IETF Standardization in the Field of the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey
:1. Introduction
2. Integration of Constrained Devices into the Internet
3. IEEE 802.15.4
3.1. Physical Layer
3.2. MAC Sublayer
3.3. IEEE 802.15.4 Based Solutions
- ZigBee [10] builds upon the physical layer and medium access control defined in IEEE standard 802.15.4 for low-rate WPAN with additional network, security and application software layers. Predefined application services specify which actions a device can take, the main example being ”turn the lights on“ and ”turn the lights off”.
- Wireless HART [11] focuses on automation and industrial applications that require real time guarantees. To realize these goals, a time synchronized, self-organizing, and self-healing mesh architecture is used. The standard was initiated in early 2004 and developed by 37 HART Communications Foundation (HCF) companies. In April 2010, WirelessHart was approved by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) unanimously, making it a wireless international standard as IEC 62591.
- The MiWi protocol stacks [12] are small foot-print alternatives to ZigBee (40K–100K), which makes them useful for cost-sensitive applications with limited memory. Although the MiWi software is free, there exists a unique restriction and obligation to use it only with Microchip microcontrollers.
- ISA100 [13] addresses wireless manufacturing and control systems (developed by the Systems and Automation Society (ISA)). They defined ISA100.11a, a wireless networking standard that builds upon IEEE 802.15.4.
4. IETF 6LoWPAN Working Group (IPv6)
4.1. Key Protocols
4.1.1. 6LoWPAN Frames
First 3 Bits | Header Type | Description |
00x | NLAP | This is not a 6LoWPAN frame. This is important for 6LoWPAN to co-exist with other protocols. The remaining 6 bits are ignored. |
010 | Uncompressed/HC1 Compressed IPv6 Addressing Header | The address type is determined depending on the remaining 5 bits. E.g.: 00001 = uncompressed IPv6 Address 00010 = HC1 Compressed Header |
011 | IPHC Compressed Header | The remaining 5 bits are added to the rest of IPHC compression header to optimize IPv6 header compression |
10x | Mesh Header | The next header is the mesh header. The last bits are used for other purposes related to mesh-under routing. |
11x | Fragmentation Header | The next header is a fragment header. The fragment type is determined by the remaining 6 bits. The bit sequence 000xxx indicates first fragment while 100xxx indicates Non-first fragments. The last three bits in both types of fragments will be used for other purposes. The other bit sequences are reserved. |
4.1.2. Header Compression
Field | Description |
Context ID Extension (CID) (1bit) | 0 = No Additional Context Identifier Extension is used. 1 = An additional 8-bit field follows the DAM field |
Source Address Compression (SAC) (1 bit) Dest. Address Compression (DAC)(1 bit) | 0 = Stateless source/destination address compression 1 = Stateful, context based source/destination address compression |
Source Address Mode (SAM) If SAC = 0 | 00 = The full 128 bits address is sent inline 01 = The last 64 bits are sent inline 10 = The last 16 bits are sent inline. 11 = The entire source address is elided |
If SAC = 1 | 00 = The unspecified address, :: . Nothing is sent inline 01 = 64 bits are carried inline 10 = 16 bits are carried inline 11 = The address is fully elided |
Multicast Compression (M) | 0 = Destination address is not a multicast address 1 = Destination address is a multicast address |
Destination Address Mode (DAM) If M = 0 and DAC=0 | Same as SAM with SAC = 0 |
If M = 0 and DAC = 1 | Same as SAM with SAC = 1 |
If M = 1 and DAC = 0 | 00 = The full address is sent inline 01 = Only 48 bits are sent inline 10 = Only 32 bits are sent inline 11 = Only 8bits are sent inline |
If M = 1 and DAC = 1 | 00 = Only 48 bit s are sent inline. 01,10,11 = Reserved |
4.1.3. Fragmentation
4.1.4. Mesh-Under Routing Support
4.2. Implementation and Evaluation
4.2.1. Implementation
Implementation | Operating System /Simulator | License | RFC 4944 | RFC 6282 | RFC 6775 |
SICSLOWPAN | ContikiOS/Cooja Simulator | Open Source | X | x | x |
BLIP (Berkley Low-power IP) | TinyOS | Open Source | X | ||
Arch Rock 6LoWPAN | TinyOS | Open Source | X | ||
NanoStack 6lowpan | FreeRTOS | Open Source | X | x | x |
Hitachi | - | Commercial | X | ||
NS-3 | Simulator | Open Source | X |
4.2.2. Evaluation
4.3. Leveraging upon 6LoWPAN to Realize the IoT
4.3.1. Improvements to Core Specifications
4.3.2. 6LoWPAN over Non IEEE 802.15.4 Technologies
