The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study
:1. Introduction
2. Social and Sociolinguistics Integration
3. Reflections on the Analysis of Two Factors Involved in the Process of Acculturation
3.1. Perspective of the Host Community
3.2. Analysis of the Linguistic Features Modified in the Acculturation Process
4. By Way of Conclusion: The Researcher as Member of the Host Community
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | IN.MIGRA2-CM (The migrant population of the Madrid Region: a multidisciplinary study and tools for sociolinguistic integration—ref. H2015/HUM3404) is a project carried out by three universities from Madrid: the University of Alcalá (UAH), the Nebrija University and the European University of Madrid (UEM). Its goal is the study of the sociolinguistic immigration of the Madrid region’s migrant population and the design of instruments to facilitate that process. An interdisciplinary project, it pursues four research lines: sociolinguistics, communication media, translation, and Teaching Spanish to Immigrants. The Hispalin-UAH team conducts the project’s sociolinguistic studies. |
2 | Although Madrid is officially a monolingual and monodialectal region, given its sociolinguistic complexity, it cannot in fact be regarded as such. The arrival of people of diverse Spanish or national origins make it a meeting point for a multitude of accents and languages which are common in the streets and, therefore, part of Madrilenians’ daily lives (Sáez Rivera 2014). |
3 | While Berry’s acculturation model has been applied widely, above all (though not exclusively) in US and Canadian contexts, later valuable proposals have attempted to refine it with the addition of a greater number of explanatory variables. See the Interactive Acculturation Model (Bourhis et al. 1997) and the extended relative acculturation model (ERAM) (Navas et al. 2004; Navas Luque and Rojas Tejada 2010). As it is not our objective to analyse the acculturation process, we shall not discuss Berry’s model here but merely take its basic principles, namely, the existence of different acculturation strategies and its consequent definition of integration, as the starting-point for our study. |
4 | This way of viewing integrations agrees in part with Gugenberger’s hypothesis (Gugenberger 2007, 2008). By introducing the concept of linguistic hybridity, Gugenberger revamps Berry’s model to overcome the rigidity caused by its binary nature. For Gugenberger, the resolution of acculturation need not be found in any one of Berry’s four strategies; instead, individuals may draw on elements with some points in common with each of the various solutions in accordance with their communicative needs. |
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6 | The proposed hypothesis is taken from the results of research carried out on the Ecuadorian community in the city of Madrid based on the discourse of the respondents from the sample used. Lexical adaptation would in the first place occur due to a question of communicative effectiveness and, generally, only in intercultural interactions, as foreseen by the communication accommodation theory (Giles et al. 1991). From there, accommodation may or may not occur, or may take place more slowly. When it comes to issues related to courtesy, the pragmatic aspects are directly related to cultural aspects and, in situations of cultural contact, their evolution is linked to the development of sociolinguistic attitudes, as Lambert, Gardner and their collaborators pointed out in their pioneering studies on attitudes in Canada (Lambert et al. 1968). As for phonetic-phonological and grammatical levels, the degree of sociolinguistic awareness will have a different impact on them. The lower level of awareness of grammatical variation will cause grammatical variables to arrive later at a level of consciousness that fosters change. However, phonetic features are important signs identified more as linguistic elements belonging to certain social groups, so their accommodation will be linked to the progress of social integration (Giles et al. 1995; Caravedo 2014). |
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Sancho Pascual, M. The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study. Languages 2019, 4, 35.
Sancho Pascual M. The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study. Languages. 2019; 4(2):35.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSancho Pascual, María. 2019. "The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study" Languages 4, no. 2: 35.
APA StyleSancho Pascual, M. (2019). The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study. Languages, 4(2), 35.