The Metaphorical and Metonymical Conceptualizations of the Term Sea (Hai) in the Four-Character Chinese Idioms
:1. Introduction
2. Background and Review of Conceptual Metaphor and Metonymy Theory
2.1. Conceptual Metaphor
2.2. Conceptual Metonymy
2.3. Previous Studies of Idioms Using the Approach of Conceptual Metaphors and Metonymies
3. Data Collection and Metaphor Identification Procedure
4. Conceptual Analysis
4.1. abstract qualities of concrete entity are the sea
4.2. An Abstract Entity Is the Sea
4.3. A Certain Aspect of a Human Being Is the Sea
4.4. The Conceptual Metonymy of the Sea
4.5. The Distribution of Idioms over Specific Conceptual Metaphors and Metonymies
5. Discussion
5.1. The Motivations of Conceptual Metaphors and Metonymies
5.1.1. The Culture of the Family Country
5.1.2. The Culture of Accordance with Nature
5.1.3. Values and Pursuits
5.1.4. The Attitude to Life
5.2. The Maritime Culture Represented by Conceptual Metaphors and Metonymies
6. Conclusions and Prospects
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. The Four-Character Chinese Idioms Related to the Sea
1 | 海立云垂 | 66 | 搅海翻江 | 131 | 天空海阔 | 196 | 量如江海 | 261 | 情天孽海 |
2 | 云垂海立 | 67 | 搅海翻天 | 132 | 海阔天高 | 197 | 江海同归 | 262 | 孽海情天 |
3 | 韩潮苏海 | 68 | 荡海拔山 | 133 | 情天泪海 | 198 | 囊括四海 | 263 | 黑风孽海 |
4 | 苏海韩潮 | 69 | 覆海移山 | 134 | 碧海青天 | 199 | 囊扩四海 | 264 | 辞金蹈海 |
5 | 韩海苏潮 | 70 | 倒海移山 | 135 | 情深似海 | 200 | 五湖四海 | 265 | 鲁连蹈海 |
6 | 潘江陆海 | 71 | 移山倒海 | 136 | 情深如海 | 201 | 九州四海 | 266 | 蹈海之节 |
7 | 陆海潘江 | 72 | 压山倒海 | 137 | 盟山誓海 | 202 | 五洲四海 | 267 | 精卫填海 |
8 | 潘陆江海 | 73 | 排山倒海 | 138 | 海誓山盟 | 203 | 四海九州 | 268 | 精禽填海 |
9 | 文江学海 | 74 | 移山拔海 | 139 | 誓海盟山 | 204 | 四海之内 | 269 | 衔沙填海 |
10 | 河奔海聚 | 75 | 移山竭海 | 140 | 海盟山咒 | 205 | 海水一泓 | 270 | 衔石填海 |
11 | 金翅擘海 | 76 | 移山回海 | 141 | 海约山盟 | 206 | 志在四海 | 271 | 春光如海 |
12 | 群鸿戏海 | 77 | 移山填海 | 142 | 山盟海誓 | 207 | 名扬四海 | 272 | 春深似海 |
13 | 飞鸿戏海 | 78 | 移山造海 | 143 | 誓山盟海 | 208 | 扬名四海 | 273 | 江南海北 |
14 | 胡打海摔 | 79 | 移山跨海 | 144 | 海涸石烂 | 209 | 富有四海 | 274 | 大海捞针 |
15 | 山吃海喝 | 80 | 摧山搅海 | 145 | 石烂海枯 | 210 | 纵横四海 | 275 | 大海捞针 |
16 | 胡吃海塞 | 81 | 回山倒海 | 146 | 石泐海枯 | 211 | 云游四海 | 276 | 大海一针 |
17 | 胡吃海喝 | 82 | 拔山超海 | 147 | 恩山义海 | 212 | 海岱清士 | 277 | 海底捞针 |
18 | 瓮天蠡海 | 83 | 倒山倾海 | 148 | 义海恩山 | 213 | 四海他人 | 278 | 东海捞针 |
19 | 持蠡测海 | 84 | 跨山压海 | 149 | 义山恩海 | 214 | 四海为家 | 279 | 海中捞月 |
20 | 以蠡测海 | 85 | 转海回天 | 150 | 恩深似海 | 215 | 四海飘零 | 280 | 钻山塞海 |
21 | 文山会海 | 86 | 山奔海立 | 151 | 愁山闷海 | 216 | 四海一家 | 281 | 挟山超海 |
22 | 肉山酒海 | 87 | 山呼海啸 | 152 | 闷海愁山 | 217 | 海内无双 | 282 | 入海算沙 |
23 | 堆山积海 | 88 | 山崩海啸 | 153 | 云悲海思 | 218 | 眼空四海 | 283 | 涉海凿河 |
24 | 浩如烟海 | 89 | 海啸山崩 | 154 | 云愁海思 | 219 | 目空四海 | 284 | 河清海竭 |
25 | 浩若烟海 | 90 | 气吞湖海 | 155 | 愁海无涯 | 220 | 四海横流 | 285 | 一毛吞海 |