4.3.3. Adoption of 6LoWPAN in Real Life Use Cases
4.3.4. Other Efforts
4.4. Research Challenges
5. IETF ROLL Working Group
5.1. Group Description and Key Protocols
5.1.1. Description
5.1.2. IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks
Code Field | RPL Message Type |
0x00 | DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS) |
0x01 | DODAG Information Object (DIO) |
0x02 | Destination Advertisement Object (DAO) |
0x03 | Destination Advertisement Object Acknowledgment |
0x80 | Secure DODAG Information Solicitation |
0x81 | Secure DODAG Information Object (DIO) |
0x82 | Secure Destination Advertisement Object (DAO) |
0x83 | Secure Destination Advertisement Object Acknowledgment |
5.2. Implementation and Evaluation
5.2.1. Implementation
Name | OS | Protocol Version | Notes (Extensions, ..) |
TinyRPL [47] | TinyOS | draft-ietf-roll-rpl-17 | - uses BLIP 2.0 - only storing mode - only single RPLInstanceID - security options not supported - only telosb and epic platform support |
ContikiRPL [48] | Contiki | RFC 6550 | by default enabled on Tmote sky platform |
OpenWSN [49] | OpenWSN | RFC 6550 | |
Nano-RK [50] | Nano-RK | draft-ietf-roll-rpl-07 | |
NanoQplus [51] | NanoQplus | draft-ietf-roll-rpl-13 |
Name | Language | Protocol version | Notes (extensions,..) |
Cooja [54] | C with limited libs | RFC 6550 | MSPsim (TinyOS + Contiki) |
NS-3 [55] | C++ and Python | draft-ietf-roll-rpl-19 | |
OMNET++/Castalia [56] | C++ (wrapped together with NED) | draft-ietf-roll-rpl-19 | |
J-SIM [57] | Tcl/Java | draft-ietf-roll-rpl-19 | EU-funded FP7 ICT-257245 VITRO project |
5.2.2. Using the Protocol
5.2.3. Sensor-to-Sensor Traffic
5.2.4. Multipoint-to-Point Traffic
5.2.5. Multicast
5.2.6. Anycast
5.2.7. Link Estimation
5.2.8. General Performance
5.3. Leveraging upon RPL to Realize the IoT
5.3.1. Real Life Use Cases
5.3.2. Loop-free Repair Mechanisms
5.3.3. Heterogeneity
5.3.4. DIS Handling
5.4. Research Challenges
5.4.1. Interaction with MAC Protocols
5.4.2. Asymmetric Links
5.4.3. Mobility
5.4.4. Multi-Sink Support
5.4.5. Scalability of the Non-Storing RPL Approach
6. IETF CoRE Working Group
6.1. Key Protocols
6.1.1. Base CoAP
- Version (V): A 2-bit unsigned integer indicating the CoAP version number. Current version is 1. Other values are reserved for future versions.
- Type (T): A 2-bit unsigned integer indicating if this message is of type Confirmable (0), Non-Confirmable (1), Acknowledgement (2) or Reset (3).
- Token Length (TKL): A 4-bit unsigned integer indicating the length of the variable-length Token field (0-8 bytes). Lengths 9-15 are reserved.
- Code: An 8-bit unsigned integer indicating if the message carries a request (1-31) or a response (64-191), or is empty (0). (All other code values are reserved.) In case of a request, the Code field indicates the Request Method (1: GET; 2: POST; 3: PUT; 4: DELETE); in case of a response a Response Code. Possible values are maintained in the CoAP Code Registry (see section 12 of the draft).
- Message ID: A 16-bit unsigned integer in network byte order used for the detection of message duplication, and to match messages of type Acknowledgement/Reset to messages of type Confirmable/ Non-confirmable.
- Token: 0 to 8 bytes, as given by the Token Length field. The Token value is used to correlate requests and responses. The rules for generating a Token and correlating requests and responses are defined in Section 5 of the draft.
- Options: An Option can be followed by the end of the message, by another Option, or by the Payload Marker and the payload. The format of the Options field is shown in Figure 14 and is described in more detail in the next paragraph.
- Payload: If present and of non-zero length, it is prefixed by a fixed, one-byte Payload Marker (0xFF) which indicates the end of options and the start of the payload. The payload data extends from after the marker to the end of the UDP datagram, i.e., the Payload Length is calculated from the datagram size. The absence of the Payload Marker denotes a zero-length payload.
- Option Delta: 4-bit unsigned integer. A value between 0 and 12 indicates the Option Delta. A value of 13 indicates that an 8-bit unsigned integer follows the initial byte and indicates the Option Delta minus 13. A value of 14 indicates that a 16-bit unsigned integer in network byte order follows the initial byte and indicates the Option Delta minus 269. The value 15 is reserved for the Payload Marker and cannot be used here. The resulting Option Delta is used as the difference between the Option Number of this option and that of the previous option (or zero for the first option).
