Becoming a STEM-Focused School District: Administrators’ Roles and Experiences
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Analytical Framework
5. Materials and Methods
5.1. District Context
5.2. Participants
5.3. Data Collection and Analysis
6. Results
6.1. Pre-2012
[Elementary A] and [Elementary D] were on the verge of being taken over by the state because their students were not making AYP [adequate yearly progress]. [Elementary A] in particular had been suffering from white flight from the school. The atmosphere was toxic. I mean… teachers had the highest request to leave [Elementary A] to go to other schools. That was happening during like 2009, 2010, 2011.
When the K-8 Explorations Committee brought these ideas to the schools themselves, teachers all went, ‘No!’ except [Elementary A]. [Elementary A] teachers said, ‘We want to do STEM!’ And so, then the school district said, ‘OK we’ve got one school, we have one idea…’ [Elementary D] decided to stay on a more traditional instructional pathway, with the district investing in more faculty support with educational assistants, paraprofessionals, Response to Intervention faculty, and a special education teacher to focus efforts on the group of students with the greatest need for additional support. Experimenting with a single school out of four was safer than trying STEM with two schools.
Our staff came back overwhelmingly, they wanted to do STEM… Out of all the schools that were surveyed, our school was the only one that said we’re willing to change. We would have never been as successful as we were, I think, if we wouldn’t have had the buy-in from the staff.
We started doing some research… We also did tours of other buildings around the metro. What we found is we didn’t want to be like them because we didn’t want to teach science, technology… engineering, and math. We didn’t want to just teach those subjects. I did not want to have STEM be a stand-alone class. I didn’t want a STEM teacher. We wanted STEM to be embedded throughout the entire curriculum. We kind of joked around. I said, “We’re going to STEM-ify our curriculum.”
[The Intermediate School] had a nature area that ran out the back door. So, when the teachers were asked, they wanted to do environmental STEM. Since [the Intermediate School] was already doing it, we viewed it as a natural extension to run the ESTEM program all the way through middle school.
6.2. Academic Year 2012–2013
We had those two people [STEM and literacy coaches] who are instructing our teachers how to teach together. I allowed them then to develop our program at [Elementary A]; how are we going to not let go of our reading to teach all this new STEM stuff and how are we going to continue teaching the STEM techniques in our reading, in our math, in everything else? I think the biggest thing that we did is we combined those two. A lot of times you’ll see in other buildings, you’ll see they’re separate. They’re in totally separate areas. That was huge.
When we started, [an elementary teacher] was asked to be an instructional coach to team with me because I was a secondary teacher, and her role was to work with me in determining how to implement STEM in K-5. We worked really well together, and once they [district administrators] started seeing how well this was working and how teachers were benefiting from instructional coaching, they expanded the instructional coaches.
She was terrified of the idea that [Elementary A] was going to be a STEM school. She thought she was now going to have to be a science teacher but decided that she wanted to do something different and was trusting that it would be OK. By the end of the second year, she came to me and to David… and she said she wanted to thank us because she said, “I was terrified. I was thinking about transferring to [Elementary C]. I wasn’t sure if this was going to be it. Now I can’t imagine teaching any other way.” Many people started out very scared and uncertain, but with support, they changed.
Some of them [teachers] took it very personally, they’re like, “I’ve been teaching for 22 years. How dare you come in and tell me that I’m not doing it right?” And I’m like, “No, no, no, it’s not a matter of right and wrong. It’s a matter of trying something.” And he’s like, “No I’ve been doing this for 22 years. You don’t seem to understand. I’m highly respected.”
The approach we took, it’s really about the teaching style. It’s not a STEM class or a STEM project, or it’s not like you all of a sudden shift gears, and now we’re going to do our STEM project. It’s about, you know, maybe switching your mode of teaching into one where the students do more journaling, more observations, more explorations, realizing there’s a growth mindset… some teachers, you know they’ve had their worksheets laid out for 16 years, and “I’ve gotta do this worksheet at this time. And I’ve gotta mark all the right and wrong answers” and that sort of thing. And they really struggle to get out of it. So, they would implement some projects that were cross-disciplinary to make sure that everyone was kind of using the same language to do that.
It ripped the building apart, even as far as morale and everything else, because… everyone applied for STEM, and then some teachers were called STEM teachers and other teachers were not called STEM teachers, so it was, “Oh, you’re better than us, we’re not as good as you.” It’s the haves and have-nots. The people who were accepted into STEM received a lot of paid training during the summer, and they also received unbelievable amounts of technology.
The other schools saw the amount of professional development the STEM teachers were getting, and that also brought along some jealousy. Some have and have-not feels… Teachers at the other schools first saw it as, “I’m glad it’s not us.” Now [in 2018] they are saying, “Why can’t it be us?”