26 | 连山排海 | 91 | 汪洋大海 | 156 | 醋海生波 | 221 | 四海鼎沸 | 286 | 海枯见底 |
27 | 排山连海 | 92 | 东海逝波 | 157 | 醋海翻波 | 222 | 海内鼎沸 | 287 | 龙归大海 |
28 | 如山似海 | 93 | 沧海一粟 | 158 | 醋海波澜 | 223 | 祸延四海 | 288 | 江海之士 |
29 | 河落海干 | 94 | 沧海一鳞 | 159 | 海沸波翻 | 224 | 威动海内 | 289 | 乘桴浮海 |
30 | 河涸海干 | 95 | 逾山越海 | 160 | 海沸江翻 | 225 | 四海安危 | 290 | 浮泛江海 |
31 | 沧海横流 | 96 | 涉海登山 | 161 | 海沸河翻 | 226 | 四海承平 | 291 | 渔海樵山 |
32 | 海沸山摇 | 97 | 航海梯山 | 162 | 恨海难填 | 227 | 四海升平 | 292 | 海怀霞想 |
33 | 海沸山裂 | 98 | 栈山航海 | 163 | 尸山血海 | 228 | 四海昇平 | 293 | 海上鸥盟 |
34 | 海沸山崩 | 99 | 梯山航海 | 164 | 血海尸山 | 229 | 四海承风 | 294 | 摘山煮海 |
35 | 海水群飞 | 100 | 山行海宿 | 165 | 血海深仇 | 230 | 海内澹然 | 295 | 铸山煮海 |
36 | 东海鲸波 | 101 | 漫天过海 | 166 | 血海冤仇 | 231 | 海内淡然 | 296 | 山珍海错 |
37 | 海晏河清 | 102 | 侯门如海 | 167 | 曾经沧海 | 232 | 四海晏然 | 297 | 山珍海味 |
38 | 海晏河澄 | 103 | 侯门似海 | 168 | 学海波澜 | 233 | 四海波静 | 298 | 山珍海胥 |
39 | 河清海晏 | 104 | 擎天架海 | 169 | 学海无涯 | 234 | 海外扶余 | 299 | 山海之味 |
40 | 河海清宴 | 105 | 檠天架海 | 170 | 学海无边 | 235 | 扶余海外 | 300 | 山肴海错 |
41 | 河溓海晏 | 106 | 檠天驾海 | 171 | 道山学海 | 236 | 飘洋过海 | 301 | 海错江瑶 |
42 | 河清海宴 | 107 | 架海擎天 | 172 | 如江如海 | 237 | 飘洋航海 | 302 | 后海先河 |
43 | 河溓海夷 | 108 | 架海金梁 | 173 | 江海之学 | 238 | 石沉大海 | 303 | 先河后海 |
44 | 时清海宴 | 109 | 海鳞未化 | 174 | 地负海涵 | 239 | 石投大海 | 304 | 枕山负海 |
45 | 海不扬波 | 110 | 芒芒苦海 | 175 | 海涵地负 | 240 | 大海沉石 | 305 | 枕山襟海 |
46 | 海波不惊 | 111 | 苦海无边 | 176 | 法海无边 | 241 | 泥牛入海 | 306 | 凭山负海 |
47 | 海不波溢 | 112 | 苦海无涯 | 177 | 如堕烟海 | 242 | 冤沉海底 | 307 | 海市蜃楼 |
48 | 宦海浮沉 | 113 | 苦海茫茫 | 178 | 才大如海 | 243 | 珠沉沧海 | 308 | 蜃楼海市 |
49 | 宦海风波 | 114 | 无边苦海 | 179 | 如江如海 | 244 | 珠沉沧海 | 309 | 海翁失鸥 |
50 | 海水清浅 | 115 | 生死苦海 | 180 | 海水难量 | 245 | 海角天涯 | ||
51 | 海浅蓬莱 | 116 | 河目海口 | 181 | 海岳高深 | 246 | 天涯海角 | ||
52 | 东海扬尘 | 117 | 银海生花 | 182 | 原宥海涵 | 247 | 海涯天角 | ||
53 | 沧海桑田 | 118 | 玉楼银海 | 183 | 宽洪海量 | 248 | 海角天隅 | ||
54 | 桑田沧海 | 119 | 海屋添筹 | 184 | 海涵春色 | 249 | 海涯天隅 | ||
55 | 海水桑田 | 120 | 海屋筹添 | 185 | 海涵春育 | 250 | 山南海北 | ||
56 | 桑田碧海 | 121 | 寿山福海 | 186 | 湖海之士 | 251 | 山陬海澨 | ||
57 | 海生桑田 | 122 | 福如东海 | 187 | 山包海容 | 252 | 山陬海筮 | ||
58 | 海桑陵谷 | 123 | 福如海渊 | 188 | 山包海汇 | 253 | 山陬海噬 | ||
59 | 翻江倒海 | 124 | 海说神聊 | 189 | 山容海纳 | 254 | 东洋大海 | ||
60 | 翻江搅海 | 125 | 胡吹海嗦 | 190 | 海纳百川 | 255 | 放龙入海 | ||
61 | 倒海翻江 | 126 | 河门海口 | 191 | 百川归海 | 256 | 放鱼入海 | ||
62 | 江翻海倒 | 127 | 胡吹海嗙 | 192 | 百川赴海 | 257 | 火山汤海 | ||
63 | 江翻海沸 | 128 | 天南海北 | 193 | 百川朝海 | 258 | 刀山火海 | ||
64 | 江翻海搅 | 129 | 海北天南 | 194 | 众流归海 | 259 | 火海刀山 | ||
65 | 江翻海扰 | 130 | 海阔天空 | 195 | 众川赴海 | 260 | 刀山血海 |
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Conceptual Metaphors and Submetaphors | ||||
No. | Items | Total | Freq (%) | |
abstract qualities of concrete entities are the sea | ||||
1 | a literary article is the sea | 1–11 | 11 | 3.56% |
2 | calligraphy is the sea | 12–13 | 2 | 0.65% |
3 | a large number of people or things is the sea | 14–30 | 17 | 5.50% |
