Movement Verbs as Discourse Markers in Spanish: The Case of Vamos in the City of Granada, Spain
:1. Introduction
Objectives and Hypothesis
2. Theoretical Framework
3. Discursive Functions of Vamos: A Review of the State of the Art
3.1. General Pragmatic Functions of Vamos
en la medida en que el marcador sirve para introducir una invitación a que el oyente haga un esfuerzo común con el hablante para continuar el hilo de la conversación, reforzando las relaciones significativas existentes entre los miembros del discurso (Martín Zorraquino 1999, p. 243) (“in the way that the marker serves to introduce an invitation to the listener to make a common effort with the speaker to continue the thread of the conversation, reinforcing the existing meaningful relationships between the members of the discourse.”)
Example 12. | Juan: Tengo que estar en la facultad a las nueve, no sé si me va a dar tiempo. |
Pedro: Pues venga, vamos, date prisa. | |
(Juan: I have to be at school at nine o’clock, I don’t know if I’ll have time. | |
Pedro: Well, come on, come on, hurry up.) | |
Example 2. | Andrés: No me ha gustado nada la presentación del profesor de Sintaxis. |
Paula: Vamos, vamos, el tío era un borde que flipas. | |
(Andrés: I did not like the Syntax teacher’s presentation at all. | |
Paula: Come on, come on, the guy was so rude.) | |
Example 3. | Jaime: Mi hijo es muy estudioso, vamos, es que se pasa el día en su escritorio. |
(Jaime: My son is very studious, I mean, he spends all day at his desk.) |
Example 4. | Juana: Estoy un poco deprimida. Dani hace un mes que no me escribe. |
María: Vamos, arriba ese ánimo, ni que fuera el ultimo tío sobre la Tierra. | |
(Juana: I am a little depressed. Dani hasn’t written to me for a month. | |
María: Come on, keep your spirits up, you wouldn’t be the last guy on earth.) | |
Example 5. | Laura: Yo no estudié nada para ese examen porque estaba muy apurada. |
Andrea: ¿Y para qué te presentaste, tía? | |
Laura: A ver, yo fui a probar, por intentarlo… | |
Andrea: Pero estuviste como dos horas, ¿qué tanto escribiste? | |
Laura: Bueno, es que hablé con un amigo que hizo esa asignatura hace dos años y me dijo que, que, vamos, que la profe siempre pone las mismas preguntas. Entonces, me miré esas y ya. | |
Andrea: Joder, vaya suerte. | |
(Laura: I didn’t study at all for that exam because I was in a hurry. | |
Andrea: And why did you take the exam, my friend? | |
Laura: Well, I went to try... | |
Andrea: But you were there for about two hours, how much did you write? | |
Laura: Well, I talked to a friend of mine who took that course two years ago and he told me that, well, the teacher always asks the same questions. So, I looked at those and that’s it. | |
Andrea: Damn, what luck!) |
Example 6. | Lola: Me gustaría tener al menos tres hijos, vamos, familia numerosa, seguro. |
(Lola: I would like to have at least three children, that is, large family, sure.) | |
Example 7. | Salvador: Lo pasé muy mal; vamos, muy mal tampoco, pero sí bastante regular. |
(Salvador: I had a very bad time; I mean, not very bad either, but quite average.) | |
Example 8. | José: Me quedan por comprar las estanterías, las mesas, las sillas, los cuadros, |
vamos, un montón de cosas. | |
(José: I still have to buy the shelves, tables, chairs, pictures, in short, a lot of things.) |
Example 9. | Antonio: Dice María que tenemos que hacer horas extra esta semana. |
Pablo: Vamos, lo que faltaba. | |
(Antonio: Maria says we have to work overtime this week. | |
Pablo: Well, that’s all I needed to hear.) | |
Example 10. | José: No me esperaba esto de ti, la verdad. De cualquier menos de ti. |
Isaac: Vamos, por favor, no te pongas así. | |
(José: I didn’t expect this from you, to tell you the truth. From anyone but you. | |
Isaac: Come on, please, don’t be like that.) | |
