feedback Environment for Student Satisfaction Analysis Applied to Industrial Engineering Degrees in Spain" Education Sciences 13, no. 2: 199.
APA StyleGranados-Ortiz, F. -J., Gómez-Merino, A. I., Jiménez-Galea, J. J., Santos-Ráez, I. M., Fernandez-Lozano, J. J., Gómez-de-Gabriel, J. M., & Ortega-Casanova, J. (2023). Design and Assessment of Survey in a 360-Degree Feedback Environment for Student Satisfaction Analysis Applied to Industrial Engineering Degrees in Spain. Education Sciences, 13(2), 199.