an abstract entity is the sea | ||||
4 | a country is the sea | 31–47 | 17 | 5.50% |
5 | life/one’s political career is the sea | 48–58 | 11 | 3.56% |
6 | a trend is the sea | 59–94, 160–162 | 39 | 12.62% |
7 | difficulty is the sea | 95–108 | 14 | 4.53% |
8 | a painful situation is the sea | 109–115 | 7 | 2.27% |
a certain aspect of a human being is the sea | ||||
9 | appearance is the sea | 116–118 | 3 | 0.97% |
10 | longevity is the sea | 119–120 | 2 | 0.65% |
11 | fortune is the sea | 121–123 | 3 | 0.97% |
12 | an unreliable utterance is the sea | 124–132 | 9 | 2.91% |
13 | love is the sea | 133–146 | 14 | 4.53% |
14 | gratitude is the sea | 147–150 | 4 | 1.29% |
15 | sorrow is the sea | 151–155 | 5 | 1.62% |
16 | jealousy is the sea | 156–158 | 3 | 0.97% |
17 | anger is the sea | 159–161 | 3 | 0.97% |
18 | hatred is the sea | 162–166 | 5 | 1.62% |
19 | knowledge is the sea | 9, 167–176 | 11 | 3.56% |
20 | confusion is the sea | 177 | 1 | 0.32% |
21 | talent is the sea | 178–180 | 3 | 0.97% |
22 | thought is the sea | 181 | 1 | 0.32% |
23 | mind is the sea | 130–131, 182–197 | 18 | 5.83% |
Total 1 | 203 | 65.70% | ||
Conceptual metonymies | ||||
24 | the part for the whole | |||
- the sea stands for all of China - the sea stands for the whole process of travelling to a foreign country | 198–233 234–237 | 36 4 | 11.65% 1.29% | |
25 | the whole for the part | |||
- the sea stands for locations or space | 238–293 | 56 | 18.12% | |
26 | the place for the product | |||
- the sea stands for the products from the seas | 294–301 | 8 | 2.59% | |
27 | the place for the responsible deities or goddesses | |||
- the sea stands for the deities responsible the affairs of the seas | 302–303 | 2 | 0.65% | |
Total 2 | 106 | 34.30% | ||
Total = Total 1 + Total 2 | 309 | 100.00% |
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Zhao, Y.; Mohd Nor, N.F.; Abdullah, I.H. The Metaphorical and Metonymical Conceptualizations of the Term Sea (Hai) in the Four-Character Chinese Idioms. Languages 2023, 8, 260.
Zhao Y, Mohd Nor NF, Abdullah IH. The Metaphorical and Metonymical Conceptualizations of the Term Sea (Hai) in the Four-Character Chinese Idioms. Languages. 2023; 8(4):260.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhao, Yali, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, and Imran Ho Abdullah. 2023. "The Metaphorical and Metonymical Conceptualizations of the Term Sea (Hai) in the Four-Character Chinese Idioms" Languages 8, no. 4: 260.
APA StyleZhao, Y., Mohd Nor, N. F., & Abdullah, I. H. (2023). The Metaphorical and Metonymical Conceptualizations of the Term Sea (Hai) in the Four-Character Chinese Idioms. Languages, 8(4), 260.