Advances in Pharmacy Practice: A Look towards the Future
:1. The Emergence of Pharmacy
2. The Traditional Role of the Pharmacist as a Dispenser of Medicines
- Current practice differs across countries thus the changes outlined below may already have started in some countries. The review starts from a unifying thread of pharmacy practice in the European Union (EU) then goes onto outline areas in which such practice may develop taking examples from throughout the world.
- Numerous factors drive the changes in the education and practice of pharmacy so the categorization below is explicative, not unmitigated: any given change may arise due to interactions between several causes.
- The effects of some of the changes outlined will not be restricted to pharmacists but will impact other actors in the healthcare professions.
3. Evolution of the Traditional Role of the Pharmacist in the Provision and Dispensing of Medicines
3.1. Changes in Medicines—Low M.Wt. Chemicals to High M.Wt. Biologics
3.2. Pharmacogenomics
3.3. IT (Informational Technology) and AI (Artificial Intelligence)
3.4. Prescribing
3.4.1. Rectification of Prescriptions and Care Transfer
3.4.2. Dispensing without Prescription and Prescription by Pharmacists
3.4.3. Antimicrobial Resistance
4. Other Roles of Pharmacists in Healthcare
4.1. Public Health
4.2. Vaccination
4.3. Aging
5. Climate Change and the Pharmacist
6. Caveats and Conclusions
- This review is not intended as an all-inconclusive, in-depth analysis but a wide-ranging survey. The author accepts that this will lead to frustration for some readers faced with what they may consider as inadequate, shallow treatment of a particular subject. The review includes many references that can be used to enlarge knowledge in each area.
- The initial chapters on the framework and status of current practice are based on the author’s experience in Europe (for key articles see [5]). Most European countries have a federated legal healthcare system with exceptions such as Switzerland that has a combination of national and subnational (cantonal) levels [71]. The legal framework covers the workforce and operations (premises, processes, etc.), license and ownership, and service and its remuneration. Concerning the latter many countries are developing and/or have developed provisions to improve access to medicines and pharmaceutical expertise such as extending dispensing, online medicine sales, etc. (see above for examples from the United Kingdom). In addition to the above national instruments, the twenty-seven member states of the EU (with an overall population of 450 million people) are under the obligation to apply the directive of the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship [72] that defines the framework of (mainly community) pharmacy education and service throughout the EU. It should be noted that this directive (latest version: EU, 2013) is issued by the Internal Market directorate –not the health directorate—of the EU. Its prime aim is to ensure free movement of healthcare professionals throughout the EU independently of the member state in which they received their education and training. At a national level there is a wide range of education and practices from more “substance-based” (e.g., Denmark) to more “patient-oriented” (e.g., France and Estonia). The EU 2013 directive does not recognize pharmacy specialties (such as industrial and hospital pharmacy) which are recognized (especially for hospital pharmacy) at a national level, often in the form of several years of internship following the pharmacy first degree, in many EU countries. The role of the industrial pharmacist is identifiable in the EU directive and national legislations on qualified persons [73,74,75]. In the light of the above, differences in the current practice across countries in the EU mean that future development will differ as countries have different starting points. This is also true for countries elsewhere throughout the world in some of which pharmacists have been present in hospital wards for decades and have an established role in minor ailments in the community pharmacy.
- Issues of society, economics and policy will affect many if not all the changes outlined above. For instance, in both publicly and privately funded healthcare systems, the relative cost efficiencies of the different actors (medical doctors, pharmacists, nurses, et al.) will have to be considered, and the pharmacist may have certain advantages [76]. In this context, advantages of the pharmacist include:
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- Pharmacists receive an extensive and in-depth training in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
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- There are organizational advantages to the involvement of pharmacists in primary care. Access to pharmaceutical services is often available without an appointment. Pharmacies are often open for longer periods during the day and at weekends. They are often situated in deprived areas with few primary care providers. They treat elderly patients with comorbidities on poly-medication that see their pharmacists on a regular basis. A recent American study [77] showed that the ratio of pharmacist to physician encounters was 13:8 in metropolitan areas and even higher at 14:5 in rural areas. A study in England showed that almost 90% of the population have access to a community pharmacy within a 20-min walk. In areas of highest deprivation almost 100% of the population have access within a 20-min walk. The authors proposed the concept of “a positive pharmacy care law” viz higher access to a pharmacy in areas of highest deprivation [78].
- There is a transfer of pharmacists’ traditional activities to others. For example, a recent change in laws on practice was seen during the COVID-19 pandemic: the possibility for supermarkets and other retail outlets to sell medical devices such as face masks. For the time being, such changes are minor.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Stage | Stage 1: Assessment | Stage 2: Initiation of Treatment | Stage 3: Treatment |
Actions | Health and risk assessment | Diagnosis, prescription, and/or modification of treatment | Treatment: preventive or curative |
Responsibility | Medical practitioner Clinical examination Clinical biology analyses Medical history Screening for disease Lifestyle | Pharmacist Provision and dispensing of medicines Checking of medical prescriptions for safety and interactions Advice to patients Medical practitioner Prescription of medicines Surgery Vaccination Psychiatry Mixed Lifestyle advice |
Substance-Oriented Competencies | Patient-Oriented Competencies |
Research and development of active medicines Dose and formulation of medicines Pre-clinical and clinical evaluation of fitness for purpose of medicines (efficacy, safety) Production, distribution, storage, and marketing of medicines Economics and policy on the use of medicines | Dispensing of medicines Diagnostic procedures, clinical biology guiding the use of medicines Patient counselling on medicines Patient counselling on lifestyle and other factors affecting the prescription and efficacy of medicines Pharmacovigilance of primary and secondary actions of medicines, and their interactions |
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Atkinson, J. Advances in Pharmacy Practice: A Look towards the Future. Pharmacy 2022, 10, 125.
Atkinson J. Advances in Pharmacy Practice: A Look towards the Future. Pharmacy. 2022; 10(5):125.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAtkinson, Jeffrey. 2022. "Advances in Pharmacy Practice: A Look towards the Future" Pharmacy 10, no. 5: 125.
APA StyleAtkinson, J. (2022). Advances in Pharmacy Practice: A Look towards the Future. Pharmacy, 10(5), 125.