On the History of Ante(s): Exaptation of Adverbial –s?
:1. Introduction
2. The Case of the Spanish Doublet ante-antes
3. The Data—Distribution of the Forms ante and antes
- (1)
- E despues que el rrey don sancho llego a xerez los dela villa que ante estauan çercados fueron muy conortados conla su venjda. (anonymous, Crónica de Sancho IV, C14)“And after that king don Sancho arrived at Jerez, the people of the city that before were besieged felt very comforted with his arrival”.
- & no<n> se acuyte de andar ante se tarde por algunos dias fasta q<ue>l rrestauramj<ent><<o>> sea muy bie<n> rreforçado & co<n>firmado. (Tederico, Cirugía, C16)“and do not hurry to walk rather take some days until the restoration is well reinforced and confirmed”.
- (2)
- enlo qual se cumplio lo que Esopo vn poco antes dixera asu amo. (anonymous, Esope historiado, C15)“in which was achieved what Aesop a bit before had said to his master”.
- Mas los xpistianos de tierra de Suria non auien mengua antes auien uiandas assaz. (anonymous, Gran conquista de Ultramar, C13)“But the Christians of the land of Syria did not have lack rather they had a lot of food”.
- (3)
- & dixo non fables ante ningun omne fasta que oyas sus palabras. (anonymous, Poridat de poridades, C13)“and he said do not speak before no man until you hear his words”.
- y aunque hacía mal tiempo llegó al puerto Mano á las once horas antes de medio día, (Alonso de Santa Cruz, Crónica del Emperador Carlos V, C16)“and although it was bad weather he arrived at the harbour Mano at eleven o’clock before noon”.
- (4)
- E ante que muriese mando en su testamento con grand amor que auia a aquella cibdad que ouiera ganado de moros (Diego Rodríguez de Almela, Valerio de las historias eclesiásticas y de España, C15)“And before he died he ordered in his will with great love that he had for that city which he had won from the Moors”
- y no se han de comer hasta el mes de Agosto, y antes que llueua. (Tomás de Murillo y Velarde, Tratado de raras y peregrinas yervas, que se han hallado en esta Corte, C17)“and they [a certain plant] should not be eaten until the month of August, and before it rains”.
4. The Data—Distribution of the Meanings of ante and antes
- (5)
- de guisa que los faz nacer por fuerça. & a los que son blancos. tinnelos de la color que eran ante. (Alfonso X, Lapidario, C13)“so that it makes them [the hairs] grow forcibly and those that are white it dyes them with the colour they were before”.
- b.
- los que son libres ante deuen de morir que se dexar venir a seruidumbre. (Diego Rodríguez de Almela, Valerio de las historias eclesiásticas y de España, C15)“those who are free rather should die than let themselves come to servitude.”
- c.
- E el Respondio le ante te digo que si tu quesieres comer destas verças non seras lisonjero mas diras palabras de verdat (Sancho IV, Castigos y documentos para bien vivir, C14)“And he answered him rather I tell you that if you (would want to) eat from these cabbages, you will not be flattering but will tell the truth”
- (6)
- Quiero esso mismo / que sepas que enel tiempo dela peste / aquellos mueren antes / en cuyas casas hay fedores particulares (Taranta, De epidemia et peste. Tratado de la peste, C15)“I also want you to know that in time of the plague those die first in whose houses are particular stenches”
- b.
- E dixo pugna que tus mercadurias sean antes spirituales que corporales (anonymous, Bocados de oro, C13)“And he said strive that your goods are rather spiritual than corporal”
- c.
- Mas estas cosas no las creyó Alvarado, antes decía que los indios no decían la verdad (Pedro Cieza de León, Las guerras civiles del Perú, C16)“But these things Alvarado did not believe, rather he said that the Indians did not say the truth”
- (7)
- e diz aún que el venino o la poçón d’ellas que ante mata all omne que él sienta el su empoçonamiento, (Alfonso X, General estoria I, C13)“and he even says that the poison or the potion of them [a certain type of snakes] kills the man before he feels its poisoning,”
- otrosy el padre ante querria ver la su muerte que la de su fijo (Sancho IV, Castigos y documentos para bien vivir, C14)“also the father rather (before) would want to see his death than that of his son”
- mas sy plejto han en juyz’io. ante ayudaras al pariente & Al amigo. que al vez’ino. (Alonso de Cartagena, De los oficios, C15)“but when they have a lawsuit in court you will rather help your relative or friend than your neighbour.”