Example 11. | María: ¿Estamos de acuerdo en pedirle a Carmen que cambie la fecha del examen? |
Sara: Vamos, por supuesto. | |
(María: Do we agree to ask Carmen to change the date of the exam? | |
Sara: Sure, of course.) |
3.2. Other Characteristics
Example 12. | Javier: ¿Cómo haces tú para no ponerte nervioso cuando haces una exposición? |
Mario: No sé, tío, suelo ensayarla varias veces y quizá exponerla a un familiar o a mi novia. Dicen que también ayuda imaginarte que el público está desnudo, o, incluso, mirar a un punto fijo a la pared, o a la pantalla. Puedes leerla si te pones muy nervioso. Pero vamos, lo mejor es practicar y practicar. | |
(Javier: How do you manage not to get nervous when you give a performance? | |
Mario: I don’t know, man, I usually rehearse it several times and maybe show it to a family member or my girlfriend. People say it also helps to imagine that the audience is naked, or even to look at a fixed point on the wall, or at the screen. You can read it if you get too nervous. But anyway, the best thing is to practice and practice. | |
Example 13. | María: El nuevo de Filosofía es muy antipático, pero vamos, insoportable el tío. |
(Maria: The new guy in Philosophy is very unfriendly, but wow, the man is unbearable.) |
Example 14. | Manuel: Estoy harto de este horario; vamos, que dejaría el trabajo hoy mismo. |
(Manuel: I am fed up with this schedule; in other words, I would quit my job today.) | |
Example 15. | Ana: Carmen dice que nos va a subir el alquiler el curso que viene. |
Paula: Esa tía es una estafadora. Vamos, es que no sé cómo no te mudas de ahí. | |
Ana: Carmen says she’s going to raise our rent next year. | |
Paula: That woman is a swindler. Well, I don’t know why you don’t move out of there. |
Example 16. | Laura: Tía, no vale la pena ni enfadarse con ella, la verdad. |
Olga: ¿Después de cómo me ha respondido? Vamos, hombre, enfadarse es poco. | |
(Laura: My friend, it’s not even worth getting angry with her, really. | |
Olga: After the way she answered me? Well, it’s not worth getting angry.) |
Example 17. | Emilia: ¿A que es preciosa la casa? |
Rodrigo: Vamos… | |
(Emilia: Isn’t the house beautiful? | |
Rodrigo: Yeah...) | |
Example 18. | Lola: El trabajo hay que repetirlo. |
Clara: Vamos, anda. Como si no tuviera nada que hacer. | |
(Lola: The work has to be repeated. | |
Clara: Come on, please. As if I had nothing to do.) |
Example 19. | Vicente: Creo que voy a suspender cuatro asignaturas. |
Carlos: Vamos, tío, que seguro que puedes recuperar alguna. | |
(Vicente: I think I’m going to fail four subjects. | |
Carlos: Come on, man, I’m sure you can make up some of them.) | |
Example 20. | Claudia: Tengo mucho trabajo esta semana. |
Marta: Que pasarás todo el día en la oficina, vamos. | |
(Claudia: I have a lot of work this week. | |
Marta: So, you’ll spend all day at the office.) |
Example 21. | Martina: Creo que la eliminación de la obligatoriedad de las mascarillas es una |
mala idea; bueno, que es un poco precipitado. Es que, vamos… | |
(Martina: I think that the elimination of mandatory masks is a bad idea; well, it is a bit hasty. It’s just that, anyway...) | |
Example 22. | Luis: Mi vecino no para de martillar por las noches, creo que lo hace por fastidiar. |
Bruno: Ese tío está loco, loquísimo. Es una cosa que vamos… | |
(Luis: My neighbor doesn’t stop hammering at night, I think he does it to annoy me. | |
Bruno: That guy is crazy, really crazy. It’s something that, my God...) |
4. Materials and Methods
5. Results
5.1. Pragmatic Analysis