I felt like when I came into the building, just equity-wise, we were writing kids off really fast. Teachers would give me a list of kids they planned to leave behind on an upcoming field trip, not because of a specific incident, but because they had been a pain for a while. And I was like, “No, no, no. We’re not going to function that way. Every student in this building is coming along. We had a lot of those things going on, where it was like students were being held back or pushed aside or divvied up.
6.3. Academic Year 2013–2014
Once the one building was identified as a STEM school, we were doing some boundary changes… There was discussion of an open enrollment phase and so on. It was clear that the STEM school was a big draw, so it continued to get more and more attention. I would also say it’s interesting because from my perspective, I’m not sure that those people who sought it really understood what they were seeking. You know what I mean? I mean it had a good reputation, you know you hear about it [STEM] in national and state news, I mean the issue is out there. So, I think that kind of bought into that, not always sure that they fully understood what it was they were buying into.
All of a sudden, I had far more applicants for STEM than I had here. We knew it was coming, but yet we weren’t responding. And so, we stayed two [STEM] houses and two [non-STEM] houses. So, then we went into a lottery system. And again, if your parent is feeling like their child is not getting an equal opportunity for an education, they’re not going to be happy. So, I had a lot of office visits before that year started with parents crying, parents yelling, and parents screaming, “Why are you denying my child this opportunity that will lead to them being a successful engineer?” Or you would hear people say, “My child is one of the smart ones. They belong in STEM.” And I would say, “You do realize that STEM… applies to all kids. It’s not for the gifted and talented, it’s not for the disengaged, it’s for all kids.”
They approached the school district and said, “We have a community grant fund that we want to support STEM education.” And so, the district administrators were going to go to that meeting. My principal said, “Well you should probably come, too.” And we went to the [company] office and were talking to the director of the community resource grant fund… and she said, “What are you envisioning for STEM?” One after another, people named stuff. “We want a FAB Lab. We want 3-D printers. We want robots. We want stuff.” And I’m listening to this and thinking, “Nobody gets it.” If you just buy stuff and throw it at teachers, it’ll sit there. They need to know how to do it. So, then I asked if any of these funds could go towards professional development, and she said, “That’s the primary thing we want to do! We really want to work with teachers!”
6.4. Academic Year 2014–2015
6.5. Academic Year 2015–2016
[John] was tremendous… because he has a reputation for not being judgmental. He doesn’t come in and say, “You’re doing it wrong, do it this way, do it that way.” He just comes in, and sometimes he’ll model a lesson. He’s comfortable doing that on many different levels. He’ll talk to teachers outside class, and he’ll sit while they do it [teach STEM]. Sometimes he’ll come in and teach and say, “Let me show you what I mean by this.” So, he’s very gifted that way because the teachers didn’t find him threatening at all.
When I started in this position, it was all over the board with what was happening. So, it was a STEM school, but I would have a conversation with someone who would make a comment that STEM was the curriculum, and then across the hall, their teaching partner would say, “It’s not a curriculum.” It was completely opposite conversations, so we did some work my first year to identify our elevator speech. When we see people in the community, what do we believe as a school? And from that, we came up with growth mindset, higher-level questioning and thinking, and then real-world integration.
6.6. Academic Year 2016–2017
I had been meeting with architects a lot to help design classrooms, science labs, and things like that. The goal was to open the new middle school in the fall of 2017, so they were doing a lot of remodeling. [Elementary A] was going to move to the old [Intermediate School] building, [Elementary B] was going to move into [Elementary A’s] old site, and then [Elementary C] and [Elementary D] were both getting additions. This was all happening in a matter of about eight to nine months, so there wasn’t a lot of extra curriculum development happening. It was really focused on creating 21st century learning facilities.
6.7. Academic Year 2017–2018
When we started, we asked parents, “What do you want?” And we asked kids, “What do you want?” We asked teachers, “What would you want to teach?” And then once we came together with a list, we did a survey of the kids… We have 40 electives that kids had the chance to choose from this year, which is crazy at the middle school level.
We added a makerspace, and I have two teachers that really took that on and ran it. One day after school is how they started, and kids signed up and came. So, the kids were thrilled with it, and then we brought the kids into a staff meeting so they could share with the teachers how to use all the tools. And that was really a fun staff meeting. And so, then the teachers have been dabbling in that.
I introduced a makerspace this year here… and the students love it. That engagement and problem-solving and collaboration that they’re experiencing has been really beneficial… I have educational assistants that help supervise it. And we come together and we try to align some of the activities with what’s in the science curriculum or what they might be learning in math so it can be reinforced but also give them a different learning experience.
We have EA support in there to help them, and they work with John on some creative ideas. But there’s everything in there. Simple things like Legos, and Ozobots, and engineering tile. I mean there is just all kinds of manipulatives in there. And he [John] helped us… we didn’t have this the first half of the year, but then we added a makerspace journal the second half of the year. So, they document and keep track of some of their findings… If you ask kids, they’ll say that’s a favorite time of the day.