- Option Length: 4-bit unsigned integer. A value between 0 and 12 indicates the length of the Option Value, in bytes. A value of 13 indicates that an 8-bit unsigned integer precedes the Option Value and indicates the Option Length minus 13. A value of 14 indicates that a 16-bit unsigned integer in network byte order precedes the Option Value and indicates the Option Length minus 269. The value 15 is reserved for future use.
- Value: A sequence of exactly Option Length bytes. The length and format of the Option Value depend on the respective option, which may define variable length values.
6.1.2. CoRE Link Format
6.1.3. Block Transfer
6.1.4. Observation of Resource
6.2. Implementation and Evaluation
6.2.1. CoAP Implementations
Name/ Company | License | Language | Platform | Notes |
Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche [93] | NesC/C | TinyOS | Own “SiGLoWPAN” IPv6/6LoWPAN stack for Class 1 devices | |
Californium [94]/ETH Zurich | 3-clause BSD | Java | JVM | Framework for unconstrained devices; provides client, server, and proxy stubs |
Copper [95]/ETH Zurich | 3-clause BSD | JavaScript | Firefox | Management and testing tool as a browser extension; focus on user interaction |
Erbium [96]/ETH Zurich | 3-clause BSD | C | Contiki | For class 1 devices such as sensor nodes |
CoAP++ [97]/iMinds | C++ | Click ModularRouter | Framework for unconstrained devices; provides client, server, proxy and gateway | |
Evcoap [98]/KoanLogic | 2-clause BSD | C | Linux | General purpose protocol implementation |
Patavina Technologies [93] | Commercial | C++ | proprietaryOS | Wired and wireless embedded devices and sensor nodes; working on a port to uC/OS by Micrium |
NanoService Device Library [99]/Sensinode | Commercial | C | OS-independent C library for Class 1 and 2 devices. Also available a JAVA SDK for unconstrained devices | |
libcoap [100]/Universität Bremen TZI | GPLv2,2-clause BSD | C | POSIX andContiki | General purpose library for Class 1 and 2 devices and up |
CoapBlip [101]/Universität Bremen TZI | BSD-style | C | TinyOS | TinyOS-port of “libcoap”; runs on Class 1 devices. | [102]/Universität Bremen TZI | Ruby | provides an HTTP front-end to crawl CoAP servers, and a CoAP server for interoperability testing | ||
jCoAP [103]/Universität Rostock | Apache 2.0 | Java | JVM | For unconstrained devices; also targets mobile and embedded platforms |
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna [104] | Erika API | Erika OS | A middleware for building an infrastructure of wireless sensor nodes. | |
CoAPy [105]/People Power | BSD | Python | Last updated on July 2010 | |
CoAP in wiselib [106]/wisebed project | GNU Lesser GPL v3 | c++ | Wiselib algorithm classes can be compiled for several sensor platforms such as iSense or Contiki, or the simulator Shawn. |
6.2.2. CoAP Performance Evaluation
6.3. Leveraging Upon CoAP to Realize the IoT
6.3.1. Discovery and Naming
6.3.2. Congestion Control
6.3.3. Advanced Interaction Patterns
6.3.4. Communication with Sleepy Nodes
6.3.5. Security
6.3.6. Intermediaries
6.3.7. CoAP in Cellular Networks
6.3.8. Real Life Use Cases of CoAP in the IoT
6.4. Research Challenges
7. Using IETF Standards to Realize the Internet of Things
7.1. Overview of the IETF LLN Protocol Stack
7.2. Realizing the Web of Things
7.3. Interoperability
7.4. Bringing Semantics to the Web of Things
7.5. Security and Privacy in the Web of Things
7.6. Reprogrammability
8. Conclusions
Conflict of Interest
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Ishaq, I.; Carels, D.; Teklemariam, G.K.; Hoebeke, J.; Abeele, F.V.d.; Poorter, E.D.; Moerman, I.; Demeester, P. IETF Standardization in the Field of the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey. J. Sens. Actuator Netw. 2013, 2, 235-287.
Ishaq I, Carels D, Teklemariam GK, Hoebeke J, Abeele FVd, Poorter ED, Moerman I, Demeester P. IETF Standardization in the Field of the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. 2013; 2(2):235-287.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIshaq, Isam, David Carels, Girum K. Teklemariam, Jeroen Hoebeke, Floris Van den Abeele, Eli De Poorter, Ingrid Moerman, and Piet Demeester. 2013. "IETF Standardization in the Field of the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey" Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 2, no. 2: 235-287.