Example 23. I6: El matrimonio///pues depende//puede ser/o/algo negativo/o algo positivo o algo intermedio//bueno/ee también//ts/esto//en lo que se refiere a la convivencia a poder//convivir con la otra persona//con la que vas a pasar el resto de tu vida//mm pero eso es que influyen mucho//una serie de factores como pueden ser el carácter//ee la personalida(d) en sí//y también//ts//ee pf/bueno es la personalida(d) y ya dentro de la personalida(d)//pues cómo sea tu relación con las demás personas//ee con tu propia pareja//o cómo te enfrentas el día a día//vamos (explicative reformulator) si eres lo suficientemente maduro como pa(ra) saber vivir//y/eso es una clave muy importante// (…) (GRAN-M13-067) |
(I: Marriage can be/or/something negative/or something positive or something in-between///well//also///this////when it comes to living together///to being able//to live with the other person///with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life///mm but that is influenced by a lot///a series of factors such as your character//ee the personality itself///and it is also the personality and within the personality///then how is your relationship with other people//with your own partner//or how you face the day to day//that is/if you are mature enough to know how to live//and/that is a very important key// (...) (GRAN-M13-06)) |
Example 24. I: (…) pues la mili la tuve/muy bien///vamos/yo a mí/es que me ha ido todo muy bien/vamos/según lo miro yo//porque yo me quería ir//mm//yo no me quería ir voluntario//a la mili//y en la tienda me estaban diciendo/“vete voluntario//y te quedas aquí//y vienes a trabajar”//y yo decía/“no/yo no me voy volun–//voluntario/porque yo lo que quiero es irme/yo quería que me fuera//al quinto pino” vamos (explicative reformulator)/a donde me tocara//y ya ves tú/que me tocó después aquí en Granada//(GRAN-H32-032) |
(I: (...) military service went very well for me////// I mean///it’s that everything went very well//as I see it//because I wanted to go… I didn’t want to go as a volunteer///to the military///and in the store they were telling me//”go as a volunteer//and you stay here//and you come to work”//and I said/”no///I’m not going as a volunteer////because what I want is to go//and you come to work”//and I said/”no//I don’t go volunteer///volunteer//because what I want is to leave//I wanted to go///to far away”/ that is/wherever it was my turn///and you see/and then it was my turn here in Granada///(GRAN- H32-032)) |
Example 25. I: (…) porque estamos haciendo//nos estamos cargando el//el planeta///pues/¿qué te digo yo?/es que ahora me pongo a pensar y no me acuerdo/¡vamos! (rectifying reformulator) las sé todas más o menos pero///por ejemplo//una instalación que haya de//si tú quieres poner una instalación de placas solares de las fotovoltaica/pues la instalación ya/con la misma de la electricidad de ahora//te vale/o sea no tienes que//(simultáneo: E = no tienes que cambiar) por ejemplo si de de lo que es la capital//a un pueblo tienes que llevar la instalación (simultáneo: E = sí) no tienes que poner otra nueva (simultáneo: E = ah) o sea esa misma ya te sirve//(GRAN-H11-038) |
(I: (...) because we are destroying the planet////well//what can I tell you?/it’s that now I start to think and I don’t remember/better said I know them all more or less but////for example///an installation that if you want to install a photovoltaic solar panel installation//then the installation already//with the same electricity installation as now///it’s enough//so you don’t have to change it...//(simultaneous: E = you do not have to change) for example if from the capital//to a village you have to take the installation (simultaneous: E = yes) you do///not have to put a new one (simultaneous: E = ah) that is to say that the same one already serves you///(GRAN-H11-038)) |
Example 26. I: claro///es que es por lo menos/es un mínimo///ya no es ensuciar/es que ya es//(tiempo = 17:00) mm se van orinando por todos lados/cuando no es vomitado/cuando no son peleas porque ya están cargados/ya no sólo de bebida/sino de lo que no es bebida///y y claro y llega un momento en que eso…/y todavía/cuando es en un sitio que está a las afueras y no hay vecinos//pues bien///¡vamos! (rectifying reformulator) bien/no es que lo vea bien tampoco/dentro de lo que cabe lo comprendo///porque está todo que es que está intocable y/y ya no saben… (GRAN-M21-046) |
