3. Current Study
In the current study, we sought to examine learning preferences, learning engagement, and the Big Five personality traits in one school. This particular school focuses entirely on serving students with learning differences, which allowed us to concentrate on how these constructs relate in a neurodivergent sample. In order to examine these research questions within such a small sample, we utilized a single-case design methodology to illuminate the results of necessary decisions to implement models of virtual or in-class learning as the COVID-19 pandemic began in Spring 2020 [
28]. Given the importance of examining the relationships among these variables in our unique but small sample of neurodivergent students, we implemented a case study within a survey to understand the real-world case of this school environment during the pandemic [
30]. The important contextual conditions pertinent to these students at this school during this particular time lend themselves to using the case design method [
Therefore, a survey to assess student preferences for virtual and in-class learning was administered in the spring of 2022 in a small sample of students (aged 12–18 years) with special learning needs who were already accustomed, in pre-pandemic periods, to extensive teacher-directed computer-/internet-assisted learning activities. The goal of this study was to determine whether these students’ virtual versus in-class learning preferences were related to their Big Five personality traits and/or their self-reported learning engagement. We expected these data to help inform educators of which student characteristics might be associated with learning preferences to assist educational planning for any future virtual learning that might be offered to remote students, traveling student-athletes, or other students who could not be present in classrooms for short or long periods or for various reasons. The following hypotheses were formulated.
3.1. Hypothesis 1
In the absence of prior research relating personality traits to preferences for virtual versus in-class learning, there was no empirical basis for an a priori hypothesis regarding expected relationships between these variables. However, given anecdotal teacher observations suggesting that socially anxious children might achieve better virtually, an explorative hypothesis was adopted, proposing that a student preference for virtual over in-class learning would be related to Neuroticism. Of note, after initiating the study with this hypothesis, the authors encountered seemingly supportive theoretical literature that linked digital nativism (i.e., high levels of comfort and proficiency with internet-based interactions) to social anxiety [
3.2. Hypothesis 2
While also exploratory, a second hypothesis proposed that high levels of learning engagement would be significantly related to those personality traits that have previously been linked to high academic achievement: Conscientiousness and Openness to New Experiences.
3.3. Hypothesis 3
Similarly, despite an absence of direct investigations of learning engagement and preferences for virtual or in-class learning, previous studies have reported a positive relationship between learning engagement and academic achievement. Assuming that high academic achievement might be linked to a preference for virtual learning, a third highly explorative hypothesis emerged that a preference for innovative virtual learning would be linked to high levels of learning engagement.
4. Methods Section
4.1. School Setting
This study was conducted within a small independent school of approximately 110 students for children with learning differences Chesapeake Bay Academy in Virginia Beach, VA, USA. This school is committed to individualized instruction, and its middle and upper school students are experienced with computer-/internet-based learning technology and thus were well-prepared for remote online learning during the school shut-down periods of the COVID-19 pandemic. The administration and faculty have had a decades-long commitment to educational technology use, including ongoing reliance on a series of increasingly well-integrated learning management systems for presenting educational content, tracking assignments, and communicating between teachers, students, and parents [
34]. Students at this school are accustomed to home-based electronic instruction through flipped classrooms, in which they watch teacher-created instructional videos at home and come to class to apply what they have learned. In-class educational technology included the use of interactive VIBE whiteboards, 3D printers, laser cutters, CLASS VR (virtual reality headsets), and 1–1 computer devices for all students. Additionally, during phases of the pandemic, when classes met in the school, the school made use of telepresence robots to engage students who were quarantined at home.
While 90% of surveyed school district leaders in the United States recently reported internet access problems for students during the pandemic, and 40% reported internet access problems even for teachers [
35], internet access was never a concern for either students or teachers at this school. While the COVID-19-induced transition from in-class to exclusively virtual classes and online learning created extreme stress in most schools [
4], a real-time 2020 survey of parents during the school shut-down period of the pandemic found that most parents perceived a very positive transition to exclusively virtual classes. In a parallel student survey in the same time period, middle and upper school students gave very high satisfaction ratings (
M = 8.38 and 9.0, respectively, on a 1 to 10 scale, with 10 being the highest) in response to the question “How satisfied are you overall with the school’s digital learning environment?” Thus, this environment seemed well suited for a study on possible student preferences for virtual learning.
This research team sought both external Institutional Review Board approval through the first author’s institution and internal approval from the school’s own Institutional Review Board to conduct this research. It was important to allow students the option to voluntarily enroll or discontinue the study, even when conducting the study during school time; students were assured that their participation had no impact on their school standing. All student participants provided assent, and parents/caregivers of all participants provided informed consent. Data were secured through password-protected devices and documents.
