Introduction to the Special Issue on Swedish as a Second Language
1. Why an Issue about Swedish as a Second Language?
- (a)
- Linguistic aspects of the acquisition of SSL on individual and group levels, such as language structure and phenomena that are particularly important for L2 acquisition, see, e.g., Abrahamsson (2009); Axelsson (1994); Bohnacker (2010); Eklund Heinonen (2009); Ganuza (2008); Grigonyte and Hammarberg (2014); Hammarberg (2014); Pienemann and Håkansson (1999); Thorén and Hyeseung (2020).
- (b)
- SSL as a societal, sociocultural and educational phenomenon, such as issues related to migration, inclusion, equity, democracy, justice, policy issues, governance and management, see, e.g., Bijvoet and Fraurud (2012); Jonsson and Milani (2009); Milani (2007, 2008); Rosén (2013); Sahlée (2017); Siekkinen (2021, 2022).
- (c)
- Didactics, both language didactics and issues of language in relation to the learning of knowledge in various topics within SSL, see, e.g., Axelsson (2004); Bjuhr (2019); Franker (2018); Fridlund (2011); Lindberg (2003); Rydell (2018); Vuorenpää (2016); Wedin (2021); Wedin and Bomström Aho (2019, 2022); Wedin and Norlund Shaswar (2021); Winlund (2021).
2. Perspectives on SSL—The Contributions of This Special Issue
3. L2 Students—Unequal Student Conditions?
4. Discussion
Conflicts of Interest
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Wedin, Å.; Straszer, B. Introduction to the Special Issue on Swedish as a Second Language. Languages 2022, 7, 113.
Wedin Å, Straszer B. Introduction to the Special Issue on Swedish as a Second Language. Languages. 2022; 7(2):113.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWedin, Åsa, and Boglárka Straszer. 2022. "Introduction to the Special Issue on Swedish as a Second Language" Languages 7, no. 2: 113.
APA StyleWedin, Å., & Straszer, B. (2022). Introduction to the Special Issue on Swedish as a Second Language. Languages, 7(2), 113.