(I: of course////it is at least//it is a minimum///it is not messing//it is already// (time = 17: 00) that they go peeing everywhere//when it’s not vomiting///when it’s not fights because they’re already loaded///not only of drinking/// but of what is not drinking////and of course and there comes a time when that.... /and yet/when it is in a place that is on the outskirts and there are no neighbors///well//not well//it is not that I see it well either//within what is possible I understand it////because everything is untouchable and//and they no longer know... (GRAN-M21-046)) |
Example 27. I: (…) nosotros/somos lo que es mis padres y mis hermanos somos seis//luego por parte de mi madre son//con mis abuelos///y mi madre y mis tíos//somos/son cinco//por parte de mi padre también somos///ahora quedamos/uno dos tres/cuatro/cinco///y bueno/mi abuelo/son nueve hermanos///mi abuela son tres hermanos/o sea que tenemos familia pf//un montón//y de primos/primos segundos/¡vamos! (recapitulative reformulator) que es una familia que para hacer un convite de una boda o algo/(risas) es un desastre ¡vamos!//es… (GRAN-H11-038) |
(I: (…) we are what is my parents and my siblings are six/then on my mother’s side they are///with my grandparents//and my mother and my uncles/we are//there are five/on my father’s side we are also//now we are//one two three/four/five//and well/my grandfather/there are nine brothers//my grandmother are three brothers/so we have family pf/a lot/and of cousins/second cousins/in short that is a family that to have a wedding reception or something/(laughs) is a disaster/well.... (GRAN-H11-038)) |
Example 28. I: mis padres eran/trabajaban en el campo//y mi padre precisamente en el verano/pues tenía/bueno/él tenía trabajo/pero en el verano tenía porque mi padre tenía máquinas/y tenía cosechadoras/y cosas así/entonces el verano siempre tenía much— y/días sueltos/sí nos íbamos/que recuerdo yo/por cierto/cuando nos íbamos a la playa/a Almuñécar/pero días sueltos así/con un Dos Caballos/(risas) pero auténtico Dos Caballos (risas) un Citroën de aquéllos/y nos íbamos por la Cabra (risas) (ruido = aclaración de voz) porque/vamos/ (continuative) la carretera de Motril aquello/claro//ee es que para ir a Almuñécar era la de la Cabra porque la otra te tienes que ir por la Borboracha hasta Motril y luego volver que era/una odisea// (GRAN-H22-025) |
(I: my parents were/worked in the fields///and my father precisely in the summer/he had/well/he had work/but in the summer he had because my father had machines/and he had harvesters/and things like that/so in the summer he always had a lot— and/on single days/yes we would go/that I remember/by the way/when we would go to the beach/to Almuñécar/but on single days so/with a Dos Caballos/(laughs) but an authentic Dos Caballos (laughs) a Citroën of those/and we would go by the Cabra (laughs) (noise = voice clarification) because/well/the road to Motril that/clear///ee is that to go to Almuñécar it was the one to the Cabra because the other one you have to go by the Borboracha to Motril and then return that was/an odyssey for us...//(GRAN-H22-025)) |
Example 29. I: (…) bueno también hay una cosa/la familia/de mi padre/una parte de la familia de mi padre era de Lanjarón//entonces/por ejemplo//las habitaciones a las que en las que nosotros veraneábamos//ee eran de una prima de mi padre//y bueno sí(palabra cortada) sigue teniendo familia allí yo conozco a alguna vez he ido por allí/y conozco familia de//de Lanjarón/aunque no tengo mucha relación con ella pero vamos (conclusive) que/quizá tuviera que ver con eso/pero también me parece que era la moda de la época ¿no?/ir a Lanjarón a veranear (GRAN-H23-07) |