This was a sticky issue because some people wanted to limit the enrollment in a makerspace club, and the kids had to have certain grades and certain attendance and things. And I said, “You know, honestly, if you want kids working with Ozobots, it’s your special ed. kids and your kids that aren’t participating in school well who probably would benefit most. Your gifted and talented kids are going to be gifted and talented anyway, but if you want to engage kids who are struggling, this may be one way.” At [Elementary A], we believe STEM is good for every kid and all kids.
Under his leadership, I think the conversation is moving forward, and we’re recognizing, first of all, we’ve just recently redone our mission to really focus on meeting the needs of every learner. So, we look at STEM education and we say, “Well, if STEM education is great for this building and it’s good enough for that other building, then why isn’t it in every building?” Because we ought not be having kids kind of shop around town, thinking they’re going to get a different education because that’s not what public school ought to be.
[Mike] came on board this year and supported that idea of moving schools to STEM, and really looking at what are the characteristics of a STEM school and sitting back and going, “Why wouldn’t we want that for all our kids?” We want students to be engaged. We want them using science, technology, and engineering… And we want them being to be able to question and to be able to collaborate and design and problem solve, all of those things that are part of STEM. So pretty soon it was, “Let’s all try to make this happen for all the kids… because pretty soon the equity is just going to be really tipped.”
Well, we have a [school] mission statement that is empowering leaders for life… how do we empower everybody, not just the kids, it’s the adults that work here, too. How do we empower absolutely every individual for life? All four elementary schools need to be doing this [STEM] so we don’t have any haves and have-nots. We’re all in it together. Because I think then the power of it will be tremendously different. The feel of it in our community will be tremendously different.
6.8. Academic Year 2018–2019
Even when the board came to us and talked to us about becoming STEM, they were like, “You know, you won’t be like [Elementary A]. And we’re not asking you to be like [Elementary A]. We’re asking you to navigate your path and figure out what works for you.” And obviously there are certain pillars of the [STEM] program that we all will have that are important to our district, but what does it look like in-house here? It may be a little bit different than other buildings. So, we’re ready for the adventure!
I think our current superintendent gives us a lot of autonomy. I think he wants things [to be] equitable, but it doesn’t have to be the same. My building here has much different needs than the other buildings in town, like we don’t have a large EL population, so things look a little different. So, I think he is certainly looking for us to make it our own but yet make sure that we’re moving together as a team.
Just based on what I know today, I would say it’s intended that it [STEM instruction] would be fairly similar [across schools]. Clearly the learning objectives in each of the buildings are the same. We know teachers are different and the way they approach those objectives are different. But the way they use the STEM method, I would expect it would be similar. I don’t know why it wouldn’t.
He [John] was tied to [Elementary A] the first few years, and he was on-site at [Elementary A]. So, he was really working with teachers helping them design lessons… he was the expert on staff, and now he’s been spending a lot of time at the middle school and at [Elementary B] as they roll out… but I don’t know how that’s going to roll out, that he can support all of the schools. So, I think that’s a piece of it, is how do we support each school? We are bringing on instructional coaches at each elementary building, and so that is going to be one of our vehicles to help teachers.
They [coaches] are primarily literacy, but what’s interesting is I’ve got them both in the STEM cohort, so they are now seeing school beyond reading and writing… Literacy doesn’t have to be just straight language arts. It can be technical literacy and scientific literacy and mathematical-inspired literacy.
Fundamentally, in order to make the STEM program successful, teachers and administrators need to see the benefit for kids. The community sees the benefits for kids because they hear it from their own children. But then the other key element is empowering faculty and working with them as they shift their instruction and also feel empowered to take on leadership.
Since we STEM-ify, we take our literacy and match it with our science and with our math, et cetera… and teachers were just expected to pick it up and run and fit it into their STEM curriculum, but it wasn’t a perfect match... And so that in particular hit the [Elementary A] teachers hardest because one thing is that we’ve had the permission to experiment with our instruction.
One of the things they [teachers] felt weakest about was… Many of them said, “I don’t feel comfortable trying to make connections between STEM and careers.” And that’s a new initiative this year. In particular, our school district wants to be more college and career ready, so I’m hoping to see that our teachers are trying to more explicitly say, “This is what it would be like in a STEM career” or “These are the kind of things you should study if you want to go into being an engineer or a scientist or if you want to do work in a company that builds computers or something.” So, kids can start envisioning these jobs in the future.
6.9. Academic Year 2019–2020
I think part of the challenge was, when one school gets to be the focus, they feel a lot of pride. When it’s two schools, it’s like, “Well, I guess we get to finally get there.” And then there was a significant number of staff that weren’t available, so I think we were only able to train about 60 to 70% of the staff at each school.