- (8)
- & las que estan en las arboles & en las cueuas non osan salir dellas ante punnan de se asconder quanto mas pueden. (Alfonso X, Libro de ajedrez, dados y tablas, C13)“and those [birds] that are in the trees and in the caves do not dare to leave them, rather (on the contrary) they struggle to hide as much as they can.”
- lo que dizen que es cosa honesta. faz’er lo que es prouechoso ante digo yo que es honesto. non lo faz’er (Alonso de Cartagena, De los oficios, C15)“what they say that it is honest to do what is beneficial, rather I say that it is honest not to do it”
5. Discussion and Conclusions
here are three things that can in principle be done with it: (i) it can be dumped entirely; (ii) it can be kept as marginal garbage or nonfunctional/nonexpressive residue (suppletion, ‘irregularity’); (iii) it can be kept, but instead of being relegated as in (ii), it can be used for something else, perhaps just as systematic.(cf. also Lass 1997, p. 317)
in the case of exaptation either the meaning was not previously encoded so that only the form pre-exists or else both form and meaning are already present but not combined in the same linguistic sign.
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | Ortiz Ciscomani (2014) studies adverbial phrases with the preposition a (‘to’) and a lexical element ending in –as (e.g., a cuestas, ‘on one’s back’). She states that the –as ending is usually associated with Latin accusative feminine plural, although in many instances of the adverbial phrase scheme there seems to be no logical reason for the use of a feminine plural ending (cf. a ciegas, ‘blindly’, which is rooted in the adjective ciego, ‘blind’). In our view these adverbial phrases differ from simple adverbs like más or lejos, since the final –s in the latter clearly is not a plural marker. |
2 | In spite of this, in his dictionary of the Castilian language, originally published in 1886, Cuervo (1886/1994, p. 486) does list the spatial meaning of antes, and although in most of the cited examples antes is combined with de or que, thus becoming a preposition or conjunctive, he also presents some examples of the bare antes, especially used in written texts to refer to something discussed earlier. |
3 | However, the Oxford Latin Dictionary (Glare 1968–1982, p. 138) includes for the prepositional ante (yet not for the adverbial ante) as its last meaning: “before (in choice, preference, etc.), above, more than”. |
4 | |
5 | Antes can behave as a preposition, in Old Spanish as well as Modern Spanish, but only when it is followed by the preposition de (antes del fin de semana, ‘before the weekend’). |
6 | The corpus was originally created by the research group Gradia for their work on verbal periphrases. It covers the following genres: legal, notarial, historiographical, technical, narrative, essayistic, epistolary, philosophical, political, dialogic, journalistic, oral and theatrical texts. The corpus contains over 20 million words. For more details, see http://gradiadiacronia.wixsite.com/gradia/corpus-gradia. |
7 | The result is significant at p = 0.01. This level of significance is maintained for all chi-square calculations in this chapter. |
8 | For philosophical and technical texts, we selected all the documents the Gradia corpus contains (717,513 and 833,716 word tokens respectively), for historiographical texts we selected only part of the total amount of texts in this genre. Even so, because we wanted to select several texts per century, the number of word tokens (2,093,277) for this genre is higher than for the other two. It goes without saying that this difference in word tokens does not affect the comparability of the data of Table 2, since the percentages reflect relative frequency. |
9 | For the present research we selected three historiographical texts from the Gradia corpus. However, as far as the Anales de Aragón by the historian Jerónimo Zurita are concerned, we only took into account a small part of the work (approximately 215.000 tokens), in order to keep the total number of word tokens for 16th century historiographical prose in relative balance with the total number of word tokens in the 16th century of the other two text genres. It is worth mentioning that in the work of Zurita still five cases of adverbial ante are documented. |
10 | However, Elvira (2009, p. 105) claims the adversative meaning can have arisen as a secondary or inferred reading of examples in which the temporal meaning was also present. He does not seem to assume a preferential meaning in between. |