(I: well there is also one thing/my father’s family/part of my father’s family was from Lanjarón///so/for example///the rooms where we used to spend the summer///ee belonged to a cousin of my father’s//and well he still has family//I know sometime I have been there/and I know family from Lanjarón/although I don’t have much relation with them but in short that/maybe it had to do with that/but I also think it was the fashion of the time, wasn’t it? /go to Lanjarón to spend the summer (GRAN-H23-07)) |
Example 30. I: sí/lo recuerdo… ahora//como que no//ahora me tengo una sensación de que mis hermanos han sido mis niños/que ya tengo grandes//porque/no tengo/no estoy casada ni tengo hijos//y cuando me dicen “Esther ¿cuándo vas a tener hijos?” digo “yo/si yo ya los tengo grandes” (risas)//qué va//me da una/sí/ahora sí/la verdad es que sí pero que claro/me he quitado de juegos de//con mis amigas/de salir mm por las tardes con mis amigas a/a divertirme o simplemente a jugar//siempre iba con algún carricoche |
E: claroI: a cuestas//sí la verdad es que sí/que sí se nota//normal/pero que vamos (conclusive) que ningún trauma ni nada/al revés/muy buenos recuerdos/ (…) (GRAN-M12-024) |
(I: yes/ I remember... not now///now I have the feeling that my siblings have been my children/that I’m grown up//because I’m not married and I don’t have children///and when people say to me “Esther, when are you going to have children? “I say “I am/if I already have them” (laughs)//what’s up//now yes/the truth is that yes, but of course/ I have stopped playing/with my friends/going out in the afternoons with my friends/ having fun or just playing//I always went with a stroller. |
E: of course |
I: on my back//yes the truth is that yes/that yes it is noticeable//normal/but well/no trauma or anything/nothing/nothing at all/on the contrary/very good memories/ (...) (GRAN-M12-024)) |
Example 31. I: pero/mm es lo que estamos hablando/no hay un trabajo fijo/no hay/ha hecho de pintor/ha hecho de de albañil/ha estado trabajando en empresas de limpieza/ha estado//en la construcción en un montón de sitios/en tiendas/ee//en lo que ha podido///y/ahora/pues/está en la construcción///y me viene contando cada cosa… |
E: (tiempo = 07:10) claro |
I: que ¡vamos! (intensifier)///… claro//él//trabaja en la construcción pero tiene//una educación/y tiene unos modales y tiene una cosa que/por desgracia//por hache o por be/en la construcción no es lo normal (GRAN-M21-046) |
(I: but/mm is what we are talking about/there is no steady job/there is no/he has worked as a painter/he has worked as a bricklayer/he has been working in cleaning companies/he has been///in construction in a lot of places/in stores/ee///where he could///and/now/well/he is in construction////and he tells me some things.... |
E: (time = 07:10) sure. |
I: that anyway///... of course//he///works in construction but has///an education///and has some manners and has a thing that//unfortunately///for one reason or another//in construction is not the norm (GRAN-M21-046)) |
Example 32. E: (…) mira y/ahora/actualmente//ts ee ¿cómo ves tú mm la manera de divertirse que tienen los jóvenes?//porque tú eres joven y también te diviertes//entonces ¿tú qué opinas? |
I: (tiempo: 12:32) horrible//creo que vamos (mitigation)//estamos teniendo una/una sociedad//de/alcoholismo puro//mm el respeto//porque antes me acuerdo yo que iba en el autobús//y veías a una pe– señora mayor o algo//y lo primero que hacías era levantarte para ce– cederle el/el asiento//y/como eso/miles de cosas//siempre se le tenía mucho más respeto a la gente mayor// (GRAN-M12-023) |
(E: (…) look and/now/currently/// how do you see the way young people have fun?///because you are young and you also have fun///so what do you think? |
