Education on Old Age and Ageing in School: An Analysis of Students’ Conceptions of Old Age and Ageing and Implications for Teaching
:1. Introduction
1.1. Images of Old Age and Ageing
1.2. Ageing Education in Schools
1.3. Aim of the Present Study
2. Method
3. Results
3.1. Description of the Categroy System
3.2. Superordinate Results
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Main Categories | Subcategories |
| 1.1. Biological changes 1.2. Calendar age 1.3. Social age 1.4. Dependence on help |
| 2.1. External appearance 2.2. Language style 2.3. Activities 2.4. Impairment |
| 3.1. Kind 3.2. Unfriendly 3.3. Experienced |
| 4.1. Relatives 4.2. Circle of acquaintances 4.3. Strangers |
| 5.1. With limitations 5.2. Without limitations |
| 6.1. Thoughtfulness 6.2. Serenity 6.3. Sociability |
| 7.1. Body 7.2. Mind 7.3. Social life 7.4. General problems |
| 8.1. With limitations 8.2. Without limitations |
| 9.1. Positive 9.2. Negative 9.3. Neutral |
Body |
Mind |
Social Life |
General Problems |
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Ginschel, F.; Schlüter, K. Education on Old Age and Ageing in School: An Analysis of Students’ Conceptions of Old Age and Ageing and Implications for Teaching. Educ. Sci. 2020, 10, 307.
Ginschel F, Schlüter K. Education on Old Age and Ageing in School: An Analysis of Students’ Conceptions of Old Age and Ageing and Implications for Teaching. Education Sciences. 2020; 10(11):307.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGinschel, Franziska, and Kirsten Schlüter. 2020. "Education on Old Age and Ageing in School: An Analysis of Students’ Conceptions of Old Age and Ageing and Implications for Teaching" Education Sciences 10, no. 11: 307.