7. Discussion
8. Limitations
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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High School CC | CC Operational Definition in This Study | Related Elementary School CCs |
CC1. STEM-Focused Curriculum | Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are explicitly, intentionally integrated across the curriculum. | STEM is integrated throughout school curricula School schedule includes more than required minutes of science instruction School programs are coherent and supportive of STEM School builds college awareness, college-going culture, and career awareness |
CC2. Reformed Instructional Strategies and Project-Based Learning | Instructional practices are informed by research for active teaching and learning, immersing students in STEM content, processes, habits of mind, and skills. Project-based learning situated in an authentic context is encouraged. | Instructional approaches include project-based learning and other reform strategies Teaching and learning emphasize inquiry or design thinking Students participate in service learning or other community activities |
CC3. Integrated, Innovative Technology Use | Technology is used to connect students with information systems, models, databases, research, and teachers. | Technology is integrated into activities of both students and teachers |
CC4. STEM-Rich Informal Experiences | Students have opportunities for STEM learning outside of the formal school day. | Out-of-school programs and resources provide STEM-rich experiences |
CC5. Business Partnerships | Partnerships with business and industry increase the school’s capacity for STEM programming. | External partners deepen the school’s STEM capacity |
CC6. College and Career Readiness | Students develop an awareness of college and career options as well as the skills that will support their success in these areas. Teachers facilitate student knowledge of and interest in STEM careers. | School builds college awareness, college-going culture, and career awareness Students learn and use workplace and life skills Teachers facilitate student interest in STEM |
CC7. Well-Prepared STEM Teachers and Professionalized Teaching Staff | Teachers are highly qualified and have advanced STEM pedagogical content knowledge and/or practical experience in STEM careers. Teachers have opportunities for professional development, collaboration, and interactions with STEM professionals. | Teachers are supported in STEM through collaboration, training, and resources Teachers are open to innovation and continual learning |
CC8. Inclusive STEM Mission | The school provides STEM learning opportunities for all students, who are representative of the local community. | School population represents district or local community |
CC9. Flexible and Autonomous Administration | The school has autonomy from the school district to address the goals of its innovative STEM program. | School administration is flexible and autonomous |
CC10. Supports for Underrepresented Students | The school provides supports (tutoring, advisories, and special classes during and outside of school hours) for students to strengthen their STEM content knowledge and skills. | |
CC11. Data-Driven Decision Making for Continuous Improvement | Assessment and data systems support continuous improvement in teaching strategies, student supports, professional development, and resource allocation. | Dynamic assessment systems inform instruction Staff use evidence in continuous improvement process of school model or programs |
CC12. Innovative and Responsive Leadership | School leaders are proactive and continuously address the needs of teachers, students, and the greater community through innovative solutions, open communication, and uplifting leadership. School leaders allow for teacher agency in planning and implementing instruction. | School leadership is inclusive and focused on instruction |
CC13. Positive School Community and Culture of High Expectations for All | A culture of high expectations for students and staff is maintained in a school environment built on trust and respect. Students and staff feel a sense of personal, intellectual, and social-emotional safety. | Trust and respect are shared among staff and students |
CC14. Agency and Choice | Students have agency and choice in their learning. Teachers have agency and choice in their teaching. | Students experience autonomy in learning |
CC15. Community and Family Involvement | Families and the community have a voice in decisions and are included in the school. The school establishes and maintains a community presence. | School establishes and maintains a community presence Parents are included in classrooms and the school |
CC16. Sustainability | STEM programs are designed with attention to sustainability, scalability, spread, and flexibility. | Program designs include sustainability, scale, spread, and flexibility |
Position at Time of Interviews | Pseudonym |
Superintendent | Mike |
Director of Teaching and Learning | Lisa |
STEM Coordinator | John |
Elementary School Principal | |
Elementary A | Daniel |
Elementary B | Jennifer |
Elementary C | Heather |
Elementary D | Kelly |
Middle School Principal | Laura |
Former Administrator | |
Former Principal of the Intermediate School | Eric |
Former Principal of Elementary A | David |
School Board Member | Tammy |
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Wieselmann, J.R.; Roehrig, G.H.; Ring-Whalen, E.A.; Meagher, T. Becoming a STEM-Focused School District: Administrators’ Roles and Experiences. Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 805.
Wieselmann JR, Roehrig GH, Ring-Whalen EA, Meagher T. Becoming a STEM-Focused School District: Administrators’ Roles and Experiences. Education Sciences. 2021; 11(12):805.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWieselmann, Jeanna R., Gillian H. Roehrig, Elizabeth A. Ring-Whalen, and Thomas Meagher. 2021. "Becoming a STEM-Focused School District: Administrators’ Roles and Experiences" Education Sciences 11, no. 12: 805.