I: (time: 12:32) horrible//I think that well///we are having a//society of pure alcoholism///without respect///because I remember before I used to go on the bus///and you would see an old lady or something///and the first thing you did was to get up to give her the seat///and/like that//thousands of things///you always had much more respect for older people/// (GRAN-M12-023)) |
Example 33. I: (…) yo no sabía que una/que una muerte fuese (simultáneo: E = exacto) tan cercana do– doliese tanto |
E: claro//porque te pilló de llenoI: vamos (acceptation)//además//yo me acuerdo que esa noche/salí//y cuando//claro/do– dormí poco//y me acuerdo que por la mañana/fue por la mañana a la seis de la mañana//(…) (GRAN-M12-023) |
I: (...) I didn’t know that a death (simultaneous: E = exact) so close could hurt so much. |
E: of course//because it happened to you when you were there. |
I: of course |
///also/// I remember that that night/I went out///and when.../ I slept little///and I remember that in the morning//it was in the morning at six o’clock in the morning///(...) (GRAN-M12-023) |
5.2. Sociolinguistic Analysis
5.3. Other Characteristics
Example 34. I: (…) un niño/ hace la gracia de encerrar a dos o tres en una clase// y desde dentro era a patadas limpias con la puerta/ la manivela rota/ el marco desencajado// claro ya// después de hacer eso ya no había manera de abrir la puerta// aunque quisieran// pues ya han tenido que ir unos profesores/ pegarle dos patadas por fuera a la puerta/// echarla abajo/// pues cuando han salido los que estaban dentro// se han liado a puñetazos con el que los había encerrado/// y los profesores intentando pararlos/// y y ¡vamos!/ poco menos que le pegan al profesor también// (GRAN-M21-046) |
I: (... ) a boy made a joke of locking two or three of them in a classroom// and from the inside he kicked them with the door// the handle was broken/ the frame was broken// after doing that there was no way to open the door// even if they wanted to// well, some teachers had to go// kicking the door twice from the outside//// kicking it down// and when those who were inside came out/// they got into a fist fight with the one who had locked them in// and the teachers tried to stop them// and in short/ they almost hit the teacher too/// (GRAN- M21-046) |
Example 35. I: (…)luego me parece/ que fuimos// es que no estoy muy seguro si era a desayunar porque me me parece que era demasia(d)o tarde// pero a un bar que hay/ pues en la placeta de Fátima en frente sigue existiendo ese bar (simultáneo: E = ¿sí?)/ quizás lo conozcas es uno que hay/ donde está la la oficina de La General/ (simultáneo: E = sí)/ pues por encima hay un bar que tiene una terraza bastante grande (simultáneo: E = ¡ah! sí sí) sí/ creo que fue allí pero vamos tampoco lo recuerdo muy bien pero me parece que estuvimos allí desayunando// ee/ después de la primera comunión (GRAN-H23-07) |
I: (...) then I think we went...// I’m not sure if it was for breakfast because I think it was too late/// but we went to a bar that is/ well, in the placeta de Fátima/ in front/ there is still that bar (simultaneous: E = yes?)/ maybe you know it/ it is one that is/ where the office of La General is/ (simultaneous: E = yes)/ well there is a bar that has quite a big terrace (simultaneous: E = ah! yes yes yes) yes/ I think it was there but, well, I don’t remember it very well either but I think we were there having breakfast/// ee/ after the first communion (GRAN-H23-07) |
Example 36. I: (…) siempre hemos salido y/… unos o otros siempre nos hemos tomado un litro de cerveza a lo mejor con unos amigos en en una calle/ o nos hemos tomado un cubata en vez de dentro del pub nos lo hemos tomado fuera ¡vamos! que tampoco/// pero que ahora sí que se pasan sí también no te lo discuto// ts que hacen muchas gamberradas/ porque rompen los que que si los cristales que si farolas todo eso (…) (GRAN-M21-047) |