4.2. Participants
Forty-six students started the survey, of whom 19 did not complete their questionnaires (with one student discontinuing on the first page), leaving a final sample of 27 students. Anecdotal reports suggested that some prospective participants found the survey too confusing and/or long, and an unknown number may have had reading difficulties that contributed to this high attrition rate (41%). Although we recruited participants from both the Middle and Upper Schools, none of the Middle School students completed the questionnaires, meaning that our remaining participants were all Upper School students. As there were 40 Upper School students enrolled at the time of the study, the small sample for our case design represents 67.5% participation by these high school students.
The participants’ average age was 14.11 (
SD = 1.97). Most were identified as male (
n = 16, 59.3%), while others were identified as female (
n = 9, 33.3%) or nonbinary (
n = 1, 3.7%). One student indicated that they preferred not to disclose their gender. Students were largely Caucasian (
n = 12, 44.4%), with some Hispanic (
n = 3, 11.1%), African American (
n = 1, 3.7%), Asian (
n = 1, 3.7%), and mixed race (
n = 1, 3.7%) students. Many students (
n = 10, 37.0%) either did not report their ethnicity, wrote that they did not know it, or gave a nonsensical response to this question. Due to the unique nature of this student population, students were also asked whether they had ever been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD;
n = 16 or 59.3% said yes,
n = 6 or 22.2% said no, and
n = 5 or 18.5% reported they did not know) or ASD (
n = 7 or 25.9% said yes,
n = 19 or 70.4% said no, and one student reported they did not know). Of these students, only one reported being diagnosed with both ADHD and ASD.
Table 1 shows the self-reported characteristics of student respondents in this study.
4.3. Procedures
After parents completed detailed informed consent forms via DocuSign, student participants next provided their own assent, and they were then given access to an online survey consisting of a total of 59 questions that were administered individually via SurveyMonkey without adult assistance within a time block at school. Students were assured their participation was voluntary with no impact on their school standing. This study applied a survey research design with quantitative analyses.
4.4. Measures
4.4.1. Learning Preferences
Participants were asked a series of five questions designed for the current study about their preferences for learning virtually or in person. These included one question where participants rank-ordered their preference for types of learning, ranging from students always in-person in-class to all students always at-home learning virtually. They were also asked two Likert-scale questions (1 = “very untrue for me” to 5 = “very true for me”) about whether they would prefer to learn in-person, in-class, or at-home virtually, as well as a question about whether they believed learning in-person was better for all students. Finally, they were asked a forced-choice question: “If I had to choose between learning in-person in-class or learning at-home virtually, I’d choose to” where the response options were “learn in-person in class” or “learn at-home virtually”.
4.4.2. Personality
Participants completed the Five Factor Model Adolescent Personality Questionnaire (FFM-APQ) [
19], to examine their Big Five personality traits. Participants responded to a series of 25 questions using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = “strongly disagree” to 5 = “strongly agree”. The FFM-APQ consists of five subscales, with each using 5 items to measure one of the following traits: Agreeableness (e.g., “Likes to help others”), extraversion (e.g., “Is very outgoing”), Conscientiousness (e.g., “Sets goals for myself”), Neuroticism (e.g., “Is quite anxious a lot of the time”), and Openness to Experience (e.g., “Is rather curious”). This scale has been shown to have good psychometric properties (Rogers and Glendon, 2017). Cronbach alpha values for the current sample ranged from adequate to excellent for the following subscales: Agreeableness (
α = 0.92), Extraversion (
α = 0.82), Conscientiousness (
α = 0.77), Neuroticism (
α = 0.79), and Openness to Experience (
α = 0.71).
4.4.3. Learning Engagement
Participants completed the Engagement (E) versus Disaffection with Learning (D) Questionnaire (E vs. D) [
22], consisting of 20 items answered on a Likert scale ranging from 1 = “not at all true” to 4 = “very true”. The E vs. D consists of four different subscales as follows: Behavioral Engagement (e.g., “In class I work as hard as I can”), Behavioral Disaffection (e.g., “When I am in class, I just act like I am working”), Emotional Engagement (e.g., “When we work on something in class, I feel interested”), and Emotional Disaffection (e.g., “When I am doing work in class, I feel bored”). Cronbach alpha values for the current sample were as follows: total scale (
a = 0.85), Behavioral Engagement (
a = 0.71), Behavioral Disaffection (
a = 0.50), Emotional Engagement (
a = 0.83), and Emotional Disaffection (
a = 0.70). The weak consistency in these participants’ responses to the Behavioral Disaffection subscale may have been a function of the very high level of self-reported attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) within this sample, perhaps meaning that behavioral distractibility had a different meaning among these children than among those on whom the scale was normed. Regardless of the basis for this weak reliability on the scale in the current sample, a decision was made to disregard this scale for further analyses. All other engagement subscales and the total engagement scale showed high levels of reliability.