11 | In this and the following tables we do not incorporate the data from the 17th century, since they do not show variation between ante and antes. |
12 | Two cells (33.3%) have an expected count of less than 5. |
13 | This pattern is repeated in every text genre separately. However, the results are only statistically significant in the case of philosophical prose. |
14 | See for a thorough state-of-the-art discussion of the notion of exaptation also Norde and Van de Velde (2016, pp. 1–35). |
15 | Pato and Casanova (2017) report the existence of adverbial cercas alongside cerca in contemporary Mexican Spanish. According to the authors, cercas must be a recent creation, based on analogy with other adverbs that end in –s (such as lejos), since a diachronic review of the form only rendered four occurrences, dating from the 14th to the beginning of the 17th century. Note that currently cercas is a highly stigmatized form in Mexico. Given its recent development and the lack of historical evidence, we do not think the existence of contemporary Mexican cercas challenges the claim of unproductiveness of the Old Spanish adverbial suffix –s. |
16 | Interestingly, as mentioned before, other Spanish adverbial doublets chose other options depending on the specific word pair. In the case of fuera-fueras (‘outside’, ‘except’), the second form with final –s has not survived in Modern Spanish (option i); the two members of the doublet quizá-quizás (‘perhaps’) are both valid forms in Modern Spanish, so the final –s can be considered a non-functional residue of ancient times (option ii). By contrast, in the case of entonces (‘so’) only the form with final –s has survived. |
Century | ante | antes | Total |
13 | 23.1% (123) | 76.9% (409) | 100% (532) |
14 | 29.9% (95) | 70.1% (223) | 100% (318) |
15 | 40.6% (93) | 59.4% (136) | 100% (229) |
16 | 19.5% (60) | 80.5% (248) | 100% (308) |
17 | 0% (0) | 100% (144) | 100% (144) |
total | 24.2% (371) | 75.8% (1160) | 100% (1531) |
Historiographical | Philosophical | Technical | ||||
Century | ante | antes | ante | antes | ante | antes |
13 | 4.3% (18) | 95.7% (396) | 88% (44) | 12% (6) | 89.7% (61) | 10.3% (7) |
14 | 18.1% (38) | 81.9% (172) | 53.2% (50) | 46.8% (44) | 50% (7) | 50% (7) |
15 | 24.7% (20) | 75.3% (61) | 45.9% (39) | 54.1% (46) | 54% (34) | 46% (29) |
16 | 0% (0) | 100% (171) | 13% (6) | 87% (40) | 59.3% (54) | 40.7% (37) |
17 | 0% (0) | 100% (118) | - † | - | 0% (0) | 100% (26) |
total | 7.6% (76) | 92.4% (918) | 50.5% (139) | 49.5% (136) | 59.5% (156) | 40.5% (106) |
Century | Temporal | Preferential | Adversative | Total |
13 | 77.6% (413) | 0.9% (5) | 21.4% (114) | 100% (532) |
14 | 50.3% (160) | 8.5% (27) | 41.2% (131) | 100% (318) |
15 | 39.3% (90) | 10.9% (25) | 49.8% (114) | 100% (229) |
16 | 53.6% (165) | 1.6% (5) | 44.8% (138) | 100% (308) |
total | 59.7% (828) | 4.5% (62) | 35.8% (497) | 100% (1387) |
Genre | Temporal | Preferential | Adversative | Total |
Historiographical | 60.6% (531) | 3.2% (28) | 36.2% (317) | 100% (876) |
Philosophical | 53.5% (147) | 10.5% (29) | 36% (99) | 100% (275) |
Technical | 63.6% (150) | 2.1% (5) | 34.3% (81) | 100% (236) |
Century | ante | antes | Total | |
13 | Temporal | 23.5% (97) | 76.5% (316) | 100% (413) |
Preferential | 40% (2) | 60% (3) | 100% (5) | |
Adversative | 21.1% (24) | 78.9% (90) | 100% (114) | |
14 | Temporal | 37.5% (60) | 62.5% (100) | 100% (160) |
Preferential | 40.7% (11) | 59.3% (16) | 100% (27) | |
Adversative | 18.3% (24) | 81.7% (107) | 100% (131) | |
15 | Temporal | 56.7% (51) | 43.3% (39) | 100% (90) |
Preferential | 44% (11) | 56% (14) | 100% (25) | |
Adversative | 27.2% (31) | 72.8% (83) | 100% (114) | |
16 | Temporal | 18.8% (31) | 81.2% (134) | 100% (165) |
Preferential | 0% (0) | 100% (5) | 100% (5) | |
Adversative | 21% (29) | 79% (109) | 100% (138) |
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Nieuwenhuijsen, D. On the History of Ante(s): Exaptation of Adverbial –s? Languages 2018, 3, 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages3040045
Nieuwenhuijsen D. On the History of Ante(s): Exaptation of Adverbial –s? Languages. 2018; 3(4):45. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages3040045
Chicago/Turabian StyleNieuwenhuijsen, Dorien. 2018. "On the History of Ante(s): Exaptation of Adverbial –s?" Languages 3, no. 4: 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages3040045
APA StyleNieuwenhuijsen, D. (2018). On the History of Ante(s): Exaptation of Adverbial –s? Languages, 3(4), 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages3040045