Example 37. I: bueno ahora no es normal// (simultáneo: E = ¡ah! no es normal) ahora por nuestra mala cabeza// nos vemos educando a los/ vamos criando a los nietos |
E: (risas) ¡ah!I: vamos eso no es normal (risas)// eso no es normal (GRAN-M32-036) |
(I: well now it’s not normal// (simultaneous: E = ah! it’s not normal?) now because of our bad head// we see ourselves educating the.../ that is/ raising the grandchildren.../ |
E: (laughs) ah! |
I: I mean/ that’s not normal (laughs)// that’s not normal (GRAN-M32-036) |
Example 38. I: no// y fiestas// pocas hemos ido |
E: y el día de la Cruz y en…I: eso sí// pero como en Granada siempre el día de la Cruz// llueve/ hace frío hace mal tiempo/ ee/ menos este año que me parece que ha sido/ de los munchos que ha hecho buen tiempo/ (simultáneo: E = es verdad) pero normalmente siempre llueve/(hace frío)/ vamos (GRAN-M11-040) |
(I: no// and we have been to few festivals. |
E: and the day of the Cross and on...? |
I: yes// but as in Granada it always rains// on the day of the Cross// it’s cold// it’s bad weather/ ee/ except this year I think it’s been// one of the many years that the weather has been good/ (simultaneous: E = it’s true) but normally it always rains/ I mean/ it’s cold/ (GRAN-M11-040)) |
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Example 39. E: y/ y ¿tú qué opinas de la medida esta última de no permitir fumar en los lugares cerrados? |
I: (tiempo: 27:40) ¡hombre!/ los lugares cerrados/ pues/ no se debe de fumar// porque vamos (continuative) ee/ quieras que no/ pues/ no es perjuicio solamente para el que fuma/ sino para el que está allí/ para todo el que esté alrededor/ si el fumar perjudica a todo el mundo/ el que fuma/ y el que está al lado// (…) (GRAN-M32-034) |
(E: And what do you think about this last measure of not allowing smoking in enclosed places? |
I: (time: 27:40) Well! / In enclosed places/ well/ smoking should not be allowed// because well/ whether you like it or not/ well/ it is not only harmful for the smoker/ but for the one who is there/ for everyone around/ if smoking harms everyone/ the smoker/ and the one next to him// (…) (GRAN-M32-034)) |
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | For this order, we follow a spatial reference from the dialectal variety closest to Granada to the most distant one. |
2 | This and the following examples are the author’s creation to facilitate the reader’s understanding. |
3 | The semidirected interview is considered the best known and most practiced technique in sociolinguistics (Hernández Campoy and Almeida 2005, p. 135). It has also been called “elicited conversation” insofar as there is a clear intention behind it to collect material for language analysis (Recalde and Vázque 2009, p. 56). Its use makes it possible to represent the variety of discursive styles and sociolinguistic variables (Briz 2005, p. 23) and for the researcher’s intervention to be minimal and functional (Larrosa 2003–2004, p. 155). |
4 | The speakers are distributed as follows: from 1 to 18 correspond to the high level of education, from 19 to 36 to the medium level and from 37 to 54 to the low level. In turn, within a group, the first six speakers belonged to the first generation (20–34), the next six to the second (35–54), and the last six to the third (55 and older). |
5 | These percentages refer to the following absolute frequencies: 118 cases of vamos as an explanatory reformulator, 30 as a rectifying reformulator, 22 as a recapitulatory reformulator, 37 as a modalizer, 3 as a reactive, 14 as a continuative and 37 as a conclusive. |
6 | We abbreviate informant with a capital i, which denotes that each of the words presented here have been expressed by the speakers in the sample. In cases where the words of the interviewer are included to better understand the message, we use the letter e. |