4.5. Data Analysis
Primary data descriptors included frequency counts, percentages, means, and standard deviations. Based on the results of the tests of normality of data distributions, we discovered that data were non-normally distributed. Therefore, Spearman correlational analyses were utilized to determine statistically significant relationships between variables of interest to address our hypotheses regarding the following: (a) the relationship between the mode of learning preferences and personality traits on the Five Factor Model personality instrument (FFM-APQ), (b) student responses on the student engagement questionnaire (E vs. D) and the Five Factor Model personality instrument (FFM-APQ) and (c) mode of learning preferences and student responses to the student engagement questionnaire (E vs. D). For all analyses, statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 27.0).
6. Discussion
This study addressed possible correlates of virtual versus in-class learning preferences using a case design to examine a small group of neurodiverse adolescents in a single independent school for children with special learning needs who had an unusually high pre-pandemic exposure to teacher-directed computer-/internet-assisted learning. The correlates of the learning preferences studied here were the students’ personality traits, as measured by a Five Factor Model personality instrument for adolescents (FFM-APQ), and student engagement, as measured by an established self-report student engagement questionnaire (E vs. D). The intent of this research was to identify specific student characteristics that might be related to these learning preferences to identify which students might be best suited for various educational approaches going forward.
While this participant sample’s prior exposure to extensive computer-/internet-assisted learning experiences was expected to lead to more preferences within this group for virtual versus in-class learning, 88.5% of these participants preferred to learn in-class/in person. Even when given options to rank in order six iterations of various degrees of virtual and in-class learning, these students’ highest-ranking order of preferences was “All students always learning in class”. Additionally, there were interesting affirmations in these data for a growing perception among professional educators that interpersonal relationships, social connectivity, and emotional aspects of learning might be difficult to maintain in immersive virtual education [
4]. For example, in an effort to identify which, if any, personality traits or learning engagement scores might significantly differentiate student preferences for in-class versus virtual learning, the only significant personality or engagement finding was that Emotional Engagement on the student engagement questionnaire (E vs. D) was significantly related to in-class learning.
Regarding the first hypothesis about the previously unstudied relationship between student preferences for learning modes and their personality traits, despite the authors’ initial expectations, supported by some other authors [
33] that a preference for virtual learning might be associated with higher social anxiety, there was no significant association between these students’ virtual learning preference and a personality trait of Neuroticism (or any other personality trait). There were, however, significant correlations between preferring to learn in-class and both Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. These same personality traits have previously been associated with academic achievement in general student populations [
11], perhaps suggesting that an
in-class but not a virtual learning preference may be indirectly linked to student achievement.
This study is the first to report data for adolescent students regarding the relationship between students’ personality traits and their learning engagement. Because prior researchers have reported a relationship between both Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience and academic achievement among students in higher education [
24] a second hypothesis in this study proposed that a link between learning engagement and academic achievement might result in a significant relationship between the learning engagement personality traits of Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. In partial support of Hypothesis 2, these adolescent participants with learning differences did express a significant relationship between Conscientiousness (but not Openness to Experience) and Total Engagement, Behavioral Engagement, and Emotional Engagement. There was also a secondary unexpected significant relationship between Agreeableness and both Total Engagement and Behavioral Engagement. The significant relationship between Agreeableness (a social aspect of personality) and learning engagement underlines the importance of the social aspects of learning among adolescents. This is also the first investigation of relationships between students’ learning engagement and their preferences for virtual or in-class learning. Hypothesis 3 proposed that high student engagement could be significantly associated with a preference for virtual learning, but this hypothesis was not supported. Rather, in this neurodiverse student sample, students’ self-reporting of higher Total Engagement, Behavioral Engagement, and Emotional Engagement were significantly related to preferences for
in-class learning. The link between in-class learning and learning engagement is particularly interesting, especially since there was a strong association with Emotional Engagement. As discussed earlier, social and Emotional Engagement through in-class learning may make virtual learning less attractive to adolescents, even when they report being satisfied with virtual learning. Anecdotally, when these students were asked for details about what they preferred in-class learning, their most common explanation for this preference was that they wanted to be with friends. While peer relations are known to be of particular importance to adolescents generally, these data raise a question as to whether adolescents with neurodiversity who are finally grouped together in an independent school that is dedicated to similar students might be meeting the needs of social belonging in ways they did not previously experience, perhaps magnifying the importance of in-class learning. According to Maslow’s understanding of basic human needs, it makes sense that adolescent students would connect social agreeableness and emotional engagement to a sense of belonging created by an in-class school climate [
Attitudinal inquiries about students’ preferences for modes of learning are not common in education and certainly not when the targeted students are adolescents with neurodiversity and learning differences. These students with learning differences have often been seen as particularly vulnerable to a virtual mode of instruction; special education departments have typically been the first initiators of high-technology assisted learning tools [
37]. Students at the school in the current study had an unusual breadth and intensity of experience with educational technology. Yet, despite high parent and student satisfaction ratings regarding the school’s virtual instructional program in the spring of 2020 and faculty reports of some improved efficiencies with at-home virtual learning, these students expressed a strong preference for in-class learning that seemed closely tied to social ties with peers that seem to have facilitated emotional engagement in learning.
6.1. Practical Implications
Practically, these findings are early building blocks for informing educators as to which student characteristics (e.g., personality traits) and learning preferences (e.g., virtual versus in-person learning) are most closely related to academic goals (e.g., student engagement in learning). These data are novel in terms of the variables studied, in a rare student sample, and for student perceptions of learning immediately following a worldwide naturalistic experiment in immersive virtual education. Educators engaged in new instructional design, particularly for online delivery, may distill from these and other findings that student engagement in educational programs is apt to be highest for those students whose personalities are characterized by high levels of Conscientiousness. Additionally, most students are apt to prefer in-class experiences, perhaps due to their social and emotional needs. It is necessary, moving forward, for virtual learning programs to give particularly intense attention to students’ interpersonal relationships and social belonging.
6.2. Limitations and Directions for Further Research
This study’s most significant limitation is its small and unique participant sample. Broad generalizations from these data are suspect. Yet, it is important to share these data for their explorative and hypothesis-generating value. These are the first data to depict interrelationships between adolescent students’ learning preferences, personality traits, and learning engagement. Still, future investigators are needed to replicate or refute these findings with studies using larger groups of students with varied characteristics. In particular, examining these issues in a sample of neurodiverse undergraduate students could help to situate the current results among the growing literature about the impact of virtual versus in-class learning on university students.
We assume that literacy problems in this group contributed to some unexpected participant attrition. Thus, there may be differences in these variables between neurodiverse students with and without literacy or willingness to complete this study. Important research lessons were learned regarding the need for short, easy-to-understand surveys and gathering oral as well as written data.
Self-reported diagnostic information is limited in its accuracy. In pursuit of trust-building among parents and students who are unaccustomed to research participation, the authors focused on anonymous data gathering and minimizing the need to examine health records. Questions about more subtle or harder-to-identify neurodevelopmental disorders, such as learning disabilities, developmental motor coordination disorder, and Tourette’s disorder, were avoided. These students have been clearer and open with one another about their ADHD and ASD diagnoses, and these questions were used in this study to affirm that this sample could be accurately characterized as neurodiverse. Future investigators interested in diagnostic categorizations for other purposes need to use different research methods. Finally, the extent to which personality traits and emotional engagement are malleable is beyond the scope of this article, but this research thread is ripe for further pursuit, perhaps especially in relation to neurodiverse students.
7. Conclusions
This study examined what teaching modes are preferred (and perhaps best suited) for which students under what circumstances. The specific focus of this study was on how individual student personalities and learning engagement might be related to preferences for virtual versus in-class learning in the post-pandemic era. This small, unique data set from neurodiverse students was collected in a school that was unusually well prepared for at-home online learning and where both students and parents had reported high satisfaction with the virtual learning imposed in 2020. Yet even these students strongly preferred in-class to virtual learning, and these preferences were linked to personality traits of Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were linked to learning engagement, and learning engagement (perhaps particularly emotional engagement) was linked right back to preferences for in-class learning.
Readers should exercise caution in attempts to generalize these data to other populations, but future investigators may be partly guided by this exploratory project. Educators in other small schools may see the value of basing educational decisions on internal data gathered in real-time naturalistic “experiments” like a worldwide pandemic. Independent schools have unique flexibility in their ability to respond quickly to rapid change. They can play a significant role in the generation of new educational knowledge, especially if data sets can be combined across schools. Pending the replication of these findings with larger and more diverse samples, preliminary impressions from this study for upper school students are that personality characteristics of Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience may be linked to preferences for learning in-class, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness may be most closely associated with learning engagement, and learning engagement may be achieved more easily through in-class than virtual learning unless there is a successful effort to preserve social connectivity in virtual classrooms.