7 | We follow the PRESEEA coding system: GRAN stands for the city of Granada); we distinguish H (Male, from Spanish “hombre”) or M (Female, from Spanish “mujer”); age is marked as 1 (Generation 1: 20–34 years), 2 (Generation 2: 35–54 years), or 3 (Generation 3: 55 years or more); and in the level of studies we find 1 (Instruction 1, primary level), 2 (Instruction 2, secondary level), and 3 (Instruction 3, university level). Likewise, each respondent is given a sample number; in the case of the first example, it is marked 06 because it corresponds to respondent number 6. |
8 | We represent absolute values with the letter N. |
9 | Conjunctions and discourse markers are particles that connect part of the speech of one or more speakers. Unlike conjunctions, discourse markers do not have a syntactic function in the sentence in which they appear; they are placed in an extrarational position and can be easily removed without a loss of semantic value (Martín Zorraquino and Portolés 1999). |
10 | We have marked with parenthesis the discursive segment that vamos reinforces. |
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Education Level | 1st Generation (19–34) | 2nd Generation (35–54) | 3rd Generation (55 and Older) | Total | |||
Male | Female | Male | Female | Male | Female | ||
Primary | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 18 |
Secondary | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 18 |
University | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 18 |
Total | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 54 |
Education Level | 1st Generation | 2nd Generation | 3rd Generation | Total | ||||||||||
(20–34 y/o) | (35–54 y/o) | (55 y/o and Older) | ||||||||||||
Male | Female | Male | Female | Male | Female | |||||||||
N8 | % | N | % | N | % | N | % | N | % | N | % | N | % | |
Primary | 28 | 10.37 | 11 | 4.07 | 7 | 2.59 | 33 | 12.22 | 1 | 0.37 | 8 | 2.96 | 88 | 32.59 |
Secondary | 19 | 7.03 | 29 | 10.75 | 16 | 5.93 | 14 | 5.19 | 17 | 6.29 | 13 | 4.81 | 108 | 40 |
University | 0 | 0 | 10 | 3.70 | 22 | 8.15 | 22 | 8.15 | 7 | 2.59 | 13 | 4.81 | 74 | 27.40 |
Total | 47 | 17.41 | 50 | 18.52 | 45 | 16.67 | 69 | 25.56 | 25 | 9.26 | 34 | 12.59 | 270 | 100 |
χ2 | p Value | |
Explanation reformulator | 1.281 | 0.258 |
Rectifying reformulator | 13.026 | 0.000 |
Modalizer | 2.186 | 0.139 |
Conclusive | 0.100 | 0.752 |
χ2 | p Value | |
Explanation reformulator | 14.519 | 0.001 |
Rectifying reformulator | 3.325 | 0.190 |
Modalizer | 38.958 | 0.000 |
Conclusive | 37.866 | 0.000 |
χ2 | p Value | |
Explanation reformulator | 5.445 | 0.066 |
Rectifying reformulator | 56.671 | 0.000 |
Modalizer | 24.558 | 0.000 |
Conclusive | 5.515 | 0.063 |
Cramer’s V = 1 The Highest Degree of Association | |
Age | 0.639 |
Educational level | 0.786 |
Cramer’s V = 0 No Association |
Combination | Cases (N) | Relative Frequencies |
Vamos followed by que | 45 | 16.67% |
Vamos preceded by conjunction | 72 | 26.67% |
Vamos preceded by marker | 7 | 2.59% |
Vamos followed by conjunction | 16 | 5.92% |
Vamos followed by marker | 14 | 5.18% |
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Ruiz-González, N. Movement Verbs as Discourse Markers in Spanish: The Case of Vamos in the City of Granada, Spain. Languages 2021, 6, 156.
Ruiz-González N. Movement Verbs as Discourse Markers in Spanish: The Case of Vamos in the City of Granada, Spain. Languages. 2021; 6(4):156.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRuiz-González, Natalia. 2021. "Movement Verbs as Discourse Markers in Spanish: The Case of Vamos in the City of Granada, Spain" Languages 6, no. 4: 156.
APA StyleRuiz-González, N. (2021). Movement Verbs as Discourse Markers in Spanish: The Case of Vamos in the City of Granada, Spain. Languages, 